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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1919)
PAOK SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i iiipw, i. , , i j ir m m I : LV DULL, SPLIIlliI, IK HEADACHE Dr. James' Powders re. llevc at once 10 cents a package. You take .1 Dr. Jatuea' llc.l ohc Tawjor and in just a few moment your hr.til clears n.l nil neuralgia and i ditHM vanishes. HV the quickest I unci surest relief for headache, whether hill. throbbing, splitting or none racking. Send someone to the drug tore, nod get a dims packagv now. Vfit suffering it's so needless, lie mre 'you pet Dr. ,lm' HcsilscJie IViwilers thcu there will be no disap pointment. m (i.uu.(ii: Those desiring Garbage hauled. call 3T0. lM Hunter, City Scaven ger. 12-U PUOE TREATY PUT II m BOMBARDS PURSUERS MUCH BOOZE SOLD WITH BOTTLES BOOZE 1 1 m: Mil I'S i IT Mom iiino t:s n, The thirsty readout of Moiirohond. a , ,,,,, Powder River I'uuiity town, recently U). ( had the unique experience of being (IIK , hotth.trdod liy uiiart bottles filled wttli whiskey by bootlegger whom ABOUND CAPUAL i.V Juno t:l congicssm n tin' u iii . f liotti'ii. ! noil , iim ill n lii'iu mee'. il f.ri 'ev iipilim w.r time ii ihlbltloii. xiiiil: h.i o seen iiii'ii III emigrem whu thi weio trjlug to overtake on VM u ,v , lm into session. In ln hoisoluck niiil whoso automobile tti,,,n ushlii.TUm win wet, ' i"1'1 stalled In the litliiille of Powder rler jK,t uuler I lie lllfluenee of lbU'r while he was etide.i voting to cross It lit ii ford, llefore the hootloggi't le.ii nod llint his pursuers wore mere ly thirsty horsemen Instead of deiti'. WASHINGTON. .Mine 13 (Estab lishing .1 new speed record, the gov- itihmmil tirlliUlli- iiffli'n vvlthln 1WO . ,. ' , i sheriffs, he hnd thrown :! iiuart lit hours Moml.ii nlcht set III) In tvio the Gorman peace treaty. consisting High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OHUKR FINEST MATERIALS BEST OK WORKMANSHIP IiATKST STYLES PERFECT TIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Vour inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR SIS Slain St. of nearly words Ueopite its length mid the demands for haste, owing to the desire to lme the :rvaty appear In the Congression al Kecont Wednesday. as ordered by the senate, the task wax taken as a matter of every -day occurrence at the plant, which Is the world's '.argo-t print lui; establishment. The treaty covers i pages of the Congressional Kecord and cost the government $5000 to print. The j treaty will he printed in document form later On ft the regular night force was called upon to assist in putting the treaty Into print Decision of the senate to insert the treaty In the Kecord was not reached them, all which went into the rlxer hut lll'-e Washington Ins iwi uiv, I Imi-i Ten thorn under the li'f'uei.oe of II in r at nnnnditv "I hope "II Wdlieil.i w II II ' I leturn to Washington, smite m.'in hers of congrcr will ehnllei.n me ROCKY POINT, Till i ,M)T Hccieiitlon P. O., Oreuott Nonaim. , n, til'IIUIS. IIOHSKM. HOliS. CAMPIMi, IH 1 1' n,'l,,r I'ISHINO. IIOATIXtJ .STtHli:, Ti:.TS. fOITAtJIIS. IIOI'Hi:ilt)'s t.DOU IlliliS, l)OOH .MKAI.S, , titlliu iM,' von I.Ntll I PAVILION HVIMtV SATI'ltlt.W NU. r I't'lli: .MOUNTAIN SPHINO WATIIIt. HARPST & WHEELER, Proprictom A iiitruge party was organljod ami , , ,,., (lnt Miilemoni. Von m mot . much work wan done until i large !,,,,, lll ( tn eapltol to ko to ouir, part of the liquor was rescued. offic In tlr ennKn'sslomil nfflci The siory was told here hy riinlr-( Lnn.n,., M Itlioui a doien memuom man John It. .Morris of the Powder 'MjK fome mid tune u drink,' and , Itivor county hoard of conn to coin-' Wnihli'Klon Is dr !" , uilsslonors. .NAVAI. ItCfltllTINti. -i. mii im: lltlll.INC ItilVI'l ti:i. i. Tin: vrnm. Lock your Spokes with rhn rt.,dtiiti uniii nearly o r. ,i. twenty uuuilics- later It was being cut up Into "takes" and distributed to 4 linotype openi- 'OIN Klghty-fhe proof readers, hastily summoned for duty, made necessary corrections. According to assistant Superinten dent Villlam McEvoy. 9i?ilrt pounds of print paper were used: while the type used alone weighed about 1300 pounds The local Nnvj Keerultlng office, at the t'lty Hall, has received a wire from KecrultiuK inspector that men enlisting In the Na may have their choice of either being sent to the Croat l.akos Station, near Chicago, or San Francisco. Tills Is a special Inducement, and besides the privi lege of the machinists school nt C. anil the Electrician i School at Hamilton Ithodes. Virginia. All brunches of the navy nre open for enlistment and the Navy upecl allied In Its machinists, electricians, wireless operators, tins Engine, me chanics, carpenters, musicians, joo man, blacksmiths, painters, cooks jtmd Bakers. J. K ADAMS LIFT CORNS OFF IT DOESN'T HURT jh;. i,is WORK FOR Till: HoP.M'WII-'i: With fingers ! Corns lift oat anJ costs only few cenu ' Liberty f Market ) f? L i(l The Most l'p-to-Date Market In Vour City. We are now located in the east side of the Klamath De partment Store and are open for inspection. Nice Juicy Cuts of Klamath County Steer For Your Sunday Dinner Beef Phone Vour Orders PHONE NO. 238 Pain? No, not one bit! Just drop a little Freezone on that touchy corn, ' Instantly It stops aching, then you . lift that bothersome corn right off. j Yes. ma Ic! Costs only a few cents. Try Freezone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your ( feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and callouses, without one article of pain, soreness or Irritation. Freezone Is the myster ious ether discovery of a Cincinnati genius - -Adv. 0 N STOMACH Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood department stores in which various linea are feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or other department which nets him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always been the filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a result our (tore has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional Block of prescription orugs, and our laboratory equip ment is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. - ' All ot your Prescrip tions aad Iler4f4e are important ad ''deserre the spedal care which we are iU to fire theaa. SOURS THE F SAYS EXCESS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID IS CAl'Si: OF IVDHiESTION uuRiwoftMianiafY .'. KLAMATH FALLS OKEC0H tnj? iMirtina &i avAAi m A well-known authority statea that stomac'i trouhl... and Indigestion are ( nearly always due to acidity acid Htoruach and r.i.i, as most folkH be- . lieve, from a lack of digestive Juicoj. He state Hint .n excess of hydroch- lorlc acid In the ctomach retards dl- Igestion and starin food fomentation J then our meals sour Jlke arbage In t a can, formln acrid finidp and gase which Infla" the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lumpy feeling In tho chest, we eruc tate sour food, belch gas, or have heartburn, flatulence, waterbrash or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all diges tive aids and instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast while It is i effervescing, and furthermore, to continue this for one week. While j relief follows the first dose, it is Im portant to neutralize the acidity, re move the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys the kid neys nnd thus promote a free flow of T" re digestive Juices, Jad Salts Is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lomon Juice, combined with llthla and sodium phosphate , Tills harmless suits Is used by .thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent re- No worn nti lkts to be n household drudge She wants time 'or ever so n.nnv other tli.ngs tb ; enoking and elo.i :i i? l.r !iv.. k ri r . 0l of coal or wool tmch of the old-time worH and dirt hnttu.Mcd A clehn. puro kerosene ki Hio Standard Oil Company's Pearl Oil. (satires the housewife a cool, clean lltchen the year round. Alt tho drttd lory of hnmltlng the heavy coal nnd nslirs is done away with and there In no dust nor dirt nor rtor I'ullkn coal or wood, kerosene lights nt the touch vf u match, so that there Is no waiting for the fire to come up. Pearl Oil is economical nod can be readily procured everywhere. It Is alwayn the suite high nunlltv whether It Is bought In r. gallon cans or In bulk, although there Is n sav- ing by buying in bulk. It Is eusy to handle and gives all the conenlerice of gas Doing refined and ro-roflned by a specini process the Impurities have been removed and It hums up Mean without smoke or odor.