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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1919)
iE&ft -Euatmr Mtmlb OKI'K'IAI. V.XVt'M III' KMMATH COUNT' OI'FICfAIj papkr o KIjAM ATII FALLS Tliirtccnth Year No. 3.G45 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1919 Price, Five Ccats FRENCH FAVOR HDLDING CLOSE THE HONOR ROLL. FIRST PARTY OVER i I SAND CREEK ROAD 1 Tin. tuM imny fur iin .-m tn Sufficient time lias now elapsed to permit of a full in- ir.Muii crin..i ink.-i...i tin. Hunii ii.M-k ve.sti;ation of the proposed Honor Roll of Klamath timii iiihiIk hi., mil iniii Hiin.iiiy n County that is to be published by The Herald, and we feel iHU,fl11 i"'..i .if mi unit mii. it v ('ratified over the cordial reception with which it has Mi.iii.ry nf Hiurkiim. c.iiif . Mi. i....... m.jV(i ,v tho nilhlic! trcncrsillv. W lmvo not tried t It it K I'lllliiiui mill Nellie Conrad of . t ,. ' . r it.. T..t..r..i . .. ,i,. ,, ,, .,.,....,.... i .. i" crown uiu mewuiuuuii ni we imuuuai nuLUhsuiy iui ,r to uiiiiiu iui. ...hi i.iiir .mi,... f this book until we were sure the people would be satisfied ,itii rim of tin. ink... inukiin: Hi t with it. Now we know that it is what the people want, of iho iiuimic m..r in.. miio Tim aiitl from now on we are going to bend all of our energies u.m.' Romieit for Mandate """"' l,h "m" f""' ,l",', "" ""' '"v"' to gathering in the photograph of every one in Klamath Hum rtcqucn ior mniiuaic (, , r( ((f h (. , i "... i. :.i'..t. :.! u ...: : e it.- , , I, UUUIIU WIIU WtlB lUUIIULICll 'Willi UII W1IIIIIIIL! UJ. UIU Will T0 1 ST TERWIS for Colonics Refined urn jour- . ,, .. . . . . ...,.. ..i : lu; u:n..:.t .,k iver IIiIh mud ul iI.Ih ..... i. """ .- Wlrtb ,v "a lva l""l' !. '" " mow. u-a. ,juu- tl.mper littr II In drifted. nov onn of llu. pl(tlir)'H.Ui. llllliK-i ' ,inni.i.. mi.i ..,irii ,.! there in hi-, ine one thing that we wish to impress on the people of iwiiH Kr.-iii nwiiry to i.o wiir the county is this: There must not be missinir from this I M TO M AWAY ,i FF1GM THIS CITY i ,B,lrliii O.lilplnllt of III"' llnmlMir nf Their Trim IMliell Agree In Slop Klllli'K '. ho HlimiU Mtiimi.ii' I.iIki Admit Untitle Had Trent) 'oi) Some Time. REPLY BE READY SOON 1 1... iho firm to i.r.nk lit., (u.ii to tii. )00k the picture or record of one single boy who joined ,. rim of il... lux.. the cojonj Wh(jn we jook intQ th(j future wh t. ef 1'i.Ai.NTiris i.em: hiit. "ices the glamor and glory now so apparent on eveiy L ' ' hand, when the war will be a part of the history of the in tin. iii mm .,f Dm Trmtx muii time, as is our great civil war, we want this book to stand! limit ..rH m ii wiiiiipii-r. which as a monument to the men who inspired it and m whose w., tri...i in ii.,, ro.trt of i) lono. jt js jejng published. We don't want its pages "' " ,.... 'I turned by the hand of one who seeks in vain for his record I'AltIS Jtmo It III tli r.'i qrm-nr. U h been I upon by """'" -rvlnm. .1... iMendant w.. . . j', ,y t r(,mem')(i Ik. Vre Conference h.-n.t to r- ""'', ,"r,llrt ,"1'1 ' "" "f Uiu. OI ,US "U1U Wt IllUSil ILIIlLiniJL . ,.,., !..r,.,,i r-.t.r.t Mr ., .,,.,. !""" ""' '" l"'""""" l.'ch .We 0WC l t0 them l? St'G !itr (r tli ftirntcr (l.'iiiiiui rolonl.-i. 4lrl.'i. l)li"Kilrli liy AKnorluti'il JVrin llo.. l offlrlully .'xpri'MKi'.l (Ma)' Dint n ilcolalott lll t.oit ln ifjthi-il oil III" reply of tin. Alll.m lo Or ma in KrJiiC' in l. I to h MlaiiilliiK out ljmi tin. Ilillii.'