Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1954)
8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY FRIDAY. SATURDAY MEHAMA By Mrs. John Teeter« Many Attend Easter Egg Hunt at Lake Shore Camp THURSDAY, APRIL 22. 1051 iSantiam Valley Grange Home Ec Club Has Meeting At Wilson Stevens Home DETROIT—Sunny skies set the stage Sunday afternoon for a perfect “Easter Egg Hunt” at the Lake Shore LYONS—The Home Economic« club Forest camp. of the Santiam Valley grange met at In attendance were about 165, of the home of Mrs. Wilson Stevens which 100 were child'en. The children Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Giles were divided into two age groups and Wagner in charge of the business j at the sound of a whistle the “hunt” ■ was on. meeting. Prize eggs marked with money de Various plans were discussed with plans for a dinner to be served in the nominations arranging from 5c to near future to laise money to help $1 totaling $10 in prize money spark with their share for the State Granite, ed the hunt. After the egg hunt the children Some discussion was held on the house dresses that are to be judged were served hot dogs on buns. Coffee in a sewing contest. Present were was served the adults. The hunt was Mmes. Giles Wagner, Elmer Taylor, ponsored by the FOE auxiliary. The Auxiliary thanks the Forest Frank Basl, Floyd Bassett, Bernard VanHandle, and the hostess, Mrs. Service, the school and individuals for Stevens. Guests for the afternoon were their contributions and coopeiatiori Mrs. Joe Johnson and Mrs. Robert and a special thanks to Warren Stoll of the IGA store in Idanha, who con Davison. tributed the hot dogs and buns. Mrs. Ercill Wilson was hostess Fri day morning. Api it 9, at a coffee honoring Mrs. Ted Pruett, who re April 22, 23. 21 cently moved to Lebanon. Those pres WILLIAM HOLDEN. ent were Mrs. Roy Philippi, Mrs. Or ELEANOR PARKER in ville Herrold and Mrs. Rex Kimsey (from Stayton, Mrs. Marshall Powell, ESCAPE FROM Lyons, Mrs. Keith Phillips. Mrs. Til man Rains, Mrs. Ken Golliet, Mrs. FORT BRAVO Lilly Wolfkiel, Mis. Charles Boucha In Color—Plus— In Color and Mrs. Perry Clipfell. W ALT DISNEY'S TRI E LIFE Mrs. Jennie Bohannan was sur- ADVENT! RE prised by several ladies la-t Thursday J afternoon when they called to help PROWLERS OF HIE 1 her celebrate her 89th birthday. Those 1 calling were Mrs. Edith Philippi, Stay EVERGLADES ton, Mrs. Raymond Branch. Mrs. Chris , McDonald and Mrs. Mabel Patton. The KID'S CLUB MATINEE ladies brought cake and ice cream 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY which was enjoyed by all including Glenn Ford in “THE Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor with whom REDHEAD and the COWBOY Mrs. Bohan nan has made her home for a number of years. Keith Hughes, the two year old son of Mr. arid Mrs. P. N. Hughes was SUNDAY, MONDAY guest of honor at a birthday party Too Late To Classify April 25, 26 W'ednesday afternoon April 14 at the I FOR SALE—One bedroom modern home of his grandmother, Mrs. E. J. ESTHER WILLIAMS, house in Swift's addition in Mill Hughes. Enjoying the party were City. See Sonny Nelson, or phone Joan and Dorothy Walz, Linda and VAN JOHNSON, in Mill City 3402 evenings. 17 Michael Diesberg, Carol, “Chuckie,” and “Jerry’' McCall, Bonnie and WILL TRADE equity in two bedroom EASY TO LOVE Stuart Christensen and Dennis Teet home in Mill City for good small ers. Also present were Mrs. Martin In Technicolor tractor and equipment, late model Diesberg, Mrs. C. W. McCall, Mrs. «r or what have you. Phone 602 G. V. Christensen and the hostesses evenings. 17p Mr«. E. J. Hughes and Mrs. P. N. TUESDAY, FOR SALE--1945 Ford 4 door sedan. Hughes. Weekend guests at the Frank Kim- WEDNESDAY, Has new Arvin heater, good Motor- I ola radio, new seat covers, good erys were Mrs. Krmerys sisters' fam April 27, 28 tires and nearly new motor.—Phone ilies, the Thorp Johnsons from To 3424, Mill City. 1» ledo and the Joe Martins from Port MARILYN MONROE, land. JOSEPH COTTEN, in Visiting Easter at the Ken Golliet home were Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler Clothes Dryers NIAGARA Ramp of Brooks. In Technicolor Deanie McDonald returned to Lin field college at McMinnville Monday NEWS after spending a weeks’ acation at her home here. Ed and Gene Small, who are also students at Linfield spent most of their vacation working there. Doors Open at 7:08 P. M. Sunday dinner guests at the Alvin Complete show can be seen any LYONS PLUMBING Giiffiths home were Mr. and Mrs. time up to 8:30 Ralph Boring and family and Mr. and Phone 1631 Lyons, Ore Mrs. Dale Champ and children. Subscribe Today! The Martin Deisbergs spent Easter at Centralia. Washington, with