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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1919)
V jgugtmtg Heralft I OFFICIAL PAPER 0 KLAMATH COUNTY KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Yenr No. 3,624 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 Price, Five Cent lEIIltFlD ROflDSUfiVEYTO IIQKUISS iTWEfilTlf EIGHT .CliRFEW TO RING 'FIRST PLANE HHtHUtH MflUW TD STflBT MTPHOEMl Iff GMOIIIITE ON MONOAr EVE N W Whirlwind Drive to Sweep City Next Week i IMPHRTWI' I () l HK.IIW u wim ii is 'i in; M.rnt. i.ed'ihis ear will in:. si it.' vi:vi:i immi:iilvii:lv. I M',l I I I Ml Itl s Mtl DIII I) n wsi i. i.i:itcisi s in SI i)lls (' LLAMATH col . i iik. ii si iiool I (OMMI.NCI Ml V! I.MRUSLS AT S'l RICT I.NI ORCEMLNT OC HHU.S-' noi sio oi'i.u hoi si; m;t , ,,., I i him. 1 1 mi, ii i. 1111,1 T.ll.l .MAN 'io c;ivi: address WOMEN STILL BUSY i It Is probable that twenty-eight Koiiml KubMrlpllonn of $.1(10 lime lltrii Mmle lor Cimili'llnK Hip Tcr itiliuil I'iiiiiI In Inmirr I'rogir.. of Itullrniiil In Siimiur Ithi-r 'I hi i-nr. Tin- Cimiii) roiul program Is pro-' N w fi-slures worn added tn Mi I KrfKHlm: ...cording to a Main-j KriuttiutlfiK ( lass diiy .-x.tcIk.-s hor , ,,MK w ,e graduated In the Class ,111.-1.1 mud.. I.y County Judge II. II .-Kt.-rday. when Wurren Itpnnctt who r ,al9 fmm th(. Knmath County Ilfimit.ll this morning Tim survey-j the Hush Will uctuall present- jgh School at the Co.nmpncein.-nt iim iiri bus) on tl.ii road from Kluiu-"-d the artlcl.-H which the class bestow-j ..xerrlses which will he held at the nth Fulls to I.nkeilnw and on The gift of a grocers apron to ' OUHton Opera House next Friday rout., north toward Cr.-BC.-nt coiikIiI- Principal C It llowman who loaics , evening, according to a statement .-ralil.- progress bus been made his profession to .-nter the mercantile , made hy I'rinclpal C It llowman to ll In .'xpoit.-d that tin. sumolng ""''' n,'r" uni' other appropriate uy of th.. road from Klamath Falls tcilMtuiitu tteni greatly cnJo)cd hy the. Colonel llalrd of the Military ile- KD ordinance is promised H MAYOR STHL'HLi:. YOUNG STKItS IX iiv ti:x THEJZORES NC-4 Has Arrived at Horta Island Today 14 HOURS RECORD The curfew Is to lie rung In accord ance with the revised city ordinance for the first time on Monday night. according to Maor I. II. Struble and 0ar. r the Big 8e PLnes b ftefa ii ih going io lie eniorcea to tne letter. All boys and girls who are under thn tiiunty lint, below Mulln which 1m to Im. a part of tli Knstprn Oregon I north iin.l hoiiiIi hlghwuy and which nudlencp I partment of the State University will In tin- Class ITophecy Karlo Mont- )0 hero to dcliier the Commencement gi.iti.-ry taking the part of her own I Address. The music for the occasion inn Mruiitirii rniiroii.i .-m.-iikmiii m(U tn ,, niiiri.dumlzcd, will start In a gruniliitiglit.-r talk.-d with her grand- will ho furnished hy the High School I Iik prllu I pal topic of IntereM iin.l will ,,,r) fl,tt ,llJH A rr()W s ar,.n,y ' inoth.-r .mil had the carpers of the f;it.c C'lub T.i,, : dlf r.-r.-nt iHKsniatrs described These 1 luil.l th miller of thn slug., for th.- ,,rlur, , ,nk ,,,, ,u)rk Of the class of twenty eight, only ' r.iiid from h.-n- to thn coiint lino is I1"'""''' ''.-hind u screen and appear as fcx nro )0JS tn Jcar a smaner perJ enough for any boy or girl to be out Greenwich time eighteen years of age will go home when the hell rings at ten o'clock or the chances are that they will wish they had. Some very unfortunate affairs have been brought about here recently by the loose discipline which has prevail ed among the younger set and these conditions are now going to be chang ed. The hour of ten o'clock Is late Ashore After Long Overseas Flight NC-1 Is Close Behind Flagship Xot Heard From Yet British Hlrdnien May Start Today. PONTA DEL GADA. Azores. May 17 The seaplane NC 4 has arrived at Horta Island of Fayal, Azores, 1:25 1 ccntugo than usual unless on some special business with the sanction of their parents, It Isi licit few da) H Fulls might well mid with ,..,.,,.,! , , roiimlntnd this ,,.ar ' Pictures In an allium roo.1 rlKhl adopt thn motto of Chi-, . ,,i ....... , ,.,, .,.-. ' After thn exercises Hip Senior class MSH rior.-ncn Imwlln.- ), ,. the sanction of their parents. It Is i WASHINGTON. D. C. May 17. "!" ' Will" 'l,Hl" '"" roiiiiiillt.-.-K ()rilllll ,, ,,,.I1K , wn,., , ,hj wa UiiPn for ,,oal ,rl " ,llP '"I" made the highest record during the stated, and a halt Is to be made on1 An official dispatch to the Navy de of iiipii urn nrguiilHlig to sw.-.-p thn r,.H,,.MtB (lf ,111( BU0,,OM llr ,.XI,,,C., It Klamath l.-ikn l-v the lnnlors ' four ycar course w, ,, aie(llct0rian ; homo Juenlle escapades which have , partment said that the NC 4 had ar- cii for mi i.m ripu..ti i.i i mi., up our , , n 1Un(, A ( )k h i im Mniruiiiur-iitn i..-n-.-H win im anil Mlss chrlstlno Murdock who has I beeu ery uavory. ried at Horta Island of fayal. Azores at 9 20. The plane left Trespassey at C 57 yesterday, which would make t!-e time fourteen hours and thirteen minutes for 1,200 miles. The NC 1 was last close behind the NC 4 but no sign Is seen of the NC S An important meeting of tho mana-j flagship of Commander Towers. This gers and other officers of the Call- plane was last reported about a hund- l.rmlluil I'uiul bnlorn t Incllu.l nil ,., ,, r, fri.Hll,,-ntH nnrw-d It,1"'1'1 tomorrow night at llm "...iHton ma(lo thp next h,Knest recor( ,, l0 ; n.itwn.lii.-miay ir m,.rn , ,.,, ,, a ,,,.,,.,. wl 't nousn. tl.n itcrnii.t Trimble n .-.1. l In minium our p.-npti- that w. tin- in iMtriirnt mid ilclnriulii.-.l tn .In I all. -ml from Kluniuth Fulls of thn ClirlKtliin Church (trenching thn h. riiii.n This will be a union service our full nhiirn with llol.t C Striihnrn I of nil th- churches tn get a Into SpriiKUn ltlnr MORE SCHOOLBONDS j rollowlng Is thn program of the n one.- It would Im furnished In tlml MUST NOW BE VOTED ,'xlls,',, jnstnrduy fnl llinl lit,, r,i tn lull 1 1-,, III I llliri't, llllrt - 1 ..... v ,t I .,.., .MUBir hn s.'illllrit.irlnn ' Tin- complete program and list of K-u.- Mtts will be anncur..d next week i. j. r. iviivjci.o MEET IN THIS CITY .Audience ' Ituth Miller hU. .nil rnn.llil lift Utkt 1 It itil filliPill I lit 11117 '"' ('11. .!.. It, -1 . 1 j 1 lit, .-,,., ... i....- ll:li nrlr.-N In IiiiIMIiil- lim.,1 ' I'""' History Thn Ktniliorn tins ben a'comp.-llnd thn public kcI.ooI board to' -- t tl of Class gift ....n..i... ...... ....,. fn.i.i it... . chanutt lilunrt ninritlntf tin rnnHinif-l ''?n MC OtKIl uiiMiiiniiiiin iiitituiit' m iiinii iiiiji .--..-....,, ttri unit wiir m thn tu-ensmtr) hold- 'H'iii of thn imw Mills i.d.lltloti school lap up f nil I'IikIiiphs nt ll ltl-H hits iin.l to iirranrn for n J 21.1100 liullil nil). Miiti.-.l our riillroiul i.cthltl.-s lug luth.-r thiiu tiJl.'iOuo Klriittuin, litu in no way Iiiih It .Inmpnin .1 our or'glnull .iniioiiiii. .1 nl lm-hiH,i, ' Thin Ml! Illl-f l-NHlI'lIn lltwilllnr nli.l-. Tin woitiim of till City hnvn r n ! I tui to iitltlioilzii the s.iln of $nnool I lllbs h'lllg Im it iln Ii iidi-rsi of this ntllro.idj mor I.oiiiIh Tin-datn of Iii- eb-ctlon iiit i'h nt It will Im r.'innitilM'tn.l ' has not bn.-n annouuc.-.l tlii' tint iirrniiU.'il thn Itiillrotd I.