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About The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1927)
a q v arato in THE ADVOCATE It CirculatM In All Tha Sûtes And Foreign Countries THE ADVOCATE An latfepsndfnl Pspsr Derol«4tto tit* V O L XXIV— No. 21 In tarsiti m f tbs Psopls In tbs Intsraat «C AB TH E ADVOCATE Is Publisbsd Only $2.50 Par Yaw Subscribe Por It! PRICE 5 CENTS ■■ PO R TLA N D , OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1927 WHL PICKENS CONFERS WITH NOTED RUSSIANS DENVER COLORED MAN’S HOME IS BOMBED DENVER MAN S HOME IS BOMBED TH IRD TIM E NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BRANCH ACTIVE Effort To Oust E. E. Carrington Prom His Horne In A 'W hite Neighborhood’ Shots Are Fired From Ambush I r- éé If 'THE AMERICAN COLOR LINE DRAWN RACE PROBLEM" PUPILS LEAVE RINK By Kits Reid W ILLIAM PICKENS IN RUSSIA; W RITES ON LYNCHING FOR MOSCOW PAPERS Says “Fire In The Flint”, “Bursting Bonds”, “Vengeance Of The Gods” To Be Published In Russian Language “We brought the Negro BOY REFUSED New, York, N. Y. January 29,—Letters have been re New York, N. Y. January 28,—The National Associa ENTRANCE ceived by the National Association for the Advancement T he A dvocate doe* n o t necessarily over from Africa in Colonial tion for tin* Advancement of Colored People is informed share in K its K eid's view s, but w heth without his consent of Colored People, 69 Fifth Avenue, from Wliliam Pick , , . . by its Denver, Colorado Branch, that for the third time er we do o r n o t, her opinions are times, sane, and logical and well w o rth ; and against ItlS interests He Fernwood School Students ens, Field Secretary of the within two months the home of IC. I*]. Carrington, a color r e a d in r I t U your privilege a i well a* I .- ,. s j n r e w o n t h r o l l i d i t o Quit Skating Party N. A. A. C. P., who has vis o u r. to diaegrec w ith K ite and th e " w i r o u g l l t o ed man, had been attacked. The first attack occurred at m vitea your opinion upon subiects f r e e d o m a n d a c e r t a i n d e f i - ited Russia on his European 2 o'clock on the morning of I ~ “ —— — Graduation Frolic Ends c ’ ofuin'“*'** 'rora “me *° tim# in tar "ite place in our affairs. How lecture tour. when One of Class Kept December 10, a bomb being DIOUflDÇ DO IT IIMPDIM ***** the white race can he fair to Mr. Pickens states that he placed under the porch of the DlullUru uULI JIIY luKUVY Out Because of Racial ---------------- him and at the same time addressed an audience in Carrington house and blow Difference How long, Oh, Lord, how conserve its own interests is Moscow including 22 Chin A face familiar on mag ing a hole in the porch as long must this country cn- the subject of this searching (Reprinted from Morning azine covers, in color adver ese generals, a number of well as arousing the entire dure Coolidge and Kellogg? and unprejudiced s t u d y , neighborhood. The second One thousand members of Is it possible that we are which deserves the attention Oregonian, Jan’y 28, 1927) tisements, and in the illus Russian leaders and repre attack occurred on January the Citizens’ Committee for Forty one members of the trations of popular serials, sentatives of ten to twelve going to stand by and stu- ,<»f both races.” Fernwood s c h o o l eighth emerges as a real personali nations and races. The entire 2. when six shots were fired Law Observance and Enfor- pidly allow them to force The above salient state- grade class gave up the fun ty in a Negro model. Mau group, writes Mr. Pickens at the house from ambush erment held their annual tlie American nation into a- ment adorns the cover on and festivities of what was to rice Hunter has become an was photographed at least while Mrs. Carrington was meeting in Washington, I). nother disgraceful war with 1 C . B. Reuter’s brand new have been their graduation American, and is now one of 50 times, motion pictures be standing talking to a neigh C., a few weeks ago, closing Mexico such as we had in book, “T II E AMERICAN part)’ last night and volunta the most sought after mod ing made of the speakers in bor. Three of the bullets pen with a banquet in the Will rily left the Imperial Skat els for artists and schools be action. etrated the window, just ard Hotel. There were many 184f>—a most “shameful and RACK PROBLEM”. inglorious blot on the histo Professor Reuter, w h o Among the Russian lead ing rink, 387 East Madison cause of unique gifts of im back of Mrs. Carrington. A colored delegates to the con- ry of this country ? Is it gen- holds the chair of social ers Mr. Pickens has confer street, in which the affair personation and a figure of little later that evening shots vention, among whom were I orally known that the tool Science at the University of red with are Kalinin, sisters was being held, rather than practically perfect physical were fired at the rear of the a group of Bishops of the we call the president has or- Iowa, approaches the ques- of Trotzky and Lenin, and proportions. But he came to that one of their number house shattering an electric Methodist Episcopal Church dered 6 more war ships and tion in an