Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
October 12. 1950 THE MILE CITY ENTERPRISE SPORTS PAGE MEHAMA PARAGUAY MISSIONARY LECTURES HERE SUNDAY Miss Ester Harris, missionary to Paraguay, South America, is sched Mrs. G. W. Alling, former president j uled for an appearance in Mill City, of the Salem Woman's club, spoke j Sunday, October 15th, according to — before the Mill City W «man’s club Rev. L. C. Gould, pastor of the Free in the First Presbyterian church rec Methodist church in Mill City. Miss Harris speaks at 7:30 reation room in Mill City last week. Mrs. Alling told of her experiences in the Free Methodist church, The The showing of gained at a spring general federation public is invited. of woman’s clubs meeting in Boston, color slides taken of South American scenes will highlight the missionary’s Mass. Mrs. Lee Ross introduced Mrs. message Sunday evening. Alling and presided over the meeting. The club voted Mrs. Susan Mikkel son into membership with considera tion being giwn to eight other mem J. W. GOIN bership applications. Mrs. Lester Hathaway, program chairman, announced that several VETERINARIAN winter club meetings will include pro grams concerning the Portland Art STAYTON Museum. Mrs. Charles Wolverton and Mrs. j PHONE 41*8 James Barton served refreshments to the twenty-five members present. Opposite Mitt City Hi-Utes Mill City Club Women Hear Alling Lecture By LELA KELLY By JEAN ROBERTS Sophomore Assembly Mehama is feeling the effect of the draft as several young men are of The sophomore class of Mill City eligible age. Duane Wagner enlisted high school furnished an assembly in the navy last week and was imme program Wednesday afternoon. They diately slated for a physical examina rented a movie entitled “Three Little tion. Bud Johnson was also called Girls in Blue” starring June Haver, 1 for an examination last week. Leon- Vera Ellen, and Robert Montgomery. I ard Blum was inducted recently and The picture is in technicolor and was Good in eastern Oregon and fair in Over 100 Mill City Parent-Teacher brother David Blum, is expecting it a one and one-half hour film. Other classes will be asked to furnish as- the Willamette valley is the predic- association members assembled in the every day. tion of the Oregon state game com- 1 auditorium of the Mill City high The church basement is still under sembly programs throughout the mission for the 1950 pheasant season school Wednesday, Oct. 11, in their going repair work with a number of year. Six Week Tests ladies donating their time as many opening at noon October 14. regular monthly meeting. Those High school students are having six To supplement natural production Mr. W'ade Patterson, head of the days a week as possible. state game farms at Hermiston, On- health instruction department of Ore- working this week are Mrs. Keith week tests this week. Report cards tario, and Corvallis produced over gon from Salem, spoke on child Phillips, Mrs. Meral Teeters, and Mrs. will be issued next week. Mrs. Mae Patton Senior Class Party 70,000 Chinese and Mongolian pheas- j health; and exhibited two health Larry Kimsey. ants. Most of these birds were re-! films, one entitled, “Dental Health— willingly prepares lunch for the The senior class is planning a party Friday evening the 13th of October. leased in July and August. Some How and Why” and the other “It’s working ladies. Preparing meat and meat sauces It will be held at the home of Mar hens will be held for release before Your Health”. the breeding season next spring. Vernon Todd, Mill City school su- was ably demonstrated by Mrs. lene Tickle. The eight members of The 1950 game-farm pheasant crop perintendent presented to the PTA Blanche Wagner and Mrs. Celene the class and their advisor Miss was produced entirely under open- j group various facets of the Children’s Taylor at the first meeting of the Baney are to enjoy a spaghetti feed field conditions. Thousands of day- Bill coming up for a November 7th home extension unit', The meeting at 8 p.m. ClAude Lewis’ Service Station was an all-day affair at the home old chicks were sent from the game vote. Junior Class Party farms to field rearing projects at En- j Mrs. Arthur Kriever announced a of Mrs. Ira Kirsch and started The juniors are planning a party Put out your campfire before you terprise, Madras, Roseburg, Summer baby conference—the purpose of it promptly at 10:30 a.m. Also demon- Friday the 13th at 7 p.m. A pot-luck leave the woods. strated was the first phase in a series, supper will be enjoyed followed by Lake, and Camp Adair, being “to keep well babies well”. Wild pheasant hens outstrip man's The meeting began with the sing of gift wrapping packages, done by games and dancing. This is the first best efforts at pheasant production. ing of the “Star Spangled Banner” Mrs. Harry Monroe, Pot luck lunch time the 25 juniors will have a class was served at noon with a business party this year. In pheasant arithmetic, ten hens plus and the salute to the flag. I Good Music Shuffleboard one cock equal 100 shicks each spring. Mrs. Russell Hoffman, Mrs. Ken meeting following. Game At Jefferson Recent visitors at the Ira Kirsch For this reason, hens are rigidly pro- neth Crosier, Mrs. R. Gorman, Mrs. tected. | H. Dyman, Mrs. A. M. Mikkelson, home was Mrs. Kirsch’s sister, Mrs. The Timberwolves will have their i Mrs. J. McNealy, Mrs. B. Provost, H. A. Baken and a cousin Mrs. Harry third football game at Jefferson Fri day afternoon. The game will begin Mrs. H. H. Roberts and Mrs. Ray Schofield, from Roseburg. HOMECOMING LUNCHEON Steiner made pies and served the re Melvin Peck is seriously ill at his at 2 and if all of the local people FOR W. U. ALUMNI SAT. that can go will go, it will be greatly The annual Homecoming luncheon freshments enjoyed by the PTA last home. An affliction of the inner ear, appreciated. Where Friends Meet causing dizziness and nausea has con for Willamette university alumni will Wednesday. Locks On Lockers fined him to bed for at least a week. be held this Saturday in Lusanne hall Solicitors for the community chest Locks were put on each locker at On Highway 222, Linn County Side on the university campus. Walter Erickson, Portland, presi Teachers Reception to Be drive were appointed at the regular Mill City high Wednesday. Each MILL CITY womens’ club meeting Wednesday student is to buy a key for his locker dent of the Alumni association, will for 50c of which 25c will be refunded night. In charge of the campaign in preside at the noon meeting of the Held by Deanha PTA this community are Mrs. Ken Golliet, at the end of the school year. The George ‘Sparky’ Ditter Tony Ziebert group. Erickson, who was former Registrar and Director of Admissions The teachers reception annually Mrs. Blanche Wagner and Mrs. Meral locks will be of no use unless the Î key is purchased in order to keep the at Willamette, is now vice principle sponsored by the Deanha PTA will be Teeters. possessions enclosed within safe. Brought out at the meeting, were held October 18 at the grade school of Cleveland high school. mum at 8 p.m. The public is cordially in improvements that have been done Try-Outs Held recently on the club house. A new vited to attend. Mrs. John Hanan is Babe Ruth only hit one home run A student body play entitled “Good I entertainment committee chairman pump house built, a pump installed, Night, Uncle George” is in its begin In his first 17 world series games. No major league pitcher turned in I and Mrs. Sophy and Mrs. Rasnick co- and water piped into the club kitchen. ning processes. The director, Miss The grass has been cut and porch Baney, is having try-outs this week. I chairman for the refreshments. a no-hitter in the 1949 season. The feasibility of starting a kinder floor repaired. The ladies are also Rehearsals will begin as soon as the garten and the method of raising contemplating other necessary im cast is chosen and it should be ready PTA funds were discussed at the ex- provements in the near future. for a showing sometime in November. Of added interest to the meeting , ecutive meeting of that organization ’T!—nVCIfTII i Monday night. Also discussed was was a demonstration by Mrs. Ira the inscription to be engraved upon Kirsch of modeling corsages from the gavel to be presented to Tenny clay; a new type of art work suitable I wKits - Bales Aero for many decorative purposes. Host Friendly Place MILL CITY I Moore, past president. Mrs. Jack Gulliford was appointed esses for the evening were Mrs. Ken j to replace Mrs. Richard Hansen as Golliet and Mrs. Meral Teeters. To While Away A FRIENDLY membership chairman. Good Pheasant Take Mill City PTA Hears Predicted This Year ¡Patterson on Health t MEANDER INN TRAILER HOMES Les s Tavern FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PRE VA 1RS UIIIK ,0« *»« Multnomah stadium has a seating capacity Babe Ruth played in ies games and collected of Portland of 30,100. 41 world ser- 15 home runs. Your Idle Hours Kenskill - Angeles feet RICHARDS TAVERN GATES NEW AND USED South Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E on Friday, Saturday and Sunday beginning Oct. 9th GIVE OREGON a Governor with the Will to lead...the ability to Govern wisely and honestly. . «ACTION not Reaction! ('omr Early Friday an<| Saturday to In Mi re a Table GOVERNOR Democrat m you in ourselues in America Paid Adv - Firgel for Governor Committee w H iTrd > Holme«. Chairman ®lt» ikkam Bldg . Portland 4. Oregon For Better Taste, it’s HAVE A BETTER KITCHEN Among the interesting things about kitchen planning are the de vices the planners use to deter mine how a sink, cabinets and oth er appliances will fit into the space available for them While it's not difficult to meas ure a kitchen and then draw a rough floor plan on paper it is not very satisfactory from the home* maker's point of view She would like to know what her new kitch- en actually will look like Tools Are Fascinating So the kitchen experts have vised a couple of tools that n e job easier, quicker and n ore fascinating. One of thes special measuring rule that m •es a kitchen in terms of id cabinets as well as in feet chcs With this device h< at a glance what units wi the room. Then the planner goes to work with another still more fascina device It is called a Min-A Ki en and consists of miniature, b to-scale pla stic models of sti a rd prefabricated steel kitchen units, a range, refrigerator and even lithographed doors and a win- scaled flow. Abo inc luded floor and sidewalls. l ike Mafic Having the correct ments. the planner sets simulate the real ki t puts the miniature nd appliances ngic the new kit before the ho » can visuah her imago enience a new kitchen J» most Americans are capable of paying their own bills, planning their own budgets and mapping their own futures. 3 most Americans resent having politicians or bureaucrats tell them nbat they need, where to get it and bow to pay for it. most Americans prefer to solve their problems —medical or otherwise—by means of self-reliance, free choice and voluntary methods. most Americans will work and fight to pre serve freedom, both at home and abroad. 4 The menace from abroad is Communist tvrannv, 1 he menace at home is creeping Socialism. MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDER AL DEPOSIT INSURANCE t ORP