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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1919)
if' . I t Ik p .t IT i '! fe r4 , 4, U P fa ' l 1 p & i l --"&!, ' MI IV ? ci fiv iwni: my THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON riu, .n PLAY GIVEN JAPS PEEtfEO INODD WAY HEPllfl . FDR THE DEAF TREATY CLAUSE JULIA MARLOWE IS COMING BACK t, X1 t IM UTIO Is'' !!!' ,' . ... OIT M I'M !ltlllllUTIOS. ! AT VTIP riTY. .Illlli' II Tlio inn j. I"- $ inot i IVfii mil. ) or ilil t,i ! mmiIih mi iiBHlnm Mr Minn proliIMtUin and In favor of uxiMitpl luit t niul ili'" quarters percent beer tiuiu wuuline iirolilliltlnii mul in.. i,i mil .unciidmeut. II carried j. mil. lluu. owing to Illness. Mls 1V nu m,inW,,mll. nmjorlty after ,t Marlowe was compelled to retire, mnl , , ,,.,.. ..,...,.. i. i.v Seattle Delegate. i: II Sot Inn n mnl Julia MiiiUmo, who 1iim not appeared together In out five earn, w 111 return iii tin1 stage In October under the direction of Schubert It was In Juno. nn announcement was made lluit she would never net again Durlli,; IIiIm LOS ANGEt.KS. Juno 11 A silent, TOKIO (Couvspondenre of the IntiTlm. howvvei. she tins entltely if- j,,. grtM p.,,,rtrllv of the Travel. ' drama not motion nlcturvs dtent. Associated Press! .K.illui-o of tho covered and It remained only ques. ers LOW fOST (SunrMiititsI life !.) Hill livaltii II wuh mil ull.lVon lull Innnnun il.iliir-nf.ui in .n'lini III.. 111. tlOII Of tlllie lflllO tMttlClllU'N . . .. . ..... .... .-,-...... ....,...,,. .-w .,. ,vn...... ... ........ . because the "audience" was h.ud of traduction of nn 'equality of t aces" , mun.iKiTS would miim ho hearing, was held horo recently by i clause in the League of Nations ran- " "' rtllgius Mitiiein ami .viar- r ,. ,,. 4k riilliote . Smllli T Sothi'in anil Mar itNnniuilntlUKiit 'l' lia0 M'ttTti'il "TMOlfth NIrIiI. I'lllj ii nili'H ffi .im i i,t i uiinritiiirM mi' i"- ItttOllllcM Of ,'," ' "'IW'il I" I""' I"""'' "'" ,,,,r' j ... I.. fiH, i it'i.M iiiu iuiiT,iv' -iiiwiy ! 5 " ,l r,,,,r" m1 ,, r,. ilimi S'JIil.lMHl.niill of new . White Pelican Hotel Dining Room NOW OPEN FOR SEASON 1919 The Plncu to Entertain Your Friends Dinner Dancing PHONE NO. S AND MAKE RESERVATIONS stmfi'nls at a school of Hz-rtatHiiir. mint r.msiiil itt.i.n A Proposal by Context,- written thruout th nation anil liasr"1' Tmulnc of tln Shrew, ami hy the principal of the school a-ul letl to a i-ortoiiH sclf-exainlnatlon on''',!1l,'" '" h,,lr " ?c" 0""'r cnntnlnlnR man humonms situations the mirt of the Jaiuncse ihvihI.v The. Proihictlons are to he umlortitken for nas the title of tlin nlnv. iiumimiltittiit.iit . n!l th, tn.i .. Ml tthe Llproatlcrs. it Is e.xpl.Uml. often 'i" I'ocane ut first a dispatch camo I'lalneil. must liulco liv tln Muitext. of what from ParN announclnc tho mloptlon 'n,, . -..- ........ .. . ... . ..... .... irttKic. miit tne roies in 101a. kiiiii erlne ami Ophelia kIu Miss Marlowe her Krcutx'st opportunities anil wiliest raiiKe ' Kor the proilnctlon much Is niKiui ii.c i:v itnu iwiiiii. i'tr mm$$$4'4.mmmJ reason that, as Mr Sol hern ex '"thee three plas ombotlv romantic, the comic ami the ItlK by the.sontext. of what Js being said, for there are mam ' " racial elunse words that look alike or almost alike Japanese who frankly discussed the In tho Up moxentents in coner.itlon problem said the could not under-, In the lilav. the had churactpr. ti ttiiTiit mi uh:it sfiimlitrils J.inaii Midler, proposes thus "How would juilxod to he a first class power. If I'"''"-' " "", 3 "f '"'"' "! you like to have a soldier like me?" It were merely because Japan was 'In nil dress I r.R the female lead .a lip- stronK In a natal and nilliturt svnse. render, who translates his question- this was not flattering to the Japau "How would jou llko to hate a soda eso amour-propre, who would much xrilh me?" and smilingly replies "I'd I rather hate It based on standards uf love one." , clvllliatlon. capacity and culture As the play progresses, however. Vet small countries like Holland and she grasps from the context the sol-' Helglum. they said atv placed on a dler's meaning. The ''audience" xastoot,,,K equal with the nlted States, composed practically entirely of deaf France and England Jnutcs "We arc Keenly tlhapiiolntvil,", wrote the editor of one paper. ''It ' BE PRETTY, TURN 6 is as if we hud tumbled from a ury; Van's nVinno nnmlinr io fVio "IK" precipice. We must look Into) "- . ..