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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1919)
iA. I'tS'l f THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON l IIMiSllH, .11 l, ii. PAGB TWO "I LIBERTY THEATRE TONIGHT WILLIAM RUSSELL In a tale of gallantry and of bravery and of men -whose guns rest loosely in their holsters, but whose hearts are steadfast and unfaltering The Texas Rangers "WHEN A MAN RIDES ALONE" A SUPER-WESTERN DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS The gripping story of a rough diamond of the desert who was slow to love but quick on the trigger unconquerable by the . wild Mexican bandits the great Ranger Chief crumbles before the deep dark eyes of a plucky girl. DRESS HI H KEEP FEET m TKI.I.S ititt:t M.vnsM sri'i'i'.nr.its Tl TAKi: SAMS AXI M'.V KID OK t'lUC At'lll ROCKY POINT "":m',"0" ," m Minx llrrii'iitluii I'. .. Oiron Hcikihii Mux. II,, nut,,. (.I'llIRS, HOKKICS, IMM!S. r.XMI'INO, lll'NTIM,, '"" IISIII.VO. IIOATINtJ hTOHi:. TKMH, OTTA.T.N, IHirHKllOATS, (iOOII ItKDS, (iOOD MIOAI.H. A (i(M)ll IIMl. vow i:vi:uyiu)iy IMX'IN(! IX PAVILION KVKHV HATPHIIAV NK.II v IM'HH MOUNTAIN SPIIIXO WATKIt. HARPST & WHEELER, Proprietors WHICH APPEALS MOST A WOMAN'S PLUCK OR A WOMAN'S BEAUTY? A REAL WESTERN DRAMA WHICH TEEMS OF LIFE AMID PURPLE SAGE AND CACTUS ffr-4'-4" LIBERTY THEATRE tt 1. CONCRETE FREIGHT CAR STANDS HEAVY HAULING TESTS 1 if7'f?)Bfyi?ywMJ,'nii-rrt- T II 1 1 1 1 1 y"XP a BlijBjIjljyjiMMX K", aTBBBBBBBBBalsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'naS'aSrfAinaBuiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBanP''v " e. ?5 new concrete Jrelght car is standing every test in trials at Washington where the Bureau of Standards and General Inspection has it In hand. The car was first given 90 days' heavy iratllc haulinr on the II inois Central. It withstood the dropping of a 4 400-pound clam shell bucket a distance of 20 feet. It is much stronger than the steel car and costs $700 less. Illipiimntlsm Is no rt'upodtir of k. sex. lolor or rnnU. If not tho tlaiiKt'roiiii of hiimiiii affllrtlotiH It la out' of the most painful. TIiom' sub ject to rhcumiitlsm should rnt U-m mcnt, drew ns wnrmly iw posslblo. aolil any undue exposure mid, utiowi all, ilrlnk lot of puro wntor . Khcuiuutlsm Is cuuhpiI by uric nclil which Is ;entratvil In the bowel untl absorbed Into the blood. It Is tho function of the kidneys to' filter this acid from the blood nnd met It out In the urine; the pore of the skin of this Impurity In damp ami chilly nre also a means of freelnK the blood cold weather the skin pores ore clos ed thus for dim the k!dne to do double work, they heroine weak uijd HlufiKish and full to eliminate thl uric arid which keeps lU'inutiliitliiK and circulating thru tho system ent. ually settlliiK In the Joint and mus cles causing Mlffncw, soreness and puln railed rheumatism. At tho first twinge of rlieuniittlsm Bet from nn pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts, put n tablespoon, ful In n kIiibi of filler and drink be fore breakfast each mornltiK for n week This Is said to ellmlniito uric acid by stlinuliitliiK the klducjs to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities Jad Salts Is Inexpenslxe, harmless nnd is mado from the acid of grapes nnd lemon Juice, lombined with II' Il ia nnd Is used with excellent results by thousundsof folkM who are subject to rheumatism. Hero you hate a pleasant effervescent llthla-wnter drink which overtomes uric acid and Is bcneflcinl to your Hdiuiy as well Adv. 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST. PHONE 22-M W'C"l,,'S,s'--4t4 If you cet one of thoso seamless hand made woddlnK rings at Daven ports, everybody will bo happy No divorces. o-Jt UUEEE LOWER RITES GOVERNOR RIGGS SAVS COUN TRV GO ALMOST UNPEOPICD UNLESS STEAMSHIP Ril'JS ARE CUT chairman of the shipping boar5. Vaurice I.eehey, a Seattle attorney liar been employed by the board to handle the board's business. Leehey is in Washington at present and may endeavor to have congress pass a re solution authorizing Alaska to bond Itself for $5,000,000 to obtain money for the steamship line. JUNEAU, Alaska, July . Alask-i gradually will lose population and Tevert to a vast territory unpeopled .'save for (he seasonal fishing popula tion and operatives of a few ;reat mines, if lower steamship rate3 from the outside world cannot be obtained, ,Gorernor Thomas Riggs, Jr , declar ed in a message to the last Alaska territorial legislature here. The governor's message tdvoca'cd the consideration of the establish ment of a territorially owne-1 passen ger and freight steamship line to compete with the privately owned lines which operate from Seattle. A line owned by the territory coi.Ul operate for lower rates, the governor argued. "I realize that I am advocating a -most radical and startling departure from accepted standards" the kovcj nor's message said. "The nrst 'ri "pulse is to characterize the scheme as Impracticable. It is not Impra.'ti .cable; It is distinctly practicable and will allow the territory to tako on renewed life. "Every other question iinlrs to in significance, for back of it all re mains the basic fact that unless re lief Is afforded us in our most vital need, monies expended ou roads, schools, charities and all other con