Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1950)
Mrs. Basset Named Chief Ground Observer Here July -0, 1950 ♦—THE HIM. CITY ENTERPRISE SPORTS PAGE Engineers Soar Near Top Spot Of Dam Circuit Mrs. Julia Bassett has been ap pointed chief observer for« Mill City in the civilian air defense program by Police Chief J. T. King, ground observer post supervisor. So far six persons have volun teered to serve as observers. The goal is thirty. Would-be volunteers are reminded that the post won’t be placed ifi op eration until it is actually needed. Volunteers are needed at this time to take part in a brief training pro gram, date of which is yet unan nounced, so trained personnel would be available in case of an emergency. Volunteers can be of any age, creed or sex. Slugging Teamsters Wallop Salem Club Mill City's Teamsters, leaders ot the Detroit Dam league, trimmed the 1 second place Hallmark Cards of the Salem Industrial league Ln an exhibi tion game Sunday 14-3. League Standing»! w L Pct. Called at the end of the fifth inning, .833 1 Teamsters ... 5 the game was a feature of the Team 750 ... 6 2 CBI Engineers sters annual picnic at Paradise Island .714 5 2 REOS .333 in Salem. 4 Shavers ... 2 Mel Levine hurled a beautiful game .166 1 5 Detroit .143 for the Teamsters. He gave up only 6 Operations ... 1 three hits during the five frames. Co-operation from the CBI Engi He matched those three himself by neers, the other Mill City based en collecting three blows in four trips to trant In the Detroit Dam league, put the plate. the Teamsters into undisputed posses Bob Carlton began the fireworks in sion of first place this week, but only the first inning by slamming out a half a game separated the three top home run. In all, the Teamsters teams as the race heads into its final racked up 18 hits. Nolan with four three weeks. for four led the team in the hit de Rising stars of the circuit during partment. the week were the CBI Engineers who Teamster managers have arranged zoomed upward on the strength of a return game with the Hallmark winning two ball games. Only the club in Mill City. Date and place Teamsters stand in their way to will be announced later. Fired by their growing string of league leadership. Last Thursday at Mill City with conquests, the Teamsters have chal Roberts starting on the mound for lenged the Salem Supper club, league them, the Engineers downed the leaders in the Salem softball league Shavers 13-7. The Shavers had won i to a game which will be played in their first encounter and were out to Salem early In August. do it again. They led by two runs Getting down to earth, however, at the end of the third Inning, but the Teamsters will meet Detroit at in the fourth the Engineers came i Mongold tonight, and the Shavers in back fast and heavy to move into Mill City a week from tonight. tho lead 6-5. Yarnell pitched the last four innings first inning by walking three men in for the Engineers turning in a one- a row. hit one-run performance. Roberts REO scoring during the ball game batted 1000 pct to become heavy stick came in pairs. In addition to the man for the Engineers, while Gayle twin runs scored in the first, deuces Lowery, the Immortal, garnered .600 were added in the second, fourth, Monday’s league-shuffling fray with fifth and sixth frames bringing their the REOs saw the Enginers again off ! total to ten. to a slow start. In the game played With four innings in the books, at Camp Mongold, they turned the the REOs led, 6-5, when the Joe Page REO tide of four straight victories of the Santiam, Yarnell, went in to with a 15-10 win that put the Engi pitch for the Engineers. He. too, was neers back in the thick of the hot wild but scattered his walks less dis astrously. The locals then scored six race. runs in the fifth to put the game in Ferguson started pitching for the I the bag Adding four runs in the last Engineers and got into a hole in the two innings, they ended the game a»H»wn>ooaaa»an(B(HH»n)s(HHO)a»w i with fifteen. Harry Rutherford chucked for the REOs. Gayle Lowery was again powerful at the plate. He collected four bingles In five times up. "Slug ger" Bengston finally crawled out of YOUR HEAVY SHOES! his batting slump with a .500 aver JUST BECAUSE IT IS SUMMER! age. Only two more home games await ■ Keep Them In Repair for the Engineers Mill City will see the Rainy Day. them in action next Monday against Detroit, and on Tuesday, August 1. I against the Teamsters. Don't Neglect DICK’S SHOE SERVICE Mill City He’s not himself today—and it's a aHHHaHHHHniHnniaKCiKtHnnHnHHnH great Improvement.—C.S. REQUEST MUSIC BY MARCELLA PETERSON Every Friday and Saturday Night Operating on Daylight Saving Time Engineers To Sell Buildings In Dam Reservoir Area The Portland District, Corps of Engineers has offered for sale to the highest bidder, 33 frame buildings and improvements within the Detroit Dam reservoir area in Marion and Linn countUps. The buildings are from two to six miles southwest of Most people remember their first airplane ride, but Ben Roten, a passenger in this Taylorcraft. won t soon the town of Detroit. forget his second. Ben went riding with the owner-pilot, Herbert Whiting of Hermiston, prior to the air Colonel Donald S. Burns, Portland show Sunday nooa. Coming in for a landing, the plane ballooned up. nosed over and crashed prop first. District Engineer, said the bids would Strapped