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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1919)
join. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page hbvr , fees, costs of milt nnd nccrulng cobIb ' nticl tlmt such olhor nnd further ro .lof Ijo nwardod plaintiff as nlmll scorn meet and ngreenblo to equity. TIiIh Summons In served upon you, llio mild dcfi'iidnntH, liy the publlcn- .lloii thereof Iti tlio Evening Herald, a newspaper published In Klnmath Falls, Oregon, and of gonornl circula tion In Klamath County, Oregon, onco it week for nix hiiccohbIvo wcoks, tho first imlillcnllon thereof being mado AugiiKt 21, 1919, and tlio last publl cation October 2, 1010, by Order of tlio Honorable I). V. Kuykcndall, .TuilK') of the nbovo entitled Court, which said order wan mado, entered 'and filed In mild Court on August 20, 1010. .T. II. CAUNAHAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. PROFESSIONAL CA FIRE PRIVATE HOSPITAL .Vow Open for Maternity ('whom Mrs. Rosa McDanlols, 301 High St. Phone 455 : TwfrBSiifN 5 rafSs'WiSKi fi &f rw j' ,J-r ?S'a V-sa ? (i KOJ. 1- -r. -???ri!?:A-Jv-'il ,--. . t;"-'-- J. H. Driscoll Loorrm BIdg. Phone 432 TIIH PARISIAN BHAUTV SHOP Pacini MiiftsuKliiK, ItlrarliInK and Facial Packi Manicuring, Shampooing VuCtx Get H CM Qr TRese Columns Scalp Treatment ; 5 1 II Main Phono 800 gKPTBMIlRK I, yi' S VS o5fifeSSn S TV-r-sl :' '-riBnT-i iS- J i. 'a -i w t.-w"xid: iii .t -v- b - r . ,vj wi ii - - n .sk i , - -a m - w -ix- ' (! irT II- JT f.- -JB --. .i fci. r Si tMfMjL, ViT .11. ?; ifSC ESSeifl& 7;! JIV! ilL.i MJMi ! '' ....,' 21-28-4-Il-18-2n-2 WVVWWVWWWVVii 'l fly dolliirH or morn mid an oM . AAirirn A n I I I n n B m rmy uonars or moro mid an oiu (fiilLD'S CLASSIFIED 00LUMNSf:i!;r:;:;: I '" work. Call Morgan at Karl Sbepbord FOR SALE mi mi USED AUTOS- SeTen pnJwior Stuuobnkur. j.;!fforan,C.,cvr0l,t. III WJ'U ItlBi'liy Overland I'ilfrtNl) AN ' JHTOI.I.U.M ffilW N t0 ,,,W,"tflC0- - WANTED- (11 rl 14 yuiirn or over to talui n couplo of chllilreu with bur to school. Hbould know how to drlvo home. Will i;lvn clothes and board. (Mum. Axel. 11. F. 1). Klamath Falls. 3-2t I MEN WANTED Fullers, buckom 1 and filer wanted, nluo wood cuttur, by contract. Apply I,nmui Lumber Company or Logger's llundqunrtors. 20-31 iU'A'TKI) Kxpcrloneed woman for I hotiHuwork. Uefyreucu. l'houu 10. 20-tr WANTKM (ilrl for (vihtiiI Iioukc- work and cooUliu:- MrnO. (1. I.ub- I nruu. Illy, OruKon. ' . 1-lf Co. OI'IIT CAKK '"ii'iaKcmeiit. 20-Ct 3-4t Iteopcncil undor now S. (1. Combs, prop. TAKE NOTICE I of the HOT POINT Range WINTHIt UATKS At Whlto I'ollcan , , . commeiico Hept. ist. iiooma $20 & used at the Golden Rod rro- up. . 2C-tt C1TV OAIIUAOB Wb.-n you want Curbai.'i! removed phune 01. 11-tf , Bir.R-300 tons nay, iwo- BO - ( i.j. ai1 rnn nnii uii l!(.!v... .,, nn In fine BlmllO AuilW nwi-: -",", ,, -,. ,&&. WAN'flCI) Women to work on mnn Kle ICxperli'iieed ouch proforrod. fritoo and onothlrd Reed, Klamnth Huperlor Laundry. 23-tf KJK RKNT I'MMtNISIIKI) OOM--Kor koiiIIo- mitu, Hot and cold water. Whlt- lock ApartmuntH, lith & IIIkIi. 3-tf MISCELLANEOUS S canbomndoforfeod Sk on tho proporty-can furn KKtaro for 200 bond of cat SffltV Oaddls. Knulo BWro. or KrWamatH Falls. 30-1,1 iab RAU-lfi" ncf0"- honiPHtead FOR BAWy l,n,ir,ivml. , SWnorn rallroail. , TV'0pn'y"H,l,x COUI'M-J KMPI.OVKIl Would llko -n.n K nm.ith Falls, r or pnrii- ..,.. . .... nhriiddrw No. 10 Herald Office. K MoniIU QK 3 ll-Kf MR SALB-FIro whlto I.oRliorn teojtnd Rooster, a flno brecillnR p.,,. (M Walnut. Jack Union. 3-2t Strlns Donm K cent'. IfOl'H--' OOUIU luvuriiiiiu. Ml I0R SALB-Hand laundry, well Milpped paying butitncBH. MiihI ML Sm 1008 Main St. 2-3t 2r,.00 UHWAJID Kor Information IcndliiK to the arrcxt of I'nul HnmlR, a man abuut forty-flvo yeara old, Bandy complexion, faluo teeth, pros pector, milder .and railroad worker, tleo. W. I.ewla, Sohrlff of Jasephlnu County, OrcKon. 30-Gt WANTKD TO 11UY OR TltADH l'or any and all kinds of furaliuru. I'ur- ItliiB. 20-tf WANTKI) TO TllHK- a New inno for an old one. you pay in- differ ence. 1'erkliiH Kurnlturu House. 20-tf VANTW! FurnlHlioil Houso See Mr. Kvaus 8lar UriiB Company. 2D-tf. fORSALB 4 homes. 5, 7, and 8 jean old. WclKlit 1000 nn'd 1700. ;. Trimel, 5 miles out on Lakovlow MlTellWH. 2-Ct fOR SALB-Ford Tourlnc car. Seo W. W, Johnston, Baldwin Hotel. Ht' rOESALE-OneJIoUralScpnrator DANCING TEACHER ,.o,15..Mood.fts nqw 100.00. Ono imlliteam boiler completo S3G.00: 0m tasty gallon. hot wator or food bktr itore good as now I2G.00: m iliteen gallon capacity barrel aim (12.00 and a number of milk an r. 0. Dechalne, Phono 98M. HI' m SALE OR TRADE CooklnK lf,ml1a nt vavlmio Irlna rttnn n W or two, nearly any kind of n iton.PerltlnFurnlturo Houso. 20-tf TOR SALE 80 acres cood land, DO wm ander Irrigation Foncod null balMiugs, flpoclal low prlco If luo t once Call 022 Main. 29-tf SAYS "JAZZ" DOOMED FOR SUDDEN GRAVE An liiKHiiinmi I'onlrivanc'i coiihIhI Iiik of a fiamework of bamboo tubei Ih fiiHii-ui'd to the bodies of carrier ilt;c(i!iH In China. DuriliK the IP;llt of the birds tin; air passliu; through tbn lubi'H jiroduren a ahrlll whlstllni; iiound' whlrh frlKhtens blrdii of prey and lecp:i them at illRtano. "-" LEGAL NOTICES XiAUiiiSS .NOTICU I'OK 1 1 IDS FOR WOOD. Notice Is hereby given that tho County Court will ricelvo scaled pro posals for furnlshlui; wood for Court House use as follews: lOlther for GO cords half limb nnd half body wood, or all CO cords Limb wood. All wood to bo 10 Inches In length, cut from green pine and thoroly seas oned, and to bo delivered and neatly piled In tho Court Houso ynrd at Klamnth Falls Oregon, on or beforo Nov. 1st. 1910. Bids to bo opened nnd contract awarded on Saturday Sept. 0, 1919. The court reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids. Uy order of thr County Court. C. It. DKIiAP. Clerk. 3-3t KSTItAV. Cnmo to my placo Saturday, Aug ust 30, 1919, four black hogs, 2 bows and 2 barrows, weighing about 7C or 80 pounds each. .Marked with crop off right ear nnd undercut off left ear. Owner mny havo same by proving . property and paying expenses. II. W. Towor, Worden, Oregon. 3-2t i SUMMONS FOIt PUBLICATION. ducts Demonstration at the various groceries this Week. Cooking is turned fronr ' drudgery into pleasure when you cook the "HOT POINT iWAY." All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. EmTraEHBnEKEir Lively, Feed and Sales! Stable Auto S ervice Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Hvasonable Kiitej Phono J!I9 822 Klamath Ave. .... ,WVWWiAAAAJ Phone 4G0 Ico Cream 729 Main St. Candle 1 Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. ' Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets. P. J. Gorges , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Kwauna Encampment No. 46, I. O . O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlie Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe; I P. L. Fountain Treasurer. PASTIME Juck Monrovf, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUIt .MOTTO "Courtesy unil Service" Your Home Laundry Damp, 20 Lbs. 7."c FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" pnONE 421 Corner Main And Conger H. C. SCHLEEF KATHERINE SCHLEEF riijuli I.'uii nnd Surcoiu. 'i Offlie, White Blilg. 2 WW-l-X-M-W 'Xri ::-:::.:.: DR. G. A. MASSES KuiTCMsor to Dr. Truai Suit 20, I. O. O. F.BId OfTke phone S.I Rt's Phono HUM DR. CARTER DENTIST YIIITE BUILDING. 1'IIONE J5S.