Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
Canyon Avenue Parade X By DON PETERSON One of Scouting’s biggest events, its Court of Honor, came last Wednes day evening and was hardly noticed by most of the parents of the boys involved. Isn’t it strange that par ents can be so thoughtless that they will not come out to these really big events in the lives of their boys? Scoutmaster Chai les Kelly has given at least one night a week dur ing this past year to guide these boys I in their scouting woik. Most of the time there has been at least one troop committeeman from the Lions club, the troop sponsoring organization, present to assist the scoutmaster in his work. They have given many hours of their time to make the troop a successful group of boys. One night from a parent on Court of Honor night would prove very encour aging to these men. Bob Veness has taken on the duties of assistant scout master and has proved popular with the boys while he has been conduct ing work in signal work and some of the working of electronics. These men deserve a great big handshake and vote of thanks for their devotion to the program of Scouting. Let’s see that they get our thanks! T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE i ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — G.ATEAA O TO THE HEART OE NATI RE S EMPIRE Vol. IX—No. 20 Fred Winburn Killed in Canyon Auto Accident MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY. M AY 11. 1953 j I h / o $2.50 ■ A ear. ] ()<• a Copy Plunse Carried One to Death Here School Band Gives Concert Thurs., May 21 Mill City school band will perform Fred Winburn, a Mill City logger for the entertainment of the commu was killed instantly early Sunday nity at a special concert, Thursday, when the light sedan in which he was May 21, at 8 p.m. in the grade school a passenger skidded off the North gym, according to Earl Loucks, band Santiam highway and plunged 600 feet master. The concert is a benefit af down the canyon wall, almost to the- fair for band uniforms. banks of Detroit reservoir, two other occupants of the car escaped serious Loucks stated that the public’s sup injuries. Minburn. 61, had resided in port will be very much appreciated. Oregon for the past 20 years. Loucks listed nine selections that will Injured were Joe Challer.der, 39, be presented by Mill City Band. Ad- Mill City, driver of the 1937 Ford , tutssions are adults. 50c; high school coach; and Eugene Roland Fluitt, 33, , students 35c; and grade school chil . k « also of Mill City. Fluitt was released dren, 25c. ? from Santiam Memorial ho.-pital at 1 Members of the Mill City band are: Stayton after treatment of superficial ‘ Phil Goble, Truman Jones, James Bal wounds, as having a dislocated hip. timore, Lahnny Podrabsky, Michael Both were apparently thrown from Peterson, Maurice Bassett, Harold the car in its roll down the canyon. Kliewtr, Don Nesbitt, Larry Large» Deputy Coroner Charles Edwards , Dick Syverson, Leroy Podrabsky, said Winburn, whose body was found Robert Loucks, Jo Ann Leach, An in the wreckage, apparently died in- thony Beery, Dale Andreassen, Rich DETP.OIT, Ore.—A plunge off the North Santiam Highway near Detroit dam brought death to a Mill stinctly. He said it appeared that City logger, Fred Winburn, 61. Arrow points to wreckage of car in which victim was riding when ard Verbeck, Terry Muir, Lyle Fleet it spun out of control and shot down steep bank. Driver Joe Chailender, Mill City, and another pas the car failed to make a sharp curve wood, Denny Sheythe, Willa Loucks, senger escaped with minor injuries in Sunday accident. in the highway about three miles Y’vonne Dait, Denny Podrabsky, Ros The Ladies Auxiliary of the San above Detroit dam and skidded about (Photo courtesy The Stat snian and Robert Veness) alie Bassett, Carol Cooke. Herschel tiam Memorial hospital is very busy 300 feet through loose gravel before Clark, and Norma Downer. this week carrying out plans so free I ; plunging down the mountain. The program includes: march, “King blood may continue available in Ma Fluitt, least injured in the 3 a.m. Cotton”, Sousa; overture "Carnival of rion county hospitals. Because the accident, crawled back to the highway Roses” Olivadoti; intermezzo scene, Red Cross money raising campaign for help. Buck Delano, Detroit, car “A Persian Market”, Ketelby; suite: did not reach it’s quota the free blond ried Chaiiender