Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1903)
JACKSONVILLE SENTINEL Local Briefs ISSUED ON FRIDAY OF BY I.KK W EACH WEEK. IIKNMY, EDITOR. FURNITURE John Simmon» was at the county beat Saturday. Knlrrrtl In the |MMtoffM'r ol Jarkmuvllle. Jxkaon County, Olegoa, arcouil <I« m matter. Fresh hah at the City Meat Market on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hi.'MHcairrioN Kam One year.................................................................... |I.U> Hl« month* ....... .75 Three month« ...... to C liibbimo T khms . The Scullnrl amt the Weekly Oregonian will oe aeut to one uihire«« tor >2 • year. The Heuti- url give» the J»< k«on county new» ami the Ore gonian give« the alate, national ami world new», tlma a trader la able to cover the entire new» hr hi at alrout the price ol but one paper. ratal. Hi iMcairrioMn The Jar kaonvtlle Sentinel will tie «ent to any atldiraa, al any poatoAce in the United State», lor lour week» lor 10 cent». All aubacription». regular or trial, will Ire prompt ly »tupped at the tlatr r>l eipiratioii, unlraa a re newal 1» received. FRIDAY. MARCH 18. 1905. In thia day and age there are friends *n<l friends, some are friends indeed and some are friends for revenue only. If one ever hat need of a friend they will find out which is which. The revelation is sometimes startling but nevertheless quite true and the knowledge thus gain ed is most valuable. Wt.t. Puhi attended the funeral of Mr. Roste) at Yreka last Sunday. Splendid line of sample» to select a suit from at Furness’ the Clothier. W. S. Barnum, wife and son left Mon day for .San Francisco for a short visit. Mis* Murphy, of this place, opened a spring term of school at Soda Springs last Monday. Those desiring to either buy or sell laud of any kind should not fail to see Daily & Elmer. P. Centeiueri & Co's Lidies Kid gloves black and in colors. For sale at N unan T aylor C o ’». Hotel for Sale. In a Rogue Rivertown. Title perfect and the opportunity fora profitable business. Building well located, in good repair and fully furnished. Six lots and a rich garden tract where all vegetables needed for the hotel can be raised and a:i abund ance of fruit. Timber land tract of 12 acre miles distant goes with property. All sold at a bargain and immediate pos session given. Good reason for selling. M. Calhoun, Phoenix, Oregon. BARGAINS Sjiectncles soldered and other light re|*airmg done at reasonable price* at Hickel's jewelry store, Jacksonville. Patronize your home merchant and "cut out" this ordering stuff from agent» that you can buy chea|ier light here at home. If it is a billions attack take Chamber- lain'» Stomach ami Liver Tablets and a And now that it is a settled fact that quick cure i» certain. For sale by Citv Drug Store. tile old land office officials at Roseburg The Redmen will celebrate St. Tam- are to lie replaced by new men the appli mary's Day May 12 in Jacksonville. A cations are swarming in from ali portions grand ball in the evening will lie pari of the state of men who are willing and of the program. even anxious to serve their country in Grape fruit and big juicy oranges at that capacity. The patriotism (?) of J^-arneds, fresh from the California some of the American people in case of groves. No middleman's profits, hence emergencies like this is something won the price» are right. derful indeed. lister 8t Schulz have just received a shipment of "Schilling's Best” baking Today, (Friday) is St. Patrick'* day ¡Miwdcr which is said to lie the best on and the "Wearing of the Green" is in the market. Try it. evidence on the streets of Jacksonville. For the benefit of the public school The hills and fields in this vicinity, too, library fund, "That Rascal Pat”. are wearing a beautiful mantle of green March Ihtli 1905. A roaring farce worth such as people coming here from the twice the price of admission. cast have never seen at this season of the Steam rolled barley and barley steam year. Hillsides, fields, meadow* and rolled at Chris Ulrich's. Barley steam mountains tn Southern Oregon are as rolled any day you bring a ton at $1.50 a ton. Also bran, flour, corn, corn meal green as the "Emerald Isle" itself at this and graham. season of the year and while the sham Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark and two rock may not bloom in the meadows nor children arrived tn town Wednesday in the gardens yet many other variétés from Bay City Michigan. Mrs. Clark is of tame anil wild flowers are in bloom on a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno Lyden of this place and they exjiect to locate this St. Patrick's day. in this vicinity. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Jackson. In the matter of the Estate of Henry Weydertnan. deceased. Order ap pointing day for final settlement, etc. Emil Britt the executor of the estate of Henry Weydermann, deceased, having rendered and presented for settlement, and filed in this Conrt his final account of his administration of said Estate. I t is ordkkkd . That Wednesday the 12th day of April, A. I). 