in his seat, Ben was uninjured. The pilot was also unhurt. (Photo courtesy Bob Veness and Capital Journal) be opened at 1 p.m., July 28 in hl3 office in the Pittock Block, Portland CARNIVAL PLANS CONSIDERED Arrangements for inspecting the AT MEETING OF GATES CLUB buildings may be made by contacting GATES—The Gates Womans club the Resident Engineer at Detroit met in regular session. Thursday Dam, P. O. Box 85, Detroit, Oregon, telephone: Detroit 3803. afternoon, at the home of Mrs. All buildings must be removed from Edward Chance. A covered dish lunch i the site after the sale. eon was served preceding the business meeting at which Mrs. Chance pre There were only 25 cases of measles sided. Plans were discussed and com in Marion county in 1947, but last mittees appointed to arrange for the year there were 623. carnival to be sponsored by the club, at the high school, Saturday evening, July 29. Games, side shows for men only, fortune telling and many other means of entertainment will provide an evening of fun for young and old. Refreshments will be sold. It was voted to purchase $10 worth of votes Meals - Fountain for Joan Ryal, Gates high school girl who was elected queen of the air show the following Saturday night. Mem Sweden Soft Freeze bers of the club planned to visit Bend OPEN SEVEN DAYS and the Petersen rock gardens, the ice caves and Suttle lake for the social A WEEK meeting of this month. Transportation Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle will be provided for those wishing to Owners go. Fourteen members were present Thursday. \ I\ *S Steak House — I Out to prove that walking men are still with us in the age of airplanes and automobiles, the famous walker of the North Santiam, Paul Smith prepares for his 70,370-yard stroll from Salem to Gates. He covered the distance in 8 hours, 25 minutes and 10 seconds despite many wayside sto|m. (Photo Courtesy of the Oregon Statesman) MILL CITY Area Above Detroit Dam Closed by Forest Service Antoinette and Joanna Morse who Special permits granted by the have been visiting in Mill City with their father. Dick Morse, owner of Forest Service are now necessary Dicks Shoe Servcie, during the past I before a person can legally enter an three weeks are leaving this weekend area upstream from the Detroit i damsite. for their home in Portland. Dr. and Mrs. David Ferguson left The area includes all the territory Monday for Chicago to spend a few within the flood line of the Detroit reservoir up to and including Berry’s weeks. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. Island. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder were ' The prohibited area is being cleared their two sons and families. Mr. and by the contractors George Shroyer Mrs. Edward Schroeder, and Mr. and Logging Company and the E. L. Mrs. Darrel Schroeder and familes Gates Logging Co. Government and contractor personnel having official of Forest Grove. Visiting Mr. and Mrs W. R Green business therein w’ill be permitted in and W. Heller homes over the week- | | the area. Others will be directed to end were Mrs. Mary Flanders of I«os avoid entry. Closure of this area was ordered Angeles, mother of Mrs. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen of Spicer. Minn.. , by proclamation of the governor of sister of Mr Green; Mrs. Ray Foldger I Oregon. and son Denny, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Richards of Longville. Calif.. Mr. and SPECIAL SHOW CONSIDERED Mrs. Vought and two sons of Downey, ! Manager Bob Veness of the Mill Calif.. Mr. and Mrs Harley Flanders City Theatre will arrange a special showing of the movie "Battleground” and son Robert of Evanville, Calif. Mrs. Charles Gentry and daughter for swing-shifters provided sufficient Genella. former Mill City resident, demand is shown. now living in Salem visited Mill City The highly-regarded movie will be shown at regular times tonight, to friends Thursday morrow and Saturday. If those in terested in an additional showing will BIRTHDAY CLUB MEETS GATES Mrs Edmund Davis was contact the manager in sufficient hostess at her home Friday for the numbers, a swing-shift movie will be members of the Gates Birthday club. arranged. Veness said. A luncheon was served by the hostess at one o'clock Eucher was in play, following the luncheon hour Mrs. Clarence Johnson held high score. Mrs. Gwen Schaer was second. Mrs. Blanche Dean was given consolation and Mrs. Charles Tucker was pre sented visitor's prize. Others present were Mrs Clyde Oliver, a guest.Mrs. Martha Bowes. Mrs Walter Brisbin. Mrs Lula Colins. Mrs Gerald Heath Mrs Elmer Stewart and Mrs. Riley Champ A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours IfEP/ Myron’s Packaged Meats FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES Keilom's Grocery MILL CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. y " - ’aU-S'" It’s New! an' « It’s Smart! Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter All Good AMERICANS HEAR THESE CANDIDATES DISCUSS CURRENT ISSU Al SUN FLEGEL—Go> enior DAVE SHAW—U. S. Congressman ELMER SAHLSTROM—State Senator WALTER SHELBY—stale Senator DAVE EPPS—State Representative EARL MASON—State Representative FRED MESPELT—County CommUeloner PICNIC AT HISTORIC BROWNSVILLE PARK RKIIAKBS TAVERN GATES Sunday, July 30 t P M. MASTER b,. P.^vLr PROGRAM AT 2:30 P.M. A FREE Gibson Refrigerator Democratic Central Committee