Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1955)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLI ME XI Nl'MBEfc 51 Firemen Tell of Fire Hazards at Christmas Time I Mill CITY. OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1955 Married For Sixty Years Floyd Johnson Installed As Master of Mill City Masonic Lodge $2.50 A YEAR, JQc A COPY Gene Teague to Erect New Building for Chevrolet Agency Flovd Floyd Johnson Johnson, was oliwtuJ elected V Master Announcement was made this of Mill City Lodge No. 180 AF&AM week by Gene Teague, Stayton, that at ceremonies conducted at the work will be started about January 1, lodge hall Monday evening. on a new $50,000 building at First Firemen state the Christmas Tree Other officers elected were Hugh I and Hollister, adjacent to his used is the most dangerous tree in the Johnston, s. w.; T. H. Baughman, j. I car lot in Stayton. The building will world. ‘Six Killed in Christmas Fire.’ w.; Bob Draper, treasurer and) The annual Christmas party of the be of reinforced concrete and will “Tree Blazes, Four Die” “Christmas George Huffman, re-elected, secre Mill City Toastmistress club was be of the latest design. _ __ Radiant heat tary. Tree a Family Pyre!” held at Fir Manor Thursday evening, 1 will be used throughout the ultra You are shocked every Yuletide by Appointive offices filled were as December 15, with Mrs. Al Nesbitt modern building, said Mr. Teague, news headlines like these. The tragic follows; Gene Jacobson, s. d.; Joe in charge of the program. Mrs. Nes- i Work on Hollister street, to extend victims were families who “didn’t Bowes, j. d.; Albert Harris, s. s.; bitt also served the dessert, with it beyond the garage building has know,” a Christmas tree is saturated Jack Gulliford, j. s.; Wilson Stevens, I Mrs. Lee C ” ' Glidewell assisting with been done. The new quarters will en- with highly flammable pitch and marshall; Leo Russell, chaplain and hostess honors. | able them to double the capacity of resin. A burning match or cigarette Ted Olson, tyler. I Invocation was given by Mrs. their rapidly expanding business, and or an electric spark can turn it in Bob Draper, acted as installing I Howard Means. During the exchange the new location will also make it a flash into a roaring, crackling master. Burl Smith, installing mar of Christmas “handkies” each mem- easier to come into and out of the Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan mass of flames. In two minutes it shall and Leo Russell, installing I bet gave a short impromptu speech garage, as it will be so constructed who on December 15, had been married 60 years. chaplain. At this meeting Wilson can fill a room with fire gases dead I on the topic which she found tucked (that plenty of off-street parking ly enough to kill. Be careful this Stevens, retiring master, presented I into her package. There were also will be available to patrons of the The Sullivans have made their home here all of their Christmas . . . lest your Christmas Bob Draper and Leo Russell with ¡cards and handkerchiefs for the three firm. The building will give ample married life. He has been in Mill City ever since he was proficiency certificates. tree be dressed to kill. two and half years old. He said he was the last of the j space for an enlarged service de I guests present. Here are a few suggestions listed pioneers who settled in Mill City. When he was 12 years A short business meeting was con partment and will have an all-glass by the Mill City Volunteer Firemen: ducted by the president, Mrs. Lowell three-car showroom, old he used to pack groceries on his back from Mehama, Do choose a small tree. The small Fleetwood. It was announced that' The payroll at Teague’s during the there being no grocery store in Mill City at the time. er the tree the less the hazard. election will be held at the next Past year amounted to nearly $70,000 There was no bridge across the river here in those times Do keep it away from heaters and said Mr. Teague. Fifteen are em- meeting, January 12. and he floated lumber across the river from his grand the fire place. on ployed by the firm at the present Two clever quiz games, one father’s lumber mill on Ford Creek, and packed it on his Do use wiring with U. L. label. “Titles of Songs,” and the other on time. i back from there to where he built a house. He said “when Do dispose of gift wrappings Mr. Teague said in an interview “Kinds of Cakes,” were conducted, I was a boy, game was plentiful here, one could shoot promptly outside the house. with