Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. AUGUST U 1949 Trailer Courts AT THE SILVER SADDLE Mrs. Les Randall has been ill with an attack of stomach ulcers. The Silver Saddle was repainted this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hopper wait ed Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Calloway In Salem Sunday. Marjorie Murray of Visalia, Calif., arrived this week to visit her parent«, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hough and Jackie visited Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Smith of Corvallis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kurtia were in Portland over the wek end. Lawrence Kurtti received a lang gash on his back when he fel out of a boat at the camp, onto a piece of iron. AT MARTIN’S Walt Westgaard left this week for Cottage Grove to work at the Dorena dam. * I FURNITURE « ¡ PRICES IN THE John Adams VALLEY NEW & USED ■ •- GLEWS MARKET I 1605 N. Summer SALEM. ORE. Linoleum Wool Carpet Appliance« Living Room Funrniture Bedroom Furniture • TRADE • TERMS Ph. 3-5110 MMaM mu Wallace, Lidell Wallace, Tommy Ben- 'nett, Larry Campbell, Gracie Cross. Mr. Debolt and Lloyd Etter donat ed their prixe money to the auxiliary drive. Other new residents from Feather River, California are John H. Dahms and Thomas Clemens. All are employ ed by Consolidated Builders, Inc. SPECIAL Delicious Home-made JAMS and JELLS Ed Kellom’s Grocery .Mrs. Iris Hogate of Corvallis, sis ter of Mrs. Lester Mullins, is work ing at Viv’s. Mr. Hogate is employed at the dam as a chuck tender. Mill City iimihhmh Mill Ci SEE AT LOWEST I Mrs. Bob Wright and son, LeRoy the week end with friends at Camas, returned Sunday from a week in Eu Washington and shopped in Portland on Monday. gene. Mr«. Joseph L. Valek and childien Sandra Towne is spending a day plan to visit her sister, Mrs. M. R. with the Paul Clises on the North Davis and family at Corvallis for a Fork. couple of weeks, leaving this week Mrs. Larry Wilson and Susan, Mrs. end. Lynn Baker and Steven, and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buiton went tn R. Towne spent Wednesday in Leb- Salem Wednesday. anon, Ore. Robert Hankins of Lakeport, a fri Quite a few from the park plan to end of the Burtons arrived last week. Cousins of Forrest Higgins, Cecil attend the dedication of the new high way Sunday. Martin and family of Vale, Or«., R. A. Martin and family of Brooks, Ore. and Paul and Melvin Lunsford and families of Iowa and Minnesota vis ited over the week-end. The Lunsford The Santiam Eagles held a dance plan to locate here. Saturday evening at the Rod and Gun Lyle and William Yates are visit Club with about 150 attending. A lo ing their maternal grandparents, Mr. cal orchestra furnished the music. and Mrs. William Gillespie of Havre, Sunday the Eagles held a picnic at Montana. They plan to retuin around Suttle Lake. Due to the weather only August 27th. about 75 attended. The tables were Mr. anil Mrs. Delbert Matthews and bountifully laden. A large birthday Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson and son, cake honored the 11th birthday of Bobby drove to Corvallis Sunday to Larry Campbell, non of Mr. and Mrs. see the scenery. The Matthews came Carl Campbell. After the picnic here from Richland. Washington and prior to that lived at Missoula, Mont. lunch Ed Debolt, president, told of •the organization of an auxiliary here. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howard went I Mrs. Gale Fagan has been deputized fishing up near Big Cliff dam over as organizer and her assistants are the week-end. They got a good catch.’ D R steven8 and Mrs. Forrest The Don Walkeis have purchased a Etter. 1947 Sparton Manor trailer. j 0^,