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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1919)
MONDAY, MAY IB, Itll fflLTIESFOB USING STILLS TO BE HEAVY THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK HKVm taken RESOLUTION. nulillnhpil nK by Charter provided. , HE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, PPOFFqqTnWAl PABIIQ Hint., if rirnnn ('.niilv nt Vl.n.ll. ' .1. .... .., ...--.. -.. ''RUr WBIUNrtl tAKUA BHIIMI Under nilvlsollinnl nn.l . H...II I........ ... "" " I k ' I, ,tos ,' r";,Ev ' TIY,CH,r ,K"""",ur' W"- to State of OreKon, County of Klamath, 'That h.I.I plans, specifications ami 1113 IT IlKltKIIY IlKHoivi'ii Th. "PW,lll'l,,,n of. ,ho Common Council City of Klamath Falls-SB . estimates for tho Improvement of will lilnim HMrlfK ' A ' -'"Vltt, I'ollco Ju.luo ol ,e said portion of Esplanade mites r IIh I , ,. r .v'.'.?" .. ''V,', ':M, J J.B',1.?"J:ln., A"rM ,ft,.B' """' '.,"in"' ,.,l".n"' "f K!B"!" "?'."' "trc-, ,.()r,l Btrceli .and IMirlloiiH of 7th it tut Prospect Htr- ..., nun nut hiiiiiii urn hontby up- Mich streol I'llMf'll .....I, Mi: IT KIKTIIIIU RESOLVED, Thai llin (-minium Council hoioby ili'Pliin-H llii Intention to linnnivi. huIiI l tii u f Uio Imiiilnolii'o of llii' ((lii.lllli"i "r iiiilliiiiiil prohibition. It Is tellft l Hi"1 "II P'-rnuim ttiiiiiiifnriiir inr m'llii'f ir iimIiik stills hIiuiiIiI ho (oily nib ""I (,f ''"'lr luil'lllly Wider ll,f i',.il in! law Vri'iirillliKly the fill )owin. iii 'iiciii nf tlin laws ichillni; to tliii ii,,ii' ' '""I 'I'" I" it n 1 1 lt fur their M'll""1111 I""1 'n''" IhiiiimI liy tin' fo!l"cllim nf Internal Itoveimo. t iiiIit I'l'li'tnl Iiims iiinl rKUlii tlon niiiiiufniturois of stills are ro- qylri'll In l" "" lltllllllll Upl'i'llll lll o( .11 imi iiinl in mlilltloii thorittu j;u on fur ouch "till or worm for ills- tlllltiK null'' I" (belli (f jny Hi ilx or worms ititnptil to t tic frmlurlli'ii of distilled spirits for comiiuT' ill it boveriiKo purposes nri prriuineil In In Intended for such Use, mil In iniini'iUi'tiiit lln iiiiintifiii'turii thrrrof involves tin' iiiimtl fitrt n rtir In (HCilil ll'lbllltleS IIH llllllMI Tlin iiiiitiiifiirluror of ii m mi III. Iioll tr, or m ki I In Ihi used fur the pur poic of IIhI I tl I ii k must, before lb" time In renin, oil from the place of tctnulni-tiiri' nollf) In M-rlllni; t tic Collector nf lln district liy whom It In to t used unit fit ciipitclly All "If Hi M't up, whether lniiniil tor ui' or mil, must bo registered IVnnlly fur failure In roKlstor Mb lit forfeiture tiiKoihur with all per onl prupiTl) In I tin poNsiiir ciiitoil) of the offender. Tim person bor ilut) It In to ri'RlKllT HUClt hi 111 lor failure to iln no. In subject to a it-mlly nf f .on on anil a firm of not lM limn lloiion nr mom than $1. (00 anil Imprisonment of not Icnn thin I iiiontti or more tliuii 2 voir A person Mho make n manh fit for diillllatloii lit In-Ill lo tin a distiller. tra tho hi dues not vaptirlru or con tain the spirit A manh fit for ills tllUtlon In n fiTiiii'iiU'd h.'fr In whlrh alcohol l Ki'nnratnl anil from which inch alcohol may tin rntmn-d or n- nlr-ii ini'iiiNivf, I.lm tiln hi from 8th Blri-i'i I'lmli'rly to Dili kIhti imd Jof fciHon ki i ! from Mh I'lmtcrly lo 'Ifll ulrm I lit, I iltl l,i ir I ,. I ,.....,.. I...... porlliniH of 7lli Pionnort ,1 .l,.ffr. , i... ,' i i ,...7... . . . . . . ."' miiii ul.,,.1 i. t . . """"I iiihiiih uini'll nillllfl ... . .,,.,.,, , .i.ruriiiiiiri, wild Uio umlrr iiiIvIhi-iiii-iiI mid ni.,.1 I'lunn, Ml..lMni'llllOI)M llllll ftftl- pIllllH. npi'l Ifll atlollH tiiiiti'H mild lintiriivi'iiiMiil In i'imiuUi iii .,, i-r .. i,.-. . , . . . . : , . ,,,., Npcpirii'iitlnim mill I'HtlmatcH of tho do licn-hy rortlfy that Mm foreKulne I'nclfle Ti-rracc hn, and the name aro i'ohI of Imprevini: Mh Hlri-cl from Ih ii duly rnrolli'd cimy of t n",iIiit,o!i hi.n.liv nnnrnvml nmt iinrllnTly lo ProHpoct ndopi"d by the Cotiimon ( oi.i.c.l on he it KlMtTHKIl ItKSOLVEI), tint (.Hi day or Mny, ln, tl i hiring That thu Common Council h'Tt-hy dc ItH liiliTilloll In Init.ri.. I noli rtiin.H Ilx Inli.fil Inn lo ImnioV" nald filidliu; iild mid I'lilliniiti'H .Mi-w.t (roin !ith HI root nit'orly tr Jllli "-l-cri nrliiliu; nl"-u' iloni '' ih- I' f IrrlKiitlim and rlul t or w "V iiiitiiirtonant Innrto .in rl atin'ovlni' tho jilanH. i- iclfl 'ii' ' I (."Hii'nKt of roil fl'.l'iiilt hrlnj'liiK oil Id niroi'lH to Uio ohIiiIiIIhIi- t: it luiitEliy KKHOI.VI',!). That "''l ''' "ln ('"' i:Kl"T il Kind tnlil Hlti-fin ITIlttll llllll Mlllllli: Hlllll Htrt'OtH Wllllll rrudi'd Tim Kriidn of huIiI HtroolH to ho i"i fool rrnm hlilo ditch to hIiIo iliith Hnlil ImproMMiiout to hitvi, an fiuimiiti'il toiiMl of $7,11.12 00, mid, in: it rruTiimt iiehouvud, ny tho Ciimiiiou Council thiil Hid nron- onv iicriunnor uli ii'i'i in wiiiiii: i:rai iii: hh il tilnm i.i,,.ii,,,,u .,.i .., to i'iiimI mid i, imiiIi.h ii. ni... I..,..,... i .t... mild pnrtlniiM of Mh. Mmolu and Jorfornou Htroi'lH ho mid tin- huiiii uro horohy iipprmod. mid, in: rr riiniinii eiisoi.ved, tluil tin- Common Council horohy do rlitroa II h Intuition to lmproo hhIiI poilloiiH of Mh, Mnrnlii mid Joffer non ktri'otH. In ai'iorilnncu with tint I'Htl- lou- y l'l l"t , II' I'-T I'ollci) I i,l 'o iloHCrlhoil ho iiml I. .....I.. ... .,....!... 1 . . .... . . . ...rr.., in .lo.iuroii in no oouonuioii ny t.nlil plmm. NporiflcntluiiN mid " Hlllll prOpilHOll llllPrOM-IIIOIlt. Ill lllllll'H Kl.lI l.,,i,r.,..., HIH! or pHVlllK Hlllll portlOIIM Of Hlllll HtroriK with oil macadam pavement at mi oHllmatod cont. Includlm; ro- l.otH :t.-f. and ft of lllock r.H; l.otn S-t-f. mid i; of lllock M; i.oih ,-i mill r. of lllock 6i, N'leli- mom nldo walkn. (iirhltu: and trr.ul- vlpomont mid flndlne raid olHAddlllon lo Ihu City of Klamath Iiik (,r $22,(llU(iO; hltullthlc pave- Hpo iricatloiiB and eHttmattH to hu ' "."" mi'in al the oHtlmated cont, Includ- Hatlnfartory, Loin l-J-'J and 10 and 131-4 of I.(iIh Iiik cement nldo walkn, curlilnK and UK IT HEUEIIY UKSOLVEI), That .1 iiiiiI K of lllock r.; KriulliiK, of (Za.GSiiOO, or concrete H"ld plaim, HpoclflcatlonH and entl- l.oln 1-2-1I and 10 and II". of Lot 11 tii.n.mmil m tin, ,.y.ii,.,i ,..,1 .., miii'i fo rllm Itniirovemcnt of 10th cludlliK cement nldo walkH, curhlnK at reel from Main Htreet northerly to and KrailliiK, of $2r.,176 00. Said I'ronpecl Htreet and HlKh Btreet from Improvemenln In tdlher event to In- 9th Htreet eaHterly to 11th htreet, In clude Krailliii;, rollliiK and curlilnK. cludlni; InternectlonH, he and the Hald paveineul to hit 25 feet wide, name are hereby approved, and, with Hide wulkH 4 feet wide on both UK IT KL'ltTHEIt RESOLVED, City of nlde ho fnalil portloitH of 8th, Lin- That the Common Council hereby de- coln and JofferHon Hlreeln and nnrk- clare Hh Intentlo nto Improve nald portlonn of KHplaiiaile and I'ortland HtcetH and I'aclflc T"rrnc, In ac eorilaneo with the Bald plans, Hpocl flcatlonH and oHtlmaUK Hal J Irn proM'inentH lo connlKt of paving nald portlotiH of nald HtreetH with hltu llthlc pavement at an oHtlmated cont, Includlm,' roncreto curhlnK and Krad ItiK of $01,271 00, oil macadam pave ment at a ncHtlmatcd tout. Including concrete (urhlni; and grading, of t.l 1i'i. or concr'rfe pavement at an I'Htlmated coil. Including concrete curbliiK and cradlng, of $fi0.8.r7 00 nd iiiiprovemcnt In either event to rolling, curbing and nnvement to be 40 MaltiHtreet northerly to I'roHpect ft m width between the northerly Htrie!, and Illlth Htreet from flth n(. ( wall street and the northerly Htreet eaHterly to 11th Htreet, In- nm. ,lf spring street and 2T, feet In cludlnK InternectlonH, and the Coun- w,th between the northerly lln" of ell halm; taken the name under ad- spring Htreet to I'aclflc Terrace and piaiin, pncifir Terrace from Huro.i I'treet HlgliCHt caih prlcca paid for fine ORIXiON INDIAN I'll'KM AND OTHER RKMCH ToHtolllcc Hox 266 KLAMATH KAL1.H. ORE. SnnS'NS 'I HE I'AKIHIAN HKAUTV HIIOP The lliirlier .Metl.o.l of Scalp Treatment and Sbatnpoo- Ing Facial Treatment, Manicuring ,H) Main Ht. I'luino R00 n anSnnpFS RCHOLiniOX. The ftv Kiiglneor. purHiiant to H.'inliitloii of the Common Council heretofore udopted. having on the dnv of May, 1918, filed plans. Hpoclflffiiloim an iiestunaieg 01 mo includ.. grading cost or Improving 101 11 Htreet rrom ,irlitiai:o Said I--X-M-M-I-X-XX-I-X-M M-K-VX'. ii. c. schi,i:i:i' k.tiii:iim: hciilkkf I'll Lilians mill HurgeinH Office, White lllclg. 3 mid S of lllock It: I.11IM I 2-9 mid 10 and EH, of Lot 8, block .14; 'Ih.t Iraiigiilar lot lying between (Irani. 7th ami l'ri)!i)o''t Hlreet. and Loin 1-2 3--7-S-9 and 10 of lllock .12. I I ml Addition to the Klamath FiiIIh, Oregon And Hint nald properly above, du- Ing strip leveled throughout entire portions of 10th street and High northerly to I'ortland stre-t ,.nd I'ortland street from Paclf'; IVrracj easterly to the eastern houudarv of the City of Klamath Falls; Intersec tions to be full wld'h, and, HE IT FURTHER RESOM ED, by the Common Council that the property hereinafter .lesorlliocl be and hen by Is declared to I13 benefitted, to-wlf All of the property embricv. In the following described timet Improve ment District, to-wlt: Iteglnnlng at the Inte'.-wtiou or DR. G. A. MASSEY HucrctMir to Dr. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. V. Illdg Ortlce phone HflJ Itin I'lione WIM Hcrlliod hu and hereby In declared to distance of said Improvement, ex- street In accordance wit hsald plans, i.Vpianade and Wall ,nr"-U In the DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE IIUILDING 1'HONE .'185 AAMAAAMMWWVWWVVWWVVWVVM bo iisH.'sned for I ho uxnmiKU of nul.l relit at IntorhcctlniiM ut.i.r.. .nia siieclflcatlons and estimates. Said ci.v f itinm.t!. rnlt- rir.-er.n: ....l.r.M fiiieiit, mill UK IT FIRTIIER RESOLVED .....i .... Hum,, wic -nu nay or June, inn uiiiiiiion 1 ouucii that the prop 1919. at tho hour of 8 o'rlork p. tii , orty hereinafter described bo and al Mh Council Chamber at tho Cltv hereby in declared 10 bit licn.-flit,,.! Fulls, Oregon, he lo-wir Lotn Hull In Klamnth fixed an Mid Mine and place for the Hearing or objection und remou nt rum-en iignlnsl the sulci proposed impnivemeul and the Police Judge bo. and hereby Is. directed to cause notice of sard hearing to be publish ed ui by Charter provide. pavemeii Ms to he full width, and. Improvements to consist of paving thence easterly along the -'enter line HE IT Fl'RTHER RESOLVED hv Hald portions of said Htreet with oil nf Wall street to the vi'it'nvost point macacium pavement, ai u nesiiinuiuu or corner of Lot 8. IllO"k 6 or Scc cost. Including cemen tslde walks, on,j not springs Ailillli"n to Klamath concrete curbing and grading, of Falls, Oregon; them" northe.icterly t.r,,429 00; or concrete pavement at between Lots 1. 2 ind S and Lots 9 Hint. of Oregon. County of Klumcth, 1 uy 01 Kiummn Fulls- ns. 1. 2 Loin .1, 4. Lots .1, 4, Lots 1, 2 LotH 1, 2, !; Lots 1, 2 Lots 1, 2. Lots I, 2 , 7 und S. lllock 42; & and C, lllock 43; &. 6. 7 and 8, lllock S unci 8 .lllock 53: an entlmated cont Including cement to 20, inclusive, of Mid Hlock 6 walks, concrete curbing and grading, to the center line )f Spring Mreei: of $40,360.00; or bltullthlc pave- thence easterly between Lots 2 and ment at an estimated cost, including - nincV fin nnrt lit S mid 9. block 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8, block cement side walks, concrete curbing 54 of sal ,ini)0ve ttddltloi, to the ana grauing. 