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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1919)
ti&Ajiii.-SPVlss: . Wl2 -Ewnmg Iteralfr OFFICIAL PAPKB OK kUMAtii "' ,v,'v KM MATH PALI ' ". Thirteenth Yenr-No. 3,660 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1919 Price, Five Cento '..: HE HIM III iT HORDE ' 1 MID-AUGUST die llm prnlllillimiy details low mil ni'iulliiK it largo delegation id ttm council Muny or tint I'ort laml rutin jell liiiiinlii'rH urn tiluiinliiK in make "inn trip by iilltomohlln .diupltn tlm furl Ihul ii special truln will Im rhur- tnred lo curry thorn) who wind to mnkn Ilia trip. v Hniun of tin- bent known piukir from Oregon iirnl Washington ant on lh program which unsure (h.. ronvrntlon of having ununtiul Inter- VkIn for tin visiting dnlfgutei.. In " " vlw of th fuel Ihnt thn national 1000 and 4,000 convention precede thn utale gnth- Between erln by month, It Is quite probu- "B1U" Expected ,lu that thn Oregon Elks' UMtncluilou will hnvn connlilcrnble work to ! tide uMin ilurlliK their big three- fOMMlTTEE WORKING duy session in August , GOT HIS PLACE IN THE SUN "5V I T)OrJrJf? UNO BUTzetf ) yurr O-nrll In Nl"' "- N'""; r f rIrB-.r ll ', tt.r With ITri-rii " , , C.nrn.l..n-'MI..I. r,,um II at Ik-nd Will Cme ,:" Mrt"'' I rp will I H" ',rr,,w' ,,f " ,c.rfrotthftil"rllI..KliOr-ii)n dowm'l altend the second annii , meeting of thn Ilium,. dent Pro (Mtlre Order of Ktk". hlrh will ; b,ld In Klamath Palli. Annuel IV I IS ind .6 IT i 1 T hi: at the meeting tonight, at tiik titv ham. axi help i ;t tin: roMtjEitciAL os ith feet :i . r i Etery renldent of tlu lit) liu bus .-. !...... ..'lit " " And from mi rn,ll" "" t. u..Uur of Kliimuth Pull at to few "IIIH" throughout the Mute ,.,., urit, t() , , ,(, meeting vho will !' ii'li-lus "I""' the big ihul In to In1 Ih'IiI nt S o'clock toitlKhi contrnllon opcti Oonaertatltn .- In thn council chumhnm of thn city ilmU' Indlco'o that clou., to 3.0DO hull. Tim timmlng U held for tlm Kill lll lie hrr.' for tho big cel.tbru- purpoiw of Inking dellnll" steps lu llon Ttu- opinnlBi plate Urn total ward thn reurgnnizntlon of tlm Com at MOO our K"f" anwlmro b- iimrcii.l Club Tim intfiiitn ln-ui of tMH III" I" "Biirwi dhoultl l tlm p!t fi-w lu)x hnit proilur.-il n ,clo to tlm hri.- Uidt will hrlnr, no luntlltlon of lblitul. nml unlnnH u 'md cf M'lrit nml fhiliulaiii lo our upoclul nfloit In imiiln tlm ni-niKi jhjUhU ipnmon will prufor to ri'tiiulit nt honm Ucal Klk an- Ulkltii?, IhfnMiiK. "nil nnjoy tlm roolnean of tlm nrn ind dreamlnK nlmul thn tltim th'y ItiK t nttnntlliiK a timntlilK In u hull arc uInK to ruvr ilurlliK tlm mlit- Hut thin ttutot not h" tlm cntm. for Abiiuh frullvltw-ii 1'ortl.iml plan It I of vllnl luiportantv to tivoryoim tmrnil a Ktmt crowd, and tlm "Im- ttittt notntithlliK ! diiim Imumdlntfly hj lodw of tin- tatn- ut llriul. On- tnwaril MurtlnK tlm l.'omnmrclul Clul json, born but two ni-k uo. In Tlm limn who huxn In'i'ii workliiK on TCklngnry effort to kviid tlm InrK- thlH mattur xHrt Urn rnt of tlm t attendance record-it lo tlm con- community lo do their plain duty. ifntlon. Kvnry loiln In Iho ntuto and If they full, then limy muni ik llt lend delectttea and eery Indl-'llm full rmpoimllilllty of whnlever itlon points to a full attendanco may happen In tlm futon' Tlm from all quartern of thn Mate lime will come, ami conm noon, when No end In there lo Ihe ilelnllii Ihnt iheim very Hluckem will ! the lolld- . . lnrf A Ov''v virtQ.!' J K. ." "V . . L IV M . MILITARY RULE MQRTENSDN TO ' SHOULD BE ENDED HAVE CHARGE OF '-' CI VC DIDDCPIIf i LLixd UnilULUUL JAPANKSK W.lV.Xr, ITS REMOV Ali KSHKNTIAIi TO WELFAKK OK KOREAN' PEOPLE