Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1958)
T AS NEAR AS T YOUR NEAREST T TELEPHONE T •&ÈÏA ’ •”» k«r-’ ** ** in »* Hr, * MauHrto Lost Mt ■v WrtF» KM r a -»* 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1958 Real Estate L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE M. Nelson, Salesman Phone 1957 j Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City On Highway 22 LIST WITH US CLASSIFIED RATES Churct, bazaars, suppars, bake •■tea, «to, will be run under “Special Jtamoaacements*' classification with a Minimum charge of Mi cent» per FOR SALE OR RENT—2 bedroom home with basement, on 141.25x206* Taa cents per line each msertiosn I t lot. Garage and small barn. City Me advertisement accepted for less water. Sell >4100, 10% down, rent ■ mb M cent« per week. >35 per month. Located 470 S. E. Coaa* five worts to the line in Hazel, Mill City. Department of Veterans' Affairs, Salem, Oregon. etaAsriii< your ad. Phone 6661, MH1 Refer L-5663-F.” 32 CMy ar mail your advertisement to The Mil) City Enterprise, Mill City, FOR SALE bv owner—One bedroom home in Mill City. Wall to wall carpet in living room. Garage. Very reasonable. Art Hempeck, Mill i Card of Thanks City. Phone 6572. 29tf 1 We wish to thank our friends and JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE neighbors for th« many floral offer W. R HutcheMn, Salesman ings and other acts of kindness at Phone 4515 Gates. Oregon. th. tune of the accidental death of Mrs. Etta Gallea and lionaid Wil For Rent liams—The Galtea, McDonald Williams families. FOR RENT—Two bedroom modern home with garage, 618 S. W. Douglas.—Arey Podrabsky, Phone Situation* Wanted 5972 after 3:30 p. m. 32tf WORK WANTED—By day or hour, FOR RENT — Furnished apartment. also baby sitting. Genevieve K m ter- One bhxk from poet offiee. T. V. aon, Phone 924. % Jim Kesterson, Cable installed. Clean and modern. Mill City. Tex Blazek, Phone 2/862. IE call 7606. it- FOR RENT—Hospital beds and tresses, rollaway teds and mat-| tresses H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. We n*ve Penny Saver Stamp». 367 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 38tf Blitz Launches Passport Program STOP Quality Menais and Groceries SHOW OREGON PASSPORTS OPEN SEVEN PAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS ■ F" I. it A FOOD LOCKERS SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. MOTOR TUNKUP8 i I Free Choice Daffodil Bulbs During the month of August all you have to do to win Free Choice Daffodil Bulbs I i> to visit Raleigh Harold's in Stayton, sign your name and drop it in the box. At the end of the month we will hold a drawing. You do not need to be present to win. You'll find the best in flowers and shrubs here. See us about your lawn and landscaping prob lems. RALEIGH HAROLD WAITRESS WANTED at Chuck’s Sawmili LOGS WANTED Nursery and Flortat Fine Foods, Gates, Oregon. 32p OFFICE FURNITURE and equip Top prices for Second Growth ment, typewriters, adding machines, Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Including Sundays calculators, cash registers, duplicat STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. lty Blocks West of Stayton Highway ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, H west of Mehama. Oregon MU | Business Opportunities Phone Steytea RO 9-2584 819 W. Waridagtan 86» rent, swap and repair. Bargains tn used machines. Roen Typewriter Something to sell? Then try p WANTED Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf Cla—tfied ad tn The Enterprise. I “ i Reliable man or woman from this | area to handle wholesale tube ac counts. No selling or soliciting. Can earn as high as >300.00 a month profit to start. With exrta efforts engines and a solid, road-snug Safety- There’« nothin? like one of these accounts can be handled on a part tcirdrr frame. Yet all the V'H-powered Chevies to give you a fast case of time basis at first, but must be Chevies shown herr—plus «rx even new-car fever. But, low-priced as I willing to devote full time in near Among the leading lutc-priced three... lower priced 6's—cost less than any they are, you're likely to find your future for expansion account« that company will obtain. Business po-i Wknparahie models in the leading self sold on one before you’ve tential of >25,000 net for this area. low-priced three. Talk it over with even considered the cost. Must be responsible, have a good your Chevrolet dealer. That'« because Chevrolet is the credit rating and a reliable car. You only hor.est-to-poodness new car in America’» best buy— will need a minimum of >2900 avail its field — new to look at, with a able cash to properly handle. This business offers sound security and fieautifu) new Body by Fisher; new fiancial future. If you can meet ILiuJLàliiJliaJL to ride in, with two completely new these requirements give us your suspemion rvsteius: new to drive, Igckground and write: P. O. Box Anwrica't bt»l »Merl with a wider-than-e ver »election of 5174, St. Paul, Minnesota. CHEVY COSTS LESS BRAKE WORK AUTO SUPPLIES IN ALL THESE POPULAR MODELS!* ASK FOR V iasec on ust p » ices so« CO m P a K a KE ve MODELS. Furniture LOGGER’S CHOICE UNFINISHED FURNITURE Used Furnttuw Bargains. We give Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6GO4, H. L. Stiff Furniture Compnag, 867rd 18t.. Stayton. sgtf WHEN TN NEED OF PRINTING TRT THE ENTERPRISE FIRST J fill M c CULLOCHS MMW SUrCR 55' Most power per pound geor- riva so w — TRY IT TOOATI Only $320 up - Easy Terms Raymond Branch & Son Equipment Company Phone UL 9-2IM F»>ry w 'Ccw c* »*»7 ChH't *' <' G*osi Mehama, Oregon YOU OWN The Good Light Beer ’165®* Heiòdberq fOI »MK. • «■fe ««'M (>« p A MAC-35 CHAIN SAW ’ MILL CITY MEAT MAAKET PORTLAND (Special) The hist naitor to make uae oi his ' passport to Oregon” in Bht* Weinhard s new pro gram to invite people to the state and 1959 Centennial is Irving Jensen, mayor of Vancouver, Wash. Checking to make sure the passport is valid is Gail Lund, Mis.- Oregon Passport. Launched this week, the newest phase of Blitz' program is armed at more nation-wide attention for Oregon with special emphasis on the Centennial Oregon residents can write the pioneer Portland brewery and request the passports which they can send to friends, relatives and business associates living outside the state This spring, Blitz sent over 60,000 Douglas fir seedlings all over the world in the first part of their Oregon "bandwagon" program. FOR SALE—General Electric auto- Miscellaneous ’ruatic washing machine. Cheap for cub Work« good. Call 7605 or see I WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake Mrs. Don Moffatt at 809 S. W. FOR RENT—1 bedroom and 2 bed Bolt*. Contact Nat A Wills. Wille Spring street, Mill City. 29p room furnished houses one mile east I Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf of Mill City. Has TV’ cable installed WANT TO BUY TIMBER See Mrs. Bob Rash at that location. POWER MOWER—Repairing and Small or large tract* Oliver Willis. 25rfe. Sharpening. See Greenough’s Saw Either cash or stumpage bun Shop at Gates for a good job. Phone 7341. On the highway at STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I Help Wanted mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf Gates, Oregon. 1 Otf. I I’M this UNDER YOUR HAT, Silver Saddles the place to go. IT PAYS TO BUY FROM HOME TOWN STORES See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton, Ore. Phone BO 9-2126