Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1975)
6—The Mill City Enterprise, Unirxlav, July 8, 1975 ROTOVATING Service. Phone .......................................................................... :.. . . i 897-2183. 31p CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE—Grass and clover Miscellaneous hay. Gates area. Taking ord Churches, bazaars, suppers, ers. Phone 859-2399. 21 bake sale, etc., will be run GLIDDEN PAINT now avail able at Western Auto Asso FOR SALE RASPBERRIES- under special announcements ciate Store. Bring in your classification with a mini Will take orders now. Ready color, we will mix the paint mum charge of 75c per in early in July. Margaret •ertion. to match It Santiam Blvd., Kunkle, Rt. 1. Box 50, Lyons Fifteen cents per line each Mill City. Ph. 897-2785. 49tf Phone 859-2652. 27p insertion, No advertisements ROOFING NEED CASH? Loans available accepted for less than 75c GALVANIZED 2H” corrugated. 4V corru per week. Minimum charge _ on older homes and ranch- gated custom cut to length. for Cards of Thanks $1.00. ettes. We purchase contracts. Ask about our new lower Count five words to the line i Call debenture mortgage prices. Sublimity Building in ordering your ad. Telephon« co.. Stayton. 769-5445. 26tf Supply, 769-2174. 897-2'72, Mill City or mai your advertisement to The Mill OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT - FOR SALE-Honda S. L. 100 $260.00, 2-speed boy’s sting Citv Enterprise, Mill Citv. $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity ray bicycle $30.00. Phone Oregon 97360. Building Supply. Phone 769- Mill City 897-2388. 26tf 2174. 3tf WHITE interior La'ex wall WHILE THEY LAST No more Public Notices at these prices. 1 22 cal. finish $3.98 gaL Sublimity cartridge belt, reg. $8.50 now Building Supply, Sublimity. $5 50; 1 16 guage belt slide Ph. 769-2174. 3tf $1.75, studded leather dog collars, $1.25 to $2.00, 15” NUMBER ONE prefinished on paneling. All 4x8 sheets to 23”. Chuck's Mini Shoe Baha'i Faith $3.99 and $4.99. Sublimity Shop. 336 N. E Alder, Mill PHONE 859-2943 Building Supply, Sublimity. City, Ore. 27 Phone 769-2174. 3tf NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ALUMINUM Screen Doors1 your cleaning done with Real Estate complete with hinges, latch Blue Lustre Shampoo or the set, grill and door closer, New Easy Way with the $14.50. Sublimity Building new RINSE-’N VAC Carpet Supply. Phone 789-2174. tf Cleaning system Easy car-! FOR RENT — Lawn mower I pet cleaning that keeps car pets cleaner longer. For so and garden tiller. Western Auto Associate Store, phone i little. The new portable steam type cleaning system •97-2785. ntf ___________________________ I by Blue Lustre.—Mill City BEDDING and vegetable' Hardware. Phone 897-2977, Mill City. 27tf plants For Sale. Corrine Etzel, Fern Ridge Gardens.1 Stayton, 769-6718. 22tf WE WILL NOT Be Respons ible for any merchandise left MILL CITY—Picturesque in the Shoe Shop after July landscaping, fruit trees, gar 11. We are taking an extend den, heated and air condi ed vacation—Chuck’s Mini tioned green house, insu Shoe Shop. 28 lated work shop with a trash burner. 4 ft. cyclone fence, AUTHORIZED CATALOG WILL DO HAYING on shares. ‘•more’’ on a lOC/xlOO’ lot MERCHANT STORE Chester Straight. Phone 897- Part of “More” ... a cus 2755. 28 tom built mobile home with 11 attached enclosed porch. SEPTIC TANK and drainfield $17,000 terms. installation. Gravel, Topsoil, I We Welcome Evening Bulldozing, rototilling. Low Appointments rates. L M Walker, Lyons. Louise Patterson___ 769-5716 Phone 8592436. 50tf INFORMATION SUREWAY REALTY Company 265 E. Ida St — Stayton Ph. 769-3366 or 769-5716 CARPET" 25% off On Every Carpet In Our Carpet Catalog Sears At Your Home Owned SEARS STORE AUTHORIZED CATALOG MERCHANT STORE Ph. 897-2348 160 N. 1st Mill City HELP LISTINGS WANTED PRICES SLASHED Need Dry cleaning Agency for Salem Laundry and I Drycleaning. Pick up and' Delivery on Mondays HIRTE'S MARKET Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st! St., Mill City. Open 8-6:30 every day. Closed Sundays. WASHERS■DRYERS COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION DRUSHELLA'S Drushella Real Estate 1905 N. First Are., Stayton Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 Salesman — Gates, Oregon Call day or evening Chest and Upright Freezers in stock Your Home Owned Sean Appliance Center 897-2348 Mill City 160 N. 1st Join your friends and save with safety at the North Santiam Federal. Accounts Insured to $40,000.00. 1005 North First Avenue, Stay ton, Ore. Phone 769-2146. t I Lovely Building Site CARL'S UPHOLSTERY Excellent Location We Upholster Furniture, Boats, Cars and all Farm Equipment FREE Estimates and FREE Pickup and Delivery Service 30 Years Experience 480 Center Street, Sublimity Ph. 769-5883 3 BEDRM. HOME in newer area. Close to market House approx. 