Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
REPORT OF CONDITION OF M1IX CITY’ STATE BANK of Mill City in the State of Oregon at the close of business on June 30, 1950 ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection _............. $ ! 335,883.39 567,413 63 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 55,466.56 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 429,510 80 Loans and discounts (including $591.79 overdrafts) .... Bank premises owned $28,729.39, furniture and fixtures $8,755.15 37,484.54 14.250.00 Real estate owned other than bank premises 392.34 Other assets IDANHA ELKHORN 7—THE MILL C ITY ENTERPRISE July 13. 1930 IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Church Activities By REBA SNYDER By ELSIE MYERS Sunday school 10 a.m. Visiting at the Lloyd Girod home The river banks and roads were Morning service 11 a m. DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH the past week were Mrs Girod's sis- lined with picnickers in the Elkhorn Evening service 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. I ter, Mrs. Jess Jones, with her hus- district on the Fourth. Those enjoy-1 Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. I band and two sons of Salem, and Mr. ing a picnic dinner and an afternoon Morning worship 11 a.m. Jacob VViensz. Supply Pastor ¡Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess of fishing on the old national forest [ Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. I Jones. Sr., Hood River. road below Gold creek were Mr. and | Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert re- Mrs Bill Bickett and girls. Mr. and Warren Knape, Pastor OF CHRIST 1 turned Tuesday night from a long Mrs. E. A. Newsome, Patsy and • • • TOTAL ASSETS Sunday school at 10 a.m. weekend visit with friends in Dallas Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers. LIABILITIES COMMUNITY CHURCH Morning worship 11 a.m. and at the coast. Visiting them Wed The evening of the Fourth a group 760,862.30 Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ Full Gospel Preaching Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. 465,162 16 nesday and Thursday were Mrs. Hei- of friends gathered at the Bickett Sunday school 10 A.M. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 27,522 95 bert's sister. Mrs. Hariy Quiring. hus home for a weiner roast which was Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Morning worship 11 A.M. 91,327.32 band and children of Dallas. Deposits of States and political subdivisions followed by a display of fire works. Walter Smith, Pastor Evangelistic service 8 P.M. 8,819 50 William E. Bodie, of the Gen. Pat Those participating were Mr. and Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) • • • TOTAL DEPOSITS $1,353.694 23 Preaching services Wednesday and rich, spent the weekend with his Mrs Bill Stewart Sr. and Tom, Mr. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Other liabilities 6.027 50 I friend. Arnold R. Snyder. and Mrs. Bill Stewart Jr. and daugh Friday 8 P.M. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated Morning worship 11 a m. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittam drove ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dub Stewart and obligations shown below) $ • • • Music by choir. to Salem Sunday on business. children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ste CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preacliing Mr. and Mrs. Even Evenson and wart and children all of Mill City, FREE METHODIST CHURCH $ 25,000 00 Capital Y ’oung People at 6:30 p.m., Mri. 50.000 00 Mary returned Saturday from a Mrs. Anthony Namislo and Miss Surplus North MUI City 5.679.53 week's vacation in California with Francis Namislo from Philadelphia i Sunday school at 10 a.m. Undivided profits Arthur Kreiver, leader. ' friends and relatives. and Mrs. Anna Orlando from San Morning worship 11 a.m. 80,679.53 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Mrs. Alice Vonde Leigh. Willamina, Jose. Junior church 11:00 a.m. came Monday to spend the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Pettingil of . TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,440 401.26 Evening service 7:30 p.m. her daughter. Mrs. Orval Lady and Portland arrived at their summer! MEMORANDA other relatives. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for home in Elkhorn Saturday before the [ Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p other purposes ............................. .... $ 110,000 00 Mr. and Mrs. Orin Perkins and Herb Fourth for the holidays. Mrs. Pet- , Phone 1906 Rev. L C. Gould. Pastor AT YOUR FINGERTIPS I, D. B. Hill, President, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear or Honey arrived home Thursday morn ting il who broke her ankle several I • • • affirm that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly ing from Corning, Calif., where they ! weeks ago is doing nicely but will be j ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set 1 had been visiting for a week with 'forced to wear a cast for some time. CHURCH, MILL CITY forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. D. B. HILL. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beje and daugh Mrs. Carl Longnecker and Billie re Mass at 9 A.M. Correct Attest: Mildred L. Allen, Frank Rada. C. E Mason, and ter Kay. The Beje's drove them up. turned Thursday last week from Sil- Maxine Hill, Directors. Confessions heard before Mass. Kay remained in Salem for a visit. .verton where ____ they ._ ______ _ _____ ___ had spent a week State of Oregon. County of Marion, ss: Edison Vickers left Tuesday morn at the home of Mr. Longnecker’s Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of July, 1950. Father C. Mai, Pastot ing for Centralia to return Marla and I mother. They __ were ___ ______ D. B. HILL, JR, Notary Public, joined ______ on the • • • My commission expires April 10, 1954 Lanny to their home here. They have Fourth by Mr. Longnecker and Mr. (Seal) FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Pay ton of Stay ton. Steinbrueck for the past two weeks. Services every Lord's day Mrs. Steve Dark and boys had a Mrs. Evan Howard of Portland is narrow escape Friday when on their Sunday school 9:45 p.m. I here to spend her vacation with her way to Mehama their car caught Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy husband, who has his trailer house at fire. A hole had been worn in the Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. Rag Mop the lot near McIntire's. gas line but by quick action the dam Evening worship 7:30 P.M. (Packet or Bulk Pack) Johnson Rag Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallford were age was confined .to a ruined battery T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS Wedding Samba weekend guests in Willamina with and gas line. • • • Quicksilver Mrs. Hallford’s relatives. Carl Longnecker has been making i Various Types of Garden Tool«, Etc Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer were weekly trips to Salem where he is LD.