Mr. Diesberg’s parents, and also visiting with other relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Love and child ren of Lebanon were Sunday guests Seven day FREE TRIAL in your home. When in need at the D. L. Teeters home. of service for your machine or »hen you need a new or Gordan Zoellnar went to Astoria used Sewing Machine, Call or Write Monday to attend the funeral of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boucha and daughters spent Easter Sunday in Salem. in yonr lel.pAv»« »««t eut» »„«ter UNCU »SWING MACHIN« co. The Keith Hennesses spent Sunday in Dallas at a family gathering at Phone 3 3512 SALEM. OREGON 130 N. Commercial the home of Mr. Henneses grand mother. Lyons Extension Club To Hold Special Meet Friday LYONS The regular monthly meeting of the Lyons Extension club was held at the Rebekah hall Friday, April 16. Election of officers was the main business. New officers elected were Verna Jenks, chairman; Martha Cruson, reelected vice chairman and Lucille Huber, secretary-treasurer. Plans weie made and discussed for the Homemakers Festival which will be held May 3 in Lebanon, at which time the officers will be installed. A special meeting will be held next Fri day with an all day meeting on “Lamp Shade Work Shop,” with a sack lunch at the noon hour. Pioject leaders will be Alma Spell- meier and Laura Sundquist. Members of Marilyn Chapter, OES driving to Scio Monday night to watch Cedar Chapter put in the initiatory work for Patricia Miller, daughter of the woithy patron Keith Miller, and the secretary Wava Miller, were Mrs. Wm. B. Shuey and Mrs. Charles Kelly, accompanied by Mrs. R. Rob erts, of Lyons, who is a member of Victoria Chapter at Turner. The occasion was of especial in terest as Leia Kelly of Mill City was courtesy candidate with Patricia. Both girls are past worthy advisors of Acacia Assembly, Order of Rain-, bow for Girls, and now students at Oregon State College. Girls from the Rainbow Assembly, headed by Karen Kelly, worthy advisor from Jefferson, put on a degiee for the new candidate. Lyons Garden Club Meets at Huber Home LYONS—Mis. Alice Huber with Mrs. Clyde Bressler cohostess enter tained the members of the Lyons Garden club at the Huber home Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Otto Weidman, president, presided over the meeting. A general discussion was held, with the new soil testing kit. Several dif ferent soils were tested. Various plans were discussed for the summer months. Quality Job Priming at Mill City Enterprise Mill City Comes Up Short At Three-Way Track Meet By Richard Anderson That this isn’t Mill City’s year in track was shown for the second time as the Timberwolf trackmen came out on the short end of a three-way meet with Gervais’ and St. Paul The meet was at Geivais last Wednesday, April 14. Gervais almost made a clean sweep by winning everything except the high jump,which »as taken by Sam Smith of St. Paul with a 4 foot, 11 inch leap. Gervais totaled IOS' i points, St. Paul 25, Mill City 1814. JERRY’S CORNER . . . . The time is getting Close it seems To pick up rod and reel And hit the streams The little woman will Stay at home, I feel Are you going to leave her Without an automobile? Jerry Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton, Oregon Gervais Wins A successful squeeze play in the bottom half of the seventh inning broke a tie and gave Gervais high school a 2-1 decision over Mill City in a Marion B league baseball game at Gervais last Thursday, April 15. Heating Installations Electric Supplies Montag Ranges Peerless Pumps Crossler's Grocery A FRIENDLY STORE THAT GIVES— S * II GREEN STAMPS SINGER SEWING CENTER Specials for Friday and Saturday Members of OES Attend Meeting At Scio Monday Always High Quality Groceries at Consistently Lower Prices ON THE HIGHWAY April 23 and 21 Phone 3206 MILL CITY I OOtlOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIXHIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo M fl Holliday brand • /A Z "V Margarine 4 lbs 89c Fishers Cake Flour 2 27c " 2 29 c Jack Kazziah 25c And Orchestra Playing at Tasty Pae Peas Pineapple juice Liquid Sunshine No 2 can Pork & Beans Van Camp's Brand 2*2 size tin 23c Shortening • Snowdrift J pound tins 95c For Applesauce Stokely's Brand No. 303 tia 19c Towels Scott’s Per roll 1 9c Clean-up—Paint-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to lite STORE HOI RS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundavs and Holidavs STEWART S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 1107 DETROIT, OREGON Saturday, April 24 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M. Mill City. Oregon <XXXXKKX>QOOOOO OOOÛOOOOO OOOOOOOO ¡>000000 >0000000«