Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
December 14. 1950 It—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mill City Hi-lites DETROIT Mabel D. Kitts, in Beverly Hills. By LELA KELLY By OPAL M. WHITE Mrs. Steffy spent two weeks in Cali Square Dancing at Game December 17 at 7:30 has been the fornia. She returned home to find selected for the Christmas pro Mr». Arthur Chase, Mrs. Norman her husband recovering from an at The Freshmen and Sophomores time girls are planning a half-time pro gram to be given by the Detroit Chris Jensen, Mrs. Al Stahlman and Mrs. tack of the flu. John Muir were in Salem on American Mrs. Guy Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. gram at the game next Tuesday eve tian church. It will consist of num Legion Auxiliary business this week. Howard Farmen leave soon for a va ning. The girls are going to exhibit bers furnished by each class (i.e., some of the square dancing they have number from each class) aside from The American Legion Post No. 159 cation in Everett, Wash., with rela learned in their physical education some special singing, also two num- tives. holds a pot-luck and social at the class during the past few weeks under j bers furnished by the high school glee Rebekah lodge, Three-links had pot the direction of Miss Hope Baney. ¡club, "Baby Divine” and “Star of the Legion hall tonight at 8 p.m. W. H. Davis has been quite ill for luck lunch and exchange of gifts dur The game is at the home gymnasium East”. There will be a film strip in sometime, but Mrs. Davis now re ing a Christmas party this week in with Cascade Union high as our technicolor entitled “When the little the local IOOF hall. ports that he is improving. guests. We will also be hosts at our camel knelt” also a movie in black Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian December 22nd game (Friday) to the and white, “The Nativity”. There is Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Delaney of Lowell; and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. church held a tamale dinner this week Chemawa Indians from Salem. no charge for this program and all Davis of Corralls, Wash., are expected and took in some »100. The tamales Christmas Formal are invited. It will be held in the as holiday guests in the W. H. Davis were obtained in Portland. church. Saturday night, Dec. 16, at the Mrs. Campbell Stewart cut her hand home. The joint dinner to be given for Mill City high auditorium at 9 p.m. Mrs. George L. Steffy returned severely last week also and now car will be the scene of the most gala the Detroit and Idanha committee from a visit at her sister’s home, Mrs. ries the hand in a splint. ¡affair of the winter season. Yes, working for the Santiam hospital has jit’s the GAA Christmas Formal. All been postponed until after the New ¡student body students are urged to Year since there seemed to be no available night which would be satis : come. factory to the entire group before Annual Staff that time. The time for the dinner Ardith Jones, editor of the 1951 will be announced later. Timberwolf, Mill City high's annual “At the Bottom of the Hill” Visitors who came to Detroit on has announced a few of her staff. A Tuesday night for the game were 1 complete list will be in next week’s former high school students, Mr. and 1 paper. Work on the annual is to Mrs. Duane Willis and Cecil Willis, i start immediately. all of Willamina. Mrs. Willis is the former Betty Ketchum. MILL CITY Never a Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN FOR CHRISTMAS Dried Fruits, Glaced Fruits and Citron 5 lbs. .45 .45 2 lbs. .22 .15 BISQUICK FLOl'R, Gold Medal or Fisher's DUDE RANCH JELLY SWEET POTATOES Fresh Vegetables and Meats Gates * • • IDANHA By REBA SNYDER Weekend guests in the Orval Lady | ¡home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and daughter of Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chetwood and son moved this past weekend to the j house recently vacated by the Mitchell family. The Chetwoods have been jin the CCC camp. Wilbur Rice and son, Gene of Me- | j Minnville were Sunday evening callers in the home of his brother-in-law, 1 | Frank New and family. Judy Baseman had the misfortune | of injuring her ring finger on her | left hand at the volley ball game in ( | Gates last Friday night. X-rays show the finger not broken but the cartilage was injured. The regular meeting of the Deanha j PTA will be held December 18, instead 'of the regular fourth Monday night of the month. At the executive meet ing Monday night it was recommended to hold the meeting in the future on the second and fourth Thursday night. Also at this meeting a tentative budget was approved. Attending the hospital drive dinner in the American Legion hall in Stay ton Monday night were Frank New, R. L. Tucker, Huber Ray, Paul Rey nolds, Gordon Skidmore, Jack Hase man, Noyes Whitten and Ray Wat- | kins. MAKI IT WITH MAYFLOWER ► MILK < ► CREAM 4 ► BUTTER ◄ _____ MODERN DAVENOS and SECTIONAL Pieces in FRIEZE, VELOUR & TAPESTRY END TABLES, COFFEE TABLES, MIRRORS, OCCASIONAL ( HAIRS, CLOTHES HAMPERS (Assorted Sizes and Colors, etc. etc.) Give a Porcelain Bedroom Set