Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY - VOLl'ME X M M BER 19 Vote on Tax Levy Monday <; \TEWAY TO THE HEART OF N XTl RE’S EMPIRE MILL CITY OREGON. THl'RSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 'Santiam Rebekahs Have Initiatory Ceremonies Detroit Dam Weather Boy Scout Troop No. 49 Put on Entertainment at Mill City Theatre Sunday Robert Shultz Still in Critical Condition After Auto-Train Crash Here Santiam Rebekahs met at the lodge (Courtesy of Corp« of Engineers) i hall last Wednesday evening, with Daily 7:30 A. M. Readings A colorful affair was put on by the ; 45 members and two guests present, M.S .L. Pool i the guests being Mrs. Lillian Mecum, 1 Date Max. Min. Pep. Elev local Boy Scout Troop, No. 49, fol lowing the matinee of the film. "Mr. A school election will be held Mon formerly of Walterville, and Mrs. Al- 1 May 5 _ 42 0.00 1501.17 Scoutmaster." The scouts put on a n day, May 17, at 8 p.m. in the high the» Knight, a member of the lodge at [May 6 38 0.00 1561.20 school recreation room upon the ques- Eort Benton, Montana, but a Mill 1 May 7. ..... 79 0.00 1560.94 ticket selling campaign and received 41 t:on of increasing the tax levy over City resident now. May 8 .. . 71 0.00 1561.26 1()' of the money for tickets sold. The 47 the amount limited by Section 11,1 Initiatory ceremonies for David May 9 55 47 0.00 1561.90 Colo g , trd, composed of Lee Neilson, Article XI of the state constitution. iBatnhardt and Robert McClintock May 10 55 47 0.00 1562.51 Alan Tuers, Richard Dyhrman, and Kenneth Siler, presented the colors, The amount in excess of the 6% ' »’»de up the chief business of the eve- May 11 78 45 0.03 1562.69 ; The condition of Robert Shultz, in after which the drill squad, headed by limitation is $809,155.19, and the rea-j "intr. The Noble Giand, Eva Duffy, Explorer Scout Mailin Noyes, per Officers Elected for Year by jured when the car in which he »as a son this is necessary is due to the presented a gift and tribute for the passenger and an SP engine collided increase in population, increase in cost oldest.and youngest mothers present, Annual Mothers’ Tea ( ¡iven formed a formation drill, Scouts in Mehama Womens’ Club [on the crossing beside the Mill City the drill were Lee Neilson. Alan of fuel, electricity and supplies, and the recipients being Susie Haynes MEHAMA Mrs. Lester Luke, Mrs. Meat Market at 3:50 Saturday after- Tuers, Richard Dyhrman, Kenneth the increase in teachers’ salaries. an<i Anna Mae Clintock, respectively. By Girls Athletic Assn. Douglas Barrows and Mrs. Clyde Jef : noon, remained serious. All nine oc Siler, Richard Anderson, and Billy The annual Mothers ’ Tea, given by This amount is spread over the tax- mended, e.b feries were hostesses for the meeting cupants in the car, owned by able property of all the Linn county I Theta Rho ( lub advisors were rec- the Gills’ Athletic association of the Sullivan. of the Mehama Women’s club at the Dean Christensen of Aumsville, Scoutmaster "Dutch ’ Steiner called Mill City high school, was held in the school districts, with the exception of ommended, those chosen being Anna club house Tuesday evening. May 4. were taken to the Santiam Memorial for all mothers of Boy Scouts to ap- first class school districts. There are Mae CcClintock and Norma Lee high school auditorium Friday after noon with a large crowd of mothers pear on the stage to receive corsages Officers for the club year beginning hospital by the Mill City ambulance about 69 districts affected by the levy. Hennes. • from their sons, the flowers being October 1 were elected and will be and the police car. attending. All legal voters of the school district j The lodge voted to hold the District installed at the first meeting in Oc- > Program for the affair j to _ vote x .. _x _1_ xi_ ' Rebekah i Convention ’nnvpntlGn in Mill C City ’itv nn . Police Chief Meader was one of the was as fol- furnished for a nominal fee by Raleigh on are ___ urged at this election. tober. I August 14. Julia Bassett will pre- lows: Welcome, Donna Ellingson; Harold’s Florists of Stayton. Bob j Those elected were Mrs. Frank first on the scene and called the as president of the convention. songs by the Gills’ chorus, directed by Veness, former scoutmaster assisted , White, president; Mrs. Don