4 yrs. old on 94x115’ lot. Living room and hall carpeted. Dining area in kitchen, l’/2 baths, lots of storage. Gas range included. Forced air furnace. Doub le garage and covered patio. Priced at only $21,500. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED — 22 acres. Bus transportation from Gates, Mill City, Lyons, Mehama. Call Jenny Neal 897-2540, Don Nielson, 769-6600 or Richard Hartmann, 769-6542 22tf WANTED Mature lady in spike patent pumps and star- sequined bikini as courier during parade. Report to registration booth 27p Services Weddle Funeral Home STROUT REALTY, INC. MEDITERRANEAN $498.00 with trade F4088 Mediterranean styled colsole. Decorative end panels, simu lated drawers, full base with consealed casters Dark finish ed Oak color (F4O88DE) or Pecan color (F4088P). For Top TV or Radio SALES or SERVICE Call 769-2451 We Repair AU Brands and Models RICHARD SCHUMACHER Distributor Approved SERVICE Bank Terms Available On Approved Credit Sublmity, Ore. Rte. 1, Box 188, Lyons PHONE «97-2097 All Types of Roof Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Cotting's Small Engine Repair LAWNMOWERS A SAWS All Makes and Models Call 897-2212 C&H FURNITURE Uphol$tery "24 Years Experience" CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Commercial, Home, Autos, Boats, etc. “Chuck does them all” Free Estimates, Pickup and delivery. 104 N. First Avenue, Stayton JOHN W. REID. M. D. Modern Funeral Sendee Gates, Ore. Stayton Oregon Physician and Surgeon LYONS: Dandy building lota in Evergreen Addition. City water and trees. $4,000 each. MILL CITY r y2 phis ACRE with thia good conditioned 2-BDRM home. Carpeted living room with franklin fire place, Shake roof, basement, large garage and shop. Shade trees, small barn and more. All for $23,900. INCOME PROPERTY-McMINNVILLE: 2 houses and a duplex on a 9O’xl78’ lot near entrance to Linfield Col lege. $380 monthly income. Manager has rent free apace for Lia mobile home. Consider North Santiam Canyon property in trade. Or, terma on $32,500 price. Eves 769-5146. I RON BENTZ 'S$OC I AT f S REALTORS Ph. 769-6355 719 N. I«t. Ave Stayton, Oregon * i WAYNE'S GARAGE Ph. 897-2246 t Lyons, Oregon the court, “they were in the Joint Personal Repre public domain.” sentatives. As a rule, the constitutional Published in The Mill City protection against unreason able search and seizure does Enterprise June 26, July 3 and 9 Domestic not apply to articles that have 10. 1975. ♦ Commercial been abandoned. This is true NOTICE OF BUDGET ♦ Autos even though they were aband HEARING ♦ Trucks oned under the pressure of 4> Electrical Appliances The budget for City of pursuit. ♦ Washers In another case a speeding Gates, Oregon for the fiscal ♦ Dryers motorist, noticing a police car year 1975-1976 beginning July AL HERRMANN following him, tossed a pack 1, 1975, as detailed and num- Bus 769 6918 Res 859-2402 age of narcotics out the win arized below, was pre pared by the Cash accounting basis, and 244 N 4th Street dow into an open field. STAYTON, OREGON Police retrieved the pack Is consistent with the ac age. And again, a court ruled counting basis used during the last two years Major changes, STAYTON SMALL that the evidence was valid. if any, and their effects on The court said the man had EQUIPMENT clearly abandoned possession this budget are set forth in an i of the package before the po i accompanying statement. Homelife Sale$ & I A copy of the budget docu- lice picked it up. I Service But there must also be an merit may lx* inspected or ob Open Tuesday Thru Saturday Intent-to-abandon. Another tained between the hours of man, sitting in a taxi, dropped 10:00 a m.12:00 noon Tues- 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. a box of pills on tte l.._ ’flw ..— day. July 1. 1975 at Gates City 393 E. Florence w util « a piiivcinaii wnmvxs • i«p. when policeman walked up. . Hall. A meeting of the City Stayton, Oregon Here too the officer seized the 9"',nc 11 Ju,y 10' 1975, at 7:30 p. m. at Gates For Rent b'Tn these circustances, how City Hall for the purpose of Superior Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Service ever, a court decided later' holding a public healng on budget Any person may that the box could not be used as evidence The court said uPP,,,r t0 discuss the budget, that although it had been laid i or anyA^^ ARTHUR SKINNER, aside momentarily, it was still | HOUSE FOR LEASE 3 bed- within the man’s reach—still,' Chairman of Governing room, paneled living rm., for all Body. practical purposes, „ separate dining area, on 1 within his possession. Marion County, City of Gates acre of land with Ige. garden June 20, 1975 "An occupied taxicab,” ob spot Children and pets wel served the judge, “is not to be Publish July 3, 1975. i come. $110.00 montl Ph. compared with an open field.” NOTICE TO MUI City 897-3229. 