Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
WE BUY—Fir pitch 75c per gallon. LEGAL ADVERTISING See us for containers. Red’s Hill STATE TIMBER SALE Top Trading Post. 24 Notice is hereby given that oral FOR SALE — Fourteen man bunk bids will be received by the State house and two large rooms for liv Forester or his authorized agent, act ing or office connected. All fur ing in behalf of the State of Oregon nished, centrally located. See Cot by and through its Board of Forestry, 27-3p at 2600 ton Cornelius, Detroit. State Street, Salem, Oregon, FOR SALE—Spinet Piano, 335.00 de at 10:00 o’clock AM.. daylight sav posit, and 315 00 per month places ing time, July 24, 1950, for unesti a fine instrument in your home. mated volume of mixed old growth Can be seen locally. Write Stone Douglas fir. western hemlock and red Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road. cedar designated for cutting by the 16tf State Forester or his agent upon the Salem. following described lands located in FOR SALE- Electric irons $1. Red's Linn County, Oregon: Hill Top Trading Post. 28tf NWy4NEy4, Si^NEi/«, 8% Section 4; NWy 4SEy4 ----------- , S%SEy4 ----- Section g] ------- --- 5; .. lANEVi. S%SWy4, SE1/« Section 7; WE REBUILD Furniture like new. JI Section 8 except 8%SWV4NEli Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay All and Ni4NWy4SEi'4; ton Upholstering. Rt 1, Box 177A. W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf All Section 9; All Section 10 except NE*4SEy4; FOR SALE — 6 cu. ft. deep-freeze S% Section 11; $150.00, like new. Phone 5807. 25tf All Section 14; All Section 15; FOR SALE OR TRADE—For live All Section 16; stock. New movable garage and All Section 17; workshop, one Whizzer Bike motor. N%N%, SEtiNEi/« Section 18; Phone 3802. 28-3p NEy4, Nu>NWy4 Section 20; FOR SALE — Three choice building N% Section 21; lots in Swift's addition, water, elec Wy> Section 22. All in T 10 S, R 3 E. tricity available, level ground. W. E14 Section 12, T 10 S, R 2 E. L. Peterson. 20tf No bid will be considered for less I than $5 00 per MBF for old growth Douglas fir and $3.00 per MBF for western hemlock and red cedar. A certified check in the amount of $1.000.00 must be in the hands of all bidders at the time of sale to be ap plied on the purchase price by the successful bidder or retained as liqui dated damages should the bidder fail to execute the contract and furnish satisfactory bond in the amount of One Mill Eaflt of Detroit $10,000.00 within 30 days following acceptance of his bid. Before submit ting bids, prospective purchasers JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. should secure a copy of the bid pros pectus from the State Forester, Salem, Oregon or Elmer Taylor, Me hama, Oregon. The State Forester reserves the right to waive minor technicalities or to reject any or all bids. 0. Signed: G. SPAUR. State Forester. « First publication June 22, 1950 It « July 13, 1950 •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales FOR SALE — Trailer house, 21 ft. LOST Black cordeau purse between Mill City Theatre and Mill City 1946 Master built model, electric Auto Supply, reward. Mary Jane brakes, good rubber, butane heat (Sunnie) Hoffman. 28-lt and range. L. E. Woodraska, Box 212, Scio. 26-3p BOARD AND ROOM Call at Mary FOR SALE—Grand Piano, recondi Jones’ home on Ivy Stfifth house tioned and recently refinished ma west from Red’s Hill Top Trading 28-3p hogany baby grand. Guaranteed , Post. perfect. $775.00 cash, terms, or' FOR SALE Business lot near Gates rented with purchase option. Stone | post office, 60x125 feet. See or Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, write C. L. Nicol, Gates, Ore. 28-lp Salem. 