attitude so obvi- prominent editors. He re this country from Dutch should be barred from the bull) on the sleeping porch. viz: W . J. W alls* Georg* C. a small army of 4000 men to ously imp. •;al as to inspire ports that “The Fire In The Guiana about sixteen years ball on account of color. It The latest attack, on Jan Clement, E. W. D. Jones, ct Nicaraugua under the thin the respect and confidence of Flint” by W alter White, and ago, and was then twelve. was not fair, they thought, uary 15, was in the form of a al. Thc Bishop and other col bomb hurled on Mr. Carring ored delegates refused to at excuse the American proper- students. In seventeen cliap- for the party to continue “Because of humble origin, Bursting Bonds” and “The ton’s front porch at 6 o’clock tend the banquet when they ty and lives arc being men- ters lie reviews every phase when that one could not par the abridgement of opportu Vengeance of the Gods” by nities and handicaps innum Mr. Pickens himself are to in the evening. Mr. Carring learned that a table had been aced by the “revolutionists” of the Negro problem, and ticipate. • , • ii / .1 i*n country. I have brae- from the standpoint of the George Edward Cannadv, erable, the careers of most be translated into Russian, ton rushed out of the front * ' , s 'd' ‘ MH-cially for the tctcd ,,|c word ■ •rov<,|ulio„ . N „ „ |cs, thc A „fr- 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Negroes who hurdle obstac- and perhaps put on the stage door, seized the hotnh and colorcd delegates. because that U what lo-Saxon. as well as made into motion tossed it to the street. It ex 'our commander-in-chief of In his introductory chap- (Concluded on Page Four) ( Concluded on pg. 3, Col. 2) pictures. ploded, the concussion shat our army and navy calls ter the author reviews the Mr. Pickens has written a tering a window in a next them. But is that the real re- whole situation, stating that comprehensive article on door neighbor's house. Mr. ason? I have read every- the Negro people today offer lynching during the past for Carrington lias received re -------- thing I can get my hands on thc best opportunity in the ty years, detaling the cam peated threatening letters In beautiful demonstration and 1 find not one iota of ev- modrn world to study a race paign conducted for seven warning him to move (from of “flowers while you live ’, idence that there has ever in evolution. Next he studies teen years against this evil in what is a white neighbor which has become the pliil- been any threat even in that Race as a sociological con- America by the N. A. A. C. hood). osophy of life for Mr. bred direction. But I do find plen- cept, racial differences and P. This article is to be pub The Denver N. A. A. C. P. D. 1 lioinas, he and Ins ’bar- ty of evidence that Coolidge tendencies, the contact of ra lished in newspapers in Mos under the presidency of Geo. ining wife were hosts at a de- and Kellogg, between them, ces and cultures, the primi- cow, Berlin and Paris, writes W. (iross, lias appealed to lightfill banquet table at are obeying the dictates of tive Negro when he first Mr. Pickens, who has also the authorities for protection their home, 366 Shaver St., Wall Street capitalists and reached America, thc disap-1 written for Russian maga and is in constant communi- zines on American race prob caton with the National Of recently honoring members are sending American boys pearancc of his original lan- lems. of Bethel choir and others down there to die for the guge and customs, and the fice of the N. A. A. C. P. which is following the situa who participated in the ren- sake of the American oil and effect of slavery upon his tion closely. The National dilion of Christmas music at mineral land owners in Mex- status. The Negro in Slavery Office of the N. A. A. C P. Bethel church during the ico, using thc Nicarauguan in fact occupies several chap- ters and is viewed biological- lias offered full assistance to holidays. Twenty seven hap- incident as an excuse. «■< M r and the Denver Branch in deal- « K" '£ s There has been a civil (Concluded on page four) ing with the hotnh terrorism Mrs. 1 bornas warm hospi-. tality and enjoyed a delicious Avar (is one of a kind now) Mr. John Bosch of Geyser- three-course repast. The re- between two forces in Nic- ville, California was the in tnaindcr of the evening was aruagua. The majority elc- spiration for a gathering of spent in song and speech Mr. ment led by President Saca- a group of colored and white Thomas being the witty sa has been recognized by friends at the home of Mr. toastmaster. Mexico as thc legal govern- and Mrs. E. D. Cannady in Sunday, Jan. 22, was thc o------- I ment of that country. Diaz, Irvington Tuesday evenng. second anniversary of Sold the claimant of the minority Mr. Bosch is a leading Ba iers and Sailors Day. The faction is recognized by the hai teacher and visited the service was in charge of the ( United States. Coolidge— (Preston News Service) Washington, D. C. Jan.