Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1952)
V Canyon Avenue Parada MILL CITY ENTERPRISE he •» Serving: MILL CITI détroit I 1KHORN GATES I D ANTI \ LYONS I i 1 Ml II \ M \ MONGOLI» By DON PETERSON School district elections are sched ON THE ¡ NIC NORTH IO I HE HE \RI OE N \Tt RE S EMPIRE uled for next Monday evening through out the canyon area in the local school auditorium. Most are called for 8 p.m. standard time, and that will be the time for the voters to ask ques tions regarding their budgets for the coming year. That will be the oppor tunity for democracy to go to work An archery club meeting will be and elect representatives who will held in Mehama at the Women’s club serve the electors. That is the time house, June 19, 7:30 p.m., standard to hold an accounting of the steward Queen contestants for the 1952 time, Purpose of the meet is organi- Timber Carnival made a tour of var ship the present representatives have zation of an archery club for the given during the past year. ious coastal points Saturday to let the people in the Santiam canyon. The Duly registered electors who have folks in the Toledo-Newport-Depoe club will be open to children as well resided in the school district six Bay area know about the now-famous as adults, months and have been registered for Timber show at Albany. If a person is interested in the 30 days prior to the 16th of June are The Linn county girls were escorted club but does not know how to shoot, the only electors privileged to vote by their chaperons and a group of Jun instructions will be given free. on issues to come up at this time. If more information is desired, write ior Chamber of Commerce members in ♦ * * a motor caravan, which included the Clem Deleter, Route 1, Lyons. Mill City softball fans were treated official 1952 Timber Carnival car. The to a rollicking ball game last Friday new Ford is to be given away to a night when the Oldsters lost their fortunate ticket holder as a climax to game with the Bloomer Gals 20 to 6. the annual festival. It proved to be a thrilling evening The party stopped first at Toledo, of entertainment that the crowd thor- moved on to Newport, and then to De- oughly enjoyed, The expert pitching poe Bay, where they taken on a short By JEAN ROBERTS of Marie Stover for the Gals was a voyage on a Tradewinds deep-sea fish thrilling treat to watch. Two forest fires broke out near ing schooner. All hands proved to be * * here early this week, putting the fire adequate sailors. The Santiam Memorial hospital con warden and forest service officials on While visiting the coastal cities, the struction is progressing according to the alert. One blaze was in the girls were able to dispose of many schedule and considerable activity by Syverson Logging at the foot of Look Timber Carnival buttons and free-car the contractors is beginning to be out Mt. The other blaze, somewhat I tickets, all of which add to their point visible to visitors, Time will soon larger, was in Frank's logging just total in the queen contest. Engineers at Detroit darn are prepared to close the by pass tunnel, left center, next week diverting flow of North pass and an imposing building will above Mill City. Santiam river into new reservoir. Huge concrete "logs" in circle will be placed in slot at mouth of diversion The annual Timber Carnival will be be ready for service to the residents A lookout was stationed on House tunnel to stop flow of stream. White arrow points to small by-pass valve that will be opened to permit normal held in Albany, July 2-3-4-S, and in- of this area. Mountain the past weekend, which is stream flow to pass through dam until water level rises to sluice valves marked by black arrows. • * • I eludes a parade, fireworks displays, somewhat earlier than usual. ' (Photo courtesy of Capital Journal and Robert Veness) Clifford Johnson | world-championship high-climbing and Ernie Brown proved his ability as Lookout is Mrs. a fisherman Tuesday evening as he whose husband is employed in logging tree-topping contest, and many other | events. successfully fought an hour and 20 nearby. minute battle with a Chinook salmon i Queen contestants enjoying the out Although battling fire the first of here just above Mill City in the San-1 the week, the fire warden and several ing, which includes a dance at the tiam river. The salmon weighed 15 ts loggers were working in falling snow Coaster in Oceanlake, were: Pat Hask pounds and measured 35 inches long ell, Carol Whinery, Dee Lucas, Julie Mrs. Sarah J. Taylor, 91, former | Oregon veterans’ lonu checks will Manolis Santiam Cafe is under a by mid-week. Fresh snow was reported Ernie was using a spinner on an 8-tb. | Culbertson, Nita Ilietz, Barbara Black, and on Rocky Top, House Mountain, resident of the Mil City and Gate go in the mail starling June 18, it new ownership and name. Mrs. Jose test kauer at the time his catch was Gloria Worland, Norma Glaser, Mary area passed away in Portland Wednes was announced Wednesday by the De phine Manolis has sold the fixtures at Marion Forks. landed. It is reported that Ernie is Keck, and Carleen Johnston. Pat day of this week. Funeral services partment of Veterans’ Affairs. Di of the cafe to Whitie Johnston, pres not satisfied, now he wants to catch Miller, who attended the fat lamb and are ai ranged for Friday, June 13 at rector William F. Gaarenstio ni .-a u ent proprietor of the Mill City Hotel. a ‘bigger” one—I guess that is what wool show in Scio, could not attend. 