Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1903)
X THEIR FATE SEALED Bridges and Booth. of Roseburg to be Removed from Office as a Result of Searching Investiga tion by federal Inspectors. SOME STRONG EVIDENCE IS FOUND dotted his independent search for nten for the land office. Ehedtricdl Man’s Woes When the bankruptcy proceedings of John Fisher came up in the United States District Court recently, in the shape of a petition for discha'ge, some of his creditors created so much opposi tion that Judge Bellinger continued the matter for ten days in order to permit specific objections to la.- filed. Fisher was proprietor of a traveling theatrical couquuiy which was stranded last Dec ember at Grants Pass, after leaving Medford, the scenery being attached fur a hotel bill. He undertook to get rid of his debts by going through bankruptcy. It is said that the opposition to his dis charge comes mostly from actors who hold claims against him for unpaid salaries, and who allege that Fircher is trying some underhanded method of beating them out of their hard earnings. Fischer was formerly a resident of Jack sonville, as also was his daughter, Mar garita, the star of the company.—South ern Oregonian. The following dispatch to the Oregon ian from Washington, D. C-, under date of March 14th, sheds light on a subject in which all Southern Oregon is inter ested hence we give the article in full: Secretary Hitchcock is still after the scalps of Register J. T Bridges and Re ceiver J. H. Booth of the Roseburg land office, and this time he will get them. Bridges and Booth have been suspended for several months because of irregulari ties found in their office by inspector Greene. Since their suspension the Roseburg land office has virtually been closed, and there has been a cessation of all land business. Ever since Bridges and Booth were suspended various agents of the interior cured CONSUMPTION. department have been making a sweep Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan. ing investigation to find evidence which writes, My husliand lay sick fur three will warrant their removal, and such evi months. The doctors said he had quick dence they have secured. Indeed it is consumption. We procured a bottle of strongly hinted that Bridges and Booth Ballard's Horehound Svrup, and it cured may be indicted when the federal grand hitn. That was six years ago and since jury reassembles in Portland in April, then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it. For though District Attorney Heney denies coughs and colds it has uo equal. For this report. sale by City Drug Store. At any rate, Secretary Hitchcock is satisfied that he has evidence enough to A CHICAGO ALDERMAN OWES HIS convince the President that Bridges and ELECTION TO CHAMBERLAIN S COUGH REMEDY. Booth must go, and having that informa “I can heartily and conscientiously tion, he is diligently searching for two recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem more to appoint as their successors. He edy for affections of the throat anil has not asked Senator Fulton to recom lungs”, says Hon. John Sheni. k, 2211 So. mend men for this office, but is looking Peoria St., Chicago. “Two years ago around on his own responsibility and during a political campaign* 1 caught cold after being overlie «ted, which ir when he finds two men who meet his re ritated my throat and I was final'y com quirements and whom he can trust, lie pelled to stop, as I could not speak a will ask the President to dismiss Bridges loud, In my extremity a friend advised and Booth and appoint in their stead men me to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I took two doses that afternoon and of his selection. could not Irelieve my senses when 1 If this p an is carrie 1 out and Mr. Ful found tue next morning the inflamma ton is not consulted there will be a re tion had largely subsided. I took sev newal of friction between Mr. Hitchcock eral doses that dav. kept right on talk ing through the campaign, and 1 thank and the Senator. Land officers have to this medicine that 1 won my seat in the be confirmed by the Senate and more Council.” This remedy is for sale by over Mr. Fulton has the President’s City Drug Store. assurance that no appointments will be made in Oregon until he has been con SUMMONS. sulted, If men of Mr. Hitchcock’s selec- In tile Justice’s Court for Jacksonville tion should be appointed they will Justice district, Jackson county Oregon. Action encounter difficulty when their nomina- J. W. Robinson, Plaintiff, vs. - to recover tions are sent to the Senate. The J. C. Whipp, Defendant: | money. indictions are, however, that Bridges To J. C. Whipp, the above named de and Booth will not be dismissed until fendant, Greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon,vou after the Senate adjourns, and that the President will be asked to make recess are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court, at the office of the appointments which will not come up Justice of the Pea e for Jacksonville Jus for confirmation until next winter. tice’s district, Jackson county, Oregon, Secretary Hitchcock is planning to have in the City of Jacksonville, on or before the change made in this way so as to six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and to answer make sure of his men. Senator Fulton the complaint filed on the above entitled declares that any men appointed to the cause, and if you fail so to appear and Roseburg Land Office solely on Mr. answer the plaintiff w ill take judgement Hitchcock’s recommendation will never against you for the sum of £40.