Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1953)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Nell Swift is ill at her home at the present time. FISTULA-FISSURE Stomach and Colon Dioordon DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proctologist-Naturopath RECTAL SPECIALIST Sa lorn, Oro. Ph. 3-9460 Quality Job Printing at The Mill City Enterprise See us for all SHOE and BOOT REPAIR WORK ___ —i ~— • Rubber Boot Retreads SHOE DYEING Any color If it can be done, We can do it! Chuck's Shoe Shop East of the Bank Phone 1826 Mill City Resslers Grocery YOUR S & H Green Stamp Store OUR EVERYDAY PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU Phone 3206 Mill City On the Highway Mrs. Raymond Sophy, of Detroit, was a business visitor in Mill City Monday. Don Sheythe and Denny attended the Oregon-U.S.C. game in Portland Saturday. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1953 The youth group of the Presbyterian church are having a skating party at Malcolm Davin, son of Mr. ano the local skating rink next Friday Mrs. W. H. Davis, spent Saturday and evening. They are meeting at the Sunday here with his parents. He lives recreation room of the church at 7:20 at Carrolls, Washington. and will gO in a group to the at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Shields Remine left Tuesday for Seattle where they will Jim Barton, former resident here, spend three or four days while Mr. but now of Richland, Washington, Remine attends a loggers’ conference. was a visitor Saturday evening. He came to attend the annual buck O. K. Hirte, Stanley Chance and feed put on by the Masonic lodge. Floyd Swain took off for Long He was an accountant for CBIf on I Creek Saturday night, after the Detroit Dam, and is now employed Masonic dinner where they chased by that same firm at Richland. the elusive elk. Mrs. John Wehrli and Sharon of Elk hunting in eastern Oregon are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kelly. They left Salem, and Betty Lou Cree, who is attending Pacific University at Forest last Thursday. | Grove, spent the weekend Mrs. Lee Bassett was a business I Lowell Cree home. visitor in Portland Thursday. Mr. and M rs. Morris Howe returned . ---------------------------- Jack Scott, -Melvin LaVine, Bob Sunday from a weeks’ visit with their and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carleton and Benny Bennett hunted son Bill Howe at Parks Air Base, near at Summer Lake Saturday. Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCord of Lynne Smith, daughter of Mr. and Sutherlin, were guests at the Oscar Mrs. H. E. Smith, spent several (Johnson home over the weekend. days here with her parents. She re turned to Salem Tuesday, where she Miss Leona Lamb, of Portland, is attending the school for the blind. spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Niat, who left for work on Garrison dam in North Mrs. O. M. Mikkelsen, of Richland. some time ago, are back here Washington, formerly of this city, Dakota at the present time. They may return is here now, visiting at the Leo Poole to Dakota in the spring when work home. open up there. Robin Digerness, of Lyons, spent Harvey Moulette and Lyle Shelton the Halloween weekend at Dallas of Stayton and Melvin Peck of Me where he was a guest at the Waldo hama have been named as the nomin Nettleton home. ating committee to nominate the 1954 officers of the North Santiam Sports Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lalack and men’s club. children of Salem, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack Richard Heater. Fern Ridge, was in Mill City Sunday. home from college over the weekend. Dick was born and raised on a farm Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy and and is majoring in agriculture at Rebekah Ann were weekend guests Corvallis, instead of migrating to the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank city like so many farm boys do. Smith of Sheridan. Attending the Marion County Fed Rev. and Mrs. Fred Synder and eration of Woman's Clubs meeting at Miss Stella Jordon of Brooks, were the Waldo Hills community building dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and on Friday was Mrs. J. F. Potter, a Mrs. Charles Umphress. member of the Mill City Woman’s club. / Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Jackson were in Stayton Saturday where The Christian Woman's Fellowship they attended the funeral of Mrs. will meet Wednesday, November 11, Jackson's cousin, E. B. Watters. with Mrs. George Flook. Mrs. Glen Shelton will be the program chairman. Mr. and Mrs. E, I). Cooke and The lesson will be on Spanish-Speak daughter, Donna Jean and Lyle Ma- ing Americans. son of Salem, motored to Portland Saturday to see the football game. DREAMING OR SAVING By saving a small amount each pay day, you can make dreams for the future come true. Your new home and automobile, education for your children, your long awaited vacation or business oppor tunity . . . make sure you have planned for them with a savings account at the Mill City State Bank. MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Estell Thomas, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas is in the hospital at Salem at the present time with polio at the present time. The Santiam Valley Grange post poned their regular business meeting until the third Friday of this month so all the Elk hunters, who are Grange members will be on hand to vote muHiHmuamaiH'iuiiiHiun; niiiiwunuiriuidiiiiiuiiHiniiiiiiiiiinimHiiNi mr Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Converalona or« quickly fitted to the Ford Pickup's four corner-post stake pockets! Conversions available include solid- iKtard racks, passenger carrier units, various canopy tope, sfwcial equipment racks and compartments, stock racks, etc. Strong new bolted-construction I*ickup box has rigid tail- gat« to support heavy loads without bending or twisting. Dvinp convartlon »vrn, Ford Pickup into powprpd hydraulic dump truck. Mount do«, not increaM loading h«ight Dump, haavint load, a Pickup can hondl«. I World's most powerful The Big Day is Fast Approaching Pickup has the stamina VVE MEAN THE ANNUAL MEETING OF YOUR Santiam Farmers’ Co-op November 7,1953 BEGINNING AT 10 A. M. AT THE UNION HIGH SCHOOL GYM IN STAYTON, OREGON for a thousand jobs The famous Ford Truck V-8 engine, now 106 h.p., makes the new Ford Pickup the most powerful on the road. And br*cauM> new Ford Pickup sale« are soaring, your Ford Dealer can now give you an extra-generous trade-in allowance on your old truck. So, drive in! See him today! Program will include important Business Sessions with Speakers. Let’s All Work Together For a Greater Co-op Year Santiam Fanners Co-op Stayton, Oregon The new Ford Pickup w so rugged it does many jobs that you might think only heavier trucks could handle. Some of these jobs are shown here. Manufac turers of bodies and equipment offer scores of “conversions” made «-specially for the Ford Pickup. F.D.A.F. FORD^aaww/TRUCKS B/çgesf trade-in allowances in history at your Ford Dealer's! Come in today! HERROLO - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON %