Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGIIW AY — <, \TEW \Y TO THE HEYRT OF N ATI KE'S EMPIRE VOLI ME X NUMBER 20 Hunter Pres Of Lions Club MILL CITY OREGON. THIRSDAY. MH 21». 1M4 Mill City Boosters Is Name Chosen For Group Power Firms To Merge Friday Detroit Dam Weather Exhibition Softball Game To Be Played Here May 26 At a meeting of the businessmen ' (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) Thursday evening at Fellowship hall, Daily 7:30 A. M Readings it was voted to name the group, the M.S.L. Pool Mill City Boosters. Date Max. Min. Pep. Elev A I I K rt I < «V 1« M «« . . A « — 1 ...kin Mn n A good representation was present i Although 59 40 0.00 1562.86 no special ceiemony will May 12 65 At the election held following the at the meeting, and a discussion on attend the merger of Mountain States May 13 42 0.00 ISO T1 »’ill be entertainment of nf softball a.,fthuii »* . - Softball fans of the area »ill 78 dinner at Lions club Monday evening, the street improvement piogram was i Power with Pacific Power & Light May- 11 52 0.00 1562.82 73 Frank Hunter was elected president held. ¡company on May 21, the event will May 15 47 0.00 1563.22 given a treat Wednesday. May 26 at area. Petitions to bring the proposition to , mark an important step in the de- May 16 78 for the coming year. Others winning The visiting team features Eddia 49 0.00 1563.22 Allen Field when The King and His 84 offices for the club were Homer vote, are being circulated at the pres I velopment of the combined systems, Mav 17 50 0.00 1563.63 Court, a foui-man softball team will Feighner, _ as pitcher and master of 84 Thacker, 1st vice president; Bill Mc ent time. The amount of the bond is | according to R. L. Stewart, manager I May Is 50 0.00 1563.61 meet Kelly's State Champs at 8 ceremonies. They will play the regu- o’clock. I lation seven-inning game against the Coy, 2nd vice-president; Harold Klie- sue to be voted upon is $93,000. This ' of the Mountain States Power Stayton ' This game is being sponsored by Mdl City nine. wer, 3rd vice president. Bob Thorpe will be spent for bringing all streets district. the Santiam Softball league, for the »as elected secretary-treasurer. Buzz to grade, diaining all streets, paving I "It puts behind our local operating When asked if they ever win, it Fleetwood, tailtwister; Jim Poole, and oiling. | organization the pooled financial and was reported that out of 179 games To Meet Again Tonight 'physical resources of the two com-1 Lion tamer and Hugh Walkup won the com- last season, they lost only 16 games. 1)atlies>” nt he >ttiu, saili> - <*nu and **ii$ will giranj greatly C H 0 01 position of board iiiciuuci member wii on the tut nip flip 1 A meeting --------•• will be held —— tonight , | panivs, The exhibitionists play with only a of a coin, he 1 and Buiton Boroughs I 1 Thursday) at Fellowship hall, when | strcngthen their ability to keep up ratcher, shortstop and baseman to being tied. discussion of important matters » ill | with the rapidly growing service re-1 r-A-rvc - help on the defense. The pitcher will i i un 1 Lo — 1 nree boys _ j will receive i Jay Mason won the "pot of gold’’ be brought up. Ail businessmen are quirements of 285,01)1» customers.” pitch from a kneeling position, from ! (liolonins from the i’.ati diplomas from the Gates high school, and donated it to the convention fund, ’asked to be present at 8 o'clock sharp. The merged company which will second base, which is a distance of Jack Schimberg was a dinner visitor. carry the Pacific Power & Light1 at the commencement exercises, which , twice the regular distance, and to top ¡tis o- held Tuesday evening, June 1! Lee Ross was presented with a bill ' Residents of the state will go to if off will pitch to at least thiee bat name, will have 347,148 kilowats of i 1 *n sch°ol gymnasium. Jerry Lynn | the polls Friday of this week to cast ters blindfolded. fold set for bringing in a member in I generating capacity in its own plants 1 1 Lai-on, who will be valedictorian: January and Bill McCoy received a | their ballots in favor of those candi and will go forward with joint plans Following the regular seven-inning , sa-1 dates they feel are qualifies! for the billfold set and pencil for bringing i alieady under way for the develop-1 game, the visitors will have added lutatorian and Herbert R. Romey. in two members during that month. offices they seek. ment of additional hydroelectric pro-. ____t it was __ stated. ____ Certificates of graduation will also i Here in Mill City votes on the Mar features, ineluding shadow ball, and President Charles Kelly was presented jects, other attractions never before shown with a screw driver set for securing Looking further to power supply be presented to the nine niembeis of ion county side »ill be cast at the in this area. The 26,500 horsepower turbine and a member. 1 for the futuie, the merged company I *bc eighth grade, who have completed old bank building. On the Linn county 18,000 killo»'att generator at Big Cliff Pins for 100 percent attendance Regulating Dam on the North Santi [will be working with thiee of its! *be coursc- side, ballots are cast at Fellowship were presented to: Carl Kelly, Charles am River turned for the first time neighbor utilities on a recently an-' The junior-senior prom and banquet hall. Kelly, Bill McCoy, Howard Means, Thuisday (May 13) night. Everyone is urged to exercise their 1 nounced investigation of the feasibii- »ill he held Wednesday evening. May Don Moffatt, Lee Ross, Homer Thack Colonel Thomas H. Lipscomb, Port I ity of nuclear power plants. This in- 19. The banquet will be served in the right as American citizens and to cast er, Bob Thorpe and Veronn Todd. land District Engineer, termed the i vestigation has been launched under school dining room to the seniors and their ballots at this time. It »as decided that the men would movement of the generator “the fi an agreement signed with the Atomic their guests. Stubby Mills and his or- entertain their ladies at Whitie’s San nest mechanical break away" and said Energy Commission. I chestra will furnish the music for the Mill City Defeats Silverton "The Last days of school" was the tiam cafe on June 7th. This will take the generator was turned by waters Few personnel changes will result prom, in the gym, folllowing the ban- In Softball Game Tuesday subject introduced for table topics place of the regular pot-luck dinner. of the North Santiam. ; quet. fiom the merger, it »'as stated. Gale Carey's Mill City softball team by Mrs. Kenneth Crosier at the meet Big Cliff Dam is part of the De The closing days of school are busy won another game at Allen Field ing of the Mill City Toastmistress club troit Project and is located about ‘ ones for all the students. Tests, par Tuesday night when they defeated the Thursday evening at the Bank Cafe. two and a one-half miles downstream ties and picnic dinners most every Silverton aggregation 9 to 6. Mrs. Howard Means presided at the from Detroit Dam which has two evening, to keep them occupied. Don Vandevort’s team of Salem will meeting and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood 50,000 killowatt generators which Thuisday evening the 22 members be here Friday night to meet the was toastmistress. I have been in operation since last fall. of the fifth and sixth grades were local team at 8 o’clock. This is a good Brief speeches were given by four Colonel Lipscomb said the newest, 1 guests at the home of their teacher, team and will put up some stiff op of the new members: Mrs. Milo Har Work on the Bonneville substation unit in the Corps of Engineers' Wil-| Highlight Highlight of of the the PTA PTA meeting Mrs. Richard Parker, for a picnic position for the Carey gang. ris, Mrs. Vern Alvin, Mrs. Flora Bol- at Lyons was halted Tuesday when lamette River Basin Project would Wednesday night was the graduation, dinner and wienei roast on the lawn. Carey’s will play Western Veneer at workmen refused to cross a picket now turn for approximate 10 days jn caps and gowns, of nine children Games and TV provided entertain Lebanon there Tuesday of next week stad, and Mrs. Don Carlson. Mrs. Vernon Todd gave the education talk line placed by the Salem Building during the drying-out process before from kindergarten, taught by Mrs.; ment for the rest of the evening. at 7 o'clock. and a parliamentary drill was con any power tests got under way. Im- Roy Kiersey, into the 1st grade. Those i Trades council. There will be a meeting at the Fire ducted by Mrs. Don Miley. Mrs. A. E. Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, mediately following the dry-out, the | "graduating’’ included: Terry Hansen,' Darrel Crossler, teacher of the 7th hall at 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday) ironworkeis and laborers were in generator will undergo three weeks Gloria Kiersey, Randall Tinney, Mar- and 8th giades took his pupils for an of the Sanitam Softball association. Nesbitt served as evaluator. oldfashioned hay ride Friday evening, Other members taking part in the of all types of tests. ' jorie Nygaard, Colin Brown, Samuel 1 volved. evening’s program were Mrs. Arthur A union spokesman stated fringe After the generator has passed Stieet, Susan Whitsett, Laura Jo followed by a picnic dinner and wiener roa>t, held at the Roy Britts home. LeCours, invocation! Mrs. W R. benefits including health and welfare these test satisfactorily, it »ill start Rambo, and Steven Toman, ■ Hutcheson, citic; Mrs. Don Miley, clauses and travel time were involved. producing firm power, will operate | Mrs. Howard Means presented the' The substation is 25% finished at this continuously, while Detroit will fun- diplomas to the children, who also1 Legion Makes Plans for lexicologist and Mrs. Noble Streeter, ction during peak load demand per- dramatized the "Three Little Pigs ’ in Memorial Day Services time. Superintendent Vernon S. Todd took timer. iods. costume. ’.rs. ‘ Marshall »«rsnau Powell roweu c of Lyons was Amerigan Legion held tis regu th.. Patrol Boys of the Mill City grade ( ‘ Mrs. | Induction of new officers took place lar The Brooks Crosier President school to Portland Saturday for their ja guest for the evening. meeting Thursday nihgt. A nom at the business meeting, with Mrs. inating committee was appointed, con promised day's entertainment as aj Of Next Year’s Seniors Roger Nelson installing the following: sisting of William Cauble, Harold reward for their services in assisting' An election of officers was held by | president, Mrs. Howard Means; vice Dustin, Percy Mulligan, Robert Pratt, at school crossings during the past ’ the Mill City high school student body president, Mrs. Al Nesbitt; second and Walter Westgaard. Election of school term. The group witnessed the Tuesday afternoon with the following vice president, Earl Loucks; secretary, officers will be held May 27. Armed Forces parade in the morning, results announced by Principal How Mrs. Roy Epperson; and treasuier, It was decided at this meeting to then spent the afternoon at the Wash ard Means: President, Biooks Crosier, Ten couples of dancers from the Mrs. Lee Bassett. Al Nesbitt and Mrs. | make the Legion hall available for ington Park zoo, and shooting bows vice president, Carol Andreassen; Boring Plank Stumpers, a dance club i Koy Kiersey aie out-going president rental to other service groups for a and arrows at the archery range. The A truck and trailer loaded with 18 treasurer, George Rambo; secretaiy, from Boring. Oregon, visited the Gay- and secretary. .. . , token fee. It will also be available for Oregon Historical Museum was also cattle from Eastern Oregon went off Marlene Anderson; annual editor, Othei numbers on the evening s .. .. ... visited. Making the trip, besides Mr. the highway east of Gates Tuesday Hazel Caudle; co-editor, Charles nighters square dance gioup at the program were presentation of the other activities. Todd, were Lee Neilsen, Jerry Up night, and rolled down a 30-foot em Plans were made for Memorial Day Kuhlman; adveitising manager, Janet fire hall here Saturday evening. In colors by the Boy Scouts; singing of 1 Ross; and publicity manager, Jackie all 44 people were present to enjoy two numbers by the high school girls', services to be held May 30 at 11 a.m. i ward, Harvey Bodda, and Norman bankment. A witness stated six of the evening of dancing. at Fairview cemetery, honoring vet-1 Stodola. the cattle were killed and several in Bickett. Mr. and Mrs. Arno Ritter, instruc chorus, directed by Mariyln Ceder- erans who gave their all that our Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means en- jured. The above elected officers will serve eiberg; presentation of the past presi through the 1954-55 school term, with tors for the Boring club, put on many dent’s pin to Al Nesbitt by Mis. Ken way of life should go on. Flags will be tertained with a buffet supper at their Driver of the Christensen Meat Co. the stipulation that the president, interesting dances for the group and neth Crosier, also a gift to Mr. Nes placed at all veterans' graves and a home Saturday evening honoring Mr. truck of Tillamook was Donald Not- vice-president, treasurer, and annual all joined in square and folk dances bitt from the executive board; and a firing squad, bugler and Chaplain will , “"d Mrs. Don Miley, of Gates, who bloom, who was treated in Mill City 1 plan to move to California in the for minor injuries. Notbloom stated editor must be members of next year’s familiar to both groups. take part in the services. Out of town guests were Mr. and report fro mthe State PTA conven ' near future. Additional guests were he was blinded by the sun, got out on senior class. Mrs. Arno Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. Ver tion in Salem by Edythe Means. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Booth of Portland, the shouldei of the highway and loot EMBROIDERY WORK SHOWN At the clo.-e of the evening, re non Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Dwane Burgess of control of the truck. AT WOMAN’S CLUB MEETING Ixical Men leaving for Stayton. Valbeig, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson, freshments were served in the high Trucks were sent from Tillamook to its Mill City Woman ’ s club held Job in Australia Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant motored pick up the cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robinson, Mr. and school recreation room by first grade regular meeting in Fellowship hall I to Powell Butte Saturday, upon re A gioup of CBI men of this city Mrs. John Kaston, Mr. and Mrs. Jim mothers. Tuesday evening, with Mis. John Muir ceipt of word from his sister, Mrs. are leaving this week for Cooma, Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Davis, Mr. presiding. Only 12 members were in Dellis Hince, that their year-old Ix'gion Auxiliary To Elect New South Wales, Australia. Some of and Mrs. Irv. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Girl Scouts To Have attendance. the men are already on their way and Bud Nasshahn, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Camping Trip in July daughter had been fatally injured. The i Following the short business meet Bryants remained their Saturday Officers Monday Night ’others will be leaving soon. Kuntz, all of the Plank Stompers, and The American Legion held its regu At the Girl Scout meeting, held at ing, Mrs. Robert Mundt showed some evening, and returned here Sunday. Russell Hoffman stated Monday Mr. and Mrs. Glen -Blegen formerly of that he was leaving at once and would the local club and their guests, Mr. the home of the leader. Mis. Howard embroidery work she had made when They went back Monday to attend the lar meeting Thursday night. A nom- Hall Monday night with President meet some of the men in Honolulu. and Mrs. Ray Overholster, of Lowell. Means, on Monday afternoon, it was she was a girl in Egypt, and answered funeial. Mr. and Mrs. Hince arrived Joan Cauble presiding. Distribution of tentatively decided to spend a week ma*>y questions about her home coun Those to leave besides Hoffman are ' Lunch was served during the eve- here Tuesday and will remain here Poppy window cards was alloted to camping at Honeyman State Park try, although her family originally for Ken Neilsen, Vince Palmer, George j ning. the time being. which is located on the coast near came from Greece. , Humphrey, Don Bengston, Ossie Mik-| Lots of excitement this past week the various members and plans were Florence. Dates of the outing are from Refreshments were rseved by a at the Dave Reid "ranch” when their completed for sale of Poppies on May kelsen, Joe McNeely and EMon [)jgtrict Ranker Gives 27 and 28. July 7 to July 15. committee consisting of Mrs. Harry goat gave birth to twin kids. Lents. nomination committee composed Mrs. Means states the facilities in Conditions Under Which Mason and Mrs. Charles Kelly. Mr. Hoffman stated they will be on Mr. and Mrs. Arno Ritter of Boring, of A Marie Stewart, Martha Barney, and clude both lake and beach, mountain the job in Australia for six years, but Trash May Be Burned were overnight guests Saturday at Ethel Nygaard was appointed by the trails for hikes, swimming with a life that they would come back to the the Don Moffatt home. They had been president. A special election meeting Telephone permission to burn guard on duty, and improved camp Two Mill City Trackmen states for a vacation every two years, trash will be granted by the fire dis- grounds. here for the dance session at the fire »ill »>c held next Monday evening and Win Berths at State Meet The job they will be working on is a I patcher at Detroit Ranger station un- hall that evening. Other visitors Sun all members are requested to be pres Mill City came out seventh in the The trip will be financed from the >60 million project. 1 He said if the ’ der the following conditions: track meet in Salem, May 13. day afternoon from Gresham were ent. Delegates to State Convention in job were in this country it would cost j 1. Location and condition of incin girls’ treasury for which they raised district Two Mill City trackmen won berths Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Mr. July will be chosen at this meeting. money in the cookie sale, by dues, and about $100 million. The families will erator must be approved in advance in the state track meet Friday, May and Mis. D ick Robinson. a surplus left from last year, Hostesses Monday evening were Ad- follow at a later date. Mrs. Leo Poole, and son, of Mon Sunny I As a minimum, requirement would be ditional funds will be raised by the 21, at Corvallis. Lloyd Ross placed Chance and Anita Becker. . an iron barrel, screened on top, with individuals. second in the javelin and Jack Melt mouth, spent the weekend at the Jim Gates BIA Giving Farewell grass and brush leared for a radius ing tied for second in the high jump. Poole home, while the men were Rural School hist. Budget Dinner for Gates Faculty ¡ofiofe^t. Five other Mill City boys placed in fishing. I Graduation Exercises for ,... ,, O 2. C' all rl »a rxa Er-Ftn»• at Pannror ctatinn Mrs. Charles Kelly spent from Fri Call dispatcher at Ranger station the district meet. Don Ellingson, high GATES—A cordial invitation to all Carries by Large Majority hurdles, fifth, and fifth place tie in day until Sunday on the Oregon State members of the community is being before burning any trash. Burn at Eighth Graders Friday The school election on the Linn college campus as the guest of her time requested by him. Request will be Graduation exercises for the eighth the pole vault; Rich Thomas, 5th in extended by the Gates Parent-Teach Rural School District budget grade class of the elementary school the 220 and 6th in the 100; Lloyd daughter, Leia, in the Delta Gamma County er Association ’ to attend a farewell