Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1953)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — (J \ 11 w AY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME IX NUMBER 50 •2-50 ■ Year, J Of a Copjf MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1953 Santiam Grange Lions See Slides Mill City Tigers Santa To Be Votes Higher Dues Defeat Jefferson On Big Cliff and Here Dec. 19 I School Boards Hold Joint Meeting At Gates School LYONS—The regular meeting of The Mill City Tigers defeated the Santiam Valley Grange was held Fri-1 Jefferson Cubs 18 to 16 in a grade day evening at the grange hall, with school league basketball game at Jef A meeting of the school boards of 7 , 77 "7 2 The annual Santa Claus party put Giles Wagner, master, presiding. ferson Friday. the Mill City, Gates and Detroit |Wtts flrst printed to the citixena of on by the Firemen’s Auxiliary each The regular routine of business was The game marked the beginning of year will be held at the firehall Sat carried out, and the first and second | At the regular pot luck dinner play for the grade school league. school districts was held Wednesday Mill City and Gates at a public meet urday, December 19th. degrees were conferred upon Mr. and of the Lion Club served at Friendship High point man for Mill City was evening of last week at the Gates high I jng in Mill City, November 20. If plans do not go awry Santa will Mrs. Bert Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Bern 1 hall Monday night a large crowd was Bill Longnecker with six points. The school, to continue the discussion of j The Gates meeting continued tha arrive at the hall at 1 o’clock, riding ard Van Handle. Mrs. Nita Horner present to enjoy the feed and program game was well matched and both a possible union high school which discussion of unionization or consoli that followed. in a police car. and Mrs. Rachael Olmstead. dation and the possible location of a During the short business meeting teams may be expected to improve President of Rebekah This is the major project of the It was voted to raise the dues 15c a during the season. high school. Don Miley, superintend Mrs. Roger Nelson, president of the Auxiliary and funds raised at the quarter. The members also voted to The Mill City girls volleyball team Assembly Make Visit To ent of Gates schools, presided at thw concessions at the Firemen’s benefit have their social meeting which will I Lions Auxiliary thanked all those in meeting. are used to purchase the sacks of be the Christmas party on Thursday | the city who had given tea and coffee defeated Jefferson 45 to 13. Donna Mill City Lodge Dec. 2 About 70 members and visitors at- candy and nuts. All children of the Dec. 17, instead of Friday the 18th so 1 parties to raise money for the polio Scheaffer played a fine game for the The group authorized Vernon S. tended the December meeting of San community are invited to be present as not to conflict with a program at I fund. A check in the amount of $130 winners. Todd, superintendent of Mill City This Friday, Mill City plays host tiam Rebekah lodge at the IOOF hall. j was turned over to the club by Mrs. to take part in the gala event. Mari-Linn school. The Auxiliary will meet Thursday, There will be a social time and a [ Al Nesbitt treasurer. Mrs. Nelson to Scio grade school. The volleyball Routine business was transacted and schools, to contact the Linn and Mar December 17th to trim the tree and gift exchange, each one to bring a asked that everyone keep in mind the game starts at 7:00 p.m. with the then the initiatory degree was con ion county boundary boards and ask ferred on Blanche Struckmeier, with that they meet with representatives make final plans for the annual gift for the exchange. Ladies are to I toy box at Nu-Method cleaners. Those basketball game following. Mattie Root acting as courtesy candi of the three school boards to present Christmas party. bring a gift for a lady and men to having toys are asked to bring them Box Score— i to this place and they will be given Mill City (18) Jefferson (16) date. Mrs. Lola Osborne, president ol bring a gift for a man. I to the school for the blind at Salem. Bevier, f (4) Wright f (2) the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, to the communities a recommendation Each Lion is asked to bring a toy to Jones, f (1) c (5) payed her official visit to the lodge for the best building site for a high Huchspiere the club meeting next Monday night. Kanoff, f (3) Finley c (0) that evening. Mrs. Edith House of school for the three districts. Mr. Todd I Auxiliary To Make Plans For the program of the evening, Smith c, (4) Marlatt g (0) Portland, assembly marshall, and