Figurines with the New Mr. and Mrs. Chests and ceramics Good Selection Beautiful CHROME DINETTE SETS Table Lamps $5-95 up Floor Lamps $I4'95 up Anunsens Decorate Coger Jamboree Slated in Gates Glass and Dishes The town basketball teams from Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Sublimity, and Aumsville, and a team of CBI Engineers have formed a canyon wide basketball league and have planned a season opener Jamboree to give the team supporters a chance to view their favorites in action, on Wednes day, Dec. 27th in the Gates high school gym at 7:30 p.m. The CBI Engineers start off the j evenings’ fireworks by taking on the j Detroiters at 7:30 for two 15 minute j halves. They will be followed by the peren- j nial rivals, Mill City Rockets versus j Gates, pummeling at each other. The last contest will show Sublimity and Aumsville mixing it up with their usual ferocity. All three games for jthe evening will consist of two fifteen | minute halves . Admission for the Jamboree will be 35c and 20c. The proceeds will be used for new equipment and expenses Detroit PTA Officers encountered during the new league’s season. The players, too, are to be Set Meeting For 18th charged admission. Detroit—The regular meeting of League play is slated to begin on the executive committee of the PTA January 8th and all league contests was held on Monday night at the are to be on Mondays and Wednes high school. day’s starting at 8 p.m. A league* It has been decided definitely to schedule will be published prior to the hold the next regular meeting on the opening game so that everybody may night of Dec. 18 which was the date attend. originally set by the program com There hasn’t yet been time enough mittee. to verify the use of the school gyms The speaker for the evening will be of Detroit, Aumsville and Sublimity- J. F. Remington, of the county school on Monday and Wednesday evenings, office. He will speak on the prob but the generosity encountered from lem of delinquency in relation to the these schools so far, has been splendid, home and will tie his talk in with and no objections are expected. the work of the various juvenile de partments of Salem. Other interesting items for the De of this, an infection developed neces cember program will be a discussion sitating his closure of the shoe service of the Holy Report by John Cannon for a few days. and Otis White, also a group of Mrs. Russell Hoffman and daugh carols by the Third grade. ter, Jo Ann, and Miss Patricia Wol verton shopped in Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Flatman have Santiam Valley Grange returned to live in Mill City after a short stay in California. Fritz Anunsen, grocery manager of Golliets store, who likes to paint dishes, glassware, and pottery, finds this hobby especially useful at this season to style individual gifts for Christmas. Decorations are drawn free hand by Fritz and colored by his wife, who also enjoys the hobby. At present the Anunsens are painting Christmas cards in their spare time. With four small youngsters, pre-school age, time is at a minimum except at night when the children are asleep. After being painted the dishes are baked at 250 degrees for an hour until the paint fuses in a permanent design. For party favors the Anunsens have painted names on cocktail glasses, baked them, and presented one to each guest. Installs New Officers Lyons — Santiam Grange installed officers last Saturday during multiple grange installation ceremonies spon sored by the Evening Star Grange in Crabtree. Twenty-six Santiam Grange mem bers went to Crabtree for the instal lation of officers. Eleven granges were represented at the meeting. San tiam Valley grange had the honor of having the most members present. Santiam Valley officers installed were master, John Lambrecht; over seer, Giles Wagner; lecturer, Tony Moravec; steward, Jake Myers; as sistant steward, Frank Basl; chaplin, Nina Dark; secretary. Fern Sletto; treasurer, Anna B. Julian; Ceries, Blanche Wagner; Pomona. Lois Myers; Flora, Alice Huber; lady as sistant steward, Bertha Basl; mu sician. Leora Stevens; executive com mittee, Elmer Taylor, Lloyd Sletto, and Wilson Stevens. Illllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FOR THOSE FAMILY AND SPECIAL TITLE CARDS MILL CITY Mrs. Edith Mason and Isabel Mason drove to Corvallis over the weekend where they saw the movie “Green Pastures”. Dr. David J. Ferguson recently visited Atsoria and there performed the marriage ceremonies for a close friend of his. Mrs. J. A. Clark spent the weekend in Salem with her sister, Mrs. Charol- ette Kendall and Jack Kendall, who is a jet fighter pilot home for a short stay. Dick Morse, owner of Dick's Shoe Service, cut his hand seriously last week at the Legion hall. As a result A Full Choice at Edward Williams "THE HOME OF HALLMARK CARDS” 330 Court St., Salem There’s No Substitute for Genuine Chevrolet Parts and Accessories Complete Parts Inventory and Most Sheet Metal Items Wholesale and Retail Terms Bring ! Parker Hutcheson FURNITURE GATES. OREGON our Parts Problems to Your Local Chevrolet Dealer Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton. Oregon Phone 2344