Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1949)
Idanha Voters Reject Detroit Becomes City Serving LYONS, MEHAMA ELKHORN. MILL CITY GATES, MONGOLD T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE * nc . > of Idanha became the DETROIT, IDANHA City of Idanha Wednesday afternoon. The Marion county court in Salem certified it after voters Friday ap proved incorporation by a vote of 190 to 8 and Tuesday rejected by a vote $1.00 a Y'ear. 5c a Copy MILI. CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1049 of 163 to 113 to consolidate the com Vol. V—No. 50 munities of Detroit and Idanha. RAPE CHARGE DROPPED BY Speculation throughout the court MARION COUNTY COl’RT house as to what steps, if any, would be taken by Edison Vickers, cham The Marion county circuit court re pion of consolidation for the two turned a verdict of not guilty to a j towns, were squelched for the time rape charge filed against William being by the death of his father. Mr. William (Red) Hamilton of Mill City, 1 Vickers has left the area to attend who has been held in the Salem coun SANTA WILL BE HERE the funeral. ty jail since August 28, when the Action was taken, following the charge was filed. Cement for construction of the I Friday election, by the upper Canyon A charge of assault to commit rape business man to have the earlier elec Detroit dam will be transported via in her apartment the night of August tion canceled on the strength that railroad because of lack of passable 26, was made by a Mill City woman. I voters would become confused by the highway conditions, Lt. Col. J. M , The jury returned the verdict after . Miles iterated this week. two dates. short deliberation. Mr. Vickers also filed a request in Henry J. Kaiser owned Permanente Two of the five victims of the two- Electric light and telephone service county court asking deferment of will transport cement for the project car collision two and one-half miles was disrupted in the Santiam Canyon certification of either election, but over Southern Pacific tracks to the ! west of Mill City on highway 222 area for two and a half hours Satur the request was tabled by the court. damsite, under contract to Consoli-! Monday morning have been released day afternoon when an automobile He also announced that he would go I dated Builders, Inc., it was reported from Memorial hospital in Salem, It towing a house trailer left the high as far as the supreme court if nec Several months ago it was announ- was reported today. The other way west of Mill City and plunged essary to nullify the Friday election ’ ced that several thousand tons of three were reported resting easily. into a power line pole. The accident if it favored incorporation, but to j cement and steel would be driven to . One person was killed in the fatal happened a few feet west of the rail date no steps have been taken. the site by trucks. Col. Miles said, mishap. way tracks at the west end city The first election supposedly nulli 1 however, due to the construction of limits at 2:10 p.m. Martin Kenneth Watkins, of Salem, fied the second vote, but, despite this, roads in the area and slowness of the and Elvin Alexander Penrod, of Four local residents have filed in The mishap occurred when the the Tuesday ballot was held. Certifi state highway to act on construction tention of running for the position house trailer whipped out of control Salem were released immediately cation by the court was delayed when i of a new road between Salem and the of Mill City councilman in the elec as the driver attempted to make the after being taken to the hospital by the ballot box, containing the tally site, the transportation problem had tion Tuesday, January 10, to fill the turn on highway 222 while approach ambulance, each escaping without in sheet, was locked. to be met through rail traffic. jury. Still hospitalized were Tony expired terms of two councilmen. ing town from Salem. Driver of the Mrs. LaVelle Haseman, a member It was also announced that mater- Butterfly, of Salem, with severe lac Those filing with City Recorder vehicle was James Ray Crissman of Hey kiddies, you had better start of the Idanha election board ap i ial required for construction of the Earl Ragsdale were Albert Toman, Boise. Idaho, a construction engineer, being good because it won’t be long erations on the forehead, Paul Loz- peared before the county court Thurs J Big Cliff dam, two miles west of the den. of Salem, with a fractured nose for re-election; Wesley R. Greene; who was headed for the damsite. until that big. fat union-suited man and concussion, and Eugene Thornley day afternoon with a secondary tally I Detroit project, will also be trans- Robert P. Veness, for re-election; More than six feet of a power pole with the long white beard, and his sheet, the vote was certified and the I ported by the same method. and Byron Davis for the three year was knocked out by the Impact, sev. six tiny raindeer makes his debut of Mill City , with a partially severed unincorporated town became a city It was estimated that 240,000 tons ear. All were reported doing fine term. ering a 20,000 volt line, and disrupt to town. prepared to elect officials and func- j of cement would be poured into the today by attendents. At the same election four proposed ing service from Niagara to Albany, in a telephone conversation with tion following a city election, as yet Detroit project and an additional Killed in the accident was Carl additions to Mill City will be voted crossing of the volt line with a 2.300 the old gentleman, he iterated he was undetermined, as to date. 16.000 tons would go into Big Cliff. upon. The election will be the first volt line knocked out three 100 kilo going to put the whip to Dancer, Martin Hanire, of Salem, a CBI I The powerhouse will use approxi since the adoption of the city char volt transformers at the Mill City Prancer, Donner, Dasher. Thunder, worker, who died instantly when the mately 5.000 tons of cement. ter in October of this year. plant of the Mountain States Power and Blitzen, and come Saturday aft two vehicles met headon on the wet, At the same time, state highway Mayor Harold Kliewer’s term as j company making it impossible for ernoon the seven some would be ! slippery highway | and Marion county officials said they mayor will also expire in January, 1 local facilities to be used during the right here in Mill City at the Fire Hamre was emit bound from Salem 1 were elated over the prospect of the but he will remain as a member of black-out. Approximately $3,500 man Auxilary kiddies party. to the dam-site, where he and his 1 contractors decision to carry the the city council. Mr. Kliewer said he damage was done to the company’s Santiam Pass, Sisters, December 6 materials over the railway. So my little children, as the song passengers, Watkins, Penrod, Butter does not intend to run for mayor ; property, according to power com- goes, you better be good, you better fly, and Louden were employed by — The Santiam Pass Winter Sports Nearly 2,000 men will eventually be I pany officials. area, of which Hoodoo Bowl is a part i employed at Detroit alone by early again because of other business. not cry, cause Santa Claus is coming the Consolidated Builders, Inc., and The annexations are the Cain-Lake now has sufficient snow for skiing. 1950, Col. Miles said. Traffic was diverted from the ; to town this Saturday at 1:30 pm. at Thornley was driving from Mill City County offi There is more than two feet of snow I cials iterated that this would increase addition between the highway and scene until damage could be repaired the Mill City, Oregon, fire hall. The J to his place of employment at Lyons. and more is coming, according to the traffic over the narrow roller-coaster river on the west city limits; the by servicemen from Salem by Pa party is for all grade school and pre Decreased visibility because of rainy ' weather and slippery pavement was Ogden subdivision, which borders the trolmen Rich, who said excessive school kiddies. Weather Bureau forecast. from Salem to Mill City and beyond Shepherd, CBI and Swift tracts; a speed caused the accident. Crissman | blamed for the collision, Bob Steele, ---------- - --------------- The rope tows in Hoodoo Bowl are by many fold. I local state enforcement officer re small tract on the ridge in the Mar was cited by local police for being ready to operate, and it is expected Santiam Canyon and Salem Cham ported. ’that the big new double chair lift, bers of Commerce and residents have ion County side of Mill City; and | drunk on a public highway with bail The injured were taken from the rising U> the top of famous Hoodoo been pushing a campaign to the state the Paul Johnke site on the east set at $20, Police Chief J. T King scene of accident by the Memorial Butte, will be in operation by late highway commission for improve boundary of town, Linn County side. reported Tuesday. He added that the hospital ambulance to the hospital in January. house trailer was demolished, but the ment of the road, but efforts have Salem. lia'-e-lA'd^e. on the highway at ' L ■». /Mocked Sv commission chair I car was repairable. There was no The 1946 Ford sedan driven by Santiam Pass, is ready to give skiers ' man T. H. Banfleld, who believes the ' insui-ance carried by the driver, ac- Official starting of operation of the Thornley is now being repaired by a the same courteous, efficient service state should not be required to con j cording to police. new all-steel water tank reservoir for which the lodge became popular struct roads for the government north of Mill City was armounvad 4ocal shop. A 1U4H Plymouth sedan, last year. Many improvements have Wednesday by R. B. McClain, local driven by Han>r<^ was demolished, W. E. Trommershausen. district Students of the eighth grade of police reported. been made for the convenience and i manager of BPA, has announced manager of Mountain States Power Mill City grade school assembled comfort of skiers. Co., which will give this locality a awarding of contracts for right-of- A complete cafeteria style restau way clearance for a Lebanon-Goshen Wednesday morning, December 7, to reserve of water supply to rely on hear a talk by Chief of Police J. T. rant is in operation. when electric service is disrupted, 230-volt transmission line. King on traffic safety and problems Skis, clothing and accessories may Mill City soon will be illuminated causing stoppage of the local water Schedule I was awarded to the R. A be purchased from a complete stock and C. Construction Co. of Tillamook , that confront the local police. 