- W .-.., .,-.. same as always 29S-W TltY ilt.Mi.)THKIt'S Ol.ll K.- veuiti: mx'ii'i: ami ri.ianri: or .N.Kir: Tl SjkvwBHP liW. Salmon, per lb .. . 30c SHRyijB i-' Fine Frcth Perch, per lb 20c Pf PALACE MARKET Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood department stores In which various lines are feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or diner department which nets him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always been the filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a result our store has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional tock of prescription drugs, and. our laboratory equip ment is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Prescrip tions and Tteclples are Important and deserve the. special care which xve arc able to give them. UrKJerwood-i PtwruwrY W-V KLAT1ATH TAU& OREGOMttSWI Engagement Rings Full cut, brilliant diamonds that have passed a rVi.l ex arulnatl.M .is to color anil quality, in Tlftauy mount ings of solid gold and plati num. Prices of dlamon-Ix are constantly-advancing. We could not duplicate our present stock at the prices we paid. Our original markings stand. Fine values when we fixed the prices, today tu?y &re really big bargains. $35, $100, $200 and Up Frank M. Upp JKWKIiER 511 Mala Ht. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. .(j our hearts .examine oursebes rigidly,' and set' why we are not permitted to ., , , ., . ., , , ., Almost oteoone knoiss that Sag Join the other nations of the- w jrll , - , . . . , . . ... r?1' n"1! Sulphur, properly rompoun.I on a footing of real equulitv l. ... , , ., ... : i-u, unties uni-t inc iiaiiirHt c.iiur Ann The Osaka Malnlchi said: "The! lustre to the hair when faded, gruv adoption of the American amend-; or streaked. Veant nito the only nny ment for the Monroe Doctrine and the i to get this mixture was to make It at failure of the racial amendment af-jhome. which Is mussy and trouble -fords a most glaring contrast as be-, Mime Novmlan. bv .uKlns at anj :ween a great success for the I'liiled diug ttore for "eth's Sage and Sul. phur Compound.' u wil, get a l.irg Klamath Packing Co. PHONE 68 524 Main Street 211 bottle of thts In moil old recipe. Im proved by the addition of other In ' gredlents. for about f.O cents States and a great failure for Japan " The Toklo .Wlii says "Part of the blame should be placed at the door of Ktfropean and American statesmen whoo political conslcence, i)oa't ilay Kr3y. Try . No one has been so besotted that they do not fan possibly tn" that jou darkened understand or respect the principle, jour hair, as It doc It o n iturjillj of justice and humanity except when, and evenly. You dampen a uponge 01 it is politically used to tho aihan-j,oft brmh with It, and draw thW tases u. TN GOURSESTO through your hair, taking one small traml at a time; by morning tho Krai hair disappears, and after another ap. plication or two, jour hair hecomoi beautifully dark, g'.osny nd attract he. T T N Says we can't help but look batter and feel better after an Inside bath. , PORTLAND, June 12 Summer (courses In the extension division of the University of Oregon will bo opened In Portland June 24 and con tinue until August 1, according to the announcement of plans made at 1 the Portland extension center Satur- To look one's best and feel one's