1:30 p.m. at the Weddle funeral home that a total of some 75,000 bonus The building itself is under lease to is called fisherman’s fever! in Stayton, with interment at the Fair payments amounting to more than Johnston. Grand opening for Whitie’s • ♦ * view cemetery. $31,000,000 should be paid between the Santiam Cafe is Friday, June 13. A We have been getting a good soakei Yakima, Wash., band will provide Mrs. Taylor leaves two sons Frank starting date and the end of July. of a rain the last couple days. The music for three gala opening nights. The crop report released today re of Salem, and Irven of Woodlake, State Treasurer Waiter J. Pearson canyon area has been in urgent need Calif., seven grand children and 12 is presently in New York signing the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Salem veals prospects for a large cherry crop I of this rain because the woods were •16,000 bonus bonds representing $16,- will be the new chefs of Whitie’s and little change in earlier estimates getting too dry for safe logging oper-: great grandchildren. Some summ«., rec- 000,000 in-bonus funds, which will be Santiam Cafe. Mrs. Martin formerly by the OSC Extension service from ations, and the gardens and lawns equipment has arrived and the pro USDA reports and other data. placed on deposit to the credit of the operated the Town Tavern at Jeffer will really set their roots after this| gram gets in full swing next Mon- state of Oregon as soon as the signa son and the Triangle in Salem. Dur Strawberry Prices Unsettled rain which is soaking the soil of Old day. ing the past year, Martin has been a tures have been completed. Delivery The price being paid by processors Mother Earth. Registration of all boys and girla of the funds should be forthcoming cook at the Senator hotel and Colonial for Oregon strawberries is still un * * * interested in the summer program by Friday, the treasurer's office in House, Salem. settled. On June 9, several processors The Republicans have named Gen. New hours for Whitie’s Santiam who had not previously named a price will be held Monday morning at 9:30. A total of 96,200 acres of Douglas Salem said. Douglas MacArthur to keynote their Cafe including the opening nights be- j began offering 15*6 cents a pound for All age groups are welcome and there Veterans whose claims have been | convention at Chicago in July. That Fir saw timber types in Linn County ginning Friday, are 2:30 p.m. to 2:30 . stemmed berries. In the Salem area, will be activities for everyone. approved are not being so notified. is their privilege, but we wonder how is involved in the Douglas Fir beetle Letha Thomas, 5th grade elimen- a.m. A new 48-piece juke box will the price being paid to the growers re the general proposes that he can ac , epidemic according to a survey con They will know it when they receive be in operation after the period of mained mostly 14 cents. In the Port tary teacher, will be employed dur their bonus checks. Veterans whose cept this speaking engagement—but ducted by Weyerhaeuser Timber Com the three opening nights and the stand land area, prices ranged from 14 to ing the summer for the arts and of course, he has always been in the pany, Oregon State Board of Forestry applications are disallowed will be so crafts and girls playground activi | of the Yakima, Wash., band. Whitie’s 15*6 cents, mostly 15*6. informed by correspondence which habit of doing as he pleased, in or | and the U. S. Bureau of Plant Quaran ties. Santiam Cafe has scheduled Mondays gives the reason or reasons for dis Prices for fresh market berries took out of uniform. Just let one of his tine. The program for the week June as a day-off and will be closed. allowal. When broken down into indensity of a dip this week in comparison to a 16 to 20: men do the same thing and see how Veterans v ho have yet to apply are week ago. On Tuesday, June 10, prices quickly he would be court-martialed. ■ infestation classifications, the survey Monday A.M.—Registration advised to read the bonus instruc on the Portland wholesale market This is just another illustration of i shows 49,000 acres with a light infest- j Monday P.M.—Girls and boy play tions carefully and to fill out the ranged from $1.25 to $1.60 for a 12- how bankrupt the old guard Republi ation, 41,900 acres with a moderate ground, little league baseball blanks completely and accurately. basket crate, according to quality. can party is—they must call upon a infestation and 5,300 acres with a The schedule for the remainder of They must also submit certified copies Some growers this past week were the week: man who could not exercise his official heavy infestation. According to foresters, only known of their military discharge records, advertising “U-pick” berries at 10c trust as an officer, and so was called Morning—Girls playground, William Jesse Stitt, 82. passed away which can be issued only by county home in disgrace from a command he practical means of control under a pound. 9:30 to 12 noon home of daughter, Mrs. Mabie at the clerks. was incapable to command. I fail to Western Oregon conditions is through Afternoon—Arts and crafts, boys in Stayton Wednesday of this Strawberry Crop Needs Moisture: Smith see why he should be held up as a salvage of infested trees. For the playground, little league baseball, Continued dry weather in western week, He lived many years in Gates, great man for our children to see as a small wood-lot owner, it is recom 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. he is well known, he had only Oregon has created a serious situation where hero, isn't that trying to push just mended that infested frees be cut and home with for the strawberry crop. Deliveries recently been making his too much old brass down our throats? that all infested portions be burned to during the first of June quite I _ _ st week ot tag I * A DAUGHTER-To Mr. and Mrs.; his daughter at Stayton, I would like to see a man beyond re destroy the beetles to quality quality and and quantity, quantity, I Vgfgl-QUJ WOnied 10 Funeral services are at the Weddle satisfactory as to Perry Clipsell. Mehama, June 9, at i Trees infested with bark beetles die proach, one who has fulfilled his job I funeral home in Stayton Sunday at but late picking in most dry land fields honorably before everyone, be selected from the top down. The first season, Salem General hospital. 1 p.m., with interment at the Fair will average relatively small in size the top needles on the tree turn red Our own Senator A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs view cemetery. as a keynoter. unless showers starting today are | Morse is one who would meet with and later fall, leaving a bare top. K ill- Leslie Brown, Mill City, June 8, at Mr. Stitt leaves three daughters, heavier than expected by the Weather Veterans who have moved since ap I ing progresses down the trunk and national acclaim for such a post. Salem Memorial hospital. Mrs. Mabie Smith of Stayton, Mrs. Bureau. plying for the Oregon bonus were eventually the entire tree is killed. • • « There was some improvement in warned today to report their address A SON —To Mr. and Mrs. Athel Dean Dodden of Arcadia, Calif., and Local Republicans in Oregon will Savage, Idanha, June 6, at Salem Miss Alice Stitt of Salem, and one strawberry prospects, following the changes immediately to the Depart regret the day they slapped Senator son Delferd Stitt of Portland. May 1 crop report of the U. S. Crop ment of Veterans’ Affairs bonus divi Memorial hospital. Morse’s face when they snubbed him Reporting Service, but this has been sion in Salem. MONDAY — last Saturday by failing to elect him largely offset by recent dry weather. Bonus payments are slated to start American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. to the resolutions committee post over Today, the USDA in Washington, by the first of Jul.y but H. C. Saalfeld, Lions club meeting. a political reactionary unknown out D. C. released its June estimate of this bonus supervisor, predicted that many A F. 4 A M. No. 180 stated meet side his own district. year's strawberry production. A spe of the checks will be returned to the ing third Monday. Senator Morse should soon learn cial wire from the Crop Report Service department because applicants failed O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. (Continued on Page 7) that his strength is being wasted in j tq report their changes of address. this group where his talents are not T uesday — Saalfeld said the office in most Women ’ s club 8 pm. 1st. 3rd Tues appreciated. He has been literally | cases will not forward bonus checks. kicked out of Republican councils, yet! 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues “If a veteran has moved since he ap Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday it is his own vote getting ability wh ich plied for the bonus, and hasn’t in Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday has kept the Republican party in formed us of his address change, his WEDNESDAY— Tech. Sgt. Jack Flook of the Air bonus payment will be returned to the power in this state. Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation Force visited the Mill City Enterprise veterans’ department and held until City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. office this week. News work is right we can locate him.” Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m. “down his ally". Flook's job in the Air Applicants can avoid this delay by at Mill City fire hall. Force is putting together news stories informing the department immedi Santiam Rebekah IM—1st and 3rd on Air Force men in action, here and ately of their address changes. They Wed. at 8 p.m. overseas. should write the Department of Veter Idanha Power Company owners, Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. Flook is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ans’ Affairs bonus division, Salem, Paul N. Reynolds and Margaret J. PTA, second Wednesday 8 p.m. Geo. Flook of Mill City. Flook was their full name and Reynolds, have their utility up for rHl ’ USD AY— graduated from Mill City high school bonus application number, their old sale to Benton-Lincoln Electric Co-1 Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d in 19341. address and the new address. operative, Inc. The Reynolds filed an and 4th Thursdays. An estimated 65,000 veterans will application to this effect with the Ore-1 Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. Flook, his wife and two children gon Public Utilities Commissioner in have just returned from Hickum Air receive about $27,170,000 in the initial American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs Base, Honolulu, Hawaii, where he was payments during July. That is the Salem, Friday. June 6. Garden club fourth Thursday number and amount of payments ex stationed. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. Idanha Power company furnishes In newpaper talk, Flook "covered” pected to be approved when the first Toastmistress Club, 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m. electric energy in the town of Idanha certain "mercy" flights of the Air bonus checks go in the mail. More and a nearby area in Marion and Linn FRIDAY— Force that arose as a result of battle I than 85,(»00 Oregon veterans already I.OOF meeting. Counties. A public hearing on the injuries of those fighting in Korea. have applied, while about 50,000 more Mill City IWA meeting last Friday matter will be held Thurdav morning Next stop for Flook is the Aerial Port * applications are expected before the at 10:30 a.m., June 19, in the city I Farmers Union meeting at Mehama ' December 1 deadline. at Travis Air Force Base, Calif. Woman’s chib, 2nd fire hail in Idanha. Archery Club Planned For Canyon Residents Timber Carnival Publicity Tour T wj Forest Fires Start Fhis Week Sarah J. Taylor, 91 Dies Wednesday Oregon Bonus Checks Whitie Johnston Buys In MH! June 18 Manolis Santiam Cafe Weekly Fruit and Nut Crops Review Playground Program Schedule Announced Douglas Fir Beetle Hits 95,200 Acres Wm. Jesse Stitt, 82, Passes at Stayton Just Arrived... Report Addresses Coming Evenfs . . . Sgt. Jack Flook Family Visiting His Parents Application Filed For Sale of Idanha Power