CE.V- 4 ( DARMES HELD RESPONSIBLE Thftf ,,resldena IL D. XfortensoQ of FOR BRUTALITV AND M I S- the Pelkan Bay Lumber Company. TREATMENT who Iior Just returned from San Franclfco, where he attended tho annual High Jinks of the Bohemlaa TOKIO, Julv 9. That all aapecU ,u' na AC0 "a u,s neaa in.oc of mllltar:-ru'.i Mhonld I'eecmpl.'tob 'a,!at "inett rrom tnm rar lamea banlHhed from Korea Ik the onhilon celebration, will have charge of the of renreHMitntlvo Jananese. hun RJ(,al fcaturei of the big barbecua only, they nay, can Japan hope to re- 3t lI,e Harrlman Lodge during thn CHtabllBh peace and order amnn; theK,1'' Convention next month. Is the Korean people. It Is generally admit-1 announcement made t0(,a' b' ,ea1 ted here that the disaffection l not!''"' of thc local lnde- who are co- zm- NDeAJA yxol:- removed. hut merely quiescent, rejdy tc burst forth anew once the el3tlng military pressure is removed. Institution of a civilian s"rn ment and removal of the present -en- 1 ilarme police system are believed ' here to be ncessary. The gendarmes ! are held responsible for lassj of , brutality and mistreatment, me sol diers being only responsible. It I? declared, for the killing of Koreans In th- Christian church at Crean: ni. gratulating themselves on having se cured oPFistance of this kind, becalm? when "iiort" takes hold of anythinKv It Is bu'o to go and It is sa'e to counT on results that will be a delight to tiir lf.!tors as well as tnose frjoi Kinni.itl. Falls. The details of the affair have not cl been announced, but a large crew of men are going to clean up a tract of fifty ncres where the festivities tare 10 be held, between the Rocky Point resort and Point Comfort. Thl.i In iIih rnse. ssvrt Ihp Heralil of A:4ia. lapanese policeman had been .ur-larea h"et w' be left ln lt nat ....,,! ,i 1.1. i.n,u. .i-.r.,i M,iraI state ct to he cleared of all log! gendarmerie told the arriving tol- I T S BEFORE PRES1DT two ui:i:ks itcreiti: hi: r.w START Sl'i:.KIN(! TO V It IS RCADV TO APPK.R HEI'ORi: si-n.ti: roitr.ios' ri:i.aths iimitti:i-: hi- iinivn (.Din) 1BHT 5 :: CDFER GUARRr residents appka the citv administration to stop the hlastintj within the titv LIMITS WASHINGTON. July 9 Pros dent WIIon returned to hH tletk t" day after an abetire nf over four s the tr"t work prore - the triuhles of the city ediiitnMruMun ti. en .-. The latest head to raK.i -eif u"'0e the horizon is the iiuar r. tn.v lelng operaterl byCofer !5ni th- im reused demand for crushed rock cnllt. for lHrer operation 1 tn tlm f uurry. and the consequent en hin;emei:t of tlm riutintity of powder a-tctl In shooting And that Is jiiFt vhat has lalsed the trouble, as well ns the rocks, for the residents In the ii(ini:y of the quarry have started action to have the blasting stopped nmt be worked up in Kluumth i In tlmlr wolU for help Mam Talli to handle the convention uth Falls never before needed tlm months only to find uch a muhS of trowd properly The local romiult guiding hand of u wlde-uwukt) com- official business uwultlng him that tt tw that hat tha' contention In charge inercliil orguitUutlon us badly us It will probably he two weeks before he and were rvupoiiMble for bringing does now can start on his proposed spe.tklng the lathering lure Is composed of To brvuk tlm monotony of tho us- tiir ()f tlm country In behalf of the "ft". S. Wiley, publicity; C. J. .Mur- mil meeting tout Inn, nonjnmln S. League of Natlo'is and tlm Treaty tin. finance; II K. Stills, nntertaln-J WotHlny, of Astoria, will give a tulk poti, u S thought that he Mill ) ment, and W. O Smith, accommodu- that will bo worth hearing, no mat- u,,,,, his Mhedule as to reach tlm tloni. ilor what tho weather may be. Hut Pacific Coast ut tlm time the Pacific aiif wJh Uat U) yi. have T,gt. a lent city win in- constructed on ovnr nnd abovo all tuts, piam. coin- n,.,.t urwtv. "the Modoc ball park, with hoi nnd mon sense demands a big alienduncti President Wilson represented him cold water available for the 'campers, nnd thu hourly support of every bus-lb0f as being ready lo place himself ana a bl( dining lent where the vis- n,.Hn man and property owner Hon can get breakfast nnd other. meal If dealreil Special Pullman1 -t r'r'T irti 1 I CAVP tralm will renmln 1. n ilw, ..,n,..r TLiCCiI VY 1I-.I- a-a-.i" - Tad He tracks during the convention, Kith diner and sleeping nccommo-i flltlnnc tn, 11. ..n.. .. i. .i.l dlers an exaggerated story, .says the newspaper, and the young troops Joined the gendarmes in a m.issacre of the people. Once the gendarmerie 'method of policing the peninsula Is removed. and the pople given more locjl ni.t uliomr. such as the villages of l.ipan enjo' . the newspaper tblnks'tlie Kor-1 eans may see that their bst Inter ests lie ln the peacful aeceplatloi cf things us they are. Responsible organs cf opinion here favor making Korea a'i part of the Japanese Empire politi cally, as it already Is territorially Korea, they concelte. might e made, k province of Japan, with r. fi.Il sot- ernor and proper repres?iri't:o-i in , the Japanese diet. Hut before this is , possible, the newspapers think, thei Koreans must pass thru the newest- sary education and show ;hemelvi-3 prepared for self-goveramvu , rnd underbrush that will Interfero with the entertainment features. Tha place is in the form of a monster na 1 tural ampithedTre and Is said to bo I particularly adapted to the purpoaa i for which it is to be used. It i.4 also ! very convenient to both Rocky Point and the Harrlman Lodge. . Boat? and barges of every descrip; Hon have been looked up and will bo 1 rrougnt imo use at tne time or tnn jl:g event, vhen it Is safe to predict that the number present will be manV 1 times greater than has ever been be fore assembled at this scenic spot. ' EIRE DESTROYS U DC E PEOPLE URGED TO KILL PESTS IN JULY HEMDE.N1 s A I'PEAL TO THE CIXV BETWEEN KEXO AND DORRM IS Rl'RN'ED AND WILL HAVE TO BE REPLACED ei! t' o 1 i' tor. city uttorne." anil dis trict Mtcrncy t!nf claim that rocks tvlvhlllg jut tlm disposal of the Semite foreign fr() 10)) tf) .Jft0 ,,mimU llllV0 ,.Pn lUelullons Committee or other m-llhro. one hundred yards or -c 1 r.lttees 10 answer questions concern- frQm tho allnrrv a1(l othen, of smu. 1 .1... ...r. Alt. I tlUt lllflirlllt lf V.I. cmr.i rAD DAriPir '"'! l" "v V tv (.Imenslci greater distances. Sj - SOON hUK rAUri- ,, ,lir Admiral C.raysou. t"" ', narrow esrnpos nro rel,orted to President physician, said the chief ,,nl.a ......,, ,,,, ,. ill.calls nt dttlonj for those who come from tho WASHINGTON. July ' - -"''ere- j ,.-;,.( iitlvn was In splendid liualtli. j,,1(e that' the protest Is made. flwani lodges (loternor Olcolt bus tnry of Nny, 'otI. '. iiuiiUm .hm I Tht, qtle.stj011 wm ,0 threshed out n Interviewed In reference to so- Ai'mlrul llugt llndmnn fDini.i J lnt t,0 ue.M meeting of the city coun turlng n number of army lenls If It of tlm Piclflc Fleet, completed ur- v(:vv YOIMC. July ! Uomauil ! c) , whlch will be heM Monday night. I found neri't.nnrt to use thorn. rnngemenU In New Yuri; yesierdnv n)l, ( u, ,m,ns ,,f the world Wllhln the next few tteekH tlm wlmruby tlm newly orgunUed fit"''' Hi,oii'd he made- eligible U the i,.