Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
November 2. 1950 1ΗTH E MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mehama Farmers Union Hold Interesting Meet ■■■■■Ml Highlights To Dramatize Your Home Anniversary November Subscription The Mehama local of the Farmers | Union held their regular social meet ing Friday evening which was pre ceded by a short business session. The following committee chairmen were THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE appointed: education, Tony Moravec; Box 348, Mill City, Oregon 'legislation, J. C. Blum; agriculture, Please enter my subscription to The Mill City Enterprise for Cecil Teagarden; publicity, Bob Draper; co-operation and member years at the Special November Subscription rate of $2.00 per ship, Steve Dark; entertainment, Mrs. year to the following address: Mollie Dark and Mrs. Goldie Peek. A short round table discussion was NAME held on benefits from and purposes of the Farmers Union. The remain ADDRESS der of the evening was spent in visit ing and group singing led by Steve Also send this gift subscription to: Dark with Mrs. Mattie Stout at the piano. Refreshments were served. Saturday the ladies of the union NAME held a very successful cooked food sale at the Ken Golliet store. Mollie ADDRESS Dark, Dorothy Draper and Goldie CORNEOl S BATE8ON Peek were in charge. First Senatorial District Candidate THE $2.00 RATE IS GOOD ONLY DURING NOVEMBER 1950 For Senator of Marion County AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY HAS APRON JUDGING FARMER The Hoe presses of 1850 had an The American Legion Auxiliary met recently at the home of Mabel hourly capacity of 20,000. Moore, with nineteen members pres- i ent. Aprons were judged for beauty, | each member wearing her apron and modeling it, Mrs. Smith received the Parents, leaders, and pupils of the i I prize. The Auxiliary plans to hold new Mari-Linn grade school are all a bazaar on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, also co-operating to raise funds to operate plans are completed for the Election day dinner on the same date which a hot lunch program. Teachers and Instead of will begin at five in the evening. The ! members of the PTA are preparing a ■ dinner will be served in the base- comedy to be given as a money mak School children hold I merrt of the high school in the Home ing venture. candy and hot dog sales weekly, to Ec room. Following the business meeting contribute the money towards buying games were played and later refresh the needed dishes and cooking uten ments were served by the hostesses sils. Eighth grade mothers are planning Mabel Moore. TRY a campaign to solicit donations from all parents. Suggested at the last l meeting was a plan to ask a $10 j donation from each family. A hot GUARANTEED lunch program is badly needed states Thomas Putman, principal, as some .tffATCH of the youngsters do not bring ade- j EARL G. MASON quate lunches. Candidate for Representative, 13th REPAIRING I Any parents interested in hot I District, Linn County lunches are urged to attend the next | PTA meeting as it is planned to have I Phone 3343 I a speaker to outline the proper pro- Barney and Howland OFFER $2 YEAR Mari-Linn School Mothers Raise Funds Tom & Jerrys Glen & Jerrys Expert work. Finest mat*, rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. Let us giv, you a free estimate. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA Gates. Oregon OPEN TILL ONE Baker's Mill City Jewelry Just In • • • 1.69 : 2.65 2.98 ¡ BOYS SWEAT SHIRTS • i« it PLASTIC DOLL BED 29c » 1.00 : 1.00 1.00 : JIG SAW PUZZLES DeLl’XE BINGO PEG RF.NCH WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS MILL CITY VARIETY Jim O’Leary Irene O'Iæary Write in the Name of ALLAN CARSON FOB Supreme Court Position Number 6 Eminently Qualified ( bv UxprncrKc anj Temperament for this High Position ■ —— ■" 1 ■ ........-...... " ■■ ■ SUCCESSFUL "LAWYER — ABLE STATE SENATOR COMBAT VETgRAN OF BOTH WORLD WARS Elect a Lawyer of GENERAL Practice Remember this, please: Piautam Number Six rs to be filled bv WRITE IN onlv To vote foe Canon. WR11 E IN hiv name on the N»w. 7 ballot JudHiarv Sectsm POSITION NUMBER 6. | <w uj-AM RANDALL’S ELKHORN GUEST RANCH Is Closed Earn Forestry Awards JERRY’S TAVERN PLAID Fl. YNNEL SHIRTS Grand Rapids Guild Room Photo Let framed pictures be your spokesman in setting the "locale” for your interior decorating scene. Here the French Provincial double chest is appealingly enhanced by these attractive prints arranged to really start tongues wagging about your ingenious "flair” for styling. Against a pine green wall, these pictures, matted with a red background and in frames of natural wood coloring, will create that intangible stamp of taste “unqualified.” With October—National Picture Month—looming over the horizon, you won’t want to miss this opportunity for purchasing really beautiful pictures for your homo r..