.ilnl.. nf Crmmi) to th Iimikui' It U liull ' td It. I'ri'nrh rlrclcit I lint lli" f.vui ilUN trtity tll l l.'im lluin linn fan Rrncinll) i'XImii.'iI Thf AtiKirimi ('hnnri.llor. Kurt ItfontT )m fii.ttt it loiii.r to tlic (Bin r..tHit(lin tOlllplltllllltK of til.' jnliii. u tit. inruiN knt to Aim-irli the hit .3t l Ktllp llOHtllltlfH IlKllllmt WILL ROUTE 1 KLAMATH FALLS MRS. HARDENBROOK ANSWERS LAST CALL Mm. Snrali Unnlfithrook, wlfo of A llardcnlirook, who for many years haft resided In ttiln rlty, piuutrd away at tho family home al tun o'clock Lint nlKht. Mm. Hardonl.rook had lieon a Krcat ituffomr tor many months, About throe mnntlm n(;o nhc wont to Oakland for treatment but did not Rain any permanent relief, ho return ml' to. horhom-here about two two monttiH ago and hint heen . confined (o her bed Blnce that time. 'Secretary of Local Mm. Ilanlenlirook wax horn In Ot toa, Canada .r8 yearn axo. ThoHe nurvlvliiR liCMldex ber husband are Mm. Merle llounton. Ityron and Kvenitt Ilardenbrook. of this city and two daughters, Mrs. Kllzabcth Ftan dolph and Mrs. Nell Oiborne of Iowa. .Mm. OHhorne has been here for some time carlne for her mother In her last Illness. The funeral services will bo held at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Whitlock'a under taking parlors and will be under the auspices of the Hebecuh Lodge. SPEAKER COMES r they are our boys -and that the record of their service is properly preserved Do not let another day pass without bringing or send ing to the headquarters of the Honor Roll the picture and necessary information. Join with us in making this book one that will be the pride of the country. Jackson county has raised a monument to her sons. Thereon will be in- scribed on golden plates their names and their records. J i'ki:imk.itio.s hkivg mauk to1 it.iisi: i-tm) rou i..ssiks! who c;.vk ikil(;iimts to! Tin: iiovs ix thk thkxchi:s FOR S. A. DRIVE Uirioa Ad vert lies in City Papers SURPLUS OF LA.KOit ..-ert Iurpoc of the Advert lAemrafc Ix to Nottfr laboring Mm tt Ex-H-ct Iflltnewt If They Come V KlamalKiFalN I'lenty ofUrk. h ItciMtrt-Krom Kactorlci. refill K'l.iii'itli f'rnntx. tin IneoV j Are we going to hand down to posterity something that j wioMeiui.i: xs- will be incomplete? ! s.m iation uiu. ti its tiiii: Klamath County has never failed and we do not believe1 ,.,,:..v,:,','.1.:. ''0,'.",STS that she will fail now. To the brave little women of the 1. l.l 1 . .1 i e ii v .,i ,. . I " CUUIU.V, WHO lUUUreU SO IlOOl.V IOr Hie OOyS, Will iail mUCll to Jum; no. there Is to he conducted oi the work connected with the secunnc ot the necessarvi 'nvo to ruitc money for mis sai- I data, but it will be a labor of love. It will be a work, the mi ot the travel from YeiiowMone , creation of which will bViiiir a thrill of nridp. to thf hpnrts - ' o x "" -- --" mitt 'i ins Mini 'in is. itv m i:. s .s Heginnlug June 22 and continuing vatlon Army. It Is to be under tho auspices of the Henovolent and 1'ro teitlvv Order of Klks. Yhii tact in Itself Is sufficient to Justify the . ) i v mil : iiiivi. :iiin iiukitiii rniu "".... i.i l.i:....: i r....4i l ii.t .. mi "'" " '" H I'allH ncuirillllK to advices Just r... UHUlf pUUIICilliUM itllU WB lUlLHUr KI1UW LI1UL UU Will SU.V another reason. Tho bojs back from ii,.B K.. ii.. fure.Ku ..,i..i.t,r of NllUotlltJ ,.ark hici. heretofore h..H,of evervone whose efforts are interwoven with its yvo&uc mi ,:;;irrh I", .. ;M"r ".T V"1 ?""""", !;,"1S,;,,,n,1 w - Ve know that the Honor Roll will be a most val- nir. ii i rentier i leinetireiiii itKt i this year be routed thru Miimatli i . , , ,. . p .. . ., ... CjIii No;ils reived by J A (lor.lon from Iho Oil- SO When yOU See it Koruln Suite Atitoiuoblli. association Thetv Is no lietter tourist organiza tion In the world Hum the California asMirliitlon Trained Ii) eatM of ex perleiirn In dealing with tourist trav el, l In In a belter position than liny to dhert tin. stream of Il Is thought thul U bMliica the latter for musing the Went severe (..iilllig along the fron tier WAHIIINtJTO.N. June II -Kllltil itoot iDliiniiirll)' uppeiirvd