1906, being a day of a subsequent term of said Court, towit: of the April tertn thereof A. I). 1905 at 10:00 o'clock a. tn. of said day, be and the same is hereby appointed for the settlement of said account, and that no tice of said settlement be published in the Jacksonville Sentinel, a newspaper published in Jacksonville, Oregon, as often as once a week for four successive weeks prior to said day of settlement. Done in open Court this 8th day of March, A. D. 1905. G ro . W. D unn , 3-10:4-7 County Judge. Having moved into new quarters and greatly en larged my stock I am bet ter able to please the public than ever. Come in and look my stock over, even though you do not buy. List your lands with the new real- estate firm, Daily & Elmer. Frank Hale returned from his trip to Lane Co., last Friday, bringing with him his bride who was formerly Miss Hem- enwav, one of the charming young lad ies of Eugene. Frank is a son of ex-judge Hale, of Grants Pass and a young tnan of good habits and ability. He is now employed as amalgamator at the Opp mine and they will make their home at this place. o. K. Picture» Framed and Furniture Repaired. C. W. CONKLIN, The Up-to>date House Furnisher and Undertaker Lewis and Clark Centennial. ’e • » J t W P'NTSY FOR m (X CASH extra priée» mil b» di-vto tat bddttto* t »he réfutai profita, among thoa* JOURNAL beyo «du d thr wora— eh mrreeee 'heir order* the «ig eat pen mtage In «h» vty ttae boy» m th* am a Ik*» piece* will have a* much chance « earn thw ertra mono aa th«-»» « th» «rger town* Oe« in Till JOUR NAL prtMeeexm THF JOURNAL to a m Aödrrm THE JOURNAL. 1 Barber Shop Wm. Puhi, Prop. Up-to-Date Shop Three Fine Chairs (iood Workmen. Two fine Bathrooms with the best tubs cleanest towels, etc STRIKES HIDDEN ROCKS. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Tal ladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no lietter when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me.” Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. For sale by J. W. Robinson. BOY 3 fc yw—• ’ tai evwry •rC* wt «ml «n ww country— -ran tar* tr. ■ ry arui rer* «« r*a*ly aeü-rng THE DAILY • 4 tl’WDAV JO’JR NAL No monr» • r«quir«4 tom- • th« tun a*>d <*• . 'h* ’’ v >• rvAiit ■ needM T*> at y hoy «ntl try ttac plan «« w ' arnd 10 copae« M THE SUN DAY JC’-aNAL lob» « d • 0«flti S After «hat *11 p«p*r» «Kot «« ro- I wiO be delivered • Snr by af ■ -• *« wtM>>e««ie pme*. *r*1 h« •*- . -u!1 Dertfed ne- «r*re» en *«rt «nv um« and d «uccew»ul b»^.nr THE L’.’NDAY JOURNAL, t- r.r -ar *w tent bi tax THI D a « ly journal » THI «•'• * v JOURNAL Centex« ALL THE NL>*ta «ed many «per«! to te» rl n*«--v «r «nzn and and. bwaide*. ha« aü • • u.dd-ee * comx c*r*«ed bv U m iundav paper« o< th« « m < JOURNAL *ov» M« n». mg M much ii n te U l wrti m r « ’<■<« ar U m D**« em» w*n» « try ta’ International scope is assured to the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon, from June 1st to October 15, 1905, by President Roosevelt’s approval of the act of Cong ress making an appropriation for the Ex position, and his invitation to foreign countries to participate Portland’s Expo sition will represent a total outlay of over ¿5,000,000. Though covering 405 acres of land and natural lake, it will be com pact in form, and the average person will Ire able to >ee and comprehend it all in a few days at moderate cost. The cream of the foreign and domestic exhibits to be . made at St. Louis this year will be trans ferred to Portland at the close of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The United States exhibit will Ire moved entire to Portland and installed in building to be specially erected. This exhibit will be worth ¿BOO,000. In addition Portlai d , will have many features which will not be seen at St. Louis, such as exhibit demon strating the life, customs and industries of China, Japtn, Hawaii, Siberia, Russia, Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, the Phil ippines and India. The Lewis and Clark Centennial will be the first international exposition under Government patronage ever held on the Pacific Coast. It will be in every way a Western exposition. The railroads will make low rates from Missouri and Miss issippi river points to Portland, and ex ceptionally low rates will be in effect Ire- tween Portland and the Rocky Mountain region. N S UNITED STATES LAND COMMISSIONER Filing« and final proof» for homesteads and timber claims made. Jacksonville Oregon CITY DRUGJME Wo carry a full and well- assorted line of Fine Sta tionery, Per turnery, Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Blank Books, Magazines, School Supplies and DRUGGS» SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PRESCRIPTIONS. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., PROPR. JACKSONVILLE, ORECON. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ /