Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1950)
THE BEST WAY TO WASH DISHES By Hand or by Machine ------------------------------ —------------------- - ------- 0 GATES 1—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE July 87, 19M FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Morning worship 11 a m. Mr and Mrs. Paul Davis and infant, FREE METHODIST CHURCH Music by choir. daughter, Lonna Paulette, were dinner : From Maine to California wo North Mill City guests Sunday in Stayton at the home ! Dr David J. Ferguson. Preaching men spend up to two hours every I of Mr. and Mrs Ed Klecker. The Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mn Sunday school at 10 a.m. day on “the meanest job of all”_ dinner was in observance of the birth Arthur Krelver, leader. Morning worship 11 a m. washing dishes. In 30 years of day of Mrs. Davis. • • • married life the dishes stack up a Junior church 11:00 a.m. Mrs Grover Barnhardt from Enter- pile twice as high as the Empire DETROIT < KRISTIAN CHURCH Evening service 7:30 p.m i prise visited at the home of her son State building, an estimated 340 Sunday school at 10 a.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p tons of plates, cups, glasses, prep and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bam- Morning worship 11 a.m. aration dishes, pots and pans, not Phone 1906 Rev. L. C Gould, Pastor hardt .and with her two sons. Harry counting silverware. With a job of • • • Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. and Dave, last week. that site, efficiency saves a house Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Mr wife countless steps and time. should not be Warren Knape, Pastor CHURCH. MILL CITY and Mrs. Kenneth Chance, who were There are almost as many ways left Silverware too long in the pan of • • • married in a double ceremony at Mill of washing dishes as there are heated Mass at 9 A.M. water. A few pieces housewives — from splashing the at a time should be given City a week ago. are residing in Gates COMMUNITY CHURCH Confessions heard before Mass dishes with hot water at one ex- short soaking and then wiped j at the Oak Motel. Full Gospel Preaching Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m treme to placing them in an auto off with a dish cloth. Mr and Mrs. Charles Powelson and Sunday school 10 A.M. matic electric Father C. Mai, Pastor family, formerly of Mill City, have While many detergent dishwasher Morning worship 11 A.M. • • • purchased the Bock place just west at the other. users let the dishes dry in the Evangelistic service 8 P.M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH . of town. This property comprises For the ma racks, glasses and silverware Preaching services Wednesday and jority of wo should be dried with a towel. A the turn of a dial. about one hundred acres and is one of Services every Lord's day Friday 8 P M. rn e n who good supply of towels should be Women who use dishwashers the most attractive farms in this area, Sunday school 9:45 p.m. wash them in on hand for these items and for reverse the ordinary hand routine Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor i Mr. Powelson is at present wearing a Morning worship 11:00 A.M. a dish pan of times when you want to dry all and place the pots and pans in | cast on one of his legs as a result of hot water, the dishes by hand to get them the dishwasher immediately after Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. an injury received in the woods. H o t p o i n t out of the way. Evening worship 7:30 P.M. use to let the machine wash them home econo All of the sons of Mrs. Velma Carey while the family is eating. The Experience shows that cleaning 1 T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor mists make these recommenda pots and pans encrusted with racks are loaded with the dinner brought their families to her home • • • tions for greatest ease and speed. grease or food matter is the ware five to ten minutes after over last Sunday.the day of the Air First, segregate glasses, cups biggest time killer a woman faces. dessert dishes have been cleared. AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Show Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carey I-D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH and saucers, and silverware. Place This is a tough problem to solve The appliance takes over when Detroit of San Francisco , Mr. and Mrs. the garbage pail on a stool and but best tips are to have a good the dial is set and 30 minutes Eugene Carey and daughter of Port- use a rubber scraper to remove Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m scraper on later the dishes are dry and can food from plates. Rinse sticky 1 land. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Carey and in high school building, Detroit be put away. Some women leave hand, wash dishes and cups under the faucet. daughter of Gates and Mr and Mrs. these utensils the dishes stored overnight in the Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. In the dish pan use a sudsy machine until ready to use them as soon after Don Carey of Monmouth were the Zealand Fryer, Presiding cleanser in powder or liquid form. tgsin -.ext morning. With a large use as possi visitors. e • • These new products drain the group, the appetizer and dinner ble or, if you Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan, who water off without leaving the dishes can be put in the machine must leave IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH dishes spotted. Do not use too have been living at the Lord Motel, them till to wash while dessert is served. Sunday school 10 a.m. much soap or sudser since longer are moving this week to the former later, put hot This leaves only the final course rinsing will be required. Morning service 11 a.m. Horner home, which was recently pur water in dishes and coffee cuds and saucers The order you wash the dishes Evening service 7:30 p.m. to be put in the racks before the them to soak. chased by the Merle Devines and re in is not too important but most watch that food does not boil housewife can rejoin her guests. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. furnished inside and modernized. women start with the glasses and Also Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Jacob Wlensz, Supply Pastor The preparation of pots, pans silverware and wind up with the over on them while cooking. Mr. and Mrs. William Athey and Rag Mop • 0 • and dishware for a dishwasher is cooking utensils. This cuts down The above suggestions repre four daughters have moved to Lebanon Johnson Rag the number of water changes nec sent a brief consensus on how to similar to preparation for hand GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH where he has secured steady employ essary. Rubber gloves are a big cut down the time involved in washing which means brushing Wedding Samba OF CHRIST ment. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison help not only in saving your dishwashing by hand but to lop off all loose foreign matter and Quicksilver have purchased the Athey property hands, but also in permitting you up to an hour and a half from for greasy ones, running them Sunday school at 10 a.m. east of Gates. to use hotter water than your the job, many women have beqn under hot water. Come in and see our wide selections Morning worship 11 a.m. bare hands could stand. Not only considering the purchase of an For fine china and stemware, a Dan Morrison, who was called east of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. should dishes look clean when you automatic dishwasher. Reports good dishwasher is neither kinder Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical by the serious illness of his mother, Evening worship 7:30 pm. are through, but also they should from several thousand owners nor harder than hand washing. Records. has returned to his home in Gates. be exposed to sufficient suds to be sent to Hotpoint, largest dish Where the machine has heated Walter Smith. Pastor Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Collins of actually clean. The dish cloth is washer producer, indicate that forced air for drying, a point to Estacada spent Sunday with his usually more effective than a dish these machines require less than watch when shopping for a dish mop for washing. A brush can be one half hour daily, since women washer, glasses and silverware mother. Mrs. Lula Collins, at her SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eagles helpful not only on pots and pans, merely place the dishes in them will dry spotless and sparkling. home. Other guests were her daughter 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall "First with What You Want Most" but in removing adamant food and start the machine. Because good dishwashers use and husband. Mr. and Mrs. C. each Tuesday at 8 p.m. matter from the dishes. When the Rosheim of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. There are several types of auto water at 150 degrees, which ¡3 COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE dishes have been placed in the Mill City I-odge No. 144, hotter than the hands can stand, Claude Seilard of Salem and grand rinsing rack, hot water can be matic dishwashers, but the best they do a more thorough washing I.O.O.F. meets every Friday Radio, Washer, Refrigerator daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. sprayed over them with a faucet known and the most automatic job than can be done by hand. hose attachment or poured over have a rack that slides out when and Electrical Appliance Dale Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard night. Visiting brothers welcome. Before you purchase any dish- them with a teakettle. If you are the front is opened leaving the washer, you should discuss instal McAllister, all from Salem. Mill City 1884 Stayton 815 Quality job printing at the. Enter doing a very small number of top of the appliance as free work lation with your dealer or con I Mis. L. E. Everton. Wallula, Wash., dishes, it is handier to hold them ing surface for stacking dishes. tractor. The best models all re prise. was a guest last week at the Burrel directly under the hot water fau The racks hold 60 dishes, cups, quire plumbing but with the in Cole home. Mrs. Minnie Everton, Mrs. cet. Dishes should be left in the saucers, pots, pans and glasses creased popularity of this modem Cole's mother, who had been visiting recks long enough to drain well plus silverware. These are washed, work-saving appliance plumbers f r best lesults. in Washington, returned home with rirs -d and elec • cal’y dr..j st are experienced in installation. her daughter-in-law. I Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Arnold of | LEGAL ADVERTISING Astoria were over the weekend guests' SERVING THE CANYON AREA NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klug- BOND ELECTION PICKUPS AT State of Oregon ) man. County of Linn ) ss. Laundry - Nu-Method, Mill City and Stay ton Marlin Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. (Packet or Bulk Pack) School District No. 129-J ) I-sundry and Dry Cleaning— Burrel Cole, is employed by the forest NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY that, service and is stationed at Silver Ken Golllet, Mehama; Mt Jeff Cafe. Idanha ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS at the school district bond election Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit Creek Falls. hereby called to be held at the present Various Types of Garden Tools, Etc 163 South High SALEM Phone 3 9125 school building in and for School Dis Mr. and Mrs William Cooper and trict No. 129-J, Linn-Marion County, sons David and Ernest of Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday, August 8, 1950, were over Sunday visitors at the home between the hours of 2:00 o'clock of their brother-in-law and sister. Mr P.M . Pacific Standard Time, and 8:00 and Mrs. Joe Joaquin. STAYTON, OREGON o’clock P.M.. Pacific Standard Time, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown and there will be submitted to the legal daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John voters thereof the question of con Tanksley, all from Modesto, spent tracting a bonded indebtedness of the district in the sum of, not to exceed, several days last week at the Barney Forty-Four Thousand and no-100 Dol Ryal home. They attended the Air lars. ($44,000 00) for the purpose of Show and witnessed the crowning of providing funds for acquiring, con Joan as queen. structing, completing, improving, re After an extended motor trip north pairing, equiping and furnishing from their home in Oakland, Calif. Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road school buildings and additions thereto Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Leslie and a party including purchase of school bus. Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock TOYS AND DOLLS SPECIALTY CARDS The vote on said question to be by of friends stopped in Gates enroute to their home. They visited Mrs. ballot upon which shall be the words MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES I-aura Joaquin. “Bonds .... Yes” and “Bonds . No”, and the voters shall place a Mrs. Edward Titze who has been in MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES cross (X) between the words “Bonds" Portland at the home of her daugh and the word “Yes", or between the ter, Mrs. Scott Lindsey, for several Use Our Mall Order Service word “Bonds" and the word “No", weeks returned home Saturday. LTON8 MILI- CITY: Phone 9242 Days I 297 Nights whichever indicates his choice. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pitt from Bil The polls for the reception of the SAI-EM’S ORIGINAL lings, Mont., were at the home of their Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road ballots cast for or against the con son and daughter-in-law this week, tracting of said bonded indebtedness will, on said day and date, and at the Mr. and Mrs A an Pitt. Mr. and Mrs place aforesaid, be opened at the hour Pitt Sr. are moving to Eugene where r. of 2:00 o’clock P.M., Pacific Standard he is employed. SALEM 163 N. Commercial Time, and remain open until the hour Mrs. Claude Alexander has sold her of 8:00 o'clock P.M., Pacific Standard home here to Mr. and Mrs. James Time, of the same day when the same Moore who were renting the Mobley shall be closed home east of town in Linn County. By order of the District School Mrs. Alexander is undecided as to just Board of School District No. 129-J, Linn-Marion County, Oregon, made what she will do or where she will go. this 10th day of July, 1950. GATES—The Gates Womans club (s> DONALD E SHEYTHE, Chairman, School District No. is sponsoring a carnival and program 129-J, Linn-Marion County, at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Gates ATTEST: Oregon, school. Everybody is invited to come. 1—You put on your hat (s) EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk Bring the children A good time is of School District No. 129-J. assured. Refreshments wil be sold. and coat... Linn-Marion County, Oregon. Proceeds from the entertainment will First publication July 20. 1950 3t be added to the building fund for the , 2—Ride or drive to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii new clubhouse. At the present pro- ■ town . .. gress toward building the clubhouse j is at a standstill because of a lack of 3—Walk to the »tore or funds. 1—YOU DROP THE Church Activities POUTER &LAU SALEM LAUNDRY Headquarters for Garden Seeds SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment Shovel and Trucks for Hire j 204 DW Toy & Hobby Shop Thinking of Building? office . . . 4—Stand in line ,.. 5— Make the payment .. . 6— Walk back to car or bus... 7— Go home . .. \ I\ *S Steak House COME IN AND SEE MODERN CONSTRI CTION WITH MODERN MATERIALS Loc-Bloc Construction Co. C. F. HUNTER MUI City 8— Take off coat and hat. I I CHECK IN THE MAIL AND THAT'S AU Stavton Hardware Meals - Fountain START YOUI CHECKING ACCOUNT NOW and Furniture Sweden Soft Freeze OPEN SEVEN DATS A WEEK MILL CITY STATE BANK Stayton, Oregon ef KM.PH HAROLD sta rio» MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP Chock Faylor and Ham EagU Oroera IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t; •J