befnn the Snte KorelKli relations committee tw mm stuled thai he hail had forj,r,n w.reer II chouses and Its Mifml w.eks n iopy of the l'ure,,,rM,)n n,n, n,t Mreani through ItMly gheti him by II II llitvliliim (,B ,.t, teaiis that Kliiniath Kails ef the Morgan banking house U, me Its first taste of the real Senator l.odgo said that n copy of!fw of tourists In Its history Men i Iho trvuty that ho had noon WM , of experience who hae been here till W 1 1 E T STREET ihown to him by Senator Hoot Davidson then took the stand mill l.l Hint he brought the treaty to Amerlrn, but Hint It had never been by any matt except hlinself and knutur Hoot l" rlaltll lliat the gtealest asset or tills count I y Is Its scenic attractions. 'Iltey, can be sold and resold, and et re-i uiitln the property of the county. Kvery tourist that conies hem leaves' some ieiillh ira buys L I N Mii.i. i.mmi:ih.ti:i,v itr.Moiiix Tin: hi:coM i'i.ntu into t)i' iH'i: M irr.s main s t ii i: i: t I'ltornrrv in ih:m.m. Daring the past few nloiitlin llm 'llemanii for Main Htreel piopeity has Wn memllly Incieahliig. and many I'urcluihes liuvo been mado. Most of hi'st) could not bo published, for tho fMon that thiiBU tonmjctetl with "i tronsiictlons rofiiHetl to furnish rll necessary Information. It Is ono f the pecullnrltloH of litany of tho ?al t'statti deals that havo been mailu ' tho city this your, not .only on Wln Btiuet, hut ulsowhoro, that Jery effort has been put forUt to ,"fi. uiu transactions from the pun lie. ' The latest unto of Main fltroet prop- Mty- has uHt been consumftlod bo Iwen J, K, SwunHon and II. V. Shop le'. In tho purchaso hy h former of the i.amh ImlltllnK. Thl utruo l0'e Is locatoil lit 819 Mttln Mtroot, ! Is occupied by tho Gun 8toro mill J119 J. K. HwaiiBon" harbor Hhoj), Tlio ""Hillng wits orocletl u fow yonrH tig" . A. Lamb of Agnow, Calif., and later purchtiBod by II, F. Bhop '"1 Tho Docontl floor hn novor "n (InlRhoil. Already Mr. Hwnn on hiH tirratiKod for tho finishing of l floor, which wlii uu illvltletl Into l wiiiiuotllouH office rooms, ' (iit.ii:cri(i I'ltorutTV ow.i:its ru.i: w.ivi:u with thk 'itv corNciii .ma voit is nit. ni:m:i Tn skin t'nvntAtr iSTREETIRK DriMPDiicurn III 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il' " i i to tho trenches furnish It. Find a boy i who served in France who has no word of praise foi the Salvation Army If you can. You can't find him. I lie docs not exist. That Is why the 'drlvo for the Salvation Army will be 'a success, not only In Klamath coun- TTV roiwrn. is makim; iikad wav Tiucr thk i c i: i t.ipk si'ititni'Nmxc; Tin: i.mi-imivi:- , mi:.t OP THK STHKr.TS lllg strltles were taken by tho coun cil this nek in the matter of getting I moro street paving under way. Al- All of the obstacles to the Improve ment of (.rant street have been m- .. . i ... , i,...'iiii,i.iil iiml .tin fitiiir.!!1. fnr rim U'ltrt. u is limn to to.piess .... .,... m unmI(e(, re(, ,apo ,ln8 t(, b0 Mtlllo of tills traiel 'loutlsis am, was sigiie.i up wan me j. ii tumuii looked upon by many as something Construction comimny yestelday. This of a nuisance So was the automo-: conies as a lesull of the filing with bile a few years ago, but the men tiie city council Monday night ot :i who fought hardest against (he gas unher to the objection entereil by j uagou nio Its strongesl boosters to- interested property ownem Tho ilii I lie saiitn win uu iihv in iim cause or llui olijecuon was mo t.eiieii., ..... t louilst a few yeais hence, and the time Is at baud now when the Peo ple of Klamath should adjust them selves to the change that Is coming. Tourists will mean millions of wealth to the county, and the man who takoH tlmo by tho forelock Is the limn who will reap tho Imrvrit, for he will gather them In first. 