Callahan, ambulance. Budget and Street Closure i side President of the Rebekah Assembly of Miss Marilyn Cederberg; t-fa-hion with all arrangements. I vice president; Mrs. Gerald Rockwell, I In the car besides Shultz were Mr. Is Business at Council Meet , Oregon will pay a visit. show, depicting "Fashions for the j secretary, and Mrs. Robert Draper, > and Mrs. Dean Christensen, and their At the regular meeting of the City I Lodge _ ___ members present from Sweet School Year” as its theme; music by ’ children, Dorothy 10, Loretta 7, Ellen treasurer. Fishermen Asked To Council held at the City Hall W’ed- Home were Mr. and Mrs. Willis La- Rosalie Bassett on the clarinet, with decided to hold a cooked food and pipda 2’„8,1 of Aumsville and ! It'was i. __ ---------------------------------- nesday evening, discussion of the bud- Vine, former long time residents of piano accompaniment by Mrs. Delos Watch Their Campfires Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christensen of sale at Golliet s store Saturday, May 15 : get for next year, and the proposed ! Mj]i City. Hoeye; Barbara Podrabsky on the DETROIT—Last weekend there , for the benefit of the Santiam Memor-1 Mill City. closing of several streets, occupied Serving on the refreshment com- accordion; and Carol Andreassen, I were more fishermen in the area than lal hospital welfare fund. J Of the children, Linda, who was in the attention of the council members, mittee Wednesday night were Ruth Zeta Crosier, Virginia Hallenbaugh, on opening day. It was roughly es A short program of musical numb- ■ the front seat was the most seriously timated that 2,500 eager fishermen i ers and a reading was enjoyed. The I injured. Following the crash, she was headed by Mayor J. C. Kimmel. I Hess, Dorothy Vail and Antonia and Frances Johnson, at the piano. A resolution was passed to hold the Thomas. Committees for the event included: enjoyed fishing in Detroit Lake and its | “Reds" were winners in the attend found in the bottom of the car, under regular budget election June 1. It Phyllis Prevost, Jackie Bickett; Don tributaries. ance contest and will be entertained by the other occupants. At the time, was stated that a lowering of city' Santiam Valley Grange na Ellingson and Dorothy Steinfelt. The Lake Shore forest camp looked those at the scene of the accident held : taxes may be possible, due to the val-' Hostesses were Frances Brunner and like a small town over the weekend the “Blues” at the next meeting. little hope for her recovery. Favor Walk Over Bridge uation of city property having gone ■ Regina Brewer. Pouring were wives It was estimated there were about 500 The Enterprise, in a call to the hos LYONS—The regular meeting of of the faculty and Miss Heart, an in cars parked in the camp. Tents and up recently. pital before going to press, found that Local loggers Gets In Bad City Recorder N. J. Thacker stated Santiam Valley Grange was held a structor. Donna Ellingson acted as sleeping bags were much in evidence. she is out of danger, but still in the that a letter had been written to the the grange hall Friday evening with commentator for the fashion show. It has been reported a couple of While Working in Woods hospital. Ellen, received scalp lacera Floyd Johnson, local logger, was tions, and was dismissed from the Associated Oil Company, builders of Master Giles Wagner presiding. The An Industrial Arts exhibit was on . camp fires were found still smolder the new service station located on the regular routine of business was cai- display by the shop class of Instructor ; ing. i“~ As * *' the season continues, it is a literally “stung" on the job Monday hospital Sunday. Loretta and Dorothy corner of Santiam Boulevard and ried out and the group w-ent on record Delos Hoeye. This included several re- known fact that forest lands will be at , , Blowout when a tree fell across an were svunu uu unmjut cu uut found to be uninjured but just whu‘h contained a nest of I ( omscsiup, suffering from shock, when ar- Seventh Street, requesting them to re as being in favor of a walkway across cent prize-winning objects. come increasingly dry. .Be careful— . od snag . rivin oiiwvit, n IlCU they bllCJT Bf f honeybees. The angry insects came at, rive(1 at the hojpital- Keep Oregon Green. move pail of the approach on the lat the bridge between Lyons and Me him stingjng him about the head and I M„ Dean Christensen, received ter street, it having caused an ob hama. A general discussion was held’on Marilyn Chapter OES around the eyes and nose. Johnson mjnor cuts and bruises as did her hus- struction to the narrow thorough the ways and mean- of attending the Entertains Monday Night North Santiam Chamber u?'V‘‘".“W"K5r?,n hi." .pow,er,s’w- band, who were both released from fare. left his hat behind and headed for the hospital Sunday, A resolution was presented to the State grange which will be held n wnv sivopiiai uunuaj. Special guests at the regular meet To Hold Field Trip May 18 cover. 1 Mis. Ernest , v;; requesting the vacation of sev- -cv- ; 1 Albany. The Pomona grange will hold ing of Marilyn Chapter, No. 145, Ord council Christensen was The recreation committee of the eral streets involved in the northern (beir meeting at the Santiam \ alley er of the Eastern Star, held at the 1 North Santiam Chamber of Commerce ..... • ’ """ ’ "" treated for a dislocated knee, and has portion of the Jahnke Addition, to mange hall May 20. Jerry Coffman, lodge hall Monday evening included a Ì has arranged a field trip for May 18 him was tobacco, so he used cigarettes her le(f in „ ,n(1 Ernest chrU. allow for the construction of the Wills [«iturer. showed a picture film of “A number of visitors from Cedar Chapt i within the Willamette National For as a poultice. He w.s reported as be- tensen had , fractureil right lc(G New Idea Takes Wings.” Mrs. May Brothers shingle trill. er of Scio and Acacia Chapter of est. This is in cooperation with the U. I ing able wiin to return to the job Tuesday, I The car was badly wrecked, and Patton and Lois Myers was in chalge about some damage was done to the fron» ^'<1 ■ but with somewhat of a swelling Stayton, Euclid Chapter of Jefferson, S. Forest Service, and highlights the, the kitchen and also the display being unable to attend. Escorted to [ . 1 and face. of the deisel engine. __ _____ ____ ____ _____ im- _ , Camp Cookery Is Topic at of phases of forest management table which was coveied with wild East and Faith poriani portant to the of the vuc i.aai aim introduced inirixiuceii were rann me economy or tne area. v . O .’ I ♦ I? ' Mehama-Gates Home flowers. At the next meeting Mrs. the Harding, worthy' worthy matron of Cedar, IvCSKlCnt r, 11 Joys Cedar, [ { Those attending will assemble at Warren Hampton and daught-r, Jia. , Gates PTA Has Final Demonstiation Unit __ of Detroit D _____ _a_xi __ -a at o.n/v .. and Vera Roach, worthy __..x matron Ranger station 8:30. mi There Mill City Hospitality I GATES—Members of the Mehama- will be in charge of the kitchen and Acacia. The associate matron and pat- is a full schedule for the day with the Session of School Year One new family in Mill City this Gates Home Demonstration unit met the display table, which will be of ron of Cedar Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. group returning to the ranger sta- GATES—The final meeting of the week, showed their appreciation of the roses. The Home Ec club held a short in Gates Friday, May 7, at the club Densmore, were also present. _____ . I tion at 7:00 in the evening. i efforts of some of the business houses Gates Parent-Teacher Association was house, with about 30 members and meeting following the grange. Entertainment for the evening was who sent them a letter, welcoming held at the high school. Thursday guests in attendance. The subject of , furnished by the High School Girls' them to Mill City, the "city of hos- evening, May 6, Mrs. W iliam Pen- Shop Students to Exhibit this meeting was “Camp Cookery” Postal Department Movie chorus under the direction of Miss nic presiding at the businesi session. ‘ pitality.” and the project leaders. Mrs. Walter Shown at Lions Club Marilyn Cederberg, and accompanied Work at Old Bank Building , Herman E. Williams, who with his It was decided by the members to Brisbin and Mt’s. Burrel Cole demon Following the dinner served at at the piano by Mrs. Delos Hoeye. Here Fri., Sat., Sunday wife moved hete recently from Priest sponsor a farewell, potluck dinner, strated, using the fire place, “Coffee Lions club Monday evening, George A patriotic degree depicting World According to Delos Hoeye, In River, Idaho, wished to thank the Thursday even, May 27, at the recrea Can Meals” and a fish dinner. Veteto won the community auction, a P'->ce by the mothers of various coun dustrial Art instructor at the Mill City “business houses, churches and kind tion rooms of the high school, honor Luncheon was served at noon, host pound of coffee. After the meeting a tries was effectively presented by of | high school, students under his direc hearted people for the heartwarming ing the teachers who will not be here esses including the project leaders and moving picture film showing how the ficers of Marilyn Chapter. Also fea tion will have a display of their work letter of welcome mailed to them." another year. i Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mrs. Glen Hen- post office department is operated, turing mothers, small plants called An invitation will be extended to at the old bank building Friday after- j ness and Mrs. Clare Henness. After was shown. "Roses of Heaven” were piesented to noon, May 14, all day Saturdav from ment for the schools, lepoited new luncheon new officers were installed: | Glen Blegen „„ of , Lowell, J„„ to attend. and Lowell each mother present from the Worthy 9:30 until 4:30 p. m., and Sunday Businessmen To Meet at Chairman, Mrs. Blanche Wagner; vice gtiffler we7e visitors, Matron, Mabel Parker. Ivan Smith, | from 2 until 4 o'clock. Mrs. Gwen Schaer, chairman of the Fellowshin Hall Thursday chairman, Mrs. Jean Roberts and se-, (jj^ftors meeting, discussion Worthy Patron, piesided over “Good The public is invited to come and To Elect Board of Directors committee appointed at the April cretary-treasurer, Mrs. Myrtle Pric ' On the coming installation of officers of the Order.” I see what has been accomplished by An important meeting of the busi meeting to select playground equip ard. Mrs. Brisbin acted as installing was taken up, but no definite action ment for the schools, reported new Saturday night, May 15, will be in the class during the school year. nessmen’s organization will be held at ping pong sets had been purchased officer. Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson was was taken. stallation of officers for Rainbow. 8 o’clock tonight (Thursday) at Fel- for the high school. She stated the guest speaker, telling of her trip to « i Election of officers will be held at Mention was made that Mrs. F. R. i iowship hall. Hawaii. school board had expressed a desire Olin, a member of Marilyn Chapter Shelton-Loucks Wedding the meeting next Monday night. ' A name for the organization will be to help defray the expense of what and former long-time resident here, Here Saturday Evening Parents of Pre-School is ill at St. Vincent’s hospital in Port Invitations have been in the mails chosen at this meeting and other im equipment was decided upon by the VFW Post No. 4184 Plans •’*' (committee, LUIIUII I HCt?. land, and would appreciate cards or for some time for the wedding of Miss portant matters will come before the i Children Invited To To Construct Clubhouse Installation of new officers wax notes from members. Greetings were Vera Loucks, daughter of Mr. and group. LYONS—Post No. 4,vl (North Come To School Tuesday i_ L.,, —■ -r Vail, president; Cards have been mailed to the busi- held, Mrs. Stanley also received from the Jack Muck Mrs. Earl W. Loucks, and Robert Santiam Canyon) is now planning the All parents of students w'ho will be ridges, now of Astoria. I Shelton, son of the Glen Sheltons, ness houses announcing the meeting Mrs. Richaid Parker, vice-president; construction of a new club house ’vest I entering Mill City Elemental y school I Mrs. Elmer Stewart, secretary, and At the close of the meeting, refresh ! which will be performed this Satur- and a good turnout is expected. of Mehama. as first graders this fall are invited ments were served from dining-room I day evening, at 8 o’clock in the First Richard Parker, treasurer. Mrs. Pen- The group has recently purchased to come to the school Tue.-day, May tables ' nick was pesented with a past-preai- mores centerer centered with bouquets of Christian church. A reception will fol 11 acres along Stout Creek from Joe , at 2 p.m., when an opportunity j , lilacs, azaleas. , and tulips, shades of low the ceremony in the church par- Blue Birds Entertain I dent's pin in appreciation of her ser ----- ------------ Barrow, which will make a beautiful, .will be given both the parents and purple and yellow being used. Serv- : lors. vices during the last year. Mothers At Meeting site for the building as well as picnic't — he —’ new students to get acquainted ing on the committee were Mildred Following adjournment a skit was The "Happy Blue Bird” group, un- facilities. Probable other activities in with the procedure at the local school. Allen, Elsie Potter, Winifred Biown, der leadership of Mrs. R. Parker and presented by a group of high school North Santiam Chamber clude swimming, fishing, archeiy and i Health Nurse Effie Cole, of Salem, and Mary Kelly. Mrs. R. Moberg, had an infoimal students. William Hughes, from the To Meet at Detroit May 19 gathering bridle paths and a rifle range. I will be pesent to talk to the parents with their mothers Tues Salem office of the Oregon State For Already work has begun on the as will Superintendent Vernon Todd. The next regular meeting of the day afternoon at the Parker home. estry department spoke on Conserva project. Trees in the righi-of-way An educational film will be shown, Annual Mother-Daughter North Santiam Chamber of Commerce Each girl presented her mother with a tion and Preservation of our forests to the building site were felled and the children will have the oppor- Banquet Held at Mari-Linn will be held at the school gym in De handkerchief of her own design. and showed films. The first shown and the stumps blown, Brush and tunity to visit the kitchen and receive LYONS—The annual Mother and troit, Wednesday, May 19, according Refreshments were served. was "I Safety in the Home,” from th« trees at the building site and the a treat. daughter banquet sponsored by the to President Oliver Willis, Gates. Those present were the following Public Health department and two picnic areas have been partially I Lindsey Wright, Stayton, secretary Blue Birds and their mothers: Shar 1 others, “Forest Management” and Women’s Society of Christian Ser cleared. Stringers for the bridge cros-[ Funeral Services Saturday vice was held in the allpurpose room states there will be a good program on Stone, Janet Jutchinson, Cheryl i "Little Smokey.” Hostesses who sing Stout Creek have been placed. Afternoon for Mrs. Oliver i at the Mari-Linn schoolhouse Thurs and all members are urged to attend. Challender, Bonnie June Parker, Car [ served were Mrs. Dale Reynolds, Mrs, Generous donations of time and LY’ONS—Funeral services were held day evening with a large crowd in at ol Moberg, Barbara Tickle, Christine Leta Dibblee, Mrs. Richard Parker, equipment by post members and non I Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the tendance. Mill City Defeats St. Paul Chance, Kit Means, Virginia Rich j and Mrs. Don Miley. members have made this possible. A Lyons Methodist church for Mrs. The welcome to the daughters was ards, Betty Stevenson and Ijiura raterpillar and operator was donated ( Georgia Oliver, who passed away last given by Mrs. Martha Poole and re In Ball Came Monday Lyons, the last two mothets not pres Mill City whipped St. Paul 10 to 0 by Jack Duggan and Francis Bodeker i Tuesday morning following a months' sponded to by Miss Donna Peabody. ent. in a Marion County B league base cf Lyons. A power saw and the use illness. She was 71 years, 11 months Mrs. Roy M. Lockenour of Salem was of a truck to haul the caterpillar was | and 28 days old, and was born May the guest speaker of the evening. ball game at Mill City Monday after donated by Ramie Martell. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Inez noon. 1 Guests of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred 6, 1882 at Montrose, Missouri. Dick Crook pitched and Al Ward re Bluebirds Enjoy Trip to Blue prints for the clubhouse should Vickers Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C. Georgia Ramsey was married June Ring, oldest mother present, and to ceived for Mill City. Crook struck out State Capitol Building he completed by May 15. The exca 15, 1915 to Wood Oliver at Colorado Mrs. Carol Grimes, youngest mother W. Smith and daughter of Brooks, A group of Bluebirds, ail third Oregon. vation for the building is planned as j Springs, Colorado. They came to Ore pesent, and to Mrs. Eva Crook and five, allowed three hits, and walked graders, enjoyed a “field trip” to soon as the blueprints are completed. gon in 1925, residing at Klammath Mrs. Belle Toland, tied for having the five. Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto and Mr. visit the State Capitol building in Sa and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler were guests John Grimmer Groom of Salem is the Falls. They came to Lyons in '48. Sur most daughters. Miss Bevel ly Roberts lem Monday afternoon. Leaders in Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rural Patrons Asked To architect. viving besides her widow are three played a piano solo, and the Prideaux charge of the girls were Mmes. Al O. B. Ausland at Harrisburg. At the present time the post meets nieces, Mrs. Georgia Collier, of Shaw children a musical number, Jean at the Fix and Paint Mail Boxes Yankus, Burton Boroughs, Frank in the Women’s clubhouse in Mehama. nee, Oklahoma, Mrs. Rema Patton of piano, David on the accordion and Mr. snd Mr». George Higley and Patrons of Lyons Rural Route Tommy on the steel guitar. family, of Silverton, were guests at have been asked to observe the week Merrill and Mrs. Logan Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Miss Bluebirds making the trip were Bon the home of their parents, Mr. and Mill City Seniors Spend of May 17, which has been designated Donna Jo Ramsey of Platte City, Mis nie Boroughs, Tamara Morris. Laura Mrs. Paul Higley Sunday. souri, and a host of friends. as rural mail box improvement week. Contractors Working on Weekend At Seaside I,ee, Diane Merrill, Susie Carlson, and I.ane Walkup, wns of Mr. All patrons are requested to repair Shirley Veness, Ray Yankus, Carol The Seniors of Mill City high school New Mill City Approach and Mrs. R. H. Walkup, Salem, spent Engagement of Wilma .lull and paint up their mail boxes during • pent the weekend and Monday at Stodola, Joyce Guier, Janie Logan, from Thursday until Sunday at the Contractors this week have been this period. Seaside in the big senior event of the Announced by Parents Lois Herschberger, and little Kathey home of their grandparents, Mr. and moving dirt, blasting and grading in Minister and Mrs. Hugh Jull an preparation to putting in the new year, senior skip. The trip to and and Judy Boroughs. Mrs. Hugh Walkup. They were taken from Seaside was made in cars, by nounce the engagement of their approach to Mill City from the San- Fairview Cemetery Ass’n. to Salem Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Wilma, to William F. Shep- tiam highway. way of the Sunset highway. To Hold Clean-Up Days Walkup, who spent the day there Saturday night there was a wiener held, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Floyd Considerable dirt »nd rock ha.« been The Fairview Cemetery association Chimney Fire at .lull with their eon. R H. an<l family. Mr. i Shepherd. Rt. I, Lyons. Miss Jull is r<ast on the beach and Sunday night moved from the hillside opposite The has set May 16 and May 23 as clean Home Squelched by Firemen and Mrs. R H. Walkup left the fore a party. During the day there was ' employed in the student nurses’ li Enterprise office, where the road up day* at the cemetery located be The firemen were called out Wed part of this week for their new home swimming, skating, and bowling. The brary at the Oregon State hospital will be widened. tween Mill City and Gates. nesday forenoon to extinguish a at Boise, Idaho, where he will travel trip was financed with money the in Salem and Mr Shepherd is em- Work is progressing rapidly, and it All those interested in the cemetery chimney fire at the Hugh Jull home for the Tmperiat Candy Co. Mr. Walk < lass had earned throughout the year. ployed at the MAM Plywood plant is expected that befote long most up, who has been on this territory for are asked to bring their own equip in Mill City. Senior class advisor. Howard Means at Lyons. No date has been set for the "dirty” work will be done and ment and get the cemetery cleaned up The fire was put out with a mini some time, will be missed by the busi the wedding and Mrs. Means were chaperones. traffic will again be flowing smoothly. before Memorial day. ness houses here. mum of damage to the house. vvj I