back up the rock- "Into the Distance” and Dance Scene program will be discontinued in Ma strewn slope to an ambulance. Two big softbrll doubleheaders are McKay; intermission; march “His War veterans are offered priority The local Boy Scout troop held its rion county unless $5,500.00 is laised Winburn was hospitalized several first summer court of honor cere in acquiring 72 faim units being on schedule for fans this week. Sat Honor” Fillmore; characteristic “Ted- befoie July 1. days last month ir. Salem as the result monies in the grade school Wednesday opened to homestead entry in southern urday night when the Salem Mer dy Bear Picnic” Bratton; popular 44J»> At the present time blood is fur of another auto accident on the Sun- Idaho, it was announced this week chants will be guests of the CBI and Mellin; novelty "Lassus Trombone", nished to all hospitals from donated tiam highway, He had only recently evening with Scoutmaster Charles by A ere A. McCarty, Oregon Dept, Kellys’ softball clubs on Allen Field Fillmore; march "Father of Victory” Kelly and his assistant. Bob Veness blood. This is delivered weekly to returned to work for the North Fork of Veterans’ Affairs service officer. at 7 p.m. Ganne. hospitals by the Red Cross and no ■ Logging Co. of Mill City. He made in charge of the activities. Clarke I.ethin of Albany, district scout exec Tuesday night, May 19, the Allen Veterans’ applications mu-t be filed charge is made to the hospitals for | his home in a trailer-hou.-e at Mill utive was present for the big event. with the Bureau of Reclamation, 11th field will again be lite-up for the the blood or delivery. In turn the i City. Troop committeeman Lee Ross was and |c Streets, Rupert, Idaho, by July doubleheader to be played by Kelly hospitals provide the blood free to The accident victim is suivived by also. present. , 20 to qunlfv for the public drawing to Lumber and the Lebanon Western patients. There la'.-.-ntoiy ch—gc a daughtei*, Evelyn McCarthy of Veneers it 1:30 p.m. Receiving their first class scout determine the winners. " in the hospitals when blood is used | Waldport; son, Eddie Winburn, Eu These are all first class teams and The 72 fam units cover 7,289 irri badges were Terry Muir and Lahny as follows: blood typing, $1.50; cross reka, Calif.; mother, Mrs. Betsy Ann matching, $2.50; RH factor determi Franklin, Salem; sisters Mrs. Etta Podrabsky, and second class badges gable acres in the Minidoka irrigation should be thrillers for plenty of action Mill City American Legion Auxil nation, $3.50; disposable tubing to ad Yoos, Salem; and Mrs. Shirley Rus- were awarded to Michael Petersen project am! are situated about 40 miles on the diamond. iary, unit No. 159 will handle the sale east of Twin Falls In Minidoka and minister blood, $1.50. The cross sell, Sandy; brotheis, Vernon Win- and Marc Boothby. of Poppies on Friday and Saturday, Jerome counties of southern Idaho. New members to receive their first matching must be done for -every pint burn, Salem and T. B. Winburn, in May 22 and 23 in Mill City and Gates. badge of promotion to Tenderfoot The units go free to qualified, success used. There is no charge for the Colorado. On May 12 and 13 members of the ful applicants. and Don Cree, blood, itself. Funeral arrangements will be an were Marshal Malden Auxiliary placed Poppy cards in busi Veterans must have had 90 days or The only time direct donors aie nounced by the Weddle Funeral home Merit badge awards were earned by ness houses throughout Mill City and more of honorable service between used is when there is not enough blood of Stayton. the following scouts: Gates, signifying their approval of 16. 194«» and July 3, 1962. They Sept, By JEAN ROBERTS of that particular type on hand in Winburn w-as born November 23, Gregory Peterson, (4) personal Poppy sales and help of all disabled Red Cross supplies. The same labor 1891 in Irvin, Ky., and tame to Ore health, public health, safety, and must have had farming experience and Lyons- Though the present school atory charges are made for this ex- gon in 1933. He had been in the fishing; Lahny Podrabsky, (2) home must own assets worth at least $4500 term is about to end. Mari-Linn school veterans. These Memorial Poppies are made cept they generally run to a large Army dulitlg World War 1 but did repairs, and fishing; Tony Boothby, above their liabilities. looks back over a busy year of of red