11(11,1) ASM Al, MCirn.Ml dl' Tin: MiniAitv ri.rit iiiiuay. Tho annual meeting of the Worn nn'M Library Club will bo hold Frl duy afternoon In tho club rooms nt 2:80. This Is tho last regular eluh mooting of the year and offlcors for tho coming your will bo clectort, Thoro wus u largo amount of scrnp plocos loft from tho garments tindo hy thfi local lied Cross chapter and In ordor to utilize theso schapi. tho club will' mnKo tlteiti Into rag rugs, which will ho sold and tho rotuins glvon to tho. Hod Cross. At tho mooting Friday ouch mem ber Ih nHkod to bring a guest, and all urn requested to bring thiuble and noodlo to work on those Mtgs. Tea will ho Borvotl and It Is hoped that thoro will ho n largo attendance. m !ANKBY.POO!.i:. WllltiH.l'unkoy and MIbb Loin I'oolo, both from Lorollu wore murrled yes tonlny nftornoun hy Justice of tho I'enco Chupmnn In his offlco In the White building. unwound to comply with all of the restrictions laid down by tho state law, anil this has resulted In post poning tho improvements far beyond j tho time anticipated by tho property ownors. It was supposed by home tlmt nil thnt v:w l,,et's.ilra In ir.t n ,. ,,o cost of , tho Improvement 8ln,ot I)ine( W18 , crcunt a pcU. would be greater than tho uilui, f ,,,, rosn, u , tlu. eoimcll. and. the property. Tito original plans call-1 k Ws (U n (t , oil tor tho paving of tho street with , ()K H,ow proceSi) requiring many l)lt. tTlAIUACS T. W1IKK1.KU olletl macadam for a width of 24 feet , nubllcatlons. surveys, notice posting j Who Will Aildro tlio Teoplo or Tliih n ml tlio placing of curbs. A eom-ind bond selling. That Is why all of; flty Next Kriilay Night. promise was reached between tliotu j tUa work should .have been started who favored tho Improvement and last winter to insure that the work those opposing It, thereby the width will bo clone before tho coming hens. of the paving Is reduced to 1C feet on of tho stormy weather and muddy nnd tho curbs eliminated. As a re sult of this ngreotnont, the wnfver was signed nnd filed, nnd tho council Immediately directed tlio mayor to ign tho eontrnct, which has been held up for about n month. Tho Improvement of this street with oil mncntlnm will bo ono of tho most satisfying plecos of street work that will be dono this year, for the reason thnt It Is tho thoroughfare thnt loads to the cometory. During tho fall, wlntor nnd spring It was al most Impassible" m FAUKWKMj SUl'I'KK. An Informal stippor wan served nt 338 10th Stroot Monday night to the girl frlonds of Miss Nelllo F.n Vlght, the occasion being tho depar ture ot Miss EilrlglU, who goes to Albortn Canada, where sho will re main for six months. Miss Knrlght has a host of young friends here, who bid her bon voyage .and look forward for hor return six months hence. streets. Another batch of assessments were ndopted by tho council, covering the following streets: Crescent, Can by and Hast streots. IMno stroot, from Third street to l'nyno Alloy and Payne Alley from IMno to Main. l'lno stroot from Third to eighth, Including cross streets from l'lno to Main street. Spring street. l'ollce Judgo Loavltt. was directed by tho council to prepare for publi cation the necessary notices calling for bids for tho Improvement ot tho following stroets: Klghth street, Including Jefferson nnd Lincoln from Klghth to Ninth, Tenth stroot, from Main to Pros pect; and High stroct from Ninth to Blovanth, this being n part ot tho Tenth street Improvement. Lincoln street from Ninth to Eleventh, s Ksplunade, which will Include the Improvement ot Pacific Terrace and Portland street. ty, but thruout tho United States. Those who will contribute will teel honoted tor tho privilege. Next Friday night Or. Charles T. Wheeter, u speaker of compelling power, will be hero for the purpose