denied on bad days. house, the occasion being Mothers’ for the 1954-55 school year was held 3. No open fire will be allowed with will take place on Friday evening. Ross, 6th in 220; Elton Gregory, 5th dinner honoiing the teachers of the I weekend. Highlights of the visit were in the high school recreation room May 28 at 8 p. m., in the grade in the shot put. local schools, who will not be in Gates out written permit. Monday evening, with 115 voters turn school gymnasium. The Mill City relay team, Elton the Inter-fraternity sing on Friday ing out during the hour. It was voted the coming year. evening, and the student talent show A play “My-terious Stranger,” will Gregory, Rich Thomas, Lloyd Ross The nohost dinner will be held in Former Resident Here exceed the 6% limitation, the vote be presented by the class, under the and Chuck Kuhlman, came in third. on Saturday evening, both presented to the school dining room, Thursday Killed at The Dalles for school district No. 129-J being at the Coliseum. There was also a direction of their instructor, Mrs. Gates' relay team. Herb Romey, John evening, May 27. at 6 p.m. A program A huge concete bucket weighing 109 for, ard six against. Barnhardt, Mervin Haun, and Allen special luncheon for visiting mothers, and social hour will follow the din several tons broke loo«e from a crane Donald Sheythe. It will not be known until complete tours of the campus and buildings, Other numbers on the program will Vail, just barely r.osed out Mill City's ner. Teachers who have submitted and fell on a group of workmen at The returns are in from the other districts teas, dinners, and special church serv include songs by the boys and girls chance for the state tourney berth. their resignations are Don Miley, sup Dalles dam Friday evening killing two involved, whether the budget passed, quartets, songs by the entire group, Gates' Allen Vail won the 100 yard ices at the various churches Sunday the time limit for these elections be erintendent; Dale Reynolds, who will men, and injuring six. morning. teach in the Lebanon Union High, One of the men killed was Ferrell presentation of awards by Vernon dash and the 440 yard dash, setting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Port- ing May 22. Mrs. Lets Diblee, who will join her C. Ball. 22, who had made *his home Todd, and presentation of diplomas by new records, and also won the broad were guests Sunday of Otto Koeneke. Russell Kelly, chairman of the school jump. Herb Romey set a new record husband, employed in The Dalles; hete for several years prior to mov Mrs. Johnson is a siater of Mr. Koen Firemen Extinguish (¡rass in winning the shot put. Miss Mary Page and Mrs. Richatd ing to The Dalles, where he was board. eke. They enjoyed a trip up the can Parker. As yet Don Miley has not de working on the dam. Fire East of Town Monday yon while here. MILL (ITY TAKES STAYTON finitely decided where he will be. Drivers Licence Examiner He married the former Josephine The Mill City firemen were called Mr. and Mr». Hugh Walkup visited Roy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barn IN EXTR A INNING GAME To Be Here Thurs. May 27 friends in Albany Sunday. out Monday to put out a grass fire Mill City scored two runs in an ex Poppy Sale To Be Held ey A. Roy. Workmen are busy this week re near the Santiam Equipment Co., east A drivers license examiner will be tra inning to take Stayton 9-7, la-t Here Two Days Next Week on duty at the fire hall in Mill City building the kitchen in the Mountain of town. Friday night, at Stayton. Elton Greg Painter« fmi-hed painting the inter On Thursday and Friday of next Fire Chief Dub Stewart stated it ory pitched the win, allowing four between the houts of 9 and 4 Thurs-i States Power building. The apartment week, the Legion Auxiliary will be on ior of Shirley’s Beauty shop this week hits, five walks and striking out 12. day. May 27. is occupied by the Lee Bassett family. was evidently started by the careless the streets selling poppies which have end. This is just one of the many I ness of a fisherman. Due to the dry All persons wishing original licens improvements that have taken place i Mrs. Sig Jep«on recently underwent es or permits to drive are asked to' The Mill C ity Pharmacy had a •on weather, all fishermen and those pic- been made by disabled war vets. M< >re information on the sale will be in Mill City during the past few treatment in Salem, where she was file their applications well ahead of stop shade installed at the store this nicing should exercise caution with weeks. r-ubiished next week. hospitalized for about 10 days. the scheduled closing hour. weekend. Dick Parker did the job campfire-. m l Busy Days Now mmciiu t l Vote Friday at May Primaries Big Cliff Turbine Gets Tryout Thurs. Last Days of School Toostmistress Topic Pickets Halt Work On Lyons Substation Kids Graduation’ PTA Highlight Boring Dance Group Visits Here Saturday Tillamook Truck Dumps Cattle on Road