prizes awarded. __ A r parody ___ ____ on Friday: •‘construction of this build- elk and deer almost in the back yard. Timberwolves were Do take down your tree when I “Twas the Night Before Christmas,”,'”« has been made necessary to keep plentiful too. He said it was very easy to catch a big needles begin to fall. | dealing with products of the Ford apace with the rapid growth of the Don’t use cotton, paper or other company, was read by Mis. Fleet- canyon area, and is the realization basketful of trout at any time. Mrs. H. I. Plymale is the flammable material for decorations. only one of their children living. Enterprise Photo Mill City High's Timberwolves de-¡ wood. The hostess then brought out |of “ dream I have had since coming Don’t use candles. feated the Saints from St. Boniface large trays of gum-drops, colored to Stayton.” Mr. Teague came to I Don’t use frayed strings of lights High school in a thrilling but rough toothpicks, marshmallows, and pipe i Stayton in 1950 from Portland and cleaners, from which figures of all purchased the Chevrolet agency from or worn extension cords. game here Friday night. *' W. u DeJardin. “Ever since that Don’t overload the electrical cir- I Th« final score 58-56 does not tell ¡types were fashioned by those pres- G. •> 1 time there has been a steady in- cults. ent. (all the story. Donald Ellingson, with Don’t leave your tree lights burn- Mrs. Robert Roach read the story ' crease in the volume of sales,” said j three seconds to go threw in the ____ __________ ____ the __ Mr. Teague, “and the new plant will ing when you go out. of Christ” __ from i winning two points with a well di- of the “Birth Members of the Three Link club of | rected jumpshot from the foul line. Book of Matthew in the Bible, after K]ve «» a better opportunity to be Don’t smoke or use matches near The Santiam Shrine club met at Chuck’s Fine Foods east of Gates i the Santiam Rebekahs held their an- • Thiity seconds prior to Ellingson’s which the "Song of the Angels” was of better service to this fast-growing the Christmas tree. Follow these rules—they’ll help Saturday night for a dinner meeting nual covered dish dinner and Christ- winning shot, Mill City was down | read from the Book of Luke by Mrs. area.” Mr. Teague stated he has stipulat in the new “family dining room.” | ( mas party at the lodge hall last three points, the score reading 56- Nesbitt. keep your Christmas merry. The meeting was called to order by (Tuesday evening. The • dinner was 53 for the Saints. Dick Crook took Table decorations, including fav ed that local help be used in con Ken Golliet, who was master of cere- served " 1 at v beautifully -» decorated tables the ball down the floor scoring on a ors of little church steeples, complete struction of the building. | in the lodge room, covers being lay-in and was fouled in the attempt with bells, were made and arrangeed monies for the evening. Among distinguished guests were i placed for 27. and with his score from the foul line by Mrs, Lowery and Mrs. Cooper. Guests for tne evening wer® Mrs. Potentate Flavel Temple and George I A short business meeting was con tied the score Sfl all. Emigh, business manager of Al Kad ducted by Eva Duffy, the out-going Mill City had to play with three Rober Luther of Aumsville, Mrs. 0. er Temple; Paul Hale, president, Al president. Plans were made for the reserves the last quarter with Eddie K. DeWitt, and Mrs. Charles Felly. -Till I II VIII JI QI IVII < Tuesday, December 13, the Mill Morris, treasurer; Bill Braun, Jack Camp Fiif Gills father and daughter Gregory and Donald Lemke fouling Members present were Mrs. Gayle City town basketball team went to Lochead, Glenn Burright and Tillman banquet on January 14, which the out in the third period. Lloyd Ross Lowery, Mrs. Albin Cooper, Mrs. L. The Grade School Tiger» defeated club members will serve. Detroit to play a return game. The Leasure of the Salem Shrine club. and Bruce Thomas handled the chore G. Hathaway, Mrs. Robert Roach, Stayton Friday evening by a score local ball team won easily by a in Election of officers resulted wi'h determination. Gary Bevier did Mrs. Al Nesbitt, Mrs. Fred Roles, of 29 to 24. The Tigers held a lead Flavel Temple and George Emigh ecore of 58-27. Lettie the following: president, a capable job of substituting for Mrs. Howard Means, Mrs. Lowell throughout the entire game, but gave interesting talks on the Shrine, Four Mill City players scored 10 Swan; vice president, Mel 1 Robinson; Maurie Bassett. Fleetwood, Mrs. Ralph Fough, Mrs. Stayton