27p INTERESTED PERSONS HOUSE FOR RENT or SALE Evelyn I. Fuson has been 2 bedroom in the country. appointed Personal Represen $150. mo. unfurnished. Ph. tative of the Estate of 897-2692 NICHOLAS L KEl.LEY, aka ROY KELLY, Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of | Oregon for Linn County under PROBATE NOTICE ___________ _____________ No. 12760 All _ persons having Notice is hereby given that claims against the estate are the Will and Estate of Ruby required to present them to L Brisbin, deceased has been said Personal Representative admitted to probate under No at 545 Third Street, Stayton, 28142 in the Circuit Cmirt Oregon 97383, within four of the State of Oregon for months after date of first pub We wish to thank all our Marion County. All persons lication of this notice or they friends for the lovely cards Interested therein and having may be barred. and flowers and to the Re claims thereagainst are re Your rights may be affected bekah Lodge and Eastern Star quired to present the same by this proceeding and addi for the lunch. Also, a special with proper vouchers to Ansel tional information may be ob thanks to all the pall bearers Hayward and Mary Stafford, tained from the records of the and to Rev. Dean Cade. Joint Personal Representatives Court, the Personal Represen The family of Ruby Brisbin. at the office of DUNCAN, tative or the attorneys for the 27p uunuAn iiuLn, aiiurnvys DUNCAN « A TIGER, Attorneys . | Personal Representative. I at Law, 545 Third Street, Stay- ! Dated and first published CARD OF THANKS ton, Oregon, 97383, within four June 19, 1975. I would like to take this months after June 25, 1975. i Evelyn I. Fuson, to thank my opportunity All persons whose rights1 Personal Representative friends for the lovely birthday may be affected by the estate; Duncan, Duncan A Tiger, cards I received and for the proceedings may obtain ad Attorneys at Law for their kindness. Your ditional information from the 545 Third Street during my long period of con records of the Court, the Per Stay ton, Oregon 97383 valescence. A special “thank sonal Representatives or the Attorneys for you” to the American Legion- attorneys. Personal Representative Auxiliary, Idanha Unit 141,' (Published in The Mill Qty ANSEL HAYWARD, for thei rkindness. Your Enterprise, Thurs., June 19. Hubbard, Oregon thoughtfulness will long be re MARY STAFFORD, 26, and July 3. 1975.) membered. Pearl Giebeler, Mill City. 27p FOR RENT — Furnished 1 and 2 bdrm. apt«. All utilities incl. Cable TV available. Ph. 897-2961. 22tf Ph. 769-5427 MANY BUYERS for homes with am»Il acreage. LIST NOW. Vivian Kealen, Mgr. WANTED — Woman for part time help. Ph 859-2134. Wil son’s Hatchery. 22tf BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - 33.43 ACRES with approx. 900 ft. of highway frontage. Unimproved City water line Beautiful view and lots of trees--------- ----------------------------------- -------- $45,000. Ph. 897-2124 STRAWBERRY Pickers Want ed. 16 acres Hood variety, Ted and Pete Etzel, Stay- ton. Phone 769-6718 or 769- 6606 20tf AIXIED ROOFING r think of Help Wanted CARD OF THANKS I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the ladies of the American Legion Aux iliary for sending me to Ore gon Girls’ State. I can honest ly say it was one of the best weeks in my life. Thank you so much. Lisa Barnhardt THE FAMILY LAWYER Waste Basket Evident— Detectives suspected that Murray, staying in a down town hotel, was involved in il licit gambling. One evening they checked the contents of his waste basket after it had been removed from the room by a maid. Sure enough, they found telltale numbers slips. When the case came to court, Murray’s lawyer object ed to this evidence on grounds of “unreasonable search and seizure.” He pointed out that the detectives had no warant to search the waste basket. But the court found the evi dence admissible and Murray guilty. D D ELECTRIC Motor Service 518 Canter St., SubUmity All Makes motors Serviced, Repaired and Rewound. Irri gation and House Pumps in- eluded. SERVICE CALLS MADE FLOWER WEDDING LINE with 5 exclusive n « w Rogane# Scripte and f)Kro. Cau^ftlow JICr anJ JICn 'Xrlftur H When you choose from our famous Regency Flower We4> ding Line you need have no qualms about quality this rich, raised HELIOGRAVINO* has all the distinction of the to- nt craftsmanship—yet coats about half as much aa you'd guess! Do see the many other elegant type atylM . for yow complete wedding stationery needs. •HeMograving-nor W be con/uaed wtth endreWng. Highway 222 on Old Road To Lyons Mon., thru Fri. 8 — 7 Saturday 8—6 Phooe 769-2042 Brides 'delight.. .our beautiful "Once the discarded items were outside the room,” said The Mill Oty Enterprise Telephone 897-2772