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Come in and see our wide selectlani Detroit Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. receiving treatments for an infected Hefley of Salem. Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, 014 ear. Timers, Classical, and Semi ClaMtcal R. L. Turner, Idanha Lumber com- in high school building, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett enter Records. pany mill planerman, fell Sunday in tained at a picnic supper Saturday Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. STAYTON, OREGON juring his ribs. He was attended night. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Knox Zealand Fryer, Presiding Monday by Dr. Willcut but not able and family of Fox Valley and Mr. and to work Tuesday. Mrs. D. Henderson of Cochran. Calif. SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eagles Elbert Brown is among those who Mrs. Henderson is a sister of Mrs. 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall “First with What You Want Most'' are ill this week. Leonard Snyder, Knox and with her husband is visiting each Tuesday at 8 p.m. OOMPLETE APPIJANCE SERVICE also on the list has a bad case of at the Knox home. Mill City Lodge No. 144, shingles. Linn Billington and LeRoy Emerson I.O.O.F. meets every Friday Radio, Washer, Refrigerator are asisting Bill Bickett in putting and Electrical Appliance night. Visiting brother« welcome. Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! up hay this week. Stayton 218 Mrs. Christina Humason, Mrs. Rose Quality job printing at the Enter Mill City 1884 Metzger and Robert Exley were din prise. ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ike Myers Sunday, Mrs. Metz ger is a sister-in-law and Robert is a nephew of the Myers. 1 Headquarters for Garden Seeds SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP PORTER & LAU TYPEWRITERS 27 50 Cow Population Of Marion County Highest in State 300 to Select From All Our Reconditioned Machines Are Guaranteed FREE TYPING INSTRUCTION BOOK PRACTICE AT HOME WE APPLY RENTALS » IIKJI j PI ON PURCHASE SALEM LAUNDRY 4545 COURT STREET PHONE 8-8778 X. How to take a dollar "for a long ride ! * dollar |««I a long way in a '50 Ford! For you get big-car comfort, quiet, and quality at an economy cost. Yes, in Ford you get the big-car roadability, the road-hugging smoothness you'd expect only in the costliest cars. And Ford's rugged, sound-conditioned “Life guard" Body brings you safety and silence usually found only in cars selling for hundreds more. Yes, Ford is America’s best quality buy! Marion County has more dairy cows than any other Oregon county according to figures released last week by Roger W. Morse, O. S. C. extension dairy specialist. After dropping from a high of 290,000 in 1943 to a low of 238,000 last year, the state's cow population is climbing again, Morse added. On January 1 this year the state had 240,000 cows with 18,000 in Ma rion county. Last year the sale of dairy products brought Oregon dairymen $55,357,000, or about 15 percent of the state's total farm income. The figure does not in clude value of farm animals sold for slaughter. One or more cows is being milked I on approximately 48,000 of the state's total of 63,000 farms The largest number of cows, about 70,000, are in herds ranging in size from three to nine ainimals, indicating dairying is still a family-sized farm operation. With an estimated 100,000 animals, Jerseys are the most popular Oregon breed. Guernseys with more than 75.000 are giving them a close race. Oregon’s "average" dairy cow last year produced 263 pounds of butter fat in 5,850 pounds of milk, and in comparison with the national average, stands in an enviable position. The nation's “average” cow produced ¡only 5,239 pounds of milk. For the 29,000 Oregon dairy | animals on dairy herd improvement testing last year, the averages show 1357 pounds of butterfat in 7.613 ; pounds of milk. > hu tte SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golliet, Mehama; ML Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning - Sant lam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 163 South High Phoae 3 $ 121 SALEM JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Shovel and Trucks for Hire , ( 294 Days LYONS I 297 Nights MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days Mill City Plant 2 Mile* Weit on River Road ♦ Z7 N KEEP A CONTINUOUS FLOW OF E • DOLLARS • AND YOU’LL BE ilihHMiUli'ttl SURE TO GET UTTLE ILLS THESE MAKE HOME] Drive the new Only offer« yes a -1 h h that ..per- in mu. and K go' And. you'll find Ford’s fa- " mous V-8 power plant brings you quiet that lives up to ita econ omy and quality ... for it's engi neered to whisper w hile it works' TNert'i « K U K K < - * • True, that “little ilio«,." yow'Tf beer mentionin' in an offhand way, may nd teem io amount to_____ xb— fust a few faint tymptomy. Bm, neglected, these “littia ilia" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; n«< tn mention needless suffering and loss of preciosw times Consult a Doctor now— you'll save by it in the ends And, of course, we hope youII bring bis prescription to aa for «-artful compoundings Capital Drug Co. Salem Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton »IllAUfff ■ <* EDUCATION SPENDING MONEY Sav« now for happy spending later. ' MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP Í/