Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1953)
The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DON PETERSON. Publl«h«r Entered an »econd-clMMH matter November 10. 1941 at the font office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for «1 00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising .5c inch. NfWSPAPÍR PUBLISHERS 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney HI FOLKS' I'M HERE TO ASK YOU TO GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER.' MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE AMERICAS! NATION AL EDITORIAL I as T oc IT ation J____ ASSOCIATION U t.c T I V t he succeeded in generating recession pressures and in jacking up the rates that utilities must pay on their bonds. Result: Business and the consumer both got soaked.--AFL News-Reporter # AID TO SELF-HELP There are always two sides to a coin. There are two sides, too, to the task of helping the American Negro take his place as an economically val- ! uale and socially advanced member of the society in which, through neither fault nor merit of his own, he finds himself. One side is the removal of barriers to Negro opportunity, the other the Negro’s seizure of the opportunities he has. One of the barriers has been lack of facilities for higher education, One of the brightest spots in the pi:- (Continued on Page 8) M e M 11 4 Unit Court “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS." ______________________________ —George Put -am,________ At Gates Welcome To The North Santiam Mill City and surrounding community received news this week that can only mean better things for this area. The huge new expansion of M & M’s Woodworking plant near Lyons is welcome news indeed. When good jobs for 400 men are provided in a community, that commu nity benefits greatly. Mill City and its neighboring cities have enjoyed a steady growth since the termination of World War II. Predictions that Mill City would become a ghost town when Detroit and Big Cliff dams were completed have proved unfounded. The increased electrical power made possible by these two dams is a definite force in attracting industries such as M & M’s new plywood plant. The North San tiam Chamber of Commerce has not hesitated in its efforts for obtaining more industry for this region. Whether the present expansion of M & M can be laid at the door-step of the Canyon chamber we do not know. Certainly those active in the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce have played an important role in encouraging M & M to settle here. We welcome M & M’s new plant in our canyon and applaud their vision in coming here and joining early our strong and up-and-coming region. Editorial Comments WAS EISENHOWER SINCERE? Last September 25, Geneial Eisen hower said in Frederick, Md.: “The loyal, efficient federal employe, no matter where he is working, has nothing to fear from me.” On October 28, the general, speak ing over a television network from New York City, said: "Efficient civil servants have absolutely nothing to fear from this crusade that is coming in to clean out Washington.” And on October 30, in a statement to the Washington Post, Eisenhower said: "There will be no indiscriminate firings of civilian employes.” It is a little hard to reconcile those campaign promises with the current wave of firings of career civil service employes in non-political jobs. Among those who have been, or are being, discharged, are such eminent and veteran government workers as the director of the National Bureau of Standards, the director of the Bu I reau of Land Management, the di rector of the Fish ami Wildlife Serv I ice, the veteran administrator of So I cial Security, Arthur Altmeyer; the May 21, 1953 administrator of the Rural Electrifica tion Administration, and the director of the Federal Mediation and Con ciliation Service. All of these gentle men held non-political posts requiring wide background, expert knowledge and intelligent administration. It is up to President Eisenhower to admonish the new "team” in Wash ington to play the game according to the rules which he himself laid down. —From AFL News Reporter. FOR A SPECIAL INTEREST Perhaps there is no direct relation between the moves to give states con- tiol of off-shore lands and the one to turn grazing permits on the na tional forests into legal property rights for the benefit of a few live stock operators. But the simultane ous appearance of these two pieces of legislation (with reports of others slated to come up) should aleit the citizenry to defense of the national assets that can only be preserved and developed for the general benefit un- der government control. Under a bill recently introduced in For His or Her $120 Month Income ■ modern in all respects, tiled floors I V 3 Four Years old, one bedroom and bath in each unit. $1700 down, balance payable $.50 month, full price $5590 for quick sale. Call Claude Kilgore Salem 4-6062 or See at 390 S. Lancaster Drive, Salem both houses of Congress, the grazing Carthy in the New York Post. Mc permits could be bought and sold on Carthy invited him to come to testify the maiket, rented out at a profit and before his committee, ostensibly be even bequeathed to heirs. This means cause a book of Weschler’s had been that stockgrowers would be able to found in an overseas government lib acquire a “vested interest” in prop rary’. But when the quiz came off erty supposedly and traditionally ' neither McCarthy nor his counsel owned by all the people. As the Salt could tell which one of four books ! Weschler had written was involved. Lake Tribune states it: These bills would completely re 1 (Two were written while he was a verse the tried and true policy of member of the Young Communist administering our national forests League; two after he had broken with for the greatest good of the great Communism). Instead McCarthy di- est number . . . Instead of strength ' rected his probe at Weschler person ening the livestock industry H. R. 1023 (introduced by Representative ally and at his editorial work for the D’Ewart of Montana) might turn Pots. He imputed that Weschler still the clock back to the cattle baron might be a Red because he was crit era. It would eliminate present re ical of McCarthy, Jenner and Velde, strictions on the number of cattie as was also the Communist Daily or sheep that a single permittee can Worker!