best .day. All classes will be held at the 's t0 enjoy an Inside bath each morn- PMHE EIOT WMTEE ROSY COKfllPLDOON al Ing to flush from the stem the prcyl- B ous daj's waste, sour fermentations Central library, some each day mornln;:, afternoon or evening lons. and other twice weekly. lanU Poisonous toxins before It Is ab- The courses coer a wide ranee of h0rbeU ln, tlH bIooJ- """ a co. subjects and Include a study In eth- when It burns, leaves behind a certain leal revolution by Director Dr. eorgeamount of Incombuitlble material In Rebec. Dr. Duncan Spaeth of Pnnte- ,h,e frm "f Uc,' " fa dr'nk wniu vuLu uay icitvvn in me auinuo tary organs a certain amount of Indi gestible material, which If not eliminat ion will give two "Romanticism and : Xinetet nth Century lecture courses. Realism In Literature the and Life," H!. form fn virtu uml finlunnti uHIsri nra and "American and Kuropean n M.Wp, ,, , Mnn, ,h,h ,K """' (very ducts which ate Intended to suck Other courses will be- Music, W. , only nourishment to sustain the Jl. Iloyer; psychology, Dr Conklln; body. I French and Spanish, Dr. Gurd of. If you want to see tho glow of healthy Smith college; education, Dr. Hart; j bloom In our cheeks, to see your skin I history, D. Leebrick of tho L'nlver-tgct clearer and clearer, ou are told to slty of California; Kngllsh, Mrs. Par-jdrink cveiy morning upon arising, a sons; drawing and design, Miss Per- glass of hot water with a teaspoonful ry; public speaking. Mrs. Scnn, Dr. !f limestone phosphate In It, which Is a ,Torrey; biology, physics, Mr. Wilder, harmless means of washing the waste I Dr. K. T. Devlne, editor of "Bur-' material and toxins from the stomach, vey," will have charge of a special school In social service and will also give special lectures. Miss Eleanor Oilllspo of Cleveland will lectureon the social aspects of public nursing. Practical field work will ho d .... rder well known Instructors. Tho unl- jverslty office, 451courthouse, Main 357C, -will answer questions about the summer session, or will send summer school bulletins upon re- 1 quest. i The HALLMARK Store , I VOn SAIiK 6-room house on pavement, 11250, terms. Paving assessments paid, co-foot lot on pavement 1200, 60-foot lot on pavement $260. Lot in Industrial addition near fac tory and depot, $100 and up. Lota In Hot Springs Addition, $325 and up. The only restricted resl dence district In Klamath Falls, All on terms to suit the purchaser, Hee W. M. Monteriue TIIK KLAMATH DKVKLOPMKNT COMPANY 1.103 .Main Street. - 7-tt liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans lug, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary tract, before putting more food Into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or palld complex ion, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, other who are bothered with head aches, bilious spells, add stomachy or constipation should begin this phoe pbated hot water drinking, and arei as sured of very pronounced results la one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos pnati coats' yery little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, purines and freshens the skln?on.tne outside, so' hot water and limestone phosphate act on the Inside organs. We, must always consider that Internal sanitation Is vastly more important than outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the' blood, 'while the bowels pores do. Adr. IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used thorn ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modem method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county a't once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family, "oir MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find, work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on eone subject, , or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING I III m . -1 ft W .AM JU,