16tf j 1 WE BUY—Cascara bark. Red’s Hill FOR SALE Electric hot plate 31 00 j Top Trading Post. 24 Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 28tf FOR SALE—2*4 H.P. Lawson out KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED — I board motor $79.50; Maytag Pro Fastest service in Portland and sat pane gas range 3225.00. Stayton isfaction guaranteed by Portland’s Hardware & Furniture Co., Stayton, oldest company. Eight exposure Ore. 25tf roll developed and one print each 25c. Two prints each 35c. Rolls FOR SALE One automatic coke dis with more than eight exposures one penser, and one Pepsl-Cola cooler. print each 35c. Re-prints 3c each. See at King’s Trading Post. 26-3 Send coin. The Quality Picture Co. Box 4401Z. Portland 8, Ore. 18tf A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per FOR SALE -Power chain saw, 7 h.p. sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Mall, 4 ft. bar chisel bit chain, ex cellent condition 315000. Red’s FOR SALE Good ice boxes and re frigerators. Red’s Hill Top Trad Hill Top Trading Post 26tf ing Post. 26tf FOR SALE — Kitchen sinks, heavy I cast. $4.95. Red’s Hill Top Trading HELP WANTED — National organi zation offers opportunity to make Post. 26tf money in your spare time, writing FOR SALE —6 ft. Maytag Freezer credit reports In Mill City. Inter 3189.00. Stayton Hardware & Fur esting work. Business knowledge niture Co., Stayton, Ore. 25tf or education preferred. Write Mr. R. E Deagle, P.O. Box 111, Port MXPERT AUTO and home radio land 7, Oregon. 28-3t service, 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE Kimball upright piano, Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf excellent tone. Inquire at Detroit Barber Shop. 28-3p WANT TO RENT —2 or 3-bedroom house, before school starts. Phone 26tf FOR SALE The following items will 5807. not be needed in Korea: 30.06 cus tom made sporter, 2WX Zeiss scope AVON PRODUCTS case and ammunition; 5 h.p. Sea King outboard motor, 15 hours ac Phone 3424 tual running time, cost 3120.00, take 22-14t it fishing for $85.00; an 11-ft. alum inum sport trailer, fully equipped, LIST YOUR homes and farms with full-size bed and stove take a look me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, and name your price. Mill City David M. Gates, Detroit, Lyons. 3tf Cabinet Shop on Marion county Reid, Real Estate. road. 28-3p FOR SALE -Ice boxes $6.50 and up. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 28tf SAVE MONEY ■ Nice clean trailer electric brakes, butane cook WHY PAY RENT? Buy income prop house, ing and oil heat, owner has left I erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. Oregon because of Illness, a steal at Peterson, Swift’s addition. 20tf only $750. George W. Hubbs Co., 1853 N. Capital St., Salem, phone PLEASE LIST all available rooms, 3-3031. 28-3t room and board, houses and apts. Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a ni. to 3 p.m. Consolidated I » Builders. Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf s\vn\M FOR SALE Small home on wheels, 32 feet long, detachable porch. Hot and cold running water, tile shower, nice kitchen, inlaid linoleum. $1.150. $300 down Call 2-0500. 1395 So 20th, Salem. 27-3t ♦ » GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR FOR SALE Steel bunk bed*. $9 95 pair. Red’s.HPi Top Trading Post. 28tf ♦ : Arc and Acetylene Welding FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment 352.50. Phone 1024 after 6 p.m. 28-1 J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON 24 HOUR SERVICE Mill City Clones at 6 P.M. Professional Canyon Garage *r LIPPOLD - BRENNER \ ERNE'S Accountants Bookki-cping Service Auditing Payroll Report* Income Tat Phones: Hoalery I.lngrria-llrrwws Smocks 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 BARGAINS In Furniture. Stoves, Dishes Clothing. Houseware* MAC’S 145 8 Church, next to Salem Parking WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTION* I INGERII READY-TO WF %R HOSIERY I I ZIERS COSMETICS r................................................................. ; : MIKE’S Septic Service : • Septic Tank, and S. wrrx ( kani-d • «Phone s II EM 3 9168. <OLI.F<T • 1079 Elm St , W Salem HER tA.NNNE.R5 NOÄTf * AT A 6M.P.H. CUIR 5HE STACKS UP TdArFIC FOR Mli.ES ! Irove/erj Safety Serr -• B STATE TIMBER SAI.E Notice is hereby given that oral . bids will be received by the State Forester or his authorized agent, act- I ing in behalf of the State of Oregon I by and through its Board of Forestry, 'at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, |at 9:00 o’clock A M., daylight sav- i ing time. July 24, 1950. for 1.339 MBF I old growth Douglas fir, 409 MBF I second growth Douglas fir. and 50 ‘MBF western hemlock, more or less, designated for