Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1954)
es or Kent THE MILL ( M CLASSIFIED RATES o . FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, FOR SALE 1941 Chev club coupe, 1 block from postoffice. Phone 2652 with 1947 motor. Body rough, motor or see Frank Blazek. 16tf good. Three good tires and good ' JACK'S SPORTING GOODS form» battery. $75. Stanley Walczak, No advertisement accepted for less ly Camp’s at Stayton will be open FOR RENT 3 room duplex apart phone 5984. 17p than 50 cents per week. evenings until further notice. 17 ment in Swift addition. Reasonable Count five words to the line in rent. See E. D. Cooke, Mill City, erdering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill VOTE for J. Laurance Siegmund for Legal Notices Oregon. 17p City or mail your advertisement to county commissioner at the May NOTICE The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, primary election. -6tf '•OR RENT 2 bedroom furnished THE COUNTY BOARD OF Oregon. house 1 mile west of Mill City. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, will convene on Phone Salem 3-9829. 16 EQUALIZATION Home Appliances etc. will be run under “Special An Monday, May 19, 11*54, at the Court FOR RENT Furnished apartment in House in Albany, nouncements" classification with a business district. Mrs. Nita Horner,' gon, and remain Linn County, Ore- minimum charge of 50 cents per in FOR SALE—Late model electric in session three phone 6142, Mill City. 15tf range. Three buiner with deep well sertion. weeks or until the examination, cor cooker, clock, automatic timer.— E D. Cooke, S. W. Sth Avenue, Mill FOR REN T—Furnished two and rection and equalization of the as three room apartments. Phone 1707. sessment rolls have been completed. City. 14tf MILL CITY D. B. Hill, Mill Citv. tf Application for reduction of assess DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR RENT Furnished 2 bedroom ments shall be in writing, verified Real Estate duplex. Electric range, water heat-j as by Law required, and filed within Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. er, refrigerator, automatic washer. the first week it is by law required weekly pickups $1.50 ner month FOR SALE—Level building sites on I In Mill City. Contact by mail: H. C. to be in session. hill west of school. See Mrs. Ogden, JOHN W SHEPPARD. Baltimore, Star Route, Redmond. 9tf Also light hauling West Evergreen, Mill City. 19 Assessor for Linn County. Leonard Herman Phone 3952 I FOR RENT — Kitchenette apartt- April 22, 29, May 6 FOR SALE- Watts flat top house, ments. Inquire at Thiel’s Store, Lyons. Phone Lyons 234.__ ____ 17 between Mill City and Gates. Phone Business and Professional Mill City 705 for information. 18p Ten cents per line each insertion. modern FOR SALE—3 bedroom home in three good lots, Berries, SEE HI RTE’S FEED STORE when in need of feeds or fertilizeis. W’e fruit and garden.—H. E. Smith, carry of complete line and our prices 13tf Phone 1406, Mill City. are right. Fertilize your pasture RESTAURANT FOR SALE Just re now. It will pay dividends in extia decorated. Doing good business. Lo growth. Hirte’s Feed Store, Mill cated in Oddfellow Building in Mill City, Oregon. ................ City. Inquire at Mom & Pop’s Cafe. 12tf GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON FOR SALE OR TRADE—Mill City Hotel, easy terms. See L. A. Rada, SEE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a Mill City, Oregon. 8tf complete line of Philco television WHY RENT! BUY a good home in sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio Mill City. Let us show you modern , and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill home that is priced right. See Don City. ltf Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City, j Oregon. 5tf *®e u» fir»» for . . ! Hotpoint Miscellaneous 'i • Factory-Trained Export* • Genu I no Hotpoint Part* Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2964 JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon STAYTON • What • comfort it is, in time of serious illness, to know that hands—skilled and experienced in the task assigned—serve you with painstaking care. Your prescription is im portant to you— anti to us. Capiiol Drug Co Salem ••••••• PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Tax Consultant Auditor Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service ( orner 3rd and Morion STAYTON. OREGON Phone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 "Everything for toe Logger" BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 I I General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LI ZIERS COSMETICS Les's Tavern SHUFFLEBOARD Beginning April 30, we will hold a Shuffleboard Elimination Tournament every Friday evening. GOOD MUSIC Meet your friends here for the PLUMBING—WIRING Water Pumo Service SPINET PIANO—Famous make and in perfect shape. Big savings for , quick sale, or rent with option to | J. W. GOIN buy. Write Stone Piano Co., 1280! VETERINARIAN State Street, Salem. 17 STAYTON Phone 4148 FOR SALE—25 foot, 1941 Superior I Opposite Glen Shelton, Broker Claude Lewis' Service Station West side Mill City Ph. 2207 Trailer House. The Master Built I Coach. Very good condition. S. E. FOR SALE by Owner. 4 bedroom Kingwood and 3rd.—J. H. Hersh- . house and four lots. Real bargain. berger, P. O. Box 496, Mill City. 15p • Inquiie at Enterprise office for ad dress. 17p FOR SALE- Old newspapers, 10c a bundle. Fine for starting fires, Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned FOR SALE—2 bedroom home. Could wlapping dishes, etc.—Mill City Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT easily be made three. Double plumb Enterprise. 1079 Elm St. W. Salem ing, good location with acreage. Garden soil and shade trees. Pos I WILL PAY up to $125 for Colt Re volvers weighing four pounds. Hugh sible business location on highway. Husted, Box 3, Mehama, Oregon. Low price, small down payment, -Weddle Funeral Home 12tf balance like rent. Also have large lots for sale. E. D. Cooke, S. W. 8th Modern Funeral Service avenue, Mill City. 12tf WANT TO BUY TIMBER Small or large tracts STAYTON OREGON FOR SALE — Small, three-room Either cash or stumpage basis house and lot in Shaw’s addition to STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf [ at Mom and Pop's Cafe, Mill City. 7tf OFFICE FURNITURE and equip úe Sute TVctA ment, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, cash registers, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, < tot tory-ivnorviiodyr rent, swap and repair. Bargains in ANY used machines. Roen Typewriter MAKE MODEL HAMBURGER Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf FOR YOUR STAND W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled rELEVISION OR RADIO Delicious Hamburger Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa Sandwiches tion cail or write Allen Gould. 1424 3207 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Greaseless Doughnuts Stiffler ’s Radio & Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf GOOD COFFEE Applinace Co. Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Sawmill LOGS WANTED Open Sundays 4 p. m. to 8 p. m. Mlil City, Oregon Top prices for Second Growth MILL CITY, OREGON furn Some Many them. Best In Beverages "BILL” GRAHAM, Owner ('lean-up—Paint-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries MIKE'S Septic Service KELLOM’S STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 ROUND AND ROUND THEY GO Millions of revolutions throw wheels off balance, out of line. Tire wear, steering shimmy, result. We have installed a new Hunter wheel balancing machine. Why not let Hunter check your tires to day and balance your wheels on the car. You’ll no tice a great difference. Serve yourself and save up to 331,3 % on Gates Tires and Tubes. See us. 51tf YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per month on a modern automatic pro pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also heating, water heaters, refrigerat- tion, brooders and Norge appli ances. 9tf Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment CRPRBbE, ENERGETIC STRRIGNT-THINKinC TRUSTWORTHY V./ 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch diameter. » FROZEN FOODS From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh So They Stopped Baiting Each Other If you want to hear a real hassle, listen to Cob James and Whitey Baker on front fishing sometime. You’d think it was more important than angthing. Cob favors dry flies. Whitey pooh-poohs anything but wet flies. Cob swears by a Fan-Wing Royal Coachman; Whitey won’t hear of anything but Silver Doc tor. And so it goes — they can’t even get together on steel rods versus bamboo rods. But on Saturday, each got back from Fox Creek with a catch that couldn’t have differed by more than a couple of ounce»! Then over a friendly glass of beer, they allowed as how maybe they were both right , . . which is how so many arguments should end. From where I sit, life would be a whole lot pleasanter if we all respected one another's opinions — whether about trout flies, or having a glass of beer, or voting. After all, a person has a right to follow his own line of thinking. Loft) right, 1954, Lnilrd Slatti Urtarti f oundation 4-5Ì 'J ./(I** fee BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 4fltf The Mill City Enterpise will be happy to give you figures on that printing you are needing. We will be pleased to assist you in design ing it to suit your wishes. Enterprise Class Ads Pay Try One Today! FOOD LOCKERS I STUD LOGS WANTED KILL EVERY RAT with Warfarat Or. N»»s Product Containing Warfarin Pd. adv. by Com. for Jason Lee r % Shuffleboard Branch Store at Lyons (’lean-up—Paint-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live WOOD'S STORE REAL ESTATE west of Mehama. Oregon Phone 116 Sweet Home. Philomath FOR SALE—100x250 foot lot in Riv 24 HOUR SERVICE erview addition to Mill City. In WANTED TO BUY—Used Mandolin. BROWNIE VALDEZ Mrs. Bass, Rosedale Inn, Mill City. quire at Mom and Pops Cafe, Mill Salem, Oregon • 17p Phone 2-3786 City. 6tf NICE 2 Bedroom house, mostly ished. Low down payment. good buys on small acreage^ otheis. Come in and see about HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Builiiing, 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. ni. to 6 p. nt. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY Gooch Logging Supply MILL CITY, OREGON Business Services IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME DR. MARK W. N. SIMMONS DIRECTORY Feed WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS L?. APPLIANCE SERVICE Special Announcements Good Music Use Dr. Hess Warfarat according to direc tions and vou can kill everv rat on your farm, It kills thrrr kinds of rats also mice. lt*r a aafr, lure killer. Easv to uae. It'« ■ prepared bait. No mixing or prebaiting. Rats do not become bait shv nor develop tolerance. They keep on eating it till the last rat bites the dust. Santiam Farmers Co-op WHERE FRIENDS MEET We give Penny Saver Stamps Silver Saddle Service Station Phone 903 Mill City, Oregon On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY, OREGON George “Sparky” Ditter Feed» Seed» Fertilizer Telephone 5024 Grinding and Mixing Cantom Cleaning Mead Marketing Household Appliance» Machinery Hardware Petroleum Product» STAYTON, OREGO