made a rally in the last half the hospital and Al Kader Temple. Blanche points or more: Ollie Muise with 16, and secretary-treasurer, I Mill City during the first quarter Marshall Powelt, Miss Daisy Geddes, and nearly closed the gap. Installation ceremonies for the E’ton Gregory 15, Gayle Lowery 11, Syverson. James Meinert led an even scoring I had a commanding lead score read- Mrs. Ida Geddes, and Mrs. Lee Glide- and Lawrence Poole 10. Gerry Justice Santiam Shrine club were in charge The usual gift exchange was held, (ing 20-12 with Mill City using their I well. quintet with seven points. The grade of Potentate Temple. Installed were and names of secret pals t were re- led Detroit scoring with 12. school teams will be idle until after I weave to break in the clear for many Ercil Wilson, president; Jake My Score at each quarter stop was vealed, with new names being drawn. easy shots. | the holidays. as follows: 12-5; 25-12; 44-21, and ers, vice president; Floyd Völkel, Ruth Hess was in charge. I Mill City. 29 24, Ntayton The second quarter saw a reversal I secretary; Huber Ray, Rajah; Mert The remainder of the evening was of form with only 13 points scored 58-27 with Mill City leading all the | Meinert, 7 fl, Sims on Cox, Charles Thomas and Albert spent in singing Christmas carols, way. 1, Hinrichs ' Thomas 4 and the Saints scoring 16. This shows Toman, directors. 27, Detroit after which a late lunch was served that Mill City will have to play Mill City 58 10, Olson ( Gregory 6 Gregory 15 3, Youngblood Paul Hale, president of the Salem to those present. 2, I ja rimer Howe 6 better ball in the future if they hope 1 Goerin Shrine club gave a short talk and Lowery, 11 According to Mrs. Olivette Roles, I Baughman 6 5, Cooper to win the tough games. Muise, 16 12, Justice invited the local club to attend their Girl« Ixiw Game The Junior Varsity played with high school home ec teacher, if 7, Vickers 25th annual Sweetheart ball. Poole, L., 10 Mrs. Albert Millsap The gills volleyball team was de zest and drive to win 57-51. Harvey enough ladies are interested an adult 2, Hopson Albert Toman gave a short address Poole, Leo, 2 Bodda with 13 and Dale Walczak sewing class for them will be started feated by a 51 to 23 score. Judy Po Breaks Leg in Fall Substitutes scoring, Mill City, of welcome and reported the delivery at the home ec home. The meeting ri rabsky and Bernice Potter were Mrs. Albert Millsap, Gates, is in with 18 points were leading scorers. will be held at Fir Manor January 4 high scorers for Mill City with 4 of 14 cases of canned beans to the Thornley 4; Detroit, Bowers, 2. fsm Tot Box Score fg Pf hospital. Huber Ray gave a short Salem Memorial hospital at this I Eddie Gregory 5 at 7:30 p. m. and all those interested points each. 8 10 1 talk and told of a boy at Burns who time suffering from a broken right Donald Lemke 5 may enroll at that time. The fee will IS __ 7 2 leg. Mrs. Millsap was at the kitchen had been born without arms. The 1 be $5 for 20 hours of instruction. 22 Don Ellingson .9 4 Shrine hospital had artificial arms sink in her home when she stumbled Dick Crook The day of the week and time of I 10 2 ... 4 2 made for him. Bill Braun talked on against an open door below the sink. Maurie Bassett meeting will be decided upon Jan- 0 0 0 .„0 the administration of the hospital, This caused her to fall in such a Lloyd Ross .... 0 0 uary 4. _.0 0 and Rev. Freeman of Stayton pre manner that the leg was broken Bruce Thomas ...0 0 I 0 The Mill City Freshman team took sented an interesting magic act to three inches below the hip. 1 0 -.0 0 Many residents in the area may She was operated upon Wednesday Gary Bevier .... their first opponent, St. Boniface in close the entertainment. Fire Destroys Old I Amity I Timberwolvee Dump think that because the national morning and a pin placed in the to camp last week in a game that their Garage at Jenkins The Timberwolves took polio foundation has ceased their pro bone. saw the locals in the lead all the Mill City firemen were called out gram of giving polio vaccina that Mrs. Millsap is correspondent for fourth straight B League win Tues- way. Playing steady ball, they had Many News Articles 47-39. about 12:30 Thursday night to ex- the shots are not available any more. day night by defeating Amity The Enterprise. Her many friends command of the game from the start Crowded Out of Issue in the area join us in wishing her a Crook, Gregory and Lemke each tinguish a fire at the Delbert Jenk This is not the case, and according to