-J ' n 'M''W DENTISTS . Dr. E. G. Wi3ecarvf PHONE U5.J Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main S(reei FRED WESTERFELD (DENTIST Lonmls Rldg., Kliimalh Full- I ts&imi'an. x--ex-::x-:"Xx:-X":-:": . LONDON, Sept. 4. Tho "Jnz2" is metaphorically, if not literally, on Its lat logs hero In tho opinion of Charles U' Albert, secretary of tho lmperlnl Society of Dance Tonchcrtf. who hns told a reporter that ho o- lloved hack. (Equity No. 1089) In Tho Circuit Court t Uio Suite of . Oregiin For tho County of Klani I nth. Emma Wing, Plaintiff VH Hilda Cooper and the unknown heirs of Hilda Cooper; also all other persons or .parties unknowu claiming any right, title, estate. lion or Interest In or to iuo real ESSE IUDIPr Exclusive Portraits 1136 Main St tho old waltz was coming j cstntu described in tho complaint ! horeln, Defendants. "Thi, Fo Trot." bn hhIiI. " onlvTO H1U11L cooper uim w.u un...u.-.. popular because it consists almtnt rOR SALE 6 0 acres Irrigated land entirely of simple walk movements, WhPrS'T10 ne'rc(Un Krowlng al- frontwards, backwards, sideways and &tdtowu-atdPa,ba?: '"" T"-roru ll ta '- rh" " tiia. Call 22 Main. 29-tf tompH waits was difficult, be .laid. A - man might practice It all his Ufa iiiul Sw.!nmVn.u,B8,MflU,,,,PnbC0,ln' then not bo n good waltzer. A good Bocit 20-tf "'K, gait, and llssomueMs. ' n six 20-tf rUK SA L.R flood rv bnv lllnr, nl. aid hay and pasture. Call 3TR ,i 'W Et. or Phono 247 M. 12-tf i UIEDTTfti,.. ni ,J .. ik.j """ V.IUOO in, lum ped or unfurnished. Inquiro Hor- OU-ll "? SAJ'R-F,Jr"l''n's for m house 122N Cth St. r0MnAhn""JmproVft rPSI'l0"C0 lot. JH". See lflOS Main St. 7tf PEYTON for Wood. 112R. Rations" wanted TfflS?"r.taF..or typowrltlng -.. ur ,our noura ft d HE'S BEEN IN UNIFORM THIRTY-ONE YEARS ..LOST AND FOUND ST--Bn'Zl!x.-. .ttlBlyam.,.!0 ,)0t,lv001' Ashland tn ..lmat 'nu sultcaso contain. W r? "own suit also a b8r .: """.wnito mixed cont and "WrttecE.'o. "PWrol. Ploaso ...HELPw ANTED" to...!? ANTRnni.(.. TT. .i.t.,..P"l,l bookkeonlnir .v.. touii, "'eaonny "UHnosB, dovls-lit.;!?-cn"e ot n inpn,n rr ." cTusTvo,Lcav.,tni " t- fcteSt. ?"". U-Nood-It l'.1' Iilldlni? ii ,l,.,lJoml"'ny. !t "ainl. 1'oitland, Oroi 424 Oregon, wnv .. SWST L'ifc.-r- "o,v ".'""""''a crow. Tom 30-tf l'hwTsT. WOm,,n1n(.0tJ "HH&k:T3K BB"' H"ib "PV C "3"H""Kik""B"P"'v- ttkS A s?ts When Sergeant M J Ober re- unlisted In tho U B Marlrton for tho eighth time, signifying over 31 vears of active service, ho es lubllshod a record ua bulUK thn oldost marine Sureuanl Obor l now stationed nt WashlnKton In tbo office ot Secroury of Navy Daniels. heirs of Hilda Cooper; also an other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate lien or Interest In or to tho real J estato described In tho complaint horeln, tho nbovo named defend ants: in ttiu nnmo of tho State of Oregen: You are horoby required to appear ( nnd nnswor tho complaint filed i ,.,... inut vnn lii thii nbovo entitled suit I on or beforo tho 7th dny of October, 1919, that being the Inst day of tho time prescribed in tho Ordor of Pub lication ot Summons herein, and if I vou fall so to appear, plead, answer, I i demur, or otherwlso movo thoroln i within said time, tor want inoreoi, i plnlntlff will apply for tho relief pay-j ed for in her complaint herein as fol- I lows, to-wlt: For a Docreo of tho abovo entttien Court tbnt Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 0 ot Block 4 of Kwauna Heights Addition in Klninath Falls. Oregon, according to tho duly recorded plat of said Ad dition, on file In tho oftlco of tho County Clerk ot Klamath County, Oregon, bo partitioned betwoon tho nininiirr nnd defendants nbovo nam ed; that plaintiff ho awarded an un divided ono-half thoreof ; that if said lands cannot bo equally uiviueu uo tweon plaintiff on tho ono hand, and .lnrmiiiniitR nn the other hand, than tbnt a salo ot said promises bo mado I and tho proceeds aorived irom bucii snlo bo divided oqunlly between tho plaintiff on tho ono hand, and tho dofondnnta on tho othor hand, accord ing to tho respective shares or inter ests of plaintiff and dofondants tnore in and thereto; that plaintiff bo ro pald by dofondants tho ono-half part of tho taxos by hor paid upon said promises, for tho years 1911. to 1918, Inclusive, amounting to juj.ju, and tlio one-half part of tho, monoy by Jior paid for tho enro and ninnngomont of snld promlsos, amounting to $178.50; tbnt tho costs and disbursements of this suit, and i accruing costs nnd chnrgos Including, chargos for Hoforoes and prospective , paving nssessmonts upon High and I Socond Stroots In snld city, ho divided equally hotwoon plaintiff nnd dofona-, nuts; that plaintiff ho nllowod J3B0. 