01 o,uc.uu. aaiu im- center line of Mlchl?aa avenue, at nrovement In either event to Include ts intersection with Menlo Way; grading, rolling an dcurblng. and. thence along the northerly hide of HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. ,., ,Vav to ,hc s.0.,,i1wMt corner 7 and 8, lllock G4; 3, 4, i and 6 lllock 2; 4, 6 block 01. Lot 2 block C.r. All In Nichols Addition .0 by the Common Council, that the 'o U)t 10 n.ock B3 Rerond Hot LA L. Leuvllt. Police Judge of tho tho town, now City of Klamuth Falls property hereinafter described be anrinCa Addition to .ha City of Klam-. iii) oi iianiuin Fans, Oregon, do "rcgun. hereby certify (but tho foroirolnr m And that said property above den a duly enrolled ropy of It'toliitlnn crlbed be and hereby is declared to be in...led bv M.e Commit;) C'lnncll on isneshed ror the expense or nald im the 6th day of Muy. 1819, declaring Provemnts, and, Its Intention to Improve 7th Btreet "K lT Kt'KTHER RESOLVED from Wnnhlnclon nnrih.-rlv t, that Monday, the 2nd clav of June Pronpecl street. ProsKtct street from ,919. t the hour of 8 o'clock I' M street In original town of Klamath r)gnt 0 way. thence in a northeast- Tin street northwesterly to 8th al lllr l ouncn tnnraoon in tne city rails, uregon; lIIMMMW DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wicarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 and hereby Is declared benefitted by said improvement, to-wlt: Lots 1 and 8 of block 13 of orig inal town and unnumbered block known as the "Central School Grounds" adjacent to 10th street and between said block 13 and 10th ath Falls, Oregon; thjnce r.orthtrly between Lots 10 and 11, aatjl Block 53, to the northwes tcoi'ner of Lot 10, said Block 53; thence tasttrly between Lots 6 and 7, and Lots 8, 9 and 10, said Block 53, to the wes-t- erl yslde of the U. S. lr.-li;atli'i Car..! I tnit and Jefferson street from 7th "" al Klamath Kails. Oregon be .. a 1 . it flvMl III itlu tlm uHil nlnnn . V. v MM by u.e of. ..... or otherw,.,. -15.. and .wZ 'ng of" ohjeec.ons "and Vernon ObTlounly the making of such u manh plans, specifications unci eitbiialea at "lrnCM "gainst the said propoieil Im tl not IMrm mi bin n fh hmn h. cost nubm tied hv Ihn I'liv i-'njliir..r pruTcmeni, ana A. L. LEAVHT. 10-10t Police Judge. Lots 3-4-5 and 6 of Block 48; Lots 3-4-5-6-7 and 8 of Block 46; Lots 1-2-3-4 and 6 of Block 47; lif of brer or boms production of spirits ilncr, It renders (hit manufac tory llihle an an Illicit distiller. I'm- ilty for Illicit distillation Is forfeit RESOLUTION. The City Engineer, pursuant to ircof the distillery nJ distilling an- Heolui.on of the Common Council ptritu. and all dlstlbrd sntrlin nn.l hp-t0'o, adopted, having on tho w.iu. mil nil tiinniiru spirits und ,o,s ,.v , ..,, ,-, ... A t.. . -, w. ..,...., ., vm t-.w.. ,, riw materials for the production of tpOClflctlon an deitlmates of the illitlllfil spirits found on tho dlstib cost of Improving Market street from Icrr premises, and a rinn of not !... the northerly Una of 6th street thin on nr .nn, .hn tr. nnn nn soutneriy line 01 wi iu in iiiock The Pollen Judge be and hereby Is directed to cause notice of said heur Ing to be published as by Charter rro vlded. Btatn of Oregon, County of Klamath City of Klamath Falls w I, A. L. Leavitt. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls,. Oregon do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a Resotu erlr direction to the northv.'