Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
V MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. Al GI ST IL lMt a single-tree .. Or how to make (not buy) a kite that would fly ... But plenty of them can name the Mil City, Oregon. Mrs. James Reed. Jimmy and John make and model of a plane at sight. Oharlen Wolverton. Editor and Publisher And their sisters can swim, which is ny were dinner guests of Mrs. Robert Blsbeth Wolverton, BuuineM Manager more than their grandmas could do. Veness and children Monday evening Staff: Leo C. Dean, Mary Jo Wolverton, Patricia Wolverton jn their outdoor dinig room. So the score is more than evened. Entered as aecond-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City. Mrs. Robeit Veness, Carol and Shir Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879 Jey spent three days in Portland this The Branding Chute. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING “ In this little group of illumin week. While there Mrs. Veness att Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and ati ...”—Van Wyck Brooks in The ended an outdoor folk dance program those received later up to 10 a. tn. Thursday will run m the "Too Late to Classify" World of Washington Irving. in Washington Park sponsoied by the section. ILLUMINATI —Those having or Mazama Mountaineering Club. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Snerprue will not claiming enlightenment. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walker were be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion hosts at a birthday party Saturday at CLASSIFIED RATE their new home in the CBl addition One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1 00 Display advertising 40c inch Home Helps Department. i Dear Home Helps: honoring Mis. Cecil L. Fritts of Van My husband has had his teeth all couver. Also attending were Mr. Mt-tLex NATIONAL EDITORIAL extracted, and he looks terrible. When Fritts, who lives in Gates, and his 0 R i ch . we were married I thought he ¡e- sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and P U B 11 S Itjl sembled Nat Goodwin, and now he Mis. L. W. Rakes of Newport. t ■" looks like the second of the Witches ’ Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mullins and of Endor, reading from left to right, daughter, Maureen, of Pascoe, Wash., i Honestly, when he’s asleep one look are now residing in Mill City. Mr. L eo C D ean at him would give a Piute squaw Mullins is an iron worker. ' fainting spells. I know I married him Mrs. James Reed, Jimmy and John were happy as it wouldn t be long 1 for better or for worse, but he has ny were dinner guests of Mrs. Robert Side Road» and Short Cuts. Headline in the Portland Oregon ’tl they coul go back to school. After 1 raised the ante on me. I am a rugged Veness and children Monday evening ian says, “Head for Salem Chest.” staring in disbelief one told the other: , woman, but this is too much. Please in their outdoor dining room. Now if they can find some legs they “That old bird ain’t got all his mar i help me.—Mrs. Aj I. Tate<l. Mrs. Robert Veness. Carol and ’ll have another ball >player for the bles.” ... Word that has dropped Dear Mrs. Tated: Courage, my good Salem Senators ... Met a couple of from the American language—“dude” woman. You have numerous avenues Shirley spent three days in Portland 12-year-old boys on the street here ... Wonder what percentage of boys of escape. Rig up several valid ex this week. While there Mrs. Veness in Mill City and said I supposed they today would know a whiffle-tree from cuses for a six months’ visit away attended an out door folk dance pro- from home, or, if that is impossible, ng cut a couple of holes in a strong mus lin sack and make him wear that LITTLE ILLS There is a difference between being able to over his head while he’s at home. accomplish an art and doing the same thing And steel yourself for future ordeals. MAKE Easily. Don’t expect your child to get good He will probably be no bargain when grades in school if his eyes are not equal to he's ¡eassembled, false teeth and all, and when he says, “Please pass the the task of studying With Ease potatoes,” you'll thing he’s whistling for the dog. Don’t worry, maybe you • True, that “little illness ' ♦ can trade him in on a later model. you’vv been mentioning. in an offhand way, may nCt ft You're welcome.