Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
fr—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE visiting at the homes of relatives in Gates for the next two weeks, at the homes of his sisters, Mrs. Walter Brisbin and Mrs. Oscar Osterhout and his brother, George Arthurs. Miss Birdie Larson accompanied her grandpa ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bri.bin, to Yoncalla last weekend where they were guests at the hume of Mr. and Mrs. George Fades. At tha Walter Thomas home over Sunday, from Vancouver, Wash., were Mrs. Thomas' mother and broth er, Mrs. I. R. Zigler and Elvin Mar low. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ernest Miller of Prine ville were Sunday visitors in Gates and attended the piogram held at the | Gates Community Christian church Sunday afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Paul Camrrack, returned missionaries from Bolivia, talked and showed pic R. Hutcheson of Gates is the tures of that country. The Cam newly-chosen mayor. He is the proprietor of the Gates Furniture macks and their family plan to return to Bolivia in September to resume store. (Photo courtesy The Statesman) ' their missionary work. ‘‘Russ’’ Stafford was badly shaken up and bruised as the result of an , auto accident Friday night in City. He was not hospitalized (Continued from Page 1) I his car was badly damaged. average about 15c per person. Mrs. Jenny Kitcheison left the At the meeting place it would be of the week for Mitchell, Oie., to join necessary for Mr. Pruess to have two her husband who is employed there. women to help with the recording an 1 They will make Mitchell their home. if as many as 75 people were involved Mrs. Bertha Shepherd is in the it »Could take about two hours time. Santiam Memorial hospital where she Any group wanting to have this wi)1 be under observation for seveud done may contact Mr. Pruess at the duys Santiam Memorial hospital by tele-1 Mrs. Cecil Haun was taken to the phone or personal interview. Salem Memorial hospital last week I where she will be for several more days. Mr. Haun, who has been em ' ployed in Redding, Calif., wa called I home by his wife’s illness, The Haun The following members of the G ates family have moved from their home, Biithday club were entertained at the which was recently sold to one of the home of Mrs. Mary Champ: Mrs. El- Völkel tenants. The new owners mer Stewart, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, of the former Haun home have taken Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Edmund possession. Davis, Mrs. Robert Levon, Mrs. Gwen I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millsap and Schaer, Mis. Walter Brisbin, Mrs. Os son, Robert, from Portland, spent Sat car Osterhout, Mrs. Mabel Knutson, urday and Sunday at the home of Mr. Mrs. Bertha Bowes, Mrs. A. T. Barn- Millsap’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albeit hardt, Mrs. Merle Devine, Mrs. Blanch Millsap. Ralph Millsap is vice presi Syverson, Mrs. Floyd Bassett and dent of the PGE. Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Thompson. L. T. Henness, who has been seri- i Barnhardt brought home the first ously ill since the first of the year, Mrs. prize; Mrs. Syverson, second; has made a marked recovery and is Bassett, consolation and Mrs. Devine now able to be up and around again visitors prize. and had many callers and well wish Mrs. Edward Chance and Mrs. Wal ers Sunday. Among them weie Mrs. ter Thomas took a group of Theta1 Jessie Hutchin and son, Allen, and Rho girls to the district conventoin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hutchin and held in Salem last week. family of Salem, all former residents Roy Arthurs of Spokane, Wash., is of Gates; Mrs. Forest Nydegger *nd [ daughter, Mrs. Betty Hunt, z. z. Tucker and son, Steven and Don Sav- age. all of Lyons, and Mr. and Mrs. His Edward Fades of Mill City, great grand-daughter and son, M rs. Clyde Schroeder and Jimmy, Mis. “Bud” Schroeder and son and Clare Henness, a grandson. Out of the state guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Clise were Mrs. Clise’s sister and fam ily, Mrs. Gladys Besse anil her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Neeley and daughter, all from Ar:a- Hospital Auxihary-- “We'll have a chorus of joyful song when we ve asked all the business and professional men to get Bonds regularly on the Bond-A-Month Plan.” — GET YOUR QUALITY JOB PRINTING AT THE ENTERPRISE — ■ Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges Bendix and Thor Dryers Small Appliances ELECTRIC HEATING INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WIRING COMMERCIAL LIGHTING Marion Kite ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit, Oregon l i t TRICAL CONTRACTING I II. V FIN ANCING on GATES Gifods Super Market On (he Huihicaii (it STAYTON 2Sc Honey spiced, yellow, <>»il s :< hm ! and white 2 Ige pkgs Snrf All Popular Brands (’offer 57c 8?c Swift’s Prem Jello Pudding 16-oz. can 2 jq Santiam Green Bea;. 3 cans 43c Campbell's Soup, I nc reg. 3 for 4$c all 1 k• reg.. 2 for 23c To ir. Io. 3 for 29c Mill Race Bears 2 cans 25c Santiam Corn 3 cans 43c Crisco Shortening M-D Tissue Best Foods Mayonaise 3-lb. can Q >c 3 rolls 29c pt. JJg It’s Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now EVERYONE WELCOME » I MEANDER INN Shuffleboard George “Sparky” Ditter Good Music I Now for '531 Every FORD TRUCK has a Synchro-Silent transmission at no extra cost! 33c 29c 3 pkgs Flav-R-Pak Frozen Strawberries 12-oz. pkg. 2 for 43c 2 lbs uv Hunt's Tomato Juice can at her home Wednesday evening. Pres ent were the honored guest, wife and son, Mr. and Mrs. Cole and Marol, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Henness and sons, Keith and Earle. Open Elimination Tournament Every Sunday 3 p.m. TOP GRADE FOODS at Betty (’rocker Cake Mixes pkg. heim, Calif., and E. L. Ferguson of Lakeport, Cal., Geoi ge Clise returned home Wednesday of last week from California where he had been called by the death of his step-father. A birthday dinner complimenting Buri el Cole on his birthday anniver sary was given by Mrs. Glen Henness PRODI TE Tomatoes tube 23c Radishes and Green Onions bunch 5c Asparagus lb 10c New Potatoes. No. 1 White Shatters NOW. OVER 190 NEW MODELS! from 1 ¡-ton Pickups to 55,000-11». G.C.W. F-900 Big Jobs! FORD Economy TRUCKS for’53 Cascade Weiners ('aseado Picnics Fryers. large Sw iss Steak or Cube Steak each 4Sc 45c 1.29 6Sc offer the widest choice of transmissions in truck history! Now, Synchro-Silent transmission standard on all Ford Trucks ... in 3-, 4- and 5-speed types . .. no double-clutching . . . easier shifting ... G et J obs D one F ast ! And all 3-speed transmissions have steering column shift for passenger-car shifting ease! Also, Fordomatic—the fully auto matic transmission—cr Overdrive are available on all half ton models at extra cost! New"Driv«rii»d'Cabt cut driver fatigue I New wider seat with non sag springs and counter-shock »rat tnubber! Now more new features than ever before introduced in ANY truck line . . . SEE THEM TODAY A T STAYTON FORD ¡^TRUCKS Herrold-Phiiippi Motor Co., Stnyion 3oocoooooooooo&oooooaooocoocooecooc oc oooooooooooOooooooo- ooocofl