00 nttornoy's foes heroin; tbnt If snlo1 of said promlsos ho mado, tlio docroo ot tills Court award to Plaintiff hor ono-half part of nil snld taxes, chnrgos, and costs of suit. Including nttornoy's foos nnd If snlo bo, not ord ered of said promises that plnlntlff bo glvon n lion upon tlio portion of said promlsos awarded to defendants for hor said ono-half part of said taxes, chnrgcfj, expenses, nttornoy b You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double Load Blocks 37.00 Green Slab, Pine 93.B0 Green Slab, Fir $4.50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. 022 Main St. Phone 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISHARR 115 S. 9th St. KlaniAth Falls DR. C. A. RAM BO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE Ul ' ZDUD00U0OO Feet Timber for Sale Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California ATTENTION . My business la. making your homes bright and prosporous by Painting, Kalsomlnlng and Paper Hanging.. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Mnin St. Phono 103W THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodlcs Chill Con Carol Open nil night Just off Main ou 7th A llttlo oft of tho Main stroot, )ut It pays to ivalk WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 200 I. O, O. F. Bldg. . KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS! We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair- J . 1 T fm .u. Uniln 4 aM.AM Axle Straightening and TUn,1rsnifltlilnfP ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. ! FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE B0 Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PnONE 176-J Phono 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Honio-Mado Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. DR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy and Surgery, San Francisco, Calif., Dr. J. . Baua ero has chargo ot my practice. Phone 151J Otnco 402 Main St iVWWVWWVWWWVWA E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 WIU1U Bldg. Klamath Vail I- Oregon GLASS Phono mo and I come 'and give you a prlco that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work, E. O. STUCKY. 1140 Main. Phone 840-W, CITY AM) COUNTY AHHTJ COMPANY 111? Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Munuger DTR F. R. GODDARD Oeteopathlr PiiyHli-iun Su v Soli 211. I. (I. O.f. Tern (over K, K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only. Owteopathlc, ) clan and Burieoo lu Kir Falls ) I SAW MILL ENGINEERING I CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and !ull(l;rH'of iikkI. ern Saw Mills, 1'lunluK.MUl.s Bin Plants. Complete plants conlnirt- ed. Appraisals nnd reports made Dredging- Wp coutr.irt to 'iiilld any class of a IiulliliiiK and in-tnll nincliinery of any kind. ' 1 Drafting of imj kirn) done, itluc i Print- ninde. PHONE 1 IH.1 Olllre in K. D. Building .1. C. CLKtiHOIW Civil Knginiyr and Snrveynr Office fil7 Main St. Phone, Office, 1(10. lies. 102M. WELL DRILLING Voehatzer, Bros. AiKlahzub Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. FM Bend Stage Phone 276-W t IS :,,,;";,,j"X"j"j,!-ix,x,,!"X"f' SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP HUEV AND NOODLE HOI'HIC ' Shnrl Older Meals, 'Servfd- 72 Main StriiM KLAMATH b'ALIjH, ORE ."..j-:X-X"M--"s,".'-C- u 'IS' B 75g - d 'M :.