(H 1 I. l''f T tomralttee under Mr Smith will for. use In Pacific waters will sill , ,,,,,.,. f Nations as expressed In 11 1 UXDER WAV SOON. lo a hoitso to hou'so canvass of 'rom llnmptnn Houds for the Weit rPS0tifon by Samuel (lompurs. v;.s Kten acm of nnd con "-nml i the residences In town to determine. Contt on July 10. The fleet will he at ' , imor.Kly adopted tulay nt t'm the Ijingell Vnllot project is In unliv Ihe number of families that will ho 'an Diego between August t.lth nndj,,,.-,, lmun congress of the Pin- Vith the proposed Irrigation uniler '"llllnR lo turn oter 01m or inoro tenth 10111 them various tessols Araer,.nn r,.,uratloii of Labor by !. i,Xtv M.T ,n that district, .icconli 1 ? t looms for (bo M t guests during HI " lo San riiinclsro aid Puget I ,.natps from ten countries including Ce -if Engineer IVirlej., tl 1 N the convention Hnuiul, tho rest ri'iuainla ; at i.- t, rmteil States, The Lo.ignu . worllng up the phuw that will he Mr. Wiley, chairman of tlm public- riniju atl(iiis was uIm) Indorsed. I a!n t,d tor the aprnvul o. ;ale ; tommitteo, will no doubt return ' i Kiiiin-rr Potev A. Cmper who in v. m Krnni1 'lgo convention In WF!T WIN.S OUT IN ri.EOIIOHN SELLS Ills HOME, t -e-tlt IV rl the land nn tli. .In ' ' -" NO-ACCIDENT WEEK Atlantic City, tvlileh is nmv 1.. .... "'"I. With ennirnl. ...... .... i..1 p., .' ......o VWIII.U( limn " nd Klkdoin to keup his end of M local convention going In full Tho Central Weslern I okIoii, com ' Mr. Murlln Is busy llnanclng'rrlslug the territory from Chicago to undertaking, which Is no 8innUJ1''o-ConBt and south of -shla.i.l. Oro tttk for a gathoriiiL' nt tt, .1,.. n... ''boh. won over all tho other region.' I In tho country In tho recent Mi Ac cident Week conductjil by tho l!nlt ed Btatcs Railroad Adlmlnlstrntlon. Poderol Manager V. R. 3cott of tho Sothorn Pacific and Wostern Pa cific and Wcntorn Paclf(c lines, tho Tidewater Southern nnd Hoop Crook Rnllromls, has received telograms ot congratulation from Rcglnnl Dlroetor Hul Ilolden and II. A. Aduim. Ho glonal Suporvlsor of Sufoty, testlfy Ing to tho fact that the Wostern roads have again showod thotr bu .Iirotuacy In the roalm of sofafy. Tor-ty-olf,ht out of elxty-rouds 'showed a rlenr reonrd and tho others .-uducrd mlslmps seventy-nine per cent over the same week In 1918, 1 . -'Fwaea uero. i "'- para,,cs' "troct dancing, air-".fllfhl8- "d the biggest out " "Mbecuo ever tUged on tho klh V prom,Bol V Mr. Stilts, who "r,., ' hllrKn of '""nlshlnK tho Ulnment for tho wook-ond, Ho tl T th Klw 0s50 Pleura- a very eftlclont manner some "w Han ago. '"OUIhout Oroiron lll J.... largest rcpreaontatlnn nn the ""S 0 anv ..... . . ." hhr J Si, ,8 ,0 -600 " a special commltteo to hsn- "Mr. Cupper was very well pleased Thero hnve befn several real 0- J with the outlook, nnd believes thnt tnto tram,a;tlous during the past the work, can ho fully under way week In v.hlch residence property I v-lthtn another three months," said has rliiiiKJed hands. In one of these j Mr Darluy. "All tho ditches can ho deals J c C'cghoru sold his foir 'constructed unusually low, In fact room houro on Tenth Street to II. ' jnone of them should go over $12 In winters and riuchased the Kent . maximum. Tho plnns nro nearly fln- Hallard place 1:11 tho west side of Link River. Tom Stephens also disposed of his town projoity hero before returning to Portlnml BOLSHEVIK, PLAN TO " LEAVE PETROGRAD lshed (ind Mr, Cupper will no doubt ill 7q his final opinion on them about the tuldole of the month," Mr Cupper continued on his way to Portland by way ot Lakevlotv aftor his Inspection of the Langell Valley anil other Irrigation districts. TP.OLLEV SERVICE HELD l'I DENVER, Colo., July 9iNin-) ut tomits made by tho officials of tho street car company today to WASHINGTON, July S. Doflnlto information that