- " i Contrary to the opinion hold tv n grout man) people, the real value of gasoline Is not shown h the old fashioned gravity lest. Tills test tells nothing about the a,torilng ( and rombiistlve ttatlllns of the filet as has been pointed out bv the Nil tloiial llureaii of Standards nt Wash lugton Only the boiling point lost is really efficient Hulling points, of course, mean exactly what the words av That Is they are points on the tliormoitielor at which a liquid will begin to boll For n cold engine to start qtilrklv the gnsolluo must taporlte ni n low' temperature To got quick and smooth acceleration somewhat higher boiling points are necessary and for full power and long mileage the fuel must lime stilt higher boiling points High quality gaiollno must have a complete nnd continuous rbain of bolting points, ranging from the low to the high. Combustion starts with the lowest and flashes on thru the uniform chain from low to high with the result that there Is full-pouorod Instantaneous combustion. Eliminate one link and tho full power chain Is broken. The famous Hod ("rowu gasoline has the complete power chain. wx swsitoVisMiytaB m SlcfiiBeJ Squirt SP0KTITK Into the cracki of looe wheel and they nre locked tight agalnat danger and the annoyances of "" inuraM ana rattles. i Easy as elllnr. fifo need to remove the wheels or to Jack them up, thus saving the expense of taking the car to a repair . shop and laying tho car up for a day or to, Get a can from your dealer today. Have It ever hnndy. THK WOODTITK LAIIORATOKIKS MODESTO, CALIFORNIA v KANTMAH 4ufowash It l easy to wash a car with tins new preparation. Work Ilk rharm. tv. bt mr t RKMl i.llrtU lurltd sihl ! a nk , iwoolh bull. Cult imu ikI Main nd dual 41rn la tuntlr. . XW It Mt Komtk torTtl TOPlTfE Kmi tvr Up n4 u liuktsc Ilk nri br an ratlaal applUa- tin ot Torrrm h nrw ilfilntf tKal aWrprw(t and PTIIltlM llhr, panlaHFla atvl itwKalr. J'mI II on ftwr-' Mil In lull a Hi ll whlu. l)tl quUkl au4 , U c&t3w i 3,l'Tr' 4ai 111 : I Clear, Peachy Skin J Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Water ! "'-- "'W'B -"-"" X rast helps us look and reel ? , T elstan. mvmmi. Irmmh. .. ?! sparkling and vivacious merry, bright, alert -u good, clear skin and a natural,, healthv complexion are assured only by puro blood. If only, every man and woman could be In duced to adopt tho morning inside bath what a gratifying chango would take place. Instead of tho thousands of sick ly, anuemic looking men, women and' girls, with pasty or muddy complex' ions; Instead of tho multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" und pessimists, wo should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy-cheek' ed people everywhere. An inside bath Is bad by drinking each morning before breakfast a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's In' digestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten' Ing and freshening the entire allmen tary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bll lousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who nave a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drugstore, which will cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark able change In both health and appear ance awaiting those who practice in ternal sanitation. We must remember that Inside cleanliness is more Import ant than outside, because the skin does not absorb impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores In the thirty k3ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmx: -4bHssbbIHsssHbVbsHbSss Ask Your Boy When the fighting was thickest When the suffering was greatest Where was The Salvation Army Lassie? He'll say: "She was right on the job!" And now, back home in the byways and hidden places where misery always lives, where a mother needs a home, where men, women and childrn are on the down grade, she's still "RIGHT ON THE JOB." t- u ' tctfm IP 4-f. Help Her to Carry On n.i. .n-i 1 1 TM The Salvation Army Home Service Fund ' if ikir. on rsi ntx fc , JUHC M IU,JU jp I t ' siW mm-" . . a 4m-. t, '-J, I 4 ' l H icii onvkft ecrg..;, ) suits. Adv. a feet of bowels do. Adv. I