—a chaiacteristic perversion gtaze on forest preserves encourag of logic by McCarthy. ing concent: ation of permits in a Press freedom wasn't injured by relatively few opeiators and giving Instead he them an added financial advantage the Weschler hearing. came off so well that it was enhanced. over their neighbors. But the time has come for the public No informed Westerner but knows that control over our timber and wat to understand what a menace Joe Mc ersheds is vital to the very existence Carthy is. He has done nothing but of western communities. To let that spread fear and suspicion in this conti ol pass indirectly to livestock country and contempt for us abroad. growers or any other special interest He has not tagged a^ single Commu might spell stagnatoin or eventual nist in government service. His re ruin to towns, to farmers and to all cent denunciation of the British—let other sectors of our western society—* them withdraw from Korea and be which look to the government to pre damned — was arrant demagoguery. It was time someone stood up boldly serve our watersheds. This latest proposal, now before to resist McCarthy in his own lair. Congress, which would benefit only Weschler did just that. He did a one enterprise in our region, brings valiant service not only for the free to mind the philosophy expressed by press but for fiee thought in this one of the new cabinet members that country.—From The Statesman. what is good for his business is good for the nation. Not all residents of NOTES ON THE CRUSADE’ the West believe that this measure, The Wall Street Journal reports good for livestock operators, would that some Federal Reseive Board offi be good for the general welfare of the cials are admitting that recession region or the natin.—From The Daily pressures have begun. That is why Sentinel (Wyo.). they don’t want to boost the interest rate on money they lend to banks MATC H FOR JOE MCCARTHY which are members of the Federal When Joe McCarthy called up Reserve System, the Journal says. James Weschler, editor of the New The paper also ieports that Federal York Post for interrogation he pulled Power Commission officials say high in a Tartar. Weschler pioved more er rates on natural gas are in the than a match for the Wisconsin sen offing. ator. The resulting publicity when Says the Wall Street Journal, “They Weschler called on the American So blame tighter money, because the ciety of Newspaper Editor* to study rates are calculated by taking the the transcript and see if McCarthy cost of money raided through bond was attempting pi ess intimidation and preferred stock issues and adding advertised the hearing and exposed a ‘fair rates of return' to common the McCarthy method. And in a Sun stockholders.” day night Meet the Press interview In short, when Secretary of the Weschler pressed his attack on Mc Treasury George Humphrey issued Carthy with skill and vigor. long-term government bonds at the Weschler has been hammering Mc- highest rate of interest in 19 years, Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN 4<1r*rt From where I sit... //Joe Marsh PTA Gets Stung by a "Bee" The local PTA is feeling sheep ish today. Seems they complained the youngsters weren’t learning enough. Said they couldn't even spell. So the kids challenged them to a spelling bee. “I was captain of the PTA’ers,” “Doc” Brown told me. “Both teams made the first round just fine. But on the second round Speedy Taylor went down on ‘efficiency.’ Then his boy Chip, who happened to be next on the school team, rattled it right off. From then on it was murder!” So now “Doc” says that the whole PTA is thinking of sign ing up for night school! From where I sit, it always pays to look and think before you leap to conclusions. Take those folks who would deny me a tem perate glass of beer without a moment's thought. They wouldn't want me to interfere with their personal preferences for, say. but termilk. It's a good idea to think twice before you “spell out" rules for your neighbor. Copyright, 1953, United States Breuers Foundation g X X g XX X X X X X X X X X X X X'X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X : R X X, X X X X X X X 5 Randall’s FINE MEATS 1288 STATE ST. Ph. 3-6189 SALEM. ORE. Now! Is The Time To Buy Q E E E| & X X X Fill Your Locker Now While Randall’s Prices Are Still Low! " * At a time when we know you will most appreciate it—our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford 35c BEEF STEAK. Round. T-Bone, Rib Steaks lb 49C FRESH GROUND BEEF ih 29c FRESH GROUND ROUND 49c LEAN SHORT RIBS lb 19c LEAN BEEF CUBES lb 49c Boneless New York Cut lb 69c Sirloin Tip Roast or Steak lb 59c 3 Beef Tender Loin lb 89c Fresh Beef Hearts ib 29c Plump Young Hens, fully Dressed and Drawn Ih 49c C ountry Style Sausage lb 29c BEEF ROAST, Arm, Blade Cuts, Rumps Ib Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Administrator’s Sale I WILL SELL AT PRIVATE SALE Subject to approval of the Marron County Court, the John Stamos Farm of 160 Acres Located three miles West of Mill City, in Marion County, Oregon INSPECTION MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME I wish to sell this farm at an early date, in order to close the Estate of said John Stamos. SALEM. ORE. § X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I I X Ä X 3 X D. B. Hill, Administrator 6 buy Locker Beef Now! Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these price»«. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down—a full year to pay. Half or Whole Front Quarter 2912clh 2612c ,b Baby Bwf LIVER Fresh Beef Tongues Oregon Sliced BACON Hind Quarter 34V2 c ....... 39c tn 29c ib 55c