the final whistle. I made 12 points, Ellingson followed ins place. The fire was in an old to J. C. Kimmel, unless Oregon uses Box Score This week The Enterprise has been speedy recovery. closely with 10. Bassett had one point garage, which was destroyed. The up its quota of vaccine shots, the 6, St. Boniface Mill City 32 forced to leave much of the news out to his credit. The next game will be firemen kept the blaze from spread supply will be shipped to areas where 2, Gunther of the paper, due to a sudden influx 1 F Warren 6 with OSD here January 3. it is in greater demand. ing. 2, Heuberger in advertising. To our readers we Garden Club Has Moffatt 12 F Those desiring shots may contact It was rumored that there had 1, Shotteffer C ask your indulgence, and to our ad- p aH f |_| e || er |_| ome Boroughs 0 been some rubbish burned at the their physician. It is available for G . ' . . Kanoff 4 0. Fery vertmng from one end of tne can- i party An intertttinir hnstmas site of the fire, and it is believed that all those from 1 to 5 yean of age 1, Sayre yon to the other, we thank you for Morgan 8 G and all pregnant women. the patronage, natronaire. and and may mav all all of of you you **’ enjoyed by Mill City Garden thia was the cause of the fire. Reserve scoring for Mill City, the , Clubbers Thursday evening at the have a Merry Christmas. Skaug, 2. Wendell Heller home. And Santa Claus Visited In Mill City Too Gifts were exchanged and re- At a recent meeting of the Gates Kindergarten Class Appears at P. T. A. Program freshments of Christmas cookies and Volunteer Fire Department, Red coffee were served by Mrs. Ed Cooke, Rynearson was re-elected fire chief Ike for ancther year. Mrs. Adolph Brunner and Mrs. “ ' Myers. Others elected were Bob Oliver, as sistant fire chief; Orville Nygaard, captain; L. F. Allen, captain; Percy Well Child Conference Mulligan, president; Don Hiner, vice president and Floyd Völkel secretary To Be Held December 27 treasurer. There will be a well child con- It was decided to give a St. Pat ! ference held here Tuesday, Dec. 27. rick's dance, and it will be an annual Dr. Stone will be present and there affair according to Percy Mulligan. will be immunization for preschool The dances will be used to raise, children and infants. It will be held funds for the department. from 1 to 3 p. m. Christmas Party Held By Toastmistress Club (Timberwolves Defeat Saints In Close Game Santiam Shrine Club Has Dinner Meeting Lettie Swan New Three Link President Rockets Down Detroit 58 to 27 Adult Sewing Class May Be Started Freshman Team Wins First Game of Season Polio Vaccine Now Available Here Gates Fire Department Elects New Officers City of Gates To Hold Election December 28 Everyone likes to watch children in Cnnstmas plays. The above kindergarten group, under the direction of Sue and Lloyd Poole were the center of attraction at the PTA meeting here last week. Left to right in the back row are Michael Becker, Steven Pearce, Kathy Duggan. Peggy Cooper. Terry Hansen, and Monte Lalack. Front row left to right, Terry Jacobson, Craig Shaw. Terry Ray Miller. Susan Kelly, Pat Kelly, Harold Becker. Ronald Guier and David Croan. Enterprise Photo The City of Gates will hold a spe- | cial election Wednesday, December 28 for the purpose of electing a councilman for a term of three years. Ballots may be cast from 2 p. m. until 8 p. m. at the Parker-Hutcheson ! Furniture store. Sublimity Choir To Sing Hymns at Catholic Church Th« high school choir of Sublimity will be at the Catholic church here; for high man at midnight, Christ- , ' mas eve. There will be a mass at 9 a. m. j [ Christmas day and confesaions will | : be heard Friday evening from 4 until ’ i 5, and also before the midnight mass. • Slide Closes Highway 22 Mr. and Mrs. Jiles Ohmart and Highway 22 was blocked for aev- I daughter, Tana Renee of Canby were guests Saturday night and Sunday 1 eral hours Wednesday morning by a ’. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex slide in the Sardine Creek area. It was open to one-way traffic at 8:36. ! Ohmart. Good ol’ Santa Claus was on hand at the Fire hall in Mill City Saturday afternoon and the rainmaker was kind enough to let up on showers long enough for a large crowd of happy children of the area to come and have a visit with the jolly old gentleman from the North Pole. Pictured here is just a small group of the many who were present to receive gifts of candy and nuts from Santa. The appearance of St. Nick was sponsored by the Fire men’s Auxiliary. Enterprise Photo