cutting by the State Forester or his agent upon the fol- I lowing described land located in Ma rion County, Oregon: NWi’i of Section 2. Township 9 S.. Range 2 West. No bid will be considered for less than $10 00 per MBF for old growth Douglas fir, $5 per MBF for second ' growth fir. and $3.00 per MBF for hemlock. A certified check in the amount of $500 00 must be in the hands of all bidders at the time of sale, to be applied as part of the purchase price by the successful bid der or retained as liquidated damages, should the bidder fail to execute the contract. Satisfactory bond for $1.000.00 must be provided and ad vance payment made in the amount 'of $10,000.00 within 30 days following i acceptance of his bid. The balance I of the bid price shall be paid within 90 days following acceptance of bid or prior to commencement of logging, , whichever may be the prior date. Before submitting bids, prospective purchasers should secure a copy of . the bid prospectus from the State Forester. Salem, Oregon, or Elmer Taylor. Mehama, Oregon.. The State Forester reserves the right to waive ' minor technicalities or to reject any or all blds. Signed: G. SPAUR. State Forester. First publication June 22. 1950 —4t Heart disease was the leading cause of death in Marion county each year during the five year period 1945 through 1949. Cancer ranked second each year. 8 q g 8 B 8 8 B B o H " H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment TOYS AND DOLLS SPECIALTY CARDS MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES MODEL AIRPLANES MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS n s Use Our Mail Order Service e 8 « » o Ci « SALEM'S ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop o. « 163 N. Commercial SALEM a Phone 2-1588 Good Transportation x g » ............. $895 1941 < IIRYSI.ER 4-DOOR«SEDAN Like new. ______ 450 1940 PLYMOUTH 3 PASSENGER COUPE Very good. 1937 D. SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN Extra nice. ÎÎ s: « x ...... ........ 245 1937 FORD 3 PASSENGER COUPE Lots of class. I"’. 1938 D. SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN Extra good mechanically. 195 ïî ? M X X « Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - Home of Service 495 N. Com’l St. PLYMOUTH - 435 N. Court St. PHONE 3-4117 «ÿXX* h x x « Expert Repairing SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES Detroit P. E. Frv. Mgr. Albany Special Attention Given to Fittings Boarding House NU-METHOD Attorney at Law Foundation Garments and it’s the HARLOW L. WEINRICK HOWARD CORSET SHOP FISHING TACKLE For Guaranteed Cleaning Directory Salem 3-7615 SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES i A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS Opposite < laude Le« Is' Sers Ice Station MUI City 207 C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason. Prop. Under New Management MILL CITY PHONE 41 IS 318 Broadalbin Sen ice Station Phone 8152 Les’s Tavern WHERE ARE Mine Y FAMILY STYLE MEARS • by Ralph Stein TAVERN ♦ ♦ I I » Maim Street Detroit Tavern BARBER SHOP <- 2nd A Broadway MUI City Hour,: 10 to 7 j RALEIGH HAROLD FLORIST and NURSERY Siti W. Wash. Street 1», block* on W. Stayton Illway Phone 3684 and Trailer Court FIRST IN DETROIT STILL FIRST IN DETROIT Red Ry nearsen Otto Russell Glen Dryden id M. reíd G^Ot CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION Real Estate Mill Citv FLOWERS GOODE’S I LOW EK SHOP Phone Blue t>iH Stayton, Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME ■ NEW STOCK Dr,-«« Print« — silk and Wool Scarf« New Shade« In NA Ions Curttaln Material — Ticking Hendricsoii s Sion In th»> IKiwr« Bldg Modem Enne ral Service STAYTON OREGON nveveavev»<iganRnnnoBnaa C. E. Coville MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Real Estate iarhage ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups SI per month Also light hauling woaard Hrmun Phone 2323 lewseecetruiBtBBBBss y s ss Ba Wrxt Side Mill CKy Ph $407 I ISTlNi.H W \NTI D ( omplete Supply of All Your Du ildi ng Needs SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT I » \T < RING M« LOW I’RK ES ON MONTEX— I Illi PAINT WITH THE SAND FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES RVSSEI.L KF.I.LV B