Mrs. reports that the boundary boards For Annual Christinas Walter Makie, resident engineer at Thomas g (0) Wimbush g (6) Hazel Lewis of Lyons, assembly have agreed to the meeting but have the dam showed slides of construction Longnecker g (6) Gross g (1) chaplain, were present to pay the not as yet set a date. Party To Be Held Dec. 20 of the Detroit and Big Cliff dams, also Nyman f (2) lodge fraternal visits. The American Legion Auxiliary is some shots of other dams. Thes» The school boards will each appoint Score at Quarter Stops A tribute and gift to the president Bids for the high school gymnasium holding a meeting at the Legion hall I proved to be highly interesting as it Mill City 1 9 11 18 was presented under the direction of a committee of three from their own at Mill City will be opened at 8 p.m., next Thursday, December 14 to make I showed the dams in various stages Jefferson .............4 8 9 16 Allura Chance. Mrs. Osborn gave an community to meet with the boundary December 22, according to reports plans for the annual Christmas party of construction and gave the group an interesting and instructive talk to the boards. which will be held ~ December 20th at insite of the work done. Present at the Wednesday meeting from local school officials. Quests were also present from Hood'.'™*" ‘troi} were members of the ' from D Detroit Plans call for a 101xl30-foot rein 5:30. Mrs. Frank Hunter won the “prize” It is planned to have roast turkey at the dinner and turned the money board, Frank L. New and Bradford forced concrete building. A boiler River and Clatskanie lodges. Mrs. room 32x26 feet will be consrtucted. and the balance of the dinner will be over to the polio fund. Blanche Syverson presented past Humphrey and Otis White, superin This will contain the laundry, snack potluck. Each person attending the noble grand regalia to the lodge from tendent of Detroit schools; membeie party is to bring a gift not to exceed bar and toilets the Three Links club; she also an of the Gates school board: Elmer Ceramic tile will be used on the 25c in price, the men to bring a gift MEET OF CHRISTIAN WOMAN’S nounced that the club would have Klutke, William Pennick and Oliver Bill Btewart announced this week floors and walls of the shower rooms for a lady and the ladies to bring gifts I FELLOWSHIP TO BE TONIGHT their annual party and gift exchange Willis; and Don Miley, superintend- that he will dispose of his interest The Christian Woman’s Fellowship in Stewart’s grocery here in Mill Tuesday, December 8. The lodge ent of Gates schools. From Mill City and toilets, and concrete floors are for men. Children should bring a will meet tonight (Thursday) at the City to his brothers. Dub and Charlie Christmas party will be at their next were Russell Kelly, Harold Kliewer to be used in the locker rooms. The gift for another child. and William B. Shuey of the board home of Mrs. E. K. Fish in Riverview Stewart. The transaction will be com meeting, December 16. gym floor will be maple, and will be addition. The meeting, which starts pleted at the end of the present year. 90x100 feet. The rooms and tables for the Wed- and V. S. Todd, superintendent of schools and Howard L. Means, princi at 7:30 will be the annual Christmas The store was purchased by Bill, nesday evening meeting were beauti pal of Mill City High. party and program of that organiza Party Held in Detroit fully decorated by the committee in tion, and will include a gift exchange. Dub and Charlie about four and a charge, Mrs. Marie Stewart, Mrs. For Bride-Elect, M. White Mrs. H. E. Jull is in charge of the half years ago from their father, Bill, Mabel Yankus, Mrs. Richard Thomas, DETROIT—Mrs. Mabie Parker was entertainment, and Mrs. E. D. Cooke Sr., who is now at Scio. During the Mrs. Gladys Podrabsky, Mrs. Mattie time the present owners have had hostess Saturday evening at a shower The Mill City Ministerial associa is the assisting hostess. the store, it has made a steady Cole and Mrs. Hazel Andreassen. honoring Miss Marlene White, bride tion met Monday morning to consider growth. elect of Navy Airman Robert Bud- plans for the Christmas season. The At the present time Bill states his long. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Alice young people and the “young in heart" Gates Parent-Teachers plans are indefinite, but that he does Moore and Mary Gordon. Miss White of the community are invited to go Hear State Police Officer Freshmen of Mill City high placed not contemplate leaving Mill City. received many lovely and useful gifts. carroling on Monday, December 21 at more students on the honor roll for GATES — The December meeting of He was elected to the city council last A unique and interesting center 7:30 p. m. They will meet at the the second six weeks period, accord piece adorning the sewing table was Christian Church, and after singing the Gates PTA was heli in the audi week. ing to Howard Means. The seniors a 27-inch all-white Santa made from throughout the community wHI re torium of the high school Thursday came second with five, the sopho- evening, with a large attendance. Mrs. Gates Birthday Club Is coffee filters. This was created by turn there for refreshments. mores third with four and the junior William Pennick presided at the The Elks annual benefit charity Betty Dean. Refreshments served Also as a part of the Christmas sea Entertained by Mrs. Schaer show will be held at the Salem high class trailing with only two. were cake, coffee and punch. son, it was suggested that all do his business session. The committee in Freshmen—Zita Crosier, Rosalie GATES—Members of the Gates school auditorium December 17. The Miss White will become the bride part in giving a proper place in the charge of the recent dance, sponsored Nancy Bassett, Annette Melting, of Navy airman Robert Budlong in a season’s festivities to the “Christ of by the PTA and held in the gym, re birthday club were entertained at the doors open at 7:30 and the show will Porter, Evelyn Taylor and Richard home of Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Saturday start at 8:15 p. m. sharp. ported a net gain of $119.48 from ceremony performed at the Detroit Christmas.” This can be done by Ziebert. Following a luncheon There will be a two-hour show with church Sunday, December 27 at 4 p.m. sending cards which include scripture the sale of tickets and refreshments, [afternoon. Sophomore—Lora Bickett, Evelyn ; served by the hostess at 1 :30, euchre 'professional entertainers putting on Johnston, Phyllis Provost, Ellen Officiating at the wedding will be the verses, poetry etc., which bring out At the close of the business meeting ' was in play at four tables. At the six acts, interesting to both young Rev. Richard Hake of Lebanon. the meaning of Christmas, attending the president, Mrs. Pennick introduced Shelton. The bride-elect is the daughter of the church of one's choice faithfully the speaker of the evening, Capt. [ close of the afternoon first prize was and old. Junior—Carol Andreassen Yvonne [ awarded Mrs. Arnold Syverson of The show will consist of trampoline, Dart. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White of Detroit, throughout the season and reading of Walter luinsing, of the state police, ! Mill City; second, Mrs. Mabie Knut novelty and western acts. Trained and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. the Christmas story and the singing traffic safety department. Senior—Richard Verbeck, Sharon Capt. Lansing said that speed was son; consoluation, Mrs. A. T. Barn- dogs, an ambassador of nonsense, uni Gallagher, Donna Bengston, Richard P. E. Budlong of Salem. Mr. Budlong of carols in the home, in addition hardt. Mrs. Velma Carey was pre I cycle, slack wire and musical comedy not altogether to blame for traffic is stationed at a navy base in San to giving gifts to one another. Anderson, Regine Brewer. sented the visitors prize. numbers. Diego, California. In addition, plans were made for a accidents. He admitted that teenagers, Other members and snecial guests The Elks orchestra will play and union watch-night service on New between the ages of 14 and 25 were attending were Mrs. Martha Bowes, there will be organ music at the audi Mehama Ladies Aid Year’s eve, the details of which will be responsible for many of the accidents. Mrs. Frankie Johnson, Mrs. Edmund torium. The public is urged to attend. Former Mill City Resident He requested his listeners to recall announced later. Dies in Portland; Buried Has Election of Officers some of their escapades when they Davis, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Walt Monday in Albany MEHAMA—The Ladies Aid of the were of that age and advised them er Brisbin, Mrs. Mary Champ, Salem; Oregon Seed Growers To I Through D. B. Hill it was learned Mehama church met at the B. L. not to do too much “belly aching.” The Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Floyd Bas Kirsch home Thursday afternoon, Junior Class To Present evening’s program was closed by sett of Lyons; Mrs. Oscar Os- Meet In Portland Dec, 7-9 ' that Mrs. Hazel Shelton, former Mill December 3 with Mrs. Kirsch as host Play at Mill City Theatre group singing, with Mrs. Edward terhout and Miss Elizabeth. Guests The Oregon Seed Growers League I City resident had passed away in a ess, assisted by Mrs. Don Callahan. Wednesday, December 16th I Chance at the piano, Mrs. Richard