« «< run court Ih WNUa* C. I »yer Jr. t hma . rearr» BMf oiiiairm Salrm Ore ' MILL CITY Thomas Barney 11 of Idanha ana Michael R. Howland 10 of Detroit, this week were cited by the Keep Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller and J Oregon Green Association for out Gordon of Forest Grove attended the standing efforts during the past sum Wirick-Verbeck wedding here Satur mer in reducing man-caused fires. day night. Millers are former Mill Each boy and girl singled out for special honors has been awarded a City residents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McClintock and special “Service Under Fire” badge, sons, Miss Patricia Cree, and Pfc. and a copy of the book recently pub William McClintock were dinner lished on “Trees to Know in Oregon”, guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hooden- , according to Albert Wiesendanger, Executive Secretary of K.O.G. pyle Sunday at Creswell. Enjoying a slumber party following Awards are made each wear by | the Hallowe'en midnight matinee the Keep Oregon Green Association 1 were Doreen Ward, Betty Lou Cree, to boys and girls who have done out-1 and Dorothy Downer at the home standing service to their state in fire of Barbara Smith. The earlier part of prevention beyond the usual call of | the evening was devoted to an in duty. In most cases the youthful i citizens reported grass, brush, ana formal time. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hollyman were forest fires. In some cases they | in Portland Saturday. Mrs. John Nel actually fought the fires. The alert-. son and Johnnie were in Eugene Sat ness of these youngsters has been urday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Craig, of tremendous help, Wiesendanger i Martin and Doris were in Newberg explained, for fires caught before 1 I Sunday. Anna Mae Nelson and Jack they have a chance to spread, are easy to put out. . McClintock were in Drain Sunday. To qualify for a "Service Under Pfc. William McClintock, USMC | was in Oakridge visiting his sister, Fire" badge, a Green Guard must submit an actual report of his in- | ■ Mrs. Sadie Goff Tuesday. Herbert Schunk, the fifth grade j dividual effort together with a certi teacher is ill at his home with the j fication by an adult. flu. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mason attend- ! ed funeral services for his aunt Sat- I urday at Fossil, Ore. They returned MILL CITY Sunday. Mr. Kirk Wirick and son Ralph of Bakersfield, Calif., came to Mill City i Saturday for the wedding of their ! son and brother, Kirk Wirick and j Marlene Verbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bengston are the parents of their third daughter. , CALL MILL CITY born October 28, at the Salem General TELEPHONE OPERATOR hospital. The little girl weighed ! eight pounds and has been named Debra Linsey. AMBULANCE SERVICE For the Winter Season MR. AND MRS. KENNETH L. RANDALL, Props. «naans in»im:unwwiniaiiinnmnrnnigr9!iin'nitiinijiiri>ii nn m win ::n in i: i mummj y Vote Straight Republican Ticket! V. S. Senator: V. S. Congressman: Governor:...................... I-abor Commissioner: State Senators: ...... State Representatives: County Commissioner: County Recorder: WAYNE MORSE WALTER NORBLAD DOUGLAS McKAY WILLIAM E. KIMSEY FRED LAMPORT DOUGLAS R. YEATER JOHN F. STEELHAMMER MARK HATFIELD ROY L. HOUCK LEE V. OHMART ED ROGERS HERMAN LANKE Pd. for by Marion County Republican Central Committee. Helen Demarest, Sec. CLEAN...VIGOROUS...£FffCni/f LEADERSHIP Governor DOUG. McKAY is doing the job the people of Oregon want done! M The integrity of hi, administration hat justly — earned the confidence of the people. w While many states are floundering under huge deficit, and increasing taxes. Oregon'* budget is balanced. We have avoided here the epi- demic of deficit spending w In no other 20-month period of Oregon history * has a* much BEEN DONE in modernization of our state institution*, construction of new building* for higher education, highway devel- opment (and on a pay-as-you-go basis!), tour- ist travel, peace-time industrial expansion, co- ordination of state agencies dealing with resource conservation and development, and effective budget control of state admmistra- expense RE-ELECT GOVERNOR DOUGLAS JPgSl' I I I I I ■ I I ■ I I I I I j