-Ht point cr corner of Lot 10, block 41, Hot Springs Addition to the City of 1 Klam Ath Falls, firepan, thence ciiKt- Lots 1-2-3-4-5 and 6 of Block 45; erly a)ong Auburn street to the Cltyi mh wj'i mo 01 ow i limits; thence northerly along the Lots 3-4-5 and of Block 60; leaaterly boundary of Klamuth Fills Tho east 26 feet of vacated portion to the gontherly line of Manxanlta of Washington street, formerly -treef. thence westerly tlong Man known as Canal street between 9thMnlta Btreet to the northeast corner Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTWT Loomis Bldg., KlaauUh-FaUa .",1," tlon adopted by the Common Council on cv rr on ,hp 6,h d,5r of M"y ,9,s dclar 61; ,i in 'nT "" Intention to Improve 8th f and 10th streets; Lots 1-2-7 and 8 of Block 61; Lota 3-4-5 and 6 of Block 57; Lots 1-2-7 and 8 of Block 5(; The easterly 26 feet of the reserve portion of Jefferson street abutting the north side of Lot 7 of Block of Lot 10, Block 36, Hot Springs Ad ditlon ; thence southerly between Lots 9 and 10, and 19 an 1.20, said Block 36, to the southerly Hue of Portland street; thence westerly along the southerly line of Portland street to center line of Eldorado ave- ntiflt thence snuthprlv Alone the en- .-.t .,- .,.. ,.-i. 11-.. t . in "'t " "iwii'i " " ...iomj- 01.. iots 4 and & or uiocic ai: 1 . t. c-u. ... ,v. ud Imprisonment of not less than 6 mock 18 of Second Railroad Addll ?trect ,rom. H,Kn Street northerly tc ijg U2.7 and g of Diock 62; I .. . MeIro,8 B..ect. thpn,e Booths or morn than 3 years. In oddl- tlon to the City of Klamath Falls, in-, JP '' Jh ?.. .i.,iv 7 ..Th tiJili LoU I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R of westerly along the center line of Mel- . eluding Intersections and the Council:", jFerVon Str7t from 8th fiireet ". A' Z... . ?, . , T i'SV' ro8e 8treet to tne center ,lne r A,a haMng taken same under advise- 2,hv , aih rL, ,m, 3mi ?S l'on or hal' of 5lock bou,iaed. V? meda stree tor avenue: thence south- I - --- ...-.- . fi . I'rnnrvorr. Min. .ranc ann jiui.ii ..i.. u. .., M.-i n. i - vnj iu mc uiuai uuiiucu; puim, v 1 CITY AND COONTV AU&HUkOT COMPANY 817 Hani ABTHTJR R. WHOIf Manager iion 10 penalties uliovo cited, atten tion Is called to sub-section 12 of nation 1001 nf the Revenue Act of U18 uhlch enlnbllshrs additional wclal laxen In certain cures. HKVMKS WILL Itl'TIRK TO rtllVtTK I'lUCTICI' tnwtkflft 10-10t ment and fl'.ding said plnpn, spec! flcntlnn and entlmstes saMsfiietury HE IT HEREBY RESOLVED. That said plann, specifications and cstl- ,nMr, .l.tlll-n lUr KHV l.llHU1U.II.T.l Ul Dm.l portion of Market street be, and the same are hereby approved, and, HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tho Comaon Council hereby do 8BATTI.I: May 17. Clirene.) 1. Rumes, ussntit) attorney .eneriil III retire to private timet. m In f-(- Ue. after closing tin siiti ii 1 federal m"nt ,n fonslHt of paving said por- offices Iti.nn.n-,. ,.. 1. 1 . ilons of Bald streets with bltullthlc wees. , If than;-! of M.- pavnmi(nt , thu estimated cost, with- ar prosecutions, an.l wm lor- oul cement side wulks. but Including Mny United Htates tttnrni'V for tho curbing and grading, of $4,583.00; Prospect. 9th. Grant and tamfiiinna nni nnnsnvina wnn ti n n .. .. . . .... .. -- -" - - . - .nifiVn. inn. nrt ;m,;.fe.. treeUortHeNlcnolsAdaitlontotDe corner of Lot n, Block 61, seoond DR. P. R. GODDARD Osttiopathic P-yatcUta M 8rgao Holte .11, L . O. P. Ts-b- (over K. K. K. Store) Phoaesai .. rmm (The only Oeteopathle Pnyrt- clan and Burgeon ta FaUs.) submitted by the City En A. L. LEAVITT town, now City of Klamath Falls. Hot springs Addition, to the City ofl Oregon; Klamath Falls. Oregon; thsnee west- And that said DroDertv above de- --t- hoi-man t,, in nna 11 ,r (.i Police Judge gCrlbed is hereby declared to be the Block 61, to the center line of Spr'ng property to oe assessea lor mo c--'stl.eet; thence southerly along Spring, IUSOLUTiO. pense of said lmprovoineut; Istreet to the southerly line of Park1 The City Engineer nnrt mini tn a And be it further resolved, that n..... .