Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1950)
Today’s Special —Log Cabin Sundae! LYONS ! ' FOX VALLEY 3— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE July 30, 1950 of Sublimity and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh changes at the place as time permits, Visitors over the past week in Fox By EVA BRESSLER and plan to continue operation of Valley included Mr and Mrs Kruson Johnston of Fox Valley. Mrs. Oscar Naue was hostess for Monday of this week a man from the rental apartments. and family of Ashland Mrs Bertha the Wednesday afternoon card club Updegraff of Idaho,Mrs. Bond of Mill City hit and killed the registered held at her home. A one-thirty des Washington. St. Bernard dog belonging to Hugh sert luncheon preceded several tables I ICENSE!) Mrs. Knox has a sister and family Johnston. However eye witnesses of of 500 with high score going to Mrs. the affair were able to get the car I here from California. Thelma Nydigger, low to Wilma Free. ! license number and gave the number Mr. and Mrs. Beires of Klamath Bertha Allen drew the traveling prize, to Mrs. Johnston, so it wasn’t hard and the guest prize went to Mrs. Falls visited her parents, Mr. and I to locate the owner and driver of the Vigil. Present for the party were , Mrs. Beviers. Mrs. Shoop's mother who lives in car that killed the dog. Bertha Allen, Wilma Free, Ida Free, $1 pur month and up The dog was a companion and pet Berniece Bridges, Mildred Carr, Almo i Jefferson is spending sometime with Also serving Gates and Lyons Olmstead, Doreen Helemn, Ethel the Shoop family near the Hitchman of the Johnston children and other cars on the highway at the same time, Huffman. Thelma Nydigger, Janice mill. MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and saw the dog some distance from Huffman. Ruby Naue, Jeanette Haff- DISPOSAL SERVICE where the passing car struck him. j man. Mrs. Vigil and the hostess Mrs. children Kathryn and Kenton were PHONE 2352 i Naue. Portland business visitors Wednesday | Why some folks are in such haste LEONARD HERMAN ! to get places, that they can't slow The regular meeting of Faith Re of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan were down their speed enough for a minute bekah lodge was held at the hall with ■ to keep from causing traffic accidents Blanche Wagner, noble grand, and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. | is one thing careful drivers and good and Mrs. Clifford West. Beulah Lewis, vice grand, presiding. Mrs. Lanser worked as clerk in the citizens are unable to understand. Installation of officers was postponed Cliff Fest and Rob Morgan are until the next meeting night due to Lyons food store while Wilma Lam gone to the coast area around Tilla bert is away on her vacation. Mr. the resignation of the vice grand. mook to work. They left Tuesday. Reports of various committees were and Mrs. Roy Lambert of Scio with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan were heard, and plans made for the instal his parents Mr. and Mrs. Linn Lam Sunday visitors with Fox Y’alley rel lation at the next meeting. At the bert of Lyons and daughter Wilma atives. social hour ice cream and strawber are gone on a vacation trip. They Mrs. Bond of near Chehalis, Wash., ries was served by the committee, planned to visit Yellowstone National Mildred Carr. Betty Johnston and park and many other places of in is spending sometime visiting at the terest on their trip. home of the Wayne Bonds here. She Garrett Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing of is his mother. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry received Mr, and Mrs. Brice Reigel of Mill word last week of the death of his Fox Valley with Mr. and Mrs Wilson Stevens of Lyons route 1, plan to City were Tuesday evening business brother, Sim Berry in Minnesota. leave this week on a two week’s visitors in Fox Valley. The Reigels Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith and vacation trip to Alaska. They are daughter Donna visited over the making the trip in a pickup equipped have sold their Mill City property to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of Fox weekend with her sister and husband for the occasion. Valley, who are taking possession' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rollins in As Otto Weidman, George Neal and toria, Mr. Rollins who is in the navy Henry Anderson helped put in hay at July 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Reigel are returning to Newberg where they re is stationed at Tongue Point base. Jack Johnston's place Saturday. sided before locating in Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bevier of Port Mrs. Ed Thayer left Saturday for The Johnston's will make some land visited Sunday at the home of her home at Scottsburg after spend Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bevier. They ing a week with her daughters and also visited at the Floyd Bassett families. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Kintz home. Mrs. Arnold Burgess of Klamath Seattle. Her two little grandsons Falls also visited at the Bevier home. returned home with her. Mrs. Burgess is a daughter of the BYRON DAVIS, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pietrok and i Beviers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heineck made a “At the Bottom of the Hill’’ Mrs. R. M. Killingsworth Is at the trip to Bend. Sunday. They also ¡home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. visited the Peterson rock gardens MILL CITY, OREGON j Earl Wagner. Killingsworth, who is while there. I in the service, had been stationed at Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry, Mr. San Diego, Calif. He has been sent and Mrs. George Berry, Mr. and Mrs. overseas. Albert Carr, Gloria, Kathryn and Mr. and Mrs. Talbott of Grand Nadine, enjoyed a picnic on the San- , Rounde spent several days at the tiam river near Gates Sunday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cham Mrs. Harry Elmer and son Gail of FREE ESTIMATES — LICENSED ELECTRICIANS berlain while Mr. Talbott assisted Albany spent several days with her Mr. Chamberlain with the painting i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt, of their house . Mrs. Talbott is a [ while her husband, who is on the daughter of Mrs. Chamberlain. state police force attended school at BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-56«l Mrs. Willard Hartnell has returned Corvallis. HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-28B» home after visiting relatives at Ken Mr. and Mrs Earl Allen left Friday newick, Wash. She also visited at morning for Paulina Lake, where they the home of her son and wife in will spend the next ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Fox of Salem will meet the KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. 3465 T> Street, SALEM Allens there and will spend their va SPECIAL SERVICE TO MILLS cation together. Mrs. Jerry Lyons of Gates, former resident of Lyons, is in the Emanuel , hospital in Portland, reported to be 1 seriously ill. Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and children of Coquille, is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer, and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Doc Jungwirth while her husband who is on the state police force is attending school at Corvallis. Those from the Lyons garden club attending the Jordan garden club pic nic held at Wilson park near Jordan Friday were Gertrude Weidman, Helen Hubbard. Alice Huber. Helen Johnston. Eva Bressler and Golda Brassfield. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydigger and Bill Kimery made a trip to eastern Oregon Sunday. The main business of the trip was looking for hay. Mr. and Mrs. F R. Stevens and Mr. ( and Mrs. Orville Downing, left Satur day morning on a months vacation trip to Alaska Miss Shiela Boltzer of Salem spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Art Boltzer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian left Monday afternoon for Missouri, where they were called by the serious ill ness of her mother. Burl Smith will leave Wednesday for Gold Beach. Oregon, where he will be employed as forester for the Capital Timber company. Mr. Smith has been pond superintendent at the Mt. Jefferson lumber company mill for several years. Donna Peabody, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Burl Smith, has returned from Aberdeen, Wash., after visiting at the home of her grandmother. Mrs. Velma Brown of Redmond 'visited friends in Lyons Monday eve ning. He was an overnight guest at the home of Mrs. Alice Huber. G \KBAGE SERVICE A soda fountain right at home is many a youngster's secret ambi tion. That’s one reason why the young man in the picture loves to help Mother concoct delicous Log Cabin Sundaes to serve to his pals on a summer afternoon. Whether the ice cream is homemade or “store-bought," it turns into an extra-special fountain feature when topped with a smooth, luscious maple-nut sundae sauce — a sauce so easy to make that Junior could prepare it himself. Ar.d it’s just the way he likes it — richly flavored with maple-blended syrup and lots of nuts. Pour the sauce over vanilla ice cream; let Junior add his own special touch — two sugar wafers arranged to form the roof of a log cabin — and, as a result, your home soda fountain will really do a thriving business! ’, Maple Nut Sundae Sauce 4 tablespoons butter w«, , 3 tablespoons cornstarch Va cup chopped nut meats *4 teaspoon salt ,1 cup maple-blended syrup j Melt butter in small saucepan. Add nuts and saute over low heat until nuts are lightly browned. Add cornstarch and salt and blend. Add syrup and cook over low heat 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve warm on ice cream or pudding. Makes l’.j cups sauce. ■K. - THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4634 Has Everything for Your MILL CITY TAVERN Electrical Contracting and Service Write or Phone Collect OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Salem Equipment Co. Look what’s NEW in Mill City for QtUUjtC// BY DAY * sectional ch *'* simple ta operate it's practically automatic Clsver it’s a pair of 6-position lounye chairs liondssire THREE PANEL solid comfort" ...»ay local ladie» »ho previewed our »bowing of Superbill’» OMY-A-BED yesterday. And you’ll agree, for never before have we offered »urh s versatile, magic making idea for day or night home furnivhing. Only OMY A BED i» convertible into any of the illustrated combination»to be used separately or together. |u»t a» your household and family demand». OMY-A-BED i» imiple and ea»y to operate it’» practically automatic. You change petitions with gentle, finger-tip procure, divcover the ’hidden footre»t’’ for uve in lounging or sleeping And, if you know good furniture, you know nationally advertived Superbuilt for Qaa/try — hnevc in the land Seav ned hardwood frame» are double-doweled, glued with plavttc», vcientificalh reinforced and all corner» blocked Choove your» tn exciting new jewel-toned fabric» in »olid color» or two-tone »tylev woven for uv by famou« mill» There’» a Superbilt OMY-A-BED to harmonize with »our color »rheme, your devign for living. Be »ore to come in »non! FURNITURE As Low As $y.35 Stinlon Hardware and Furniture Stayton, Oregon FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill City Stayton PHONE 3116 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll