Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1954)
Poem on Early Road Building on the Santiam The following is a clipping taken from The Statesman back in 1030, which tells of early road building on the Santiam. A subscriber thought it good reading so sent it in for pub lication: “List to me good people, all, with patience if you can. I'll* sing you of a jovial crew that lived by Santiam, Who started out to clear a route to eastern Oregon, And make, to join our people, one more enduring band. Across the Cascade range to go, amid great mountains white with snow, Where tallest firs and cedars grow and coolest, brightest waters flow. A jolly band of mountain men As ever threated gorge or glen; 1 say this truly—well I can; I knew these boys of Santiam. In early June the camp was set, and then the work began. Tho’ woods were damp, the weather wet, and every gully ran, This did not stay their ardent zeal; they use the lever, t>ly the steel Of saw. of ax, of sledge or wedge, as cut or break their way they can. Up through rough canyons broad and deep, past frowning precipice steep. With Wasco plains their goal their calm determined way they keep. A plucky band of mountain men As ever threaded gorge or glen; I say this truly—well I can I knew those boys of Santiam. Thus, like a band of brothers joined, they worked their eastward way, No servile Asiatic men, driven by grim want for pay, But self respecting citizens, who "ell their public interests ken, And know what makes good highways is work becoming kings of men. And when a day of rest they take, some cull the rare plants from the brake, Some plumb the depths of mountain laeks, some scale the heights of Jefferson. A band of keen, observing men As ever threaded gorge or glen; I say this truly—well I can; I knew these boys of Santiam. And when, in camp, for food or rest this party did convene. The song, the story, and the jest were not their only theme; From game and range and public lands to the world’s wants their talk expands. How Europe on our plows depends 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1954 and to what shores our trade extends; Fair woman’s beauty, man’s good name, the statesman’s wisdom, soldier’s fame. The school, the pulpit, and the pen, passed in review before them then. Such were the boys of Santiam, On mountain top or shady glen. Include our cooks—our party, then, W’ere pretty girls and honest men. |. 527 Io 32» |o 329 !• J57 1 O Jsa I» 3TT 1------------------1— 1. O J 30 • 3- 379 B9Q • 44«* • «. ■ Fire ’s a danverous enemy. Our I best defense is fire prevention. The i best fire is the one that never started. | Help prevent fires. Keep Oregon | ! Green. Bring in tre Children For Wholesome Tempting Meals The youngsters deserve a treat, too! See how they love the “grown up" pleasure of dining with their parents. And see how willingly “problem eaters" go for our delicious food. Try our smorgasbord dinners. We can serve your favorite cocktail. CHUCK S FINE FOODS East of Gates HIGHWAY 22 KEEP jregons New FORD THUNDERBIRD WORKING GOVERNOR WORKING FOR YOU Paul Patterson is giving you the trusted leadership and effective action Oregon needs ! Vote for Paul PATTJ-RSON ’’AS GOVERNOR Pd. Adv. Patterson for Governor Comm., Ted R. Gamble, Chr., 1226 S.W. Broadwav, Portland, Ore. car of distinction with Trigger-Torque performance Something totally fresh is here - a bewitching new all-steel beauty that sets the styling keynote for other r ord cars to come. thatCOUHI No feed at any price can produce more egg, than Alber« EGG MAKER. Thia feed is getting top result« for thou«and« of Pacific Coart poultrymen today— tconom- italic. Albers EGG MAKER is an economical feed because it is rich in the nutrients which keep hens in good condi E gg makep tion and keep them laying more eggs. Yet it costs no more than other feeds. Give Albers EGG MAKER a trial. Drop into our store or call today foe delivery. But, styling gives the merest hint of what the Thunder bird has to offer. For here is a car you can drive with assurance and pleasure ... for business or for recreation. No motte what you ha»« coma fo eipeet in a cor, you'll b* dehght.d of wealth of convenience« the Thunder- bud offer,. Two fop« are available, a disappearing fabric fop . . . and on eoiy-to lift-on hord fop. The • •fro wide vinyl upholstered ..of i, foam rubbe,-cu«h- ton»d .. power-operated 4 way«. Window, roll up.. by »own. if you like. There i. « locho-.l., . . a„d . dock with a «weep ,.oond bond. Th... H o t.leuopmg Trigger-Torque performance stems from Ford’s new Thunderbird Special V-8 - a high-torque engine with 4-barrel carburetor, dud exhausts, wide-opening valves and rorus famous low-friction design. And to enhance Then, in the ride department. Ford’s Bal! Joint Front Suspension really works wonders. It not only velvet cushions your ride, it also allows the Thunderbird fo handle with utmost ease - to corner with greatest stabil ity. Anri when it comes to stopping, brakes are big and powerful. But, more important is the way the Thunderbird is engineered, designed .. . and built! For it is the product of the same advanced engineering ... the same manufac turing skills that have made Ford products so depend able, so Value-full and so desirable to so many. eteermg wheel The boggoge comportment .« ompfe. And you con have power «leering ond power broke«. Come in today for complete Santiam Farmers Co-op Stayton, Oregon Phone 5024 Grinding and Mixing FEEDS FERTILIZER SEEDS HARDWARE MACHINERY SEED MARKETING CUSTOM CLEANING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES In traffic and on the open road the Thunderbird’s Trigger-Torque performance is literally a revelation Here is hair-trigger response . . . fleet, liquid agility . . . backed by a reserve of swift, sure power to meet safety’s every demand. the performance characteristics of C.„ this brilliant V8 engine, the 1 hunderbird provides special rear axle ratios to match the transmission of yotir choice - ( onventional Overdrive, or new Speed ! rigger Fordomatic. information STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2344 PHILIPPI MOTOR CO MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 2724 » Z