-.., ....,i -ninn- on,.h. clares Its Intention to Improvo said resolution of the Corainon Cjuncll Monday, tho 2nd day of Juno, 1919. erly line of Park Place to tho north-! ...... . . lit.rnlnf.irA .irfnntMil. hiLvlnr? tinner a, . Km- o a'. a-I. n ,n n. Ih. . . - .- - .,.! portions ot .mutkoi street, in accoru- ; ; ;-. .7w .7,7k ... . -., v. .... .. . west corner 01 oi a, uiocx o, s-n i.ncn with the said pl..n. iipeclnca dato of January 4th, 1919. filed plans council chambers of the city hall, be Second Hot Springs Addition; thence Mons und estimates. Said Improve- specifications and estimates of the fued as the time and place for the'g0Utheri yalong the westerly lino of' ui ....,,u.uK .ii u.i.- neanng 01 ODjecuons ana remon- 0ts 5, x2, 11, 10, 9, S, 7 and 6, said from 9th Street easterly to Jlth strances against the said proposed Block 5, to the center line of Wall street, Including Intersections, less improvement; and the Poliuo Judge Btreef thence easterly along the wic f. n. irriKuiiu.i uu. ei.u i-.ku. t,a ana nereov is airectea to tauso ... n .ni tooii r, .i h. Cortland district. LEGAL NOTICES or oil inncadam pawinunt at tho estl matud cost, without cement side walks, but Including curbing and grading, of $.1,052.00. Bald improve ment In either event to Include grad ing, rolling and curbing and drain ugct. Said pavemunt to ho 30 feot wide, mid, HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by tint Common Council Mint tho prop- hereliinfter described bo and of way appurtenant theroto. and the notce of said hearing to be publlxh- tween Lot 6 Block 5 .ncl Lot 16.' v. Council having taken iim under ad cd ns by charter provided . Dlock 4, sad it named Additlon.U vlscment und finding tho yl.ini. h:m!C . .. . . ,, , SAW HHVL. ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills. Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete ptonte contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to bolld any class of a building aatrl Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Btae Prints made. PHONE 149J Office in K. D. Building to the nlace of heelnnln: State of Oregon, County of Klamath, And that said property above de- Clty of Klamath rails ss: scribed an dembraced In said fitreet I, A. L. Leavitt. Police Judge of improvement District hereby is de- lllll II1U VUI llllll I I.Ui'l'l Ilini-J " .. .... !!.. -.l. . ll.., -ii 111110 county court or thu hereby 1b declared to bu bemiflltod, .,,nrs lts intention to I nil rove ald " "u" """' Bl,tvu '" mim. rectea to ne imorn-.oa aesiro, at any, nf Orenon. for Kl.i.i.nil. r,,.tniv .......u. clans im nut 11110.1 . .11.1 "...street and High street from 9th time tn form another Sli.K-t lm. Pinal Account of the iidmlnlHtro- LotH 11. 12, 1.1, 14 and 15. Hlock f.n'a" vlth Bald plans 1 po'fh-atniH "'"T1 to Hth 8trcet .lncl'nB '"'"- provement District, pmlally or 0( Slid estutii. iiml Hint Mm k.iI.I ," 1 1 .,.,, on ! -tr. -R -7 '". "....'.'... ,.'...- sections, and approving tho pluns. whnllv within this Ininrn-.omont 111s- linn fixed Katurday, Juno 7, s' and 29. lllock" 18. Second Rail- ,. ,.',.,'lt , , m,iK Bnld f.itlm' of sal.l ""'el""0"8 destlmates of tho trlct .the property .m'jracvd in this , (tt 2 O'elnelr !. .l. 1... M r l.-l . ". ' ' , ! :.."" '..'... . CObt BUblll IttUll l)V tllO C tV EniT HOer. niatl-Vl .hull lint ha' ,. ' tin inn I....II renin rtiiiiun.ii it. iiiu v.117 i ixu.u- tr"0ls v u oil mncii'r il iiiniiii"ii , r i 11.1., .................. .- -.. .. ine count v riinrl r.wi.n In llw, ...1. 1.1..11.. ...-.n . ..i ....... n... ....... A. L, lifjAVU 1. evennit frn litnsseRimi.nt for t.uch I,,,.. ' . . v "' " III" l-Hlin, wii'h"". III mi eHlllllllU'll l-lini, 1. It I' f.i ijii- T..1, . '. . 'ioiiho ut l.'.illu Or... ...1 .1 1.1 .-.... ,-,. l,.i..,. ,l-. .... . .. 11... -..-!...... .....1 ......,!.,, 10-lUt I'OIICO J llllKO. nthor Imnrnvnments tit hn oMeitt. nf Villi. L...1L tilt. (I I'llf.'ltlJ I'.i- ..HI Him. uiiihh. U111L.III14 llllll hlUlllllh ' " .- -- ---- -. SOTICi: OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice In horohy given that tho un wilRnod, im executor of tho OHtutn til.i. '" N Moyur, decoased. has ,.rty Bute nit: tlon court 1919, and court FAH 1... .1 , tsu Isfiin- .." I""cn for """b'K '"I i'1'" Hcrlhed bo and huroby --"... 11 any, to huIiI account and w scttlfiiifiit thereof. P. L, FOUNTAIN, i he IT FURTHER RESOLVED, $22011. 00:; or concroto pavomont nt KxecillOr Of tllll OHtllltt of Tl,,.l Sl...wl..v Ihn 1KMl .tnv nf MllV. nil nolltiinln.l cimt. IlK'lll.l hltT COIllt'llt Charles N. Moyur. iloruused. inta. t. (tut hour of 8 o'clock l). in., sliln walks, curbing and I'raclliiG of at thu Council Chamber nt tho City $1000 00; or hltullthlc pavement nt - ii.,ti ., 1. I,.,.,,, t). I.Nillu nrnirnn lm nti ntltiinto.t cost. lllClll.llUfT Conicnt f. ii.ii. .11. ii.iiii..., . ....., ...0---, - -- - AOTIci; OF DISSOLUTION OF fixed us tho and placj for tho side walks, curbing und I'racllns of PARTVFltmnp ' hearing of ohjoctloiw and remon- $5800.00. Hald Improvement In Nmi . , ,,wilm Htranci'B aguliiBt tho Bnld proposml olthor event to inrludu gr.iaiiiB roll ItOIICO In lllll-ol... .l..n.. ,!... ,t.n . . . ,..11 ,...!.... ...,.) aii.KIiii. nni. linn.. i"- tt improvemuui nnii inn routu jiuiku "' '""t v....,.,. .. , Mrtncrsl.lp hurotoforn tixlstlng bo- ...,.1 i,mhv l directed to cnuso UK IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by pinper Hiimu If Iflcntlons and estimate sii'lnfucto-y HE IT RESOLVED, That mid Plans, specifications und estimates Kwi rJmTh JLi ' "w0 th0 clt -f Klamath Falls. Oregon. eRr(1(, to be assesaed for the expense Street from 9th btroet easierly tc do herobv eer.fv that the foreeotne io.i.t imn.nm. 1.. 11th Street, less said U. .1. Irr gallon ,. H,,iv nnrnit.H ennv nf. n lioanin. r .L ."'..' "."' 1 .;... Canal and right of wav. b, and the u0 "ndVpted by the Conunon Council proper y. PROVIDED, """i? FmtTI.'V'ir'l' "oi VI'D on ,h0 0th day ' Mny' 1919' "- That' UouW property owners on J.J.Tell,J.,t,;. cInrl"B 's Intention to Improvo 10th other streets than thcue hit-eby dl- 'J ri-"rv inirnjuLTijTjfxririjxAJ"' 207 1. o. 0. v. rums. lVIaWMM(tSMAaattwMV rVWWMWWN Ih declared to of $4234.00 or placing upon Mild bu assessed for tho expenso of mild street S Inches of clndors vlthout linprovomont, and, slilo benefits received, and, HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Thnt Monday, tho 2nd day of June, 1919, n ttho hour of s clock p. iu. 5-JM9-2fi 2 VCI1 lllllinn,.. BS n. a a Ed PrM . ' Hlrow"rK" nmi notlco of Bald hearing to bo puunsu- nd Am . "H Chllonuln anrngo.od 11s by Charter provldod. ml n -"",r"yi nan neen uibhcuv- .. - 1 .In linul... ...1,. t. eorr.i m "Lm" ....W." ," con"uV' Stnto of Oregon, County of Klamath, collect nil nernV.n r . K"' w n , ii," City of Klamath Falls-vm; WMl.l firm "U "nrt VUY M b'"8 1 A !" I'OnVitt. PoliCO JlltlgO Of RESOLUTION. walks nt nn estlmat.'il cost of Approving tho Plans and Speclfira tiniiu -..imwk.i in. im riii i.. Klneer fo rtlie Improvement of Ks- "' f,ne Council Chamber nt the City plaundo Street From tho Northerly """ nt '"'atl- Falls. Oregon, be Hi.!.. ,.r ,.ii Kiw.,.1 i ini..i fixed as tho tlmo and place for the ilfie 'IVm.eo; Pm-lflc Terrace from h,erlnB of objections mid remon Huron St. northerly to Portland St. ftrances agalns tthe said proposed Ini-lu-UiN and I'ortlau.l St Knsf mprovement and tho PoKco Judge erly fo tho City Limits of tho City uo nn V0 U ,catol to cause of Klamath Falls. OreKon; Deter- n?tlco ,ot faring to bo publish inlnliiB tho lloundnrics Within ed ns by Charter provldo.l. Which M10 Property Lies That Is irMAAMMrrrVVNrVMMrVWWrVtMVVVyVWWIV. tho City of Klamath Fulls, Oregon, to Ho ltenefilteil mid to Bo As. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, Rcsscil for Such Improvement, anil City of Klamath Falls ss: Ordering the Publication of This I. A. L. Leavitt. Police Judge of the Resolution and tho Postim; of No- City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do I tices by tho City Engineer: hereby certify that the foregoing is ' Tho City Engineer, pursuant to a duly enrolled copy ot Resolution' tv hereinafter ho. and tho horohv declared benefitted by said proposd Improvomntr to-wlt LotH 1, 2, 3. nnd 4 Block H2; Lots 5, C, 7, nnd 8 block r.C:; Lots 1 nnrt 4. Hlock ill; nnd KOHOB M. BTnowiinillOK. Vu .Vi01 . ?L' .r'V " "."" Lots fi nnd 0. Hlock 57. nil In Nlch ED IMinno . ii a.. " noruuy curiiiy luui ttiu iuiuhui.ibi , nrtdltlon "' 1 ROnST. 13-flt ,,u ,v nnrnll.wl ennv of llnsolllttoil ' ?.IH..nU ""- ., imloptoil by tho Common Council on,.' auavo .1 RESOLUTION. thci 21st dnv of Anrll .1919. doclor-1 .'."" .V ." HeJ?i?...C,ty" KnKlnoor, pursuant to 1 Ing Its Intention to Improvo Markot B'nRsnil for Ul0 ox,)0nso of said Im f03 of Improving Bsplanailo from street to Intersection of Esplanodo "Moimion 0f ... r. in oir.u.1 from tho northerly lino of Cth ," tho northerly sldo of Wall street to street with Pacific Terrace: Pacific neretoforu adontnd. imvin.. nn h..lHtriiiit to tho southorly lino of Lot 10. ' m. it wiiiJtttrtj unstlLVED intorsoctlon of Esplnnado street with Terrace from Huron street northorly .Uay ot May, A. D. 1919. flledtln block 17, anil thu southorly liuo I Tilnt Monday, tho 2nd dny of .luno IPnclflc Terrnco; Pacific Torraco from, to Portland street. Inclusive, nnd rlttDfl. Ltinitll. ., -I -a I- an n.. -... .! nil .. . - . a aa. ar TIllFnn eriinnr -inr4 tinitUr I . T)Anrlrinil Tnitilnli il olroat nnotnttln tn t ti .1 Ptlla 11 .- "('Ul' UCnT nna nnrl nallmatna tV nf I .Of .III. .HOCK i nr nuuuilU 11U11 1( in nt ffiA linilf nr K tVPMCK 1 M 1.wii onvuv uuiiuuitj iu 4. in n(uii """ bhwwi, ohoiumj iu iiiu vtjfcj lQ0 Cost nf i.a.a. -.. 7 . i 1 t.i.iin.... !. niiu v i'intit-l ' .. i 1 .... .1.1 ..ft. Rtrnnt. 1nnlii(ilvi nml Pnrrlntwl ntrpnr llmltn nf tht Ciitv nf Klnnintli lntla JJ'Wnston Btroot northorly to rron- nth KulU, OrcRon. ami approvo tho uxt i0 tixot iib tho tlmo nml plnce from Pacific Torrnco easterly ; to tho Oregon, nn dapprovoing tho plans, I TfnonliiMnn nf fhn rnminnn I '.111 noil nilnrttml l 41ia r-,rmin firtll nn w A". V.. ;.: "Vt '. ...!:- heretofore ndonted. havinir on tho tho 21at dnv of Anrll. 1919. daclarinir X bribed 'p."; 'in- I? Vroby f -Z prll. 1919. filed plans. Its intenUon to Invu pU.nado . I. n itir. nrniinf V fM Ut nR , !.-.. vmwwmb . S"vhiiui-jj v. ouvui iiviu ,UD uuituviM OIUU Ul 1 .. "-- KLAMATH FALLS ASHLAND STAGE Leaves Van's Auto Ser vice Daily. Passes thru KlamathJ Hot Springs. FARE $6.0 0 KM-:::c-x::-:-:t::-x":c:' SHANGHAI I RESTAURANT, CHOP SUEY AND NOODtiE 4 I HOUSE X Short Order Meals Served. ' 4 7- Main Street V KLAMATH FA1XS, ORB. X :xxh,-.v:-xc Tih.,6tr()0t! i'. l'roapoct Btrcot from ! Plana, specifications anil estimates! for (ho henrlnK of ohJectlnnH anil io (City limits of tho City of Klamath specifications an destimatea nf cost i -i.'Uf. northwiiBinriv in an. imni . nf coHt tlierflof BUbinlttod by lUO city .n.mstrnnciiB nirn nst ttio ta it nropos riuis, urutsuii, null mo louihu uuv iimrou lauumiiien uy mo iiiy lun taaterii ,r80u Btroot Iro,u 7th Btroot KiiBluoor. terse .iin, 8th Btreot iluclutllnB ln "cctioua nud tho council huvlnitll0-10t e.i imnrovomont nnd tho 1'nllcc inn inKon samo unitor auvisement Biuoer. A. L. LEAVITT, .TudRo ho. nnrt horohy Is, directed tr and flndliiB said plans, specif Ica- Pollco Judt'o. lCauso iiotlco of raid hoarlug to bctlons and estimates satisfactory, 1 10-10t A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W ! iH