Bolshevik authori ties are planning to evacuute Petro-jtneIr troJje can proved fu-.lU grad wero officially received nere to. day. Somo elements of the govern ment are said to hnve violently op- Crowds of strikers that gmhored we'e for i'd to turn back. Police; pro tection prevented any acts of violence posed the declslou to quit the Capital, (0n the Fart of tho strikers WASHINGTON. July 9 July Is tho month to kill enemy insects sas a statement from the American For estry Association. Charles Lathrop Pack, president of the Association, estimates the annual feast ot eneuiv insects costs this country JoUO.OOii. 000. To check this annual feed the Association makes these suggestions for July. "Spray fruit trees with bordeaux lead. Spray elms for elm leaf beetles with arsenate of lead, one pound to ten gallons ot water. Spray for for est tent raterplllars with arsenate of lead (same porportiou.) Spray tus sock moth nnd other lead eating in sects with arsenate of lead (.same proportion 1. "If woolly aphis is found on under side of beech tree leaves spray with w hale oil soap, one pound to ten gal lons of water. I'se the same combina tion on the red spider that may he found on prostrate Junipers, yew and box. The sycamore blight may be found in the shape of a white woolly mass on the under .side of leaves causing them to curl and wilt. Get thc Bordeaux mixture in proportions of one pound to eight gallons of wnt or. "A good way to destroy caterpill ars is to drive carpet tacks part way into a long stick end. Catch your web at highest point and start -turning in until you have the web then plunge into any liquid that will kill them." A wooden bridge located on the road between Keno and Dorris hiu been destroyed by fire and will have to be replaced by a new one. Tho origin ot the fire is unknown, but the indications are that it was incen diary, as it is reported that the des truction of the bridge followed only after several attempts had been, innde to set It on fire, passers by Laving discovered the flames before any material damage had been done. The county court was notified by telephone, nud steps will be taken to replace the structure at an earl date. BREWERY OFFICIALS ARRESTED IN EAST PU TSBURP. July 9. The gov erinie.'it's drive against the sale of beer containing two and th iiimr ter portent alcohol wa3 launched to day when United' Stale Attorny Cctfford filed a suit against one of i';e city's largest broevic-, .'arm ing that it was violating the vr.i it j. itbltlon law "we'ti. offi cials ot the company were arrested. OSTEND RESUMING ORDINARY LIFE OSTEND. Belgium. July 9. After nearly five years of war. Ostend is re-uming ordinary life as far as pos sible under present conditions .with, the re-opening of the famous CJasino. A few mouths ago the great saloru lot tho casino were a scene of de vastation and wanton destruction. The buildings escaped the bombard ment that transformed so many ot tho beautiful hotels and villas along the DIge Ito neaphus ot rubble, and. the use ot nine tons ot glass has re paired all the damage thus occasion ed, but the Germans had plundered and defiled the salons. Every stick of furniture was tak en away, beautiful tapestries wer slashed and torn by German bayon ets and every mirror in the balls was removed, together with the copper staircase. Not content with robbery the Germans left the whole place la a state that would have shamed any animal inhabiting a stable. But stneo then a miracle has been wrought, and but for the fact that some ot the. more valuable fittings are at present only temporarily replaced by imlta- tlon, there Is no evidence ot the wac so far as the Casluo is concerned.