ot addressing the people ot the city about this drivu. Ho conies at tho urgent request of the local lodgo of Klks. Ho will tell of tho work dono by the Salvation Army. Uo will tell tho "why" Qt tho drive. HUM) TO CKLKHllATN KOUUTH OK JUI.V. HKNU, Oro Juno 11. The biggest Fourth of July celebration .ever held in central Oregou will bo stuged In llond this year, was tho unanimous decision reached by the Bend Com mercial club, As the result, of sugges tions mode by a. number ot speakers It is.prqbable tho celebration will be confined to ono day and that all the events which would ordinarily be scattered over two days will bo pack ed Into halt tho time. Two features which have already been tentatively arranged are a smok er and dance to be given on the 4th. There lias been appearing tn tho. large dailies of Portland and San Francisco notices signed by A. M. Crystal of this city, as secretary oS the Mlllmun's and Boxmaker's union, urging laboring men to remain away from this city and asking them to write to the local union before coming Here. The notices in ques tion are as follows "Boxmakers and " Millmen Stay away trum Klamath Falls, Or., mea locked out at Hwauna Bor Company. A. M. Crystal, spc. Millmen and Box makers, Local, No. 17C4, box 375. Klamath Falls, Or" When Mr. Crystal's attention was called to the above notice he stated" that that was not the notice be sent out for publication. Following Is the notice lie states he sent out and which he. says is now- runntng In tho Oregerrian: "Workingmen intending to come to Klamath Falls, Oregon, seeking employment, will do well to write to the secretary of the Millmen's and Boxmnkers' I'nlon Xo. 1764. Post office box 375. for Information. At the present time-there are Idle men; here-." "What is the Idea back of this ad vertisement. Mr. Crystal, was ask ed by. a representative or the Her ald. "The reasoir for It," he replied. "Is that fifteen or eighteen ot us were locked out of tho Kwauna Box factory became we joined" the union. Wo have been unablo to get work since. That is-why there-are Idle men here." When the matter was brought to the uttentlon of C. II. Daggett, of the Kwauna Birr company, he stated that I they had all the men they needed at this time; but refused to make any comment on the advertisement In I questioir. I Inquiry was made at the other fao , tories. without reference to the ob ject iirvlew, wus made as to the con dition of the lnbor supply, and In each Instance the answer was that thej were working full handed. Near ly nil of them, however, stated that there was always a largo number of melt coming and going and that there. was always u good chance for good, reliable, nwii getting work, especi ally If they were permanent. At this season of the year there is generally a surplus of labor, but this condition lasts only until aboufr. July 4. After that date haylmt starts and thoro fs always a big de mand for labor, and this will be par ticularly true this year. In fact tho de mand for toxin labor has at no tlmo this year been met, and when'haylng starts there is sure to be a big short age. A large number of the men In tho mills will bo drawn to the hay fields, naturally making a shortage In tho mills. This condition has exit ed hero every year, and It will un doubtedly exist In a moro aggravated form this year. In view of the big de mand that Is coming for laborers for road and street work. wiMiuu TKiiPonn HACK FROM KHAXCIC Wilbur Telford, who has been In tho service since the early months of tho war with the 20th Knglneers. haa returned to Klamath Falls nnd Is as delighted to get home as hts many friends aro to see him back Previous to his entrance Into the service he was Identified as a,part uer In the Telford ,Wothei Qaras Tf V on West Main Streetv