(M) with interest therron at the rate of 8 per cent be confirmed. | per annum from and after January 2nd 1902 and for the further sum of J25. 1 Attorneys fees and for his costs and dis A later dispatch from Washington to bursements of this action, and will at the the Oregonian regarding the appoint same time apply to the court for an order ment of successors to Messrs. Booth and directing the personal property hereto fore attached in this action, to be applied Bridges reads as follows: Senator Fulton will name the new reg upon said judgment. This summons is | published by order of the Hon. Henry G. ister and roceiver of the Roseburg land Dox. the Justice of the Peace for said pre office. He had a conference today with cinct, made February 4th 1905, ordering Secretary Hitchcock, and was told that that the said summons be published in in time Booth and Bridge* will be rernov- ■ the Jacksonville Sentinel, a newspaper published at Jacksonville in Jackson ed. When the Government is ready to ounty, Oregon, that said publication lie make new appointments Senator Fulton i made for six successive weeks. The will be asked to make recommendations, j date of the first publication of this sum mons is February 10th 1905 and the date His men will be examined, and if satis- of the last publication thereof and the factory will be appointed. If they do last day in which you are permitted to not meet the requirements he will be answer, is March 24th 1905. J. R. NK1L, asked to submit other names, In any Attorney for Plaintiff. event, men of his selection will get the offices. Secretary Hitchcock has aban- Isn’t your subscription due? \i IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE S. P. R. R. TIME CARD. STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK- South B nd North U nd SON COUNTY. Train*. Tram*. In the matter of the estate of Rebecca No 14 No 11 No 12 No le H. Crump, deceased. Notice to present I ................ .. ...................................... claims. p in V œ Notice is hereby given that the under M I.v port land Ar 7 tó iu:a II 00 Salem . b M) 4 .M signed lias been by order of the judge of the above entitled court appointed as the P m A 11*111 > Administrator of the estate of Rebecca II L'> 12 JO S 16 4 IO H. Crump, deceased. All persons hav Iti ing claims against the said estate will ■1 1:14 1 ü ■ 2.4B ............. Eugene ............... .... present them to me with proper vouch ers attached thereto, at the office of ........................ 5 J 41 ....... R < j » c 1 hi rg < R. IO Il !.. Kearnes Hiid Realties in Jacksonville, lO.tB io u ............. Grant* I****. ......... lo 5/25 f. 15 Oregon, within six months from this III u ti h Gold llill 5 M» 4 .'<0 11 3» to 57 ....Central Point f» ni 1 29 date. J ohn H. C rump , Adminis 11 w III.. ............ Medford ............... .... 4 IV 4 tì trator of the estate of Rebecca If. Crump, deceased. Reames and Reames, Attor i 41 1 1“ nevs for the estate. Dated Fehr. 24, ‘05. Il 2M 12 tt* II ÄM 4 or» 4 12.12 ............. TuUnl 2 24 3-24 p m Bdrqdins In Millinery 12 »Ä 12 A*hiand 4 a» ..............Montague ........... :i :v> 12 «i 1 24 12.» a in 5 10 ............. Sacrarnento ....... *> 10 1 .'<0 For a short time, at least the ladies of 7... Ar ».or, San Franciaco I. t 2 22 Jacksonville will have an opportunity to Cicket* »old to all jM,int* in I hr United State* secure some of the greatest bargains ever sleeping car reaervaliona made on application Freight bouse open» at Ma in anil close* at 4’.*0 offered here in millinery. A large and a m ICOT I u w II.< OX, Agent complete stock of up-to-date goods are now taring sold out at less than cost in A fine s< lection of glassware at Nunun- the room just east of the Sentinel ofiice. Taylor Company's to l»e sold with baking Call at once while the stock is complete. power at no additional charge. / JUST ARRIVED I have just received and pot ready for inspection the first shipment of my new stock of Spring Millinery which is the latest and most up-to-date of any stock in the county and J am sure it will please you if yon want someth in ng nice. AN EASTER OPENING will be held at my store on or about March 20th which will interest you. Choice pattern hats and many new nove 11ies. MISS KATHARINE CHAPMAN FIRST DOOR WEST OF POSTOFFICE I