^28 great Persian teacher, Abdul Brotherhood. The program Wall Street rather— charges —Major John C. Montgom ***** Bahai in Haifa. He also was was somewhat cut on a c-, that the Mexican govern ery, 10th Cavalry, at Fort with Abdul Baha in Chicago count of the inclement wea (By Mrs. Lynch Brown) ment is furnishing arms and Huachuca, Ariz. now in New during Abdul Baha’s visit to ther. The program will be On account of cold wea munitions to Sacasa and York City, on leave of ab America and was one of the concluded at a later date to ther there was no Sunday feels that this justifies the sence, has been ordered to few Americans present when l>e announced. School nor Christian Endea United States in supplying his home to await retirement Roland Hayes found time, during his sojourn in the the great spiritual leader Rev. Dyer preached in the vor Sunday. Thc pastor, Rev. morning from the Book of House is unable to preach. (Concluded on page four) for convenience of the Gov South, to visit the great institute of Tuskegee, Alabama, passed into the Unknown at and sing for its members. The tenor laid a wreath on the his home in Haifa. ernment- Ilaboklcuk, 2nd Chapter 1st He is suffering with throat grave of Dr. Booker T. Washington, the great educatdr Mr. Bosch told in his own verse; Text, “I will stand up trouble. ***** and founder.of Tuskegee Institute, while Mr. E. IT. W ash interesting way of his teach on my watch, and set me up ington, the educator’s son, and Mr. R. R. Taylor, acting ing the great universal prin on the tower, and will watch Mr. Neville was in Tacom- principal, stood beside him. ciples of Brotherhood, etc., to see what he will say unto a a few days last week. ***** The annual observance of in many parts of the world. me, and what I shall answer Miss Stella Stokes of To “Negro History W eek” will He also gave a vivid . '•count Mrs. Ruby Smith, former when I am reproved.” The peka, Kans., has been ap begin the second week of of his visit to the Holy Land ly of Vcrnonia, Oregon, is in sermon was well outlined. pointed clerk in thc State and other parts of the world. February, on February 6th, Auditor’s office, Longview for an indefinite From that day until this, A. F. Wil- f (] Miss Marie Nadelhoffer of the duty of a soldier and a visit. While in thc city she is sponsored by the Associa- same place was Bill Burns who came to Illinois State, Field secretary sailor were emphasized, de the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. tion for the Study of Negro Earned!clerk of the siTe'etd7- The Portland last week as and Dr. Talbot Pacific coast picting the important part A. Freeman. Mrs. Smith or ife and History, Carter (,. partnicnt Also J. T. Duval of dining room captain, only Regional Director of thc Woodson Director, Wash- fcansas Citv. Kans., has been they have played throughout iginally is from Texas. stuck for five days. ***** Near East Relief, both gave ington, D C. The purpose appointed Deputy Oil In- the Christian era. ***** of the celebration is to ac- sp£Ctor interesting and touching ac Miss Ruth Johnson is now At thc morning service, Mrs. Lee the efficient quaint those who do not * 0____ counts of the condition of wc had Mr. J. W. Ford of domiciled at the Blackstonc check room attendant at the know, of the history of the the Near East children and Oakland, Calif., Mr. W. Por Apafltmchta. Portland, was ill for a few American Negro in an un ***** , their need for America’s ter of Omaha, Noli., Mr. S. (lays this week and Miss L. biased manner; to popularize help. Mr. Lynch Brown who has (Concluded on pg. 3 Col. 1) been confined to his bed with the study of Negro life and Matthews filled her place. Mr. Young accompanied **** on the piano by his wife, illness and under thc care of History and to secure more support for its promotion. E. Nobles, former waiter sang a group of songs to the W YATT W. W ILLIAM S a physician, is much improv All schools, churches, wo Chandler Owen one of at The Portland has just re delight of all. ed at this writing and able Attorney at Law mens’ clubs ,etc„ arc request Chicago’s leading business turned from a long sea voy Thc hostess, assisted by to be out gain. T H E STORE FOR ed to observe this week in a ***** Mrs. Idela Shirkey and Miss age in the role of a waiter. With Julius Silvcstone, linen who has, for thc past 17 EVERYBODY ***** fitting manner, everywhere. Helen Pilkington served a Attorney and Counselor months, served as general Luclla Foster who was in ------o--- — A new captain has been light supper. ! manager and editor of the 523-524 Lumbermens Bldg. Kelso a few days returned to -o---- Nicely furnished house j Chicago Bee, has resigned. hired in the Portland main keeping rooms for rent. — &r. Stay off Monday, Februa dining room. His name is Phones: Br. 0635-Wa. 3920 (Concluded on pg. 2, Col. 4) Mr. Owen will go to Paris » T « Q S mm or P O « 9 Phone East 4042.446 E. 10th , [ ondon and Berlin to study Portland, Oregon i (Concluded on page 3, col. 3) ry 21 - 1927— Elk's Ball. Subscribe for Thc Advoate. St., North. Adv. I crimc control. , ,Mnct , NEGRO MODEL IN GREAT CHOIR HONORED HAYES HONORS WASHINGTON HOLY LAND VISITOR MT. OLIVET NEWS TO BE N E G R 0 Ì S WEEK GET POLITICAL I0BS 1 HOTEL NOTES Portland’s TO STUDY CRIME Own Store m uality ortland tom i rm o