Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
IDANHA Vote for the Best Man LYONS By REBA SNYDER By EVA BRESSLER Mrs. Thurston Petterson and Mrs. M hat might have been a serious K. 0. Swanson were hostesses at a ’ accident, but proved to be minor was surprise stork shower at the Petter when Richard Gearth put a gun shell son home Thursday night in honor in his cap pistol and it exploded, caus of- Mrs. Edison Vickers. Twenty- ing some injury to his face. He was seven friends were present to see rushed to the doctor where it neces for STATE SENATOR for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Vickers open her many lovely sitated four stitches to close the gifts. Games were playd and Mrs. wound. James Gordon, Mrs. Richard Cannon, Mrs. Clinton Hubbard entertained for STATE REPRESENTATIVE for JOINT SENATOR Mrs. Barney Oliver and Mrs. Quincey with a party honoring their son Larry Smith won prizes. Refreshments on his 10th birthday anniversary. for COUNTY COMMISSIONER were served by the hostesses and Games and refreshments furnished their assistants. the entertainment. Present were The Detroit school will hold their Johnny Bridges, Jerry Heineck, Riley annual carnival at the school audi Elwood, Charlie Attaberry, Harry torium Friday night, Oct. 13. Every Casebeer, Dick Reed, Jerry Hubbard, MONDAY, OCT. 16th and WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18th one cordially invited to attend and Mrs. Hubbard and the honored guest, Paid for by Linn County Democratic Central Committee Larry. join in on the fun. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and baby Mrs. Ed Thayer of Scottsburg vis of Prineville were wekend guests of ited at the home of her son and wife Mrs. Martin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thayer in Lyons, Orval Lady and family. and daughter and husband Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Delaire drove Mrs. Hugh Johnston in Fox Valley. to Portland Sunday where Delaire The afternoon card club which is had his final fitting for an artificial held through out the winter held their leg Monday. first series at the home of Mrs. Overnight guests in the Snyder Arthur Olmstead. Four tables of 500 home Saturday night were Mrs. were in play which followed a one Snyder's brother and his wife, Mr. thirty dessert luncheon. High score and Mrs. Leland Pittam of Roseburg. was held by Bertha Allen, second by Dinner guests also were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Chester Roye and low went to Leo Wilkerson of Roseburg. The Ethel Huffman. Present were Mabel Pittam's and Wilkerson’s had spent a Bass, Bertha Allen, Doreen Helemn, week hunting in the Prineville area. Frances Mullins, Eulalia Lyons, Gar Idanha has a barber! William M. nett Bassett, Ann Trahan, Wilma | Varner of Salem has established his Free, Ida Free, Ethel Huffman, Ches | place of business in the east end of ter Roye and Thelma Nydigger. Vickers building. Santiam Valley Grange held their The many friends of Don Norton regular meeting at the hall Friday will be saddened to learn of his death evening with much discussion and Friday morning at 5. He was stricken plans made for the remainder of the I with a heart attack Thursday while year. In November the meeting at his office and taken to the hospi nights will be changed. The social 7 tal where he passed away. Funeral night will be held the first Friday ¡services were Wednesday, Oct. 11, at in the month instead of the business 7 Hemet, Calif. Mrs. Norton, Mr. and meeting. The business meeting will j Mrs. Melvin Peck, Mr. and Mrs. be held the third Friday instead of LOCATED IN MILL CITY ON HIGHWAY 222 I Lowell Norton and Don’s sister, Mrs. the first, this is to benefit the mem Formerly Frank's Richfield Service I A. B. Leask of Nile, Calif., were call bers who wish to go elk hunting, and ers at the Frank New home Sunday at that time election of officers will night on their way to Hemet. be held. An invitation was received Mr. and Mrs. Buck Storey returned to attend state conference at Western their daughter, Lana Lee to her home Star Grange Oct. 24. An invitation Monday night after a nine-day stay was also read from Evening Star Rising costs and devalued dollars in the Dornenbecker hospital for ob Grange for joint installation to be servations and surveys. The cause held Dec. 2, and plans were also made upset the support plan you, the of Lana's illness was not determined. for the Santiam Valley Grange to Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. make their visitation at Morning Star Oregon voters, approved in 1946. j Joe Roberson were Mrs. Roberson’s Grange Dec. 9. Several members are At that time it was intended that I sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and planning on entering the canning con Mrs. Eriest Nance of Vernonia. test for Pomona Grange. school support be 50% state, The Mari-Linn PTA will hold their local. At present it is 31% state, If you worry about getting older,' meeting at the school house Friday ‘ stop and figure if you weren’t' getting evening, Oct. 13. It is hoped to have 69% local. This measure will a speaker present to talk on the Basic older you wouldn’t be here at all. school fund. Mrs, Elmer Etzel who --------------------------------------------- simply help balance school sup I, i ■ ■ ■«» plans to start piano class here will be on the program. Parents of the port as it was inter'’-4. eighth grade class will be the hostess for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston, Ann and Leone visited Sunday in Harrisburg, they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gavette. The Tolans went to see their new granddaughter One Mill East of Detroit Karen Ruth Gavette. Mrs. Henry Schmidt of Salem spent several days at the home of her sis JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. ter and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. James Boteman, Con nie and Cheryl of Spokane, Wash., are visiting at the home of her father, Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Addi tional Sunday evening dinner guests at the McClurg home were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton and son Larry. Mrs. Sam Bridges is convalescing "Priced with the lowest, the 6- No other truck matches Ford's No Pickup truck other than at the Salem General hospital follow Ford offers an economy choice LONG LIFE service record. cylinder Ford F-l Pickup ing surgery last Friday morning. of V-8 OR «-CYLINDER Using data on 6,592.000 trucks gives you oil filter and oil POWER — 100 horsepower in Mrs. Bridges mother Mrs. Clara Lee life insurance experts prove bath air cleaner at no extra the V-8 engine. 95-horsepower Ford Trucks last longer. of Eugene is at the Bridges home cost.” in the Six. caring for the children. The LOWEST PRICED truck in Sunday dinner guests at the home Ford's line of over 175 Econ of Mrs. Myrtle Hester in Salem were omy models is the 6-cylinder Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Mr. 95-horsepower Ford F-l (Da and Mrs. Earl Allen of Lyons, and ft. Pickup with new spacious Mr. and Mrs. Phil Corbett and Ted “grain-tight” body. Corbett of Salem. The community chest drive is under way in Lyons under the auspices of the PTA. Mrs. Robert Fetherston, president of the PTA will appoint her workers. Mrs. Catherine Lyon who recently returned from a nine weeks tour in Europe gave a very interesting talk of her travels Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Helemn had as their guest their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Krough and You Vote for these--- Walter Shelby Earl Mason Elmer Sahlstrom Dave Epps Fred Mespelt < LISTEN: KWIL 6:00 P.M. Chuck & Bruce's Richfield Service S—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE October 12, 1950 1 and children from San Diego, Calif. Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Jewell from Sandy visited in Lyons Sunday and attended Sunday morning services at the Methodist church. Rev. Jewell who was pastor of the church before Reverend Jones, retired due to ill health, Mr. Dysinger of Fox Vallej’ who has spent the summer with his family after being seriously ill at the Mem orial hospital most of the winter was taken suddenly ill last week and was rushed back to the hospital, where his condition is reported serious. Perry Clipfell who was with the Army Reserves left Monday evening for Fort Ord, Calif. A dinner was held in his honor at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell. Perry is a veteran of World War II, having served close to three years, and has a wife and four children. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ CARD OF TH ANKS We wish to express our thanks to our many friends for their assistance and gifts after the loss of our home by fire. Mr. and Mrs. DON FARROW and Sandra. Under New Management For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the Brake Service Motor Tune-ups Expert Lubrication Complete NU-METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City ire Service Flat ires a Specialty Close« at 6 P.M. Why is the BASIC SCHOOL FUND LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE INCREASE G. E. THOMAS, Mill City Necessary? North Sant ¡am TAVERN Heres Americas Economy Pickup/ 10 WAYS BETTER THAN THE 4 OTHER POPULAR MAKES! I. Low.*! hn.qM (24 inches). Ua '» grnotw treme secfíen modvlv«. 3. Up brake lininf area. 4. 10’ Gyra-Gwp elu4ch wiHi neadle bearing release levart 5. L.gMer curb we.gM-only pet/r.ds. 3 220 a. Higher net torque 7. Higher compre“'»" «*•- I. Oil tllie» (.»oittipnl) One-gvart Pit b«th air cleoner ( »ton dard ). 10. “Millien o»«»r p1Te cernieri. idrty. C»b >•> •«*» rMmmeee on 4 MUI S »OH CAPACITY fOf •••««■ LOAOS •o-d s..... - 2 - MOO Body a «e t— - <4meh wde l^e^X tm *. A* »• ’ Serie, t í. fprd Jnxktog Casts lass Uamg to*»’* rfoto on à S92.000 trvc*«. 1.1» mwrvnu »«pecti prew ford Tnx*l loi« long»'1 4 MILL CITY VARIETY Irene O’Leary Jim O’Leary $1.65 .«$1.89 STAMPED PILLOWCASES 98c CHILDREN'S SWEATERS «o CHILDREN'S FOOTBALL HELMET AND SHOULDER PADS SET $3.15 $2.98 89c, 1.98, 3.50,6.75 FOOTBALLS Hallowe’en Novelties Meat Market at KEN GOLLIET’S COMPOUNDED is under W,,M CARE New Management • Every prescription en trusted to us in compounded an though our reputation rented u[>on tbe accuracy and quality •tf that prescription alone. And it does! That in why we use only fresh, potent drugs: double check every step for accuracy. If you seek prescriptions rum- (rounded with the utmost care, we invite your patronage. Capital Drug Co. Salem Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton irUUlUHlMlllllllUIHIIliUlIlllll IliriUI UH'dlll tlli llli.llll llll UII IIII lllllllll UIllUlUUir.HIllUUlUlliUUmiliUUlUMUIHnumttUIIIIIUIUMlUmUMnUtllMMMMHIIIM to he known as GENE’S MARKET Opening Specials— BAC ON. SLIC ED. PACK AGED. lb. 55c II \M s| |< ES lb. 89c