—Home Helps Edi seem to amount to much— tor. The Mill City Enterprise By The Third Rail gram sponsored by the Mazama Club. ^^^Mill City Lodge No. 144, I- Mr. and Mrs. James Reed attended I **>0.0*’.. Moots Every Friday the State Plumbers picnic at Tigard night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphree. Wil cox, Aris., visited her sister, Mrs. Mattie Murdock, last week. They left Friday for their home via Yellowstone Park and Colorado. C. M. Fournier of Portland is living at the Mill City Hotel and working at the dam. He has purchased a lot from Cecil Lake and plans to build so he can bring his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and fami ly and Mr. ami Mrs. Carl Kelly were at the coast for the week-end. Lucille Goble and Gene Tucker went to Sisters on Sunday. Mrs. Mildred Allen attended a fami ly reunion last week-end. •»: c « b < «• «• »: «• -s SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP SHIRLEY LAIRD MILL CITY Phone 2603 :«• <«• -sc- <«• i—B'® Citv water customers are hereby informed they can disregard sprinkling restrictions and water ing dates, effective immediately * w Mountain States Power Company Dr. Mark Hammericksen REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST « Glasses fitted. Eye examination I « k. Broken lenses replaced Eye glass adjustments Open Every Thursday 1 to 6 P.M.,6 P. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment at THE MILL CITY FURNITURE CO. (ieneral office»* at TenBrook Jewelers. 313 W. 1st St., ALBANY * I “And We Quote ... “Long before the Second World War could be fin ished, when in fact it had only begun, another war was launched in Berlin.” —Sigrid Schultz in Germany Will Try Again. Uncle Henry Henstutter says, “Con- stable Sag Peteis, who fell out of a tree while reconnoiterin' th’ nudist picnic, is able to be up and around again.” I Do You Want a Good Buy on Building Materials? Capital Drug Co. Cement Blocks cheap, Asbestoline for Roofing at below cost. Must sell now! Salem, Oregon See Pearl Reed RELIABLE* COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC LIGHTING Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. Hijrh St. HARLOW L WEINR1CK SALEM 318 Broadalbin May Al PRESCRIPTIOHS Albany A friendly place to meet Come to Jerry’s.... Across from Hathaway Garage Phone 3202 Attorney at Law Arthurs Cafe I I I I just a few faint symptoms; But, neglected, these "little ills" can lead to big bills for , doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time; Consult a Doctor now— you’ll save by it in the end; And, of course, we hope you'll bring his prescription to us for careful compounding; and eat. for a Complete Cafe Service. Jusf Opened Chicken in the Rough SPECIAL LUNCHES TO GO information Center. Detroit, Oregon Jerry's Tavern Cafe 24 hours a day Here are some of the Famous Brands l aust & Ross THE FRIENDLY STORE SATURDAY SPECIALS Red & White Coffee, 1 II». 52c, 2 lbs Red & White Shortening, 3 lbs. 1. .75 carried by Len Mitchell’s Men’s Clothes Red & White Flour, 10 lbs 79 in Stay ton, the most modem Men’s Store in All the Valley Wheaties, Ig. pkg 23 ENRO SHIRTS E. V. PRICE SUITS Tailored to your maasure. MIDDYSHADE SUITS The finest in Ready made clothes DAYS’ RANGER WHIPCORDS l’anta. Jackets and Cruisers PENDLETON WOOL SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS .15 Rancho Soup, mushrooom or chicken, 2 for .25 Ben Hur Mustard, 6-oz. jar, salad or hot 08 Starch, R & W, corn or gloss 12 PARIS BELTS. SUSPENDERS COLUMBIA KNIT SWEATERS LORD JEFF SWEATERS DAYS’ TROJAN TWILLS The B<H»t in Dress Work Pants JOCKEY UNDERWEAR DAYS’ Suntans. Cords & Iron I hikes CANT RUSTEM Jeans. Waist Overalls. Friscos DAYS’ SAS JUAN JACKETS EXPRESS STRIPE & BLUE Bib Overalls. 100% WOOL SLAX In all colors and patterns CAMERON No-Fade Work Shirts TOPCOATS WHITE STAG RAINWEAR filson OUTDOOR ( IXYTHES PENDLETON SLAX WEYENBERG SHOES A BOOTS JOHN B. STETSON HATs ( HIPPAW A WORK BOOTS HARDEMAN HATS BERGMANN OUTDOOR SHOES VAN HUBSEN SHIRTS I S. RUBBER Overshoe* and Boot- This is only a partial list of the Famous standard Brands of Men's < loth- in g carried hy Len Mitchell's in Stay ton. Mail order* and phon«- ordr>-> will he givev< prompt attention. Remember—in Stay ton it’s Mitchell’s Len Mitchell Men’s Clothes—Stayton Star Theatre Building Pictsweet Peas, No. 2 can TRU VAL Shirts and Sport Shirts OPEN Tll.l. 9 P.M *ATI RD XT Phone Blue 231-R Red & White Grated Tuna Wax Paper, 125 ft. roll .35 23 1 New Rinso, Ig. pkg Swan Soap, med. .08, ig M.C.P Jam or Jelly Pectin, 3 for Pet Milk, 2 for We have one large basket of groeries for the holder of Ticket No. 022009 «