Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
MEHAMA RANDALL PAINTINGS POPULAR i John Hodiak (Ann Baxter) of Holly The son of an Elkhorn couple is making a name for himself in San Francisco. Mr and Mrs. Charles Wolverton re turned Monday from San Francisco. While there they spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Randall. Mr. Randall is a well known Bay artist and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall of Elkhorn lodge. Mr. Randall was giving a one man show at The Iron Pot. Mr. and Mrs. wood purchased one of his water colors. He also had sold six or seven more within two davs after the show opened Church Activities • B.v JEAN ROBERTS • »—THE Mll.l. ITTI ENTERPRISE • FIRST C HRISTIAN CHURCH December M, 1949 hama an unusually vicious swarm Of honey bees were encountered putting the entire cutting crew to flight. Az usual the call was relayed to Sher man who willingly came and jumping into the nest stamped it to bits. Yellow jackets which are notorf» ously ill tempered and show no af fection for man nor beast are equally unfeared by Wall. Occasionally Ijp is stung by a more rebellious one on the arms or face, but it doesn’t dampen his enthusiasm — he simply mashes them with his thumb. Mrs. Genevieve White, chairman of Services every Lord's day the Azalea house committee of the Morning worship 11:00 A M FLASH!! Mehama home extension unit at Young People’s meeting 6:30 P M. By JEAN ROBERTS Author of Horse Sense Bridge, Sam tended a committee meeting at tise Evening worship 7:30 P.M. Anyone wanting a hive of bees or Gordon will appear December 14 at home of Eleanor Trindle, county ex- Tom Courtney, Pastor a bee tree robbed or a swarm of yel 7:15 instead of tonight as previously tension agent last week. Purpose of ♦ • • low jackets disposed of, the man to scheduled. Don’t forget that date! the meeting was to appoint commit FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH call on is Sherman Wall. Bees of His column is appearing daily in the tees to attend the county apron sale Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching any kind hold no fear for Sherman, Oregonian, and will be at the weekly at the Portland Gas and Coke Co. on Studies of the incarnation of Christ in fact he relishes the idea of card party in Mongold. S. Commercial on December 15. Dec 11 "The Nation From Which "stomping” a nest of jackets or A last report 150 aprons were on He Came". "mashing" these irasible insects in display most of them clever and uni Dec. 18 — "The Town Where He his fingers. que designs. Was Brought Up”. Roughly, one-fourth of the area of Last week while felling timber on Dec 25 "The Mother Who Bore McCully mountain, a tree bought by the U. S is commercial forest land. Leo Kirsch, Mehama logger who was injured last week in an accident Him" Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman (Neills Ray Roberts and Harley Scott yielded Special music by the choir. near the Detroit dam is reported to a large comb of honey valiantly pro Bly) was the first woman to travel Remember the annual bazaar, De tected by a horde of tying stingers. around the world. It took 72 days. be "still critical". Ellwyn Erickson ember 9. also injured is reported as "fair”. While the rest of the crew watched • • • SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea The county school hot lunch in from a safe distance and unmindful gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC spector visited the Mehama school of bees crawling up his sleeves and in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 80 CHURCH. WILL CITY Monday to check menus and food over his face, Sherman withdrew the Sunday Mass at 9 AM served school children. comb and filled all the lunch boxes Mill City Ix>dge No. 144, I.- Confessions heard before mass. O^Oo.O.F.. Meets Every Friday to capacity. A new bridge over Stout creek on Altar Society meeting 2d Tuesday. Last year while working above Me- night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. the Fem ridge road was put in Mon Father C. Mai, Pastor day by the county bridge crew. • • • Buckler service station at Mehama LATTER DAY SAINTS OF JESUS now gives S & H green stamps. They FULL COURSE DINNERS CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT started last week. STEAKS AND (HOPS Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. First snow of the season was noted in high school building, Detroit. Monday in several inches of snow on Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. Í/ the logs coming from Freres logging. Zealand Fryer, Presiding Mrs. Floretta Neely of Portland is • • • z spending the week visitng her sister GATES COMMUNITY Mrs. Andy Spriggs. CHURCH OF CHRIST Jack Ryland, Mehama postmaster Sunday School 10:00 is home after an extended absence. Morning Worship 11:00 Mrs. Louise Erickson assisted in the Christian Endeavor 6:30 postoffice while he was gone. Evening Worship 7:30 Retail Dept and Finish Lumber Walter Smith, Pastor. John Allen attended services Sun day morning for the first time in ♦ ♦ • several weeks. He has been recup DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH erating from a major operation. Warren Knape, Pastor Mae Patton who has been quite Sunday school 10 a.m. Phone Detroit 7024 ill at her home the past week is able Morning worship .... 