1 like a Christmas tree when the City supply. lively discussion of these problems of skiing equipment. For those who on a bid of $60,030. Chamber of Commerce holds Its first The big tank, which has been under was held following the talk, with the do not have their equipment, a ren annual judging of home lighting in construction for several months, was Schedule II was awarded to Em students taking part. Five victims of the fatal truck ac tal shop provides skis, poles, boots, mett and Reezer of Sweet Home, with Mill City and Gates. given its final coat of paint last Plans have been formulated by the toboggans and snow shoes. a low bid of $54,930. The best outdoor display will win week, chlorinated Monday, and put cident on the North Santiam high local police department to treat the way two weeks ago, still in the Salem A rope tow is in operation at San Schedule III was awarded to F. E. I a first prize of $15 with second and into operation Wednesday. tiam Lodge on a slope which can be Wilder of Olympia. Wash., on a bid school Safety Patrol to a free theatre third prizes of $10 and and $5, R. P. The tank, replacing the old wooden Memorial hospital, are reported re party Saturday night at 7:30. floodlighted for popular night skiing. of $97.200 Veness, chamber secretary reported structure, is the last big project of covering rapidly today by hospital thia week. the $75.000 water improvement pro attendents. Work is expected to get under way Alton Haun, whose shoulder was CHRISTMAS PAGEANT on the entire job in the next few December 20 is the deadline for gram started by the company about TO BE GIVEN THURSDAY weeks and the complete section of filing entry in the contest, with en two years ago. It has included the broken when the "crumy” plunged The annual Mill City grade school line is scheduled to be completed in tries to be filed with Veness, J. C. construction of a large settling basin 150 feet off the side of highway 222 Christmas pageant will be presented 240 calendar days. Kimmel at Mill City Pharmacy or and several miles of enlarged mains, below the site of Detroit dam, was Thursday evening, December 22 at The clearing work below Lebanon, at Mountain States Power Co office. some of which are newly developed released last week with his shoulder Notices were posted in the Elkhorn in a cast. the high school auditorium, starting is on part of the new Bonneville district Thursday calling for a spe Residents are urged to get out a residential systems. Tony Baker was released this week at 8 p.m. A Christmas card fantasy transmission line connecting the De cial election to be held on December 1 couple of strings of lights and see The storage of water purified in a hospital attendents said will be given by the primary grade, troit dam with the entire gird 30, for the purpose of consolidating | what novel display of Fairy land or settling basin will be permitted by Still hospitalized are Leo Kirsch, while the upper grade will present a Bonneville Power Administrator Elkhorn district No. 115 and Mill Biblical stories can be concocted, the addition of the tank. Recently, Christmas pageant. His Star Still Paul Raver reports the current rate City district No. 129 of Linn-Marion j Veness said. Final judging will take because of a lack of such storage, the Ellwin Erikson, Cecil Haun with In Shines. The affair will be open to of $17.50 a kilowatt year is now’ in counties. place Friday, December 23 by a Mill water has contained some sedimen ternal injuries and shock, James Moore with rib and arm fractures, the public, Superintendent Todd said effect until 1954 when the Columbia There would be a great many bene City Chamber of Commerce commit tation when the river was running and Clarence Estenson, who suffered today. river power system will include Mc fits derived from such a consolidation tee muddy. shock, an arm fracture and severe Nary. Hungry Horse. Albeni Falls, by both districts. The Elkhorn chil head Injuries. Roza. Chandler, Detroit. Big Cliff and dren would have the advantages Killed instantly were Ardell Web Hills Creek projects. Approval of which a larger school can give them. ster and Claude Jack Nash. Driver the effective rate was made by Sec- The Mill City district would benefit Sponsored by Mill City C. of C. if the vehicle, Mack McCoy, escaped ictary of Interior Julius A. Krug from a larger area from which school with slight injuries that did not re FRIDAY— Meantime, opening of bids for out taxes would be drawn. Community church no host supper let gates at the Detroit reservoir will Mill City’s first community Christ Les’ Tavern, Hill Top General Store, quire hospitalization. Everyone is urged to turn out and mas tree since the war was erected Kliewer Meat Market, Faust * Ross, It was reported, meanwhile. Melvin 6:30 p.m. at Presbyterian church. be opened by the Portland office of vote at this election. Timberwolves at Jefferson. the middle of this week and and is Stewart Grocery, Ressler's Grocery. W. Wallace of Nalin .was injured the army engineers January 15. 1950. Kollom's Grocery, Muir's Bakery, when his car toppled over the side of now on display for public approval SAT! RDAY— according to Col. O. E. Walsh. North < «IMMUNITY CHEST at the cross section of South First Knowles Body and Fender, Shirley’s the road in approximately the same High school formal dance. Pacific division engineer. WAITS APPROVAL Beauty Shop, Beebe Apartments, De place, has been sent in for a cast and | and S W. Broadway street. Fireman’s Auxiliary kiddies party Other bids to be opened during Jan Papers for articles of incorporation Anton Wichlac, The tree was contributed to the pot Barber Shop, Santiam War Sur is in fair condition at 1:30 p.m. uary are for 15 permanent houses SUNDAY— and utilities at the reservoir on Jan of the Gates-Mill City Community ¡community by Johnny Coville. who plus, Epps Furniture Store, Hendric. of Bend, the other victim in the ac* Presbyterian Sunday school Christ uary 10 and a new booster barge for Chest drive should be ready by ’.ext also helped George Stewart bring the son Variety Store, Wood's Dry Goods cident, has been released. mas program. use with a 24 inch hydraulic- dredge week. and approval by the state «or tree to Mill City with the wrecking Store. Oleson's Store, Baker's Jew elry Store, Eight Ball Billiards, Kelly Christian Church Christmas pro the power piant on January 5, Col. poration commission by the first ot I truck. the year, Walter Bel), Stayton lawyer Solicitors for funds to decorate the Lumber Sales, Freres Building Sup gram 8 00 p m. Walsh said. . I in i report to Tony Ziebert. local ! tree wish to extend thanks to those ply, Porter and Lau. Nu Method He added that seven contracts in MONDAY— ^individuals who contributed money Cleaners, Mom and Pop's Cafe. Bank Boy Scouts 7:30 coinecticn with the dam and reser- representative The approval would give the two for Lghts and time expended Further Cafe. Don's Union Station, Silver TUESDAY— voir. t jtaling approximately $4 000,- Lions Club to Stayton. 000. are scheduled for bid opening be cities an incorporation to grant fund i .on tri buttons can be made to improve Saddle Service Station. Santiam Gar Mill City Womens’ club 8.00 pm. tween January and July of next year for local use only with money gath l the tree by contacting Chief of Police age, Hathaway Garage, Cy’s Service J T King or Patrolman Ray B Rich. Station, Allen Keith Chevron Station, Timberwolves at Aumsville. by the Portland district. Largest ered from the Chest drive. Those contributing were: Nelson's Richfield Station, David M WEDNESDAY— among these is a con Mountain States Power Co., Mil) Reid, Wes Green, Eddie Lessig, Ray Santiam Rebekah lodge. tract which will go out for bids about, TROUT TANKERS ADDED the middle of May for opening early Three new large trout liberation City Wrecker. Mill City State Bank. Rich, J T King, Johnnie Coville, Al THI’INIMY- Driver’s Exam 9 to 4 pm Fire hall. in July tankers an 1 five small auxiliary lib Mill City Pharmacy, Mill City Thea Adams. Pete Catherwood. Charles Chamber of Commerce, noon Colonel Miles said this week work eration tanka are now being con tre, MUI City Enterprise, Mill City Fowler. Kid Lightning, Alfred Ohm- in the dam site >s progressing slowly structed by the Oregon State Game Taxi. Mill City Meat Market. Mill stead. S G Hifdon. Iris Hogate and He added Commission i Th is is a partial listing. All or due to snow and rain. Additional equipment City Service Station. Mill City Dis Dave Porter. J L. Davidson. Cleo ganizations are invited to use this t at work is expe ted to pick up as has been needed to transport trout posal. Mill City Variety Store, Mill Thomas Chris Knutson, and Arey the men fc**’ used to conditions. ity Tavern, Meander Inn Tavern, Podrabaky to the lakes and streams of the state space 1 Road Casualties Rise I)am Materials To Be Carted By Railroad Car, Trailer Hits Pole, Cut Off Power One Killed Five Injured In Wreck Four Running For Position On Council Hoodoo Bowl Set For Winter Sports Water Tank Now In Use King Gives Talk On Traffic Safety Lighting Contest To Be Held Soon Truck Victims Improving School District Votes On Consolidation (illlllilUl fcUFlltH: Christmas Tree Adorns Center Square Of Mill ( ily, First Since the War swwüsnussfAis