crepe paper, by hand, by dis amount because matching the typing not see overseas service. achievement. Combining districts in had He (2) printing and home repairs; Jerry must be done until the coirect match been employed as a logger in the Foster, (2) home repairs and fishing; both Marion and Linn counties, the abled veterans In 111 hospitals and is made and more containers and sup Marion county area much of the past Terry Muir, music; Richaid Verbeck, school has been the hub of commu wotkrooms in over 44 states, and the veterans receive pay for each poppy plies are required than with Red Cross 20 years. nity activity. lifeguard; and Donald Lemke, public made. The materials are furnished blood. Scarcely a night has passed during 1 speaking. Mill City giade school is staging free of charge to the veterans. The The first month of opening, oper One-year star service awards were a "get-a quainted” session Wednes the year that the school buildings instruction is in the hands of the vol ating at only a very small part of have not been in use. A laige din given to Marc Boothby, Jeiry Foster, day, May 20, at 1:15 p.m., for chil unteer workers who teach the men capacity, the Santiam Memorial hos Michael Pete:son, Tommy Fencl, and dren entering the first grade class ing or general-purpose room, added how to make them. The outside help pital has used 12 pints of Red Cross this year, has been used by the whole I Alan Tuers. rooms next school year, according to ers are the Poppy chairmen, the Aux blood. • an announcement made this week by community. Two-year service awards to Lahny iliary members who sell them on the If Marion county must carry out its a week from morning until Twice Mill City high school will graduate Podrabsky, Michael Peterson, and Vernon Todd, school superintendent. street, the art instructor, the Poppy own blood program, many people kindergarten is conducted by The youngsters will get a preview noon, a Poster Maker- who make the posters would have to pay from $35 to $50 18 seniors this year. Baccalaureate Lauren Dart. mothers of pre-school children of the of school routine and w II be shown to advertise their sale, and the thous professional exercises will be held in the grade A three-year star was awarded to a pint for blood fi rom in this new room. The Cub important details of school life in district, ands of others who buy the poppies. donors, Ï e ia a lory fee would be school gym May 24 at 8 p.m. and ¡Gregory Peterson for service. Scouts, sponsored by the Parent graduation exercises will be May 29 genet al. First grade classrooms will The benefits are not in money alone, added. There would not be enough Only five parents showed up for club, hold their pack meet- at 8 p.m. also in the grade school gym. these important events in the lives be opened to those eligible for school Teacher but in d-ieary hours lightened by use blood available from free donois. ings here. next year. Children who will be six ful occupation filled with new hope Donna Jean Nelson has been named of their boys. The Auxiliary is relying on volun Mrs. Clarke I .ethin The local church gioup. whose tary donations which may be given valedictoi ian; Betty Ix>u Cree will be was a visitor with her husband for years of age on or before November church and community ha!> burned and courage. 15, 1953, will enter the first giade to G. W. Schachtsick at the First salutatorian of the graduating class. the evening. last Christmas also make use of the the coming school year. National Bank, Stayton, and to D. B. Students graduating include: After the awarding of advance Mothers will get information re- new all-purpose room. Banquets and Hill. Mill City Bank. Evart Brewer, Roy Chase, Betty ment badges movies were enjoyed by garding health examinations for their benefits aie held there. Telephone Letters are being sent to all Lou Cree, Phillip Goble, JoAnne Hoff meetings or any gathering of public offspring, school supplies and general all present of scenes taken at Camp churches, organizations and schools in man. JoAnne Kunkle, Donna Nelson, interest centers at the school. student-school data. the area asking them to solicit volun Beryl Mason, Patricia Brown, Thomas Pioneer. The school gym nearby, does not tary contributions from their students Kanoff, Marvin Misner, Leroy Podrab- stand idle as many do in other com Gates — The combined commence •nd members as individuals. ____ ___ munities. Each Tuesday night half of i ment exercises of the Gates grade ■ sky, Richard Syverson, ... Rjchard Kan- The Nurses organization, a part of „£¿’^¡1117»” Shepherd,’Wdliam Hoff- the double gym is open to the young i school and high school will be held the Ladies Auxiliary, will have charge | man, Lyle Fleetwood, and Dorothy peopla of the community to roller Thursday evening, May 28, in the high of collections which will be taken up ' : Downer. skating. Skates are rented for a small school gymnasium at 8 o’clock. at the Star theatre in Stayton and the ! fee and to date 200 pairs of skates, Dr. Howaid Runkel, chairman, de Dates for this Mill City theatre. a record player, records and a micio- partment of spec h and drama, of Agnes will be announced later. phone have been purchased from the Willamette univeisity, will deliver the Kirsch, president of the Nurses or- skate rent. address. ganization will have charge of this The town basketball team made use Idabelle Blackburn, daughter of Mr. in Stayton and Robert Wingo, R.N., of the gym all winter for practice and Mrs. Arthur Blackburn, is vale will conduct the collection in Mill City. and games. Occasionally teen-agers dictorian of the senior class of the Detroit—Members of the F.O.E. and A benefit tea will be given by the of the district hold dances and parties high school; Betty Tucker, daughter Volunteers have been busy the past Ladies Auxil.ary at the home of Mrs. there, also. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker, will week tearing down one of the build R. D. Paris, Stayton, early in June. The school building itself does duty be the salutatorian. Mrs. Paris will head the committee ings at Mongold, donated to them by five days a week and also Saturdays. Baccalauieate services are to be in charge and all ladies in the San* the government. People in the Mari-Linn district be held in the Gates Community Church Members of the Auxiliary aimed tiam valley will be invited to attend. lieve in making use of the school build School with hammers, wrecking bars, saws, ings. First by schooling the children of Christ, Sunday, May 24,. etc., are really putting them to some of the district and second by accom will close May 29. good use. They are no softies. In place of the annual junior-senior modating the parents who paid for Once in a while the King’s English prom this year, members of the two the school. classes were taken to Portland for a gets kicked around when the hammer day of fun Monday of last week. The Lyons—Robert and Dorothy Draper smacks down on a sensitive finger, or seniors, guests of the juniors, were have taken over the management and a stubborn nail refuses to budge. Or operation of the Mehama Garage and that nice beautiful board is almost treated to dinner, taken to the soo ROCKWELL — To Mr. and Mr». and attended the ice follies. Chaper Service station, which was formerly off. and bingo, goes an ugly looking Bark after five months of attempting to carve a farm out of the under the management of Frank B crack. Gerald Rockwell, Lyons, a daughter. ones for the day were Mr. and Mrs. jungles of Ecuador are Mr. and Mrs. l-ewia Hampton who call Buckler. May 9, at Salem Memorial hospital. Don Miley, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, But it is all in a day’s work, and their Goat Mountain ranch above Gate« "home". The Hamptons Draper was formerly employed for Mrs. Jack Brown and Howard Means, KIRSCH To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon the constant laughter and chatter of undaunted by the heaviest rainy season in modern Ecuador history three years at Philippi Tire service. | Kirsch, Mehama, a son, May 13, at J class advisor of the junior class. Misa —plan to leave again this summer for the southern jungles. Buckler is relinquishing his business of the workers takes the ouch out of smack. Salem Memorial hospital. Elda Webster is class president. (Photo courtesy The Statesman) because of ill health. Hospital Auxiliary Financing Blood Boy Scouts Receive Homestead Priority Soffri! Games On Two Big Nights Advancement Merits Offered Vetercns Poppy Sole Starts Here May 22nd Muri-linn School Is Hub of Community Open House for New Students May 20 Mill City High Will Graduate 18 Seniors Gates Graduation Exercises May 28 I ■ ~ ■■ i Pair Returns From Ecuador Eagles Start Work On Their New Home Drapers Take Over Business in Mehama lust Arrived...