invited were Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. will hold their annual meeting in i Portland hospital Thursday night. Burrel Cole and Mrs. Velma Carey. Mrs. Shelton’s mother at one time Election of officers was held with Portland’s Multnomah Hotel on Dec The Junior class of the Mill City I Parker leading. Mothers of the third the following to be installed at the high \choo,r‘w'iir'present'\heir‘ play, I ember 7, 8 and 9, reports Hubert ran a boarding house here and her JP first meeting in January. Mrs. L. E. “Desperate Ambrose,” at .... . ......... Willoughby, Harrisburg’ director for father was a painter. She attended Mill1 sch°°l dining room following the pro Funeral Services Held u. the -- - ---- I school in Mill City. Wallen, president, Mrs. Chris Mc City For Former Gates Resident District n. Theatre, Wednesday evening, gram. Donald vice president; Mrs. G. W. December 16. This is a rootin’, tootin’ The committee in charge included GATES — Funeral services were I Willoughby is calling attention to 1 Interment was in Riverside ceme Coffman, secretary and Mrs. C. J. three-act comedy—a satire on the old Mrs. Orville Nygaard. Mrs. Kenneth held for Harold Charles Devine in Ithe that Linn County is Oregon’s tery in Albany Monday. Blum reelected treasurer. Martig, Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. Amos Portland at the Colonial Mortuary, No. 1 seed producing county, and. as west. The program for the afternoon was Leading characters include: Dan’l, Roten, Mrs. Carl Smith and Mrs. Lute. Saturday morning, December 5; grave a result should have a good repres ALLEN GRIFFITH AND PEARL on prayer and was led by Mrs. Noble side services in Gates at the Fairview entation at the meeting. DAKE MARRIED AT VALE the colored watchman at Dead Man’s Streeter, assisted by Mrs. Lou Kirk Beryl Kizer, Harrisburg, is serving MEHAMA—Allen Griffith, recent cemetery, Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Gultch hotel, Denny Sheythe; Am- land, Mrs. C. J. Blum and Mrs. L. E. Mr. Devine was found dead in his as vice-chairman of the cover crop ly of Kansas and Pearl Dake were and mild man brose Groves, a meak Wallen. The Christmas party will be Portland apartment, where he lived seed committee and County Exten married November 28th at Vale. They at the C. J. Blum home at 1:30 p.m. nered feller from the east, mistaken alone, by his mother, Mrs. Mabie De sion Agent O. E. Mikesell is serving are making their home in Mehama at for Homer the Kid, George Rambo; December 17. vine, Wednesday morning, December as secretary of the same committee. the present time. Bert Miller, Ambrose’s “podner” Jack 2. The apartment was partially burned [ The newlyweds were the inspiration Melting; Sheriff Crandall, Ralph Jull; SNOW AND SLIDES CAUSE The Mill City Timberwolves won and death was caused by suffocation, i Marilyn Chapter O. E. S. for a charivari and party following Hoot Owl Pete, James Caudle; Stink TROUBLE FOR SCHOOL BUS Harold Charles Devine was born I at the Womens’ club house late Friday weed, Brooks Crosier; Nancy Martin, their first home game of the season Bob Thorpe, teacher and bus driver the Joan Leach; when the Gates team played here ! August 23, 1911. He was the son of To Meet Here December 14 night. They were presented with a pretty “ heroine ” , at Mill City is having a little trouble Anne Martin, Nancy’s sister, Carol Tuesday night. The J. V.’s won their Debs Devine, of Gates, who preceded Marilyn Chapter No. 145 O. E. S. gift from the employees of the Stay since the recent heavy rains and snow. Andreassen; Posie, the colored maid, game by a score of 60 to 10 and the him in death several months ago. He will hold its regular meeting De ton cannery, where Mrs. Griffith has There is one slide on the Little North Audrey Shaw; Beth, a western type, Varsity won their tilt 76 to 49. was a former resident of Gates and cember 14, starting promptly at 8 been employed. Fork road that also is causing some Hazel Caudle; Mrs. Sprool, “The Gos At the half time Mill City was in had attended local schools. Survivors o’clock. trouble. Election of officers for the ensuing sip,” Velma Shaw; Lena, her daugh the lead 34 to 24 and continued to are his mother, Mrs. Mabie Devine, He reported four or five inches of ter, Yvonne Dart. pour on the coal during the last half | of Portland; a brother, Merel Devine, year will be held. Benefit Dinner At snow in some places Monday. There Jack Melting with 16 points was high Gates; two neices, Mrs. Peter Etzel, A Christmas party for all children Mehama December 10th is nothing in the present weather fore man for the locals and Herb Romey Fern Ridge, Miss Lorena Devine, of Chapter