11 am. to be up and around. Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. Mrs. Ida Kirsch cut the palm of Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. her hand early this week while Sermon topic for the Detroit Chris- sharpening a knife. She was taken tian Church is "How to Remain a I to Salem where several stitches were Christian”. ♦ • 0 required to close the wound. To have a Christmas program at FREE METHODIST CHURCH the church Tuesday evening, Decem- “The Church of Light and Life Hour” I ber 20 so as not to interfere with Sunday School 10:00 REPAIRS RENTALS SALES LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PULMBING , any school programs was decided Morning Worship 11:00 AND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE : Sunday morning at Sunday school, Junior Church 11:00 TOO SMALL Each class is to contribute some- Evening Service 7:30 thing to the program. 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting Shop and Residence 4269 Macleay Rd. SALEM Ph. 2-7360 Your Power Tool Rental Headquarter» 1906 A large group of Salem Cnem- Phone Pastor i eketans directed by Ex-Governor Rev. L. C. Gould Phone 3-3646 North Mill City SALEM 1410 So. 12th Sprague drove to House Mountain • • • | above Mehama last Sunday. Later the ygathered at Sprague’s summer IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC Sunday School 10 A.M. home located up the Little' North Morning Service 11 A.M. j Fork. LIGHTING “A Working Faith” Floyd Johnson of Mill City en- Evening Service, 7 P.M. 3 countered a buck deer near the Keith | Phillips home early Monday morning "The Things We Seek’’ ] while enroute to work extensively Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M. SALEH 236 N. High St. Eldon Haley, Pastor ! damaging his car and killing the • • • | deer. » W i Ladies Aid met last week at the CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST “ home of Mrs. Winnie Branch. It was Services Sunday morning 11:00 « decided to donate some money to American Legion Hail Mill City H I help with the Christmas candy at the • * * of Salem cordially invites the Bowling Public to come in and en ii school. Present were Mesdames COMMUNITY CHURCH II YOU’RE STILL OPERATING YOUR CAR joy the sport and fun of bowling. ” Madeline Ridling, Mattie Stout, Gen- Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor 12 Modern Brunswick alleys to bowl on ON SUMMER LUBRICANTS YOU’RE TAK x evieve White. L. W. Kirkland. Fran- Sunday School OPEN II A. M. to 12 P. M. 10:00 ING AN UNDUE RISK. CHANGE NOW TO Rate 35c per line—3 lines for $1.00 __ » I ces Bailey. Inez Crook, Ray Roberts, Morning Worship 11:00 WINTER LUBRICATION. i As a Special GET ACQUAINTED Offen, this Ad. is good I and Mae Patton. 7:46 Evangelistic Service for one Line of bowling st our modern bowling palace, I x The Mehama home extension unit Wed. Bible Study 7:46 _________ I I the finest in the Northwest. m members will meet with the Stayton Salem, Ore. UNIVERSITY BOWL 1340 State St. £ unit December 9th at the Women's Tel. 20631 for reservations club promptly at 1:30 P.M. The dem COME IN AND TRY FOR SOME OF THE HANDSOME PRIZES r TUNE IN TO ’s onstration will be Christmas decora- x tions, consisting of making of Christ- Ji mas wreaths, door swags, Christmas x I corsages, and table decorations /ROPHECiES i which can be used for the holidays. Anyone interested is welcome to at THY WORD 1 ■ tend. \NGRY BEES’ OPENING Saturday, Dec. 10th Rainbow Inn & Cafe Kiln Drv Lumber Idanha Lumber Co. WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS GREENLY’S Plumbing & Healing HOWSER BROS Salem Lighting & Appliance Co COLD Weather Supplies » « ? 5 8 Anti-freeze Starting Fluid Tire Chains - Heavy Duty Batteries ALLEN KEITH The University Bowl CHEVRON Our Christmas Special! Let’s Talk Turkey! Tune In REX each Sunday at 11:15 A-M. World W ide Broadcast 8:00 P.M. 1st and 3rd Sunday each month W’RUL—15:35 Meg. 19.7 Meters WRUX—17.75 Meg. 16.« Meters x x.x.».x x.'x'xjcx'jtix’xscxtx x;x;xacxix.Ixx.xji 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dressed Turkey with any purchase of a Range, Refrigerator Freezer, Water Heater Washer or Radio, between now and Christmas if your purchase amounts to $150 or more MANY FAMOUS BRANDS • » • • • • • • AMANA BEN DIX ( ROSI.EY KEIATNATOR MOTOROLA PHÏLCO RCA-V1CTDR SPEED QUEEN » ♦ • » THOR SPARTON FOWLER WESTINGHOUSE LIBERAL TRADE-INS—EASY TERMS RADIOS APPLI ES TMO STORE«* conveniently boxed —22 cords $1.00 ■ I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■ 0 0 When yoj see this unusual collection of . fallmjik Chi' tmos Cords, we think you'll agree — it is a BIG VALUE BOX: Edward Williams 3)0 Court Street PORTER & LAU ST AVTON Hcali|ul tlfliûnaik Cli’Wiiuu (!auh Salem SERVICE MILL < ÏTV