- - - I lull which nili.n.1 a Inrito lmr,iJ(AM PAPERS ARE lAcci-ptnnce ltaymond Hnrlnn, I president st n .It'll t lioily 1 CIi.vh I'rophect Karln Montgnmert i Solo Ituth Dixon '( lis I'n-iu Inez Hell uru-ii IlMtinett Class BAY CITY MUSIC MAN LIKES CITY .1 (J Itamer, representing Sher miin, Cla. and Company, of San Fran cisco, is In the cit in Interest of his llrm Through tho Klamath Falls Mii3lc House, which handles the nrl- fornla, Oregon Power Company was red miles from port. held here today In the Central School The original plans were for the building at which matters of opera- planes to land at Ponta Del Gada and tlon and improvement of the service, it Is thought likely that the NC 1 and were taken up. NC 3 have continued to that point. It Among those present were H. S. la about 130 miles east of Horta. M -Jlther, manager of the Rogue Rher plant at Medford. O (5 Steel of the oils lines of this big concern he fs!Sisk'01' Plant at Yreka. T O Hrad- gottiiig in touch with local conditions ST. JOHNS, May 17 It is announ ced todat that the two Hrlti'-h Ala- of Hi. lerinlii'.l riin.l iin.l t was i lie vami'li- mill nntlillntniMti (hut ." ' Mm pcaplo up to n ilctermlnn-1 t. ii ilil has rnHiiltnd 111 I'tilnp the rii iu.i i.iiii.I nit i"i i ion mul nun',.' Itj Hi- mo.i a im- mul most iHlknl of. ' . it it in I I 'ii I iiiiihh hrndu.l by Mn. Ilomi NOW BEING GRADED Two hundred ami ot-n jiupIN In lib u.utli rail, look tl.n re. nut .sixth Seventh and 1 IrIiMi Crude i"-imlnit mii ir rnPTnnv llblEHESE i He Is nry enthusiastic oier thp pro I porlt he flti.lh here and K fo w -'I satisfied with this city ttint he is si rlousl romulni-is l' rmaiu'iitly lev gereral manager of plants at tors, French Raynham and Haddy G. I C Boyle of Copco and V. Hawker will probably start their O Crawford of San Francisco t oi:ih:cth I .'nils and it iHuxpiHlml that thntnn'it S.ii.l.' llrult. hi innt tills uftnrnoon, mul I will show an equally large nuiubri . pirfi.inl pluns fur it city wide pan- from the toiinty dlstrlcth There were( Mi " . iiiiiiiii-ni lug Mi.iiiluy to get out iiln.'timn papers fiom the ilciilm a full titn fur the r.illroud at llm chol Thn inpnis urn now ooiug . spi.iil eleillnn to In- held Wnilnns-' I.- trl.e.1 lit the Ciiuiit S. .sitpi-i'ui-1 d.. j touilalit H officn i t oMMi'ict i l ci.i it m:ci:ivi:s ixgi'iiti riiHM xr.w .iintsr.v DATA WILL Hi: SHXT WHICH MAV i.NTi:iti:.ST CAPITAL. "I'.ugh an er-ir jeVoliy the Herald announced mat a prize of fiw dollars would be ghen for tho best garden In blue and h.ti flcweis at tho time of the i:iks' Connntl(, i in August. This should have read pur ple and white, as these are the colors of the ordei i an pr mi i U COIIl m la ka II I J h transatlantic air flight late today. BIG NAVAL PAGENAT COMING TO COAST mti (ion will vut:: o ri: I'm," MILLION 1(0 l l!lll).i I initri.ANH, Mnv 17 Morn th m ''(It !i Mm 17 Word liu t ,-" '0 of mad bonds will lin Mil h t i ii I fiom W mlilnr'nn Hint ' oil on In I 8 . oiuitUm mi Juno S Conn Hi ii.ial i nun, Ir. in whii'i will lour i ties urn ml. r.'SHful In liiiHHln? " I niili (nut ioi i will hi'iin be ' ir 'ssiies of the Htnte hlghwny com ' i ' hi I'ni I in I'url Inn.' nil .it. lull.' In ami ask tho t. o ii Jiiiii.ila nf Hie t,i-iti'pst flK' t in r to co-nitnnite AilthoiltleH of the Southern Pacific 'wrlu-s to thn secretai. of tho Com- . merclal club, Mil.i.ilttlng ii loltur from parties in New Jin spy who aio look ing for n HiiltubUi silo for a lonilonsuil . milk fuclm.t , The New Jersey man wiites- 'lt would le.iuiio about ,10 aires right uwii ; the poKslblllty to get 70 acres lunru lulor. Pleas..) glo mo tho ncc- LOGGER SURFERS PAINFUL INJURY d. I- - bill i-.... i,... i.... .i ,.. "iim In Iln Aim i ' i iiiih i Mt. nil this m it two coiintt.-s hnw " """" """""" "'"'"i mm, utu.i i thn Pwlflr- foist Hi.- In it t ,' I ?! i...., mid liitmlH,. tuully wheio ou would consider tho Itllio (ir nurl) 111 Jul) Notii I iting I'.'.-u mud In UnalUlii !,,L"1 l,ll"',' "" su(h !l Uo- iiulie.l capital is liuto in any amount " Data will bo fuiulshoil without do lt it Clmso. toreman in the Woods for I V Kestersou of linn, hnd tho mlhfortuuo on Thursday to break his cheek bono when lilt !t n log lie was taken to the Klamath (ieu- tu imi , t.heie his injun n ii iittniiiled but ii Is expe.tod thnt I will In setL-ral w.iks hMore ho will arain In- ablo n ii-siime hN work KD FIRST PLANE .T PONTA DEL GADA, May 17. (Later) The NC 1 is reported at 3. 40 Greenwich time that she had gone off her course and was forced to alight in the open sea two hundred tm Fmiles north of Fatle. Four destroy- 'ers haie gone to herald. The NC 3 Is believed to have been lost in tho fog. IIXHLMXITV TO IIK EXTRACTED Xothlng has been heard from her l'HOM AUSTRIA WILL RE OXE.sInCe 915 GWleh time. ' TWENTIETH THAT REQUIRED OP HE HERMANS. WASHINGTON. X). C. May 17, Later The NC 4 was, still at Horta J late today and was not expected to proceed to Ponta Lei Gada before to morrow, according to dispatches re ciivcil at tho Navy department. C. A. HNTHWDni) TO REMOTE OREGON POINTS. if tin. gr.'HtPMr mid hum of tlielnnd IHuo nun In Sheriimn diei.liiiuiiiiii tji,i of flghlliiB buttle-1 nil Bill" will Im lu tho llrm division of ,K I ROUND OVER ON iimu-Ih Forty or innro dentrovorf , I nuiliur und mtpply ships will add to LIQUOR CHARGE the iiuuil pngount and Insuio the I'H'iiint inovniiiPtit und linnillliiB of the t.i'ijor flKhthiB niiirhlnoH of Mm II III v Tho fleet bIioiiIiI touch Lou AnmleH not intor limn Julv 4. and by ciiy stiignH visit nil Ibo other ports of thn Const. It Is to be a ilnuioiiHtni timi to thn iiooplo of tho Pacific Const of thn iiniHt mndorii Imltloshlps of Uio liotv liuvy nnd will iilsii proto Io the world tho flexibility of tho Ainnrlrnn Jleet with tho iild of (hn Putitinm eiin "I hi uulckly illinrllng U tho l'liclfh' tli" hlggusl and bput of tho fleet for "ii tuiinrgnticy. H will nlso ilnmnr Uratn Hint ()v, nnw , ,ny nan do I" uoilc lu thp polloliiK of tho Pnclflr without doliy. nnd with every shin ii"' lust w-nid lu nrmiiii'nnt flglitui',' nuiillty untl latino. lay. which It Is hopnd will show Klumnlh to bo tho Ideal situ for tho proposed industry. Peter Hixk. who bus been uppre hrudpil hern on Itto liquor chuig. s during tl e p.i'i v ei I: huh this morn ing nil en a hearing before I' S Coin- iti counts l'HOM t:u .r iii:.t. , Chi Is Conlny. who had his leg brok en In nn nuto accident near Oleuo a ml iKlnimr llerl i'. ThomnB and boiin-1 , I. tt tins iigo ami w hh brought for niiir tn tint hi ilmal (jrunu .luiy uitii . tie'iiui. ut to tun uiiuuiiiii i.engrui TO HELP HE SWEEPERS HI Hospital heie is reported tudiiv to lio getting along as well us possible Ulld- ei bunds of $1 Olio Ills ilrst charco was for dlstrllitit Ing llijiior to the IndlnnH on the KIuin-. ei the cln iiinstanies nt Ii RoaervHtlon. lu tho second charco' - ol Importing Hanoi- lu violation of tho, ELDERLY VISITORS Item! Amendment ltd wail ml nxiinilll.i-1 Hon, Ho Is attempting today to oh-j LIKE KLAMATH FALLS Admlialty 1ms turiiod to the airship LONDON, Mat t. Si, ii-ng up the thousands of mines wfclih strew tho sen in tl.o noigliljorhood of he ItrltlHh Islos has proved auch a costly ptul dangoious Job when carried on lo tho onllnniy mothods, that tho lain tho bonds for temporary lc-loano, llo Is defonilDd by Homier nui Qhnstaln. VISITS I-'IIOM HAV CITY. " M. Preston, niiiresenlltiK the JjvorlnlRht Muniifiictiirlnit Co., ut Smj "'"inlsco, luuknni of u drtiHHliu for nutnniolilln lops, Ih In thn city for iho l'trimso f vIhIHiu tlm vnilotn n In luiiiiHo accessory il'julors. it.'j.iinii aches m:h IH'HNs TO III'. OI'EM D. Ing tho fin mm s ilni'gh.i'r Mis, Joo for rollor. Uxpurlmeitts conducted In tho North Sou, It la announced, Imio Two sisters Mrs II S Pal rick of, boon successful, mluos being looatoil (irnnts Paws and Mrs Line Simpson . mul exploded much quicker thnn of Pilnreton. Indiana urn here lisit-iwhon tho usual mlno-sweepting ship Is used. I Mount Tlio two nlstoi's hud not mot WAR1IINGTON', Muv 17 leniilor. for u petlod nt thirty five t us mul MoNury has lieon Infornifd Hint a.'i, 000 iicres of land In tho Huuih ills trlit has boon dpslgnnted for stoclc ralslnr hoineslends, ctfocllvo Juno 2. All of It Is nlreatly covered by applications, Mrs. Mooio had not seen her mint fur a Rlmllnr length of time. Mm. Patiirk Is now on her way tn Inillmiu with Mrs. Simpson Until tho visitors nro greatly impressed with tho beautiful sconory In this section. PARIS, May 17 Tho indemnity clause of tho peace treaty provides! for the pajment of ono twentieth oly j that of Germany, or five billion gold ' marks without bond. The Austrian, delegation will bo receheil by the Al- PORTLAND. Mai IT Plans fol lies on Monday. the extension of Y SI C A work to ' ' the remoto districts of Oregon have PARIS, May 17 Italy has relin-, been completed in a conference here, qutsheil het claims to tho Dodcaneso A fund of $32,000 will be raised. Islands off Asia Minor in favor of -OO Gieece, ending ono of the most acute '"' ,, contioiersies boforo tho Peaco con- Since our announcement ot tm enco. ! prizes for the beat lawn and best by Associated " '""l """" '" " """ """' " complaints irom larious part3 of the city about the damage chicUenb itete doing, one party stating it was necessary to fix a lawn over thtee times. We are appealing to the civic pride ot Dateless Dispatch Pi ess Popo Ilcnedlct has taken step to communicate with tho head of ono nt tho most important delegations at the Peaco conference in on efforts to senile a revision of teims of tho uoaty of peace, according to a dis patch fiom Home. Tho pontiff was said to have lwen begged to tnko this step by tho Cath olic prelates ot Germany. WEATHER HKPOI5T Oregon tonight and Sundat Fair oxcopt prob.iblo showers in tho noitU portion to heavy frost in thn oast portion , gentlo southerly winds. owners ot culcKons to Keop thorn In enclosuies. Thero Is a stringent citv ordinance against chickens tunning freo, but wo do not haio to bring fear ot thq i law to an one's attention to ac- i compllsh deslied results. How- oier, is there is anyone vthoso consideration for the lights ot others will not causo him to ! keop his chickens enclosed, it tho injured paity iill filo a . complaint with tho police do- While tho airship has Iho advan tage of height In locating mines tho mom fact that an nliship cannot lilt a mine adds so much to tho element RECEPTION' TENDERED THIRD ORLGOX I10S.' paitmeut tho tioublo will be im- ' medlatoly stopped. Some liavo A reception! hesitated doing this on account PORTLAND, May 17 nnd entertainment was toudoied cn-! of not desiring distuptlon ot friendly relations with thoir tordny to 135 men of tho Companies II. T. G. of tho old Third Oregon, who stopped off enrouto to Camp Lewis of safety that It Is expocted that for mustorlng out. much ot tho 5,000 s.juaro miles of J Except for ono company still emir- initio strowii waters wlilch remain will bo cleared without loss ot life, Ftias, tho contingent yesterday wt I tho last ot this regiment. nolghbots. This need not cause any wotry, for the police will treat all complaints in strict confidence, Klamath Improvement Club.