members and all members The Mehama Ladies’ Aid of the cast to show much letup in precipita NURSING CONFERENCE TO BE with 26 was high point man for the I Salem and two nephews. of Marilyn assembly of Rainbow Girls community church will hold their ■ an- HELD AT DETROIT SCHOOL tion in the next few days. . will be held at the beginning of the nual dinner at the Woman’s i club A nursing conference wtih immuni Gates team. Friday night the Timberwolves will Mehama Farmers Union To evening. zation will be held at Detroit element house tonight (Thursday) with serv Women’s Club To Have The men of the Chapter will serve ing to start at 5:30 and to continue ary school Thursday, December 17 play St. Paul on their floor, and Hold Christmas Party Tuesday, December 15 St. Boniface refreshments following the meeting. until 8 p. m. Annual Christmas Party- from 10 to 12 a. m. The Mehama Farmers Union will Marion county public health nurse come here for a game. According to Mrs. John Muir, presi Saturday night at the Marion coun hold their Christmas party at the FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. dent, the Mill City Woman's club will will be assisted by Mrs. R. C. Hase- ty B League Jamboree, Mill City won [ Woman’s club hall at Mehama Junc MINNIE PEETZ AT SALEM THURS. Universal Bible Sunday hold their annual Christmas party at man of Idanha. first place in the cheering section. tion Friday, December 11 at 8 p. m. Funeral services are being held at To Be Observed Here Friendship hall Tuesday, December Those attending are asked to bring the Howell & Edwards mortuary at TWO MARION COUNTY “B" 15th. a friend and a 50c gift and join in This Sunday is set aside in r>o TO I"“ r»fy _ ai _i rx . Salem at 2:30 this (Thursday) after LEAGUES BE Al AT IJISIKOll DETROIT Hostesses for the event will be Mrs. LEAul the fun. Part of the program will churches as Universal Bible Sunday DETROIT-Two M.rion County B Mrs. ( asHe and Mrs. Draper noon for Mrs. Minnie Peetz, who W. W. Allen, Mrs. D. B. Hill and Mrs. be a spelling bee against the Jordan I honor of the sacred scripturos. passed away at Oakland, California, in Curtis Cline. All members are asked League basketball games are sched Hostess To Woman’s Club local. Following this theme the message at Monday. uled to be played at the Detroit gym MEHAMA—Mrs. Ed Castle and to attend. Mrs. Peetz is well known here hav the Presbyterian church will be "The this weekend. The games will start at Mrs. Robert Draper were hostesses ing lived here with her son-in-law Christian’s Supreme Authority.” 7 p. m. FAIRVIEW CEMETERY ASSN. | for the meeting of the Mehama Wom Stork Shower Held For Friday evening Detroit will meet en's cltrb at the clubhouse Tuesday Mrs. Al Warby, Detroit and daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchi TO SPONSOR CARD PARTY The Fairview Cemetery association Scio and Saturday Sisters will furnish evening, December 1. DETROIT—A stork shower honor son for about two years. More details Four Inches of Snow Is After the business meeting the ings Mrs. Al Warby was held at the will be published next week. will sponsor a card party at the the opposition. On (¡round At Detroit The high school girls will serve re usual gift drawing was held and the home of Mrs. Starr Reed on Tuesday, Gates high school Saturday evening DETROIT—Old man winter moved GARDEN CLUB PARTY freshments to the players Saturday i program committee furnished a cake December 1st. Co-hoetess was Mrs at 8 o'clock. The Mill City Garden club will hold into this area over the weekend, to be used in a cake walk. Mrs. Chris Francis ICettleson. Refreshments will be sold and 5*** night. Detroit won a 13-11 victory over McDonald won both the gift in the From a table covered with a beau the club party at the home of Mrs. knocking out telephone lines, and and pinochle will be in play. The funds «ill be used to help defray the expense Chemewa Saturday night in the an i drawing and the cake. The food sale tiful luncheon cloth, party sandwiches, j Bert Morris, December 19th. Mem- temporarily closing logging opera of surveying for the addition to the nual jamboree at Willamette Univers 1 held at Golliet's store December Sth orange nut bread, cake, coffee, tea and , bers are asked to bring a gift not to tions. Detroit proper to date has ap proximately four inches of snow. was a success with *26 being taken in. candy mints were served the guests. I exceed $1 in coat. cemetery All are welcome to attend. ity at Salem. Other Dam Jobs Ask for Bids on Mill City Gym Bill Stewart to Sell Interest In Grocery Ministerial Ass n Plans for Christmas Elks Benefit at Salem Dec. 17 Timberwolves Win Game from Gates Honor Students at MCH Are Named