structive projects constitute merely stop gap measures, never to hear trull." Ocean lanes, it was pointed eu: are tho only routes Alaska haa to the outside world and if the lanes aic Dlocltd by high prDi.Mtio .Alaska will not prosper, To carry out the governor'6 aug gv'tlon authorized the appointment of a territorial shipping board to get lover rats from the steamship com panies or to work for the establish ment of a territorially owned line. Governor Riggs has been named KAISER IRRITATED AT THOUGHT QF TRIAL AMERONGEX. July 9. The for- TYIOT riaimtkr IT'mnAWiiM llnntn,l marked irritation after reading the clause of the Peace Treaty in which the Allies announced their intention of putting him on trial on rliarups of violation of International morali ty and of the sancity of treaties. ,For several hours after he had read the clause no one at the castle of jAmerongen had the courage to ap proach him. He sat In a chair be fore the main entrance to the castle entirely alone and apparently In deep thought while the former Em press, Auguste Victoria, and the members of his suite walked In the the grounds occasionally glancing In his direction. Next day he seemed to be in a state of nervous agitation, for he frequently ceased his sawing and walked away leaving those who as sist him to continue tho work alone Later, however, he resumed with in creased energy, so much so that one of his assistants was forced to take to his bed for some days in order to recover from a chill caught while; perspiring at the other end of the, saw. 1 Subsequently the dull life at the castle resumed its ordinary dullness and since the first display of annoy ance Count Hohenzollern has shown few signs of being much affected by the conditions of the Peace Treaty. The former( Emperor has sawn his 4,000th log and it is asserted by some of his retainers that he in tends to bring the number up to 10,000. The logs which now form a large heap are placed in piles to dry in preparation for use as fuel In the castle next winter. "PEACE HAT" SOON TO BE OFFERED TO MEN WILDROOT will improve hair or we pay you Wildroot lis guaranteed .preparation which oca right at the hidden cauae of coming bald new-the acaty, itchy ctuit of dandruff. Wildroot remove Una ciii't allowa nature to produce the thick lust. roua hair normal to any healthy acalp. WILDPOOT THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC Far tali her under a mumty-iack guarantee STAR DRUG CO. WIMmnt8hrnnonSp. In ronnrctlon with Wtldrunt. will hfc'tfn Ih nvtiuritt TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may be too busy to go to your home at noon. In assortment of foods, their reparation and the serving, The Jewel ms no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-day patronage. THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St t 4 f MMMMHm Read the Ads-It Will Pay You LONDON, July 3 The 'Peaco Mat' Is a new kind of headgear about to be offered to London men. Mystery veils its shape and material and hat ters thus far have managed to Keep the secret strictly guarded, but they have hinted enough about a revolu tion In men's head covering to ctir up a lot of curiosity "Men are tired of the old time honored bowlers (derbies), topper.i straws and Homburgs," said one haberdasher, "and they want some thing new. The need Is urgent for a now hat the 'Peace Hat.' " A London milliner said she favor dd an innovation. "It's qulto time," snld she. "Men's hats at present are undoubtedly the dullest things in life." Don't forget the non-divorce wed ding rings at Davenports. 8-3t LOGS WANTED Will contract for five to ten million feet of pine logs per year for any number of years. S. P. or Strahorn railroad delivery. Purchase in either large or small quantities. SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 149-J K. D. Building One-Hundred and Third Half Yearly Report of The San Francisco Sayings and Loan Society (THE SAN FRANCISCO BANK) SAVINGS dUMBI Or THE ASSOCIATED IAVIHC1 MNES OF SAN FBANCIJCO) COMMERCIAL 526 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAUFORNIA JUNE 30th, 1919 ASSETS Unitad Stataa, Stata, Municipal and Othar Bonda (total taW V 1j. $18,669,142.00) rtandiag on book at .... $ 1 8,022,477.4 B ". . Loana on Raal EaUta, itemed by tut mortgtgrt , , , 34,864,161.63 "c ' Loana ea Bonda anal Stocka , 845 280.76 -.., Bank BuiMiaga and Lola, main am) braach often (valua '- I $600,000.00), ataadiaf on booki at j qq . I Otbar Rail EaUta (valua $285,500.00), .landing on hooki at M y J' Eaaplaraaa' Paaaiaa Fund (valua $306,852.44) Diadiag oa booki at 1.00 ,- Balanco da aa U. S. Victory Loan Sub.crlpLan. 665 028.00 ?. CASH la nwa V.ulta 6,062616 " " Teul $60,800,192.14 LIABILITIES Dafa.iailara . $87,IM,H4U2 Capital Kaafc actually paid in 1.WXLJ0MO V" Raaarra aadJ Paataagaal Fuada I.ltT.OUta T1 Mt,lM.i4 JOHN A. BUCK, PtMdMi GEO. TOURNY. aaa am u Mara m Urn 30 day al Jaw, 1919. Foi tka tix ataV. --- l aaa. mm . ISEALJ CHAS.F.lXn3ENaRaNai,Paaae. ai TJT:. BOAJU) Or DIRECTORS JONN A. BUCK A.H.I tCHHIOT A. HAAS CBO.TMBIMY L N. WALTIR t rMri II I aaa B..MCAUMC HUON CO0MILLOW JLIJL.??, at A aataUaBBBiaUB- . in aaaa aia m PBH . ,.HH..Vivn j lt FEED Egg Mash, Growing Mash. Fattening Mash To Your Chickens Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St Phone 87 fflfiStfVS ...v .