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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1919)
PACK FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MINIIAV. .m . .,, , il m m m m WM The Evening Herald WVMAAMA K. J. Ml) K It A V BntTOR JAMES S SHEEHY City Editor At the Theatres Published dully except Sunday by Tlie Herald Publishing Company of Kbtmath Fall, at 115 Fourth street ntnred at the postofllce at Klara tk Falls, Ore., (or transmission thru Ike malls as second-class matter Subscription terms by mall to any Mress in the United States: One year JS.00 One month CO - i i MlbliUNIIflUt III WINDY CITY AIRPLANES CARRY PLAYERS TO LINKS Member of the Axiuclntril Pro The AssoclMed Press Is excluslvel j emy covets. atrtled to the use (or republication aC all news dispatches credited to it j r not otherwise credited in this pa par, and also local news published ftereln. All rights of republication of spe iaj dispatches herein are also rewired. SVN FRANCISCO, ltlh S'l Jimi Into nn automobile fur u out tn tlii' nmntn club for n t-nuis mutch or round of lli m i- n In on it common practice in tlio p i ' Now the ilnlmio lint siipplantul the automobile On n number of occasions leecutiy polo or golf player lui flown to field or links In their prlwitp air planes Complaints came i'ilrkl Co lo pI.i.mto said that the llghlln;: of n airplane on the field not mil) ! im peded their ponies but might prove hlchlv disastrous should ono of the ,ed the dlsturbsnco and no Injuries mftPn,lu., tl,u moK tu, ..pectiuo. i resulted. Rioting last night resulted or nmah I in the death ot two negroes and the. ,, ,',ln,r!, ,,. ,ll(, ,,,,, ,,. ,lnjury of 30 whites and black,, in ,,, , rRnn, , , ,mil(.or Thuy eluding four patrolmen. White bo ,u,, ,0 ,, fuUnor h.nvever (tlirowlng stones t a negro youth who ThoJ. ,,,, lt interfered with tliolr Inch by Inch, toward tho edge o( a i cliff on n deserted Island, two men, a white man and an Indian, advance They are fighting (or love and (or life. The girl, who crouches at one, CH1CACO, .Inly 2f Trouble be- . ... i side, is hoping. hoping, praying that tween whites and negroes broke out one or them win win. in the black bi; (inlay when Moses Till. I. nnn .if 111., .IrnninllP wtlM I ' """. " lUKru. ureil SeMTUI SIKHS In "A Fight for Love." which comes I"' " """"' Ioa'' ,,f w,ll' workmen to tho ll.berty Theatre tonight. And j 'olnR ,nkt'n " t,lp ou,h sl" faotory. Horry Carey's fight is a Reed one. Me ' A Unvn nt'Sroes rushed to Thomas clears himself of a charge of murder "Ntunce when a group of whiter and of unlicensed whlsko trading ,rl'11 (,l"nrm him The police quell and earns the big rewnrd that his en- Monte, where there Is both a polo field mid a couple of golf links, niKs and regulations to govern tle fl m-h. T" already have hem promuli;ated mid r,ln posted on the field for the benefit of the airmen They tne iiohlb't"tl front landing on the polo field or t' links and piovlHlon In being Mini' (or landing r-mimi away. Hill If llier- ' Iiiivii lltirli-o el nil tl e lis 'liulrm I ninth ii II e I i ' '" nrcj r r E. B. Lewis and .Tack Ford, scenar io ..iU. ...... .u....-.. .,...E.,. oimiing four pntvolmon. White n suouki noin pni tnemseives on ine ... .u. ...i ...... v.. w..v.. o ,W(18 umnmg cn,,,,- tlu. Buaera- raCL, are wonderfully beautiful us well as fBht thrilling, and the cast of Harry Car- TL'KSDAY. JU1W 29, !)!!. tX)U KLAMATH 1WM.S. There is need o( a pooling of inter ests, enthusiasm and abilities on the part of every man. woman and child in Klamath Falls during the coming Elks convention It must be an ac tive pooling made djnamlc In eager ness and willingness to co-operate with tho various committees that are handHng the brunt of the work to assure the successful carrying out o( -the big undertaking. There is some little significance entside of the numbers alone in the ey, Neva Gerbor, Neola Mny and Joe Harris Is superb. Howard Hickman, director of Bes sie Barriscale in her latest screen pro duction. "All of a Sudden Norma." PAYS UK; HANSOM t (JHT his hoy ruoji mi:.ks. WASHNfiTO.S duly 2V Acting nil nf1tffAC from tlin ir.otnni. ....... which comes to the Uberty Wednes-1 , . . , , ""'" -. ,. , ... . Iment, who feared that his bnj won Id day afternoon, is one of tho mot i, . uv .i.,......ik-ii. .iiuiii ii esi i nomion, American ranchmun.'pald IS 00 peso, the ransom demanded by bandits for the release of his 14 year old son. roming of the visitors from all oversior. as well. widely known men in the motion pic tures. He has plaed in support of some of the screen's most famous women stars and made n notable ap pearance In "Civilization." Mr. Hickman ranks high in his pro fession. Before the camera or direct ing it his work has been of the high est order. He is also one of the most popular men in pictures, not onlv with the public but with the profes- the state. Six thousand eyes are all seeing and those eyes will not be -closed to the general tone and life and business of Klamath Falls. Some of the state's most representative men will be here. Men who have node their marks in business are coming for the convention, v will have a big purpose In mind to view the Klamath County that they liave heard so much about. Perhaps future industrial sites are in then minds perhaps a spot to make their homes. When you do something in aid ol the Elks convention remember that it is n6t alone for the Elks but for Klamath Falls and the entire county. True enough the Elks are bringing the visitors here. Its up to the peo ples to make their stay enjoyable. Its up to everyone to bring Klamath Falls vitally before the minds of our visitors from over the state as the place for future business sites and home. A little effort expended, a bit of unselfish co-operation will go far toward accomplishing the end. Secretary of State Lansing said that the Mexican government had agreed to refund the ransom and try to cap ture tho bindlts, Mr. Hickman is now directing lor B. B. Productions, In which Miss Bar riscale is starred. TALLEST MAN BARS - DEMPSEY IN CLAIM EXAMINATION MAIK TOIIAY. The examining committee of tho Klamath State Bank Is maklnr Its semi-annual examination today. O. F. Demorest, Dentist, 6th Main, over Sugarman's store and Before Lenlne starts his little scheme of world revolution he Tight do well to pause .i moment rtrH re ca'l the fate of a certain Dutchman rained W'ilhelm who tried to shuffle the cards way back in 1914. The League of Nations the domin ant issue in the coming presidential campaign never. How about the "high cost of living and the good old I days when a fellow could get a glass of beer along with a free lunch. If Woodrow really wants to make-up with the American fans he had bet ter bench Burleson and Baker and put in a couple of real pinch-hitters. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE A few good milk cows. 1 Purebred Duroc Jersey brood sow, 5 head of sheep. 4 mile west of Miller Hill School house, Roberts. 29-2t FOR SALE 1 McCormick Binder $50.00. Needs some repairs. Evans & Balln. 29-3t WANTED Woodchoppers. 622 Main St. Seehoru, 29-6t RABBITS FOR SALE: Inquire at 114 Lewis Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 29-2t game to lime the hlrdmen flying ov er them and because tbev distracted them from their game, considered the airplanes In the light of a new fang led hazard. The result 1ms been that at Del Your Eyes Need Care The eye Is u xery ilellr.ite organ which needs care and attention, if the sight is to be retained Many cases of partial and total lilluiltie" might have been prevente I by timely aid. The ews need enre, and If more, at tention were paid to them, defective eyesight would lie come a less serious matter For your own sake do not be careless; do not take chances with your sight Pay us a visit, and be care fully tested, so that ou mny know If CLASSES would Improve our sight Prevention Is better and tiudcr than cure. WB TEST YOl'K KYKS IIY TMi: IIBJ4T METHODS. H.J.WINTERS JEWKLFJl OPTICIAN. 706 Main. Phone 14D-W. Mm -jgp'famBmm A Boy Can Run a John Deere Dain Mower While you nro eettinR things in shape for making hay, put your boy on the John Dcero Mower and let him do tho cutting he will do it just as well and just as easily as you can do it. Because of the powerful lift, ho can easily raise tho cutter bar to pass over any field obstruction or to ex tremo height, when neces sary. A foot lever, working in conjunction with the hand lever, makes the lift simple and easy. up Hi will never liuve to 1: to QCt u (tan, oven In llir limvirst nay. inoknilritartmutilnKtU Instant the mower Is Ihrcmn In gear no loat motion. You will aec big odvni.iou It the ilrivv on this nmclilrio-n i extremely simple the rem. tie o placed that one set liulJiilo other let in meth lontiamly. The John Deete will cut all if Ihe grata (or years to come-a simple adjustment takes up all lag in the cutter bar, wnliout alltctlng ihe centering ol thi knife. If the knife ever nccils n. centering, a special adjuttc.cnt i rovided. The John Deere is the simpltri, most powerful and beti-bui'i mower we buve ever seen. We know it will appeal to you. Com in it I to your auvanlac; to knout all about th! mowr bit or you buy. Whilm at our store, w want you to see th ret of our lint of haying and fiarvtiting maehinmry. W have a hn of machintt you can uta uAlh tatitfactlon and profit. Baldwin Hardware Co. "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" WANTED Ratchet setter and ed- german; also lumber pliers and cutters by thousand. Snyder & Kitts, Dairy, Oregon. , 29-Ct FOUND A gold bracelet Owner can have same by identlfinir snni.. at Herald Office and paying for this ad- 2K-.1t Even Marshall Foch "fell" undpr a volley of kisses from the English I damsels.' The kiss spares neither Sport scribes wrote so much in regard to Jess Wlllard's height that R. E. Madsen, a rangy youth of the wc3t showed up at Toledo, O., to size up the big Kansan. And Madsen then put in a claim as tt i world's tallest man 7 feet 6 inches and there was no or.3 there to dispute him. But lie doesn't want to fight Dempsey. The time Is getting shorter every fame or fortune, poverty or rjnurv day for you to do what should be -with Its knockout punch. We would done 1efore tho EIks g,et herti on doing not change lt. LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OF THE PICTL'RES" nseS H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day N',WakfitttH TONIGHT That Wonderful Rider and Roper, HARRY CAREY, in "A Fight For Love" Another Great Lion Comedy "HOWLING LIONS AND CIRCUS QUEENS" WEDNESDAY Bessie Barriscale in "ALL OF A SUDDEN NORMA" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. NOTICE OK SHERIFF'S SALE OF ItEAIi PROPERTY. (Equity No. 1026) In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for Klamath Countv. First State & Savings Bank, A Cor-, Juration, i'laintlff, vs. I Beulah Stiles, Beulah Stiles, admlnis- tratix of the estate "of Thomas L. Stiles, deceased, John Hibborts and Irwin Stiles, a minor, Defend ants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of 'a decree of foreclosure and sale and an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Klamath, In a suit wherein tho First State and Savings Bank, a corpora tion, Is Plaintiff and Beulah Stiles,, Beulah Stllea administratrix of tho estate of Thomas D. Stiles, deceased, John Hibberts and Irwin Stilea. n minor. Defendants, unon a 1udi?mnnt rendered upon tho 17th day of July, 1919, In favor of tho said Plaintiff and ngalnst the said Dofnndnnra. Beulah Stiles, Beulah Stiles, ndmlnls. tratrlx of the estato of Thnmrm n Stiles, deceased, and John Hibberts for the sum of eight hundred ($800. 00) dollars with interest thnmnn n the rate of 10 per cent per annum! I irom me z Uli Hay of April. 1917 rnd one hundred ($100.00) dollars attorney's fees and costs and disbursements taxed at seven teen and (?17.80) 80-100 dollars I have this day levied upon nil of thn right, tltlo, claim and Interest of all of tho said defendants In and to tho following described lands nnd real estato loouted nnd situated in Klam ath County, Stato of Oregon, and des cribed as follows, to-wlt- Tho Southeast quarter of tho Northwest nunrter. thn south half of tho Northeast quarter, and tho north-. 2H east quarter of the southenst quarter I o( Section fifteen in Township thir-ty-sevpn, South of Range ten East or the Willamette Meridian. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. That I will, on Wednesday, tho 27th day of August, A. D. 1919 at tho hour of ten o'clock A, M, In the forenoon of the said day at the front door of tho County court-house in tho city of Klamath Falls, Klamath County and State of Oregon, In ohedlcnco to the said decree and execution sell at pub lic auction to the highest nnd boHt bidder therefor, for cash in hand, lawful monoy of tho United States of America, nil of tho right, titlo, claim and interest of the said Do- fondants In and to tho above describ ed lands, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees, Interest, costs and disbursements and expenses ot sale. Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 29th day or July, a, n. i!i. OEOROE i. HUMPHREY Sheriff ot Klamath County, Oregon. 29-D-12-19-26 WINNERS SPECIAL FLOUR Third Week Sale of This Hard Wheat Flour, priced this week at $3.20 per saclt Keep in mind that this flour is not only under-priced, but we stand back of it with YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT! Blackberries are coming in in abundance, priced $2.25 the crate. Coffee is due for another advance we are selling a good grade of bulk Coffee at 40c the pound Try it Put everything in cans that will be eatable this next winter, for everything in the canned goods line will be high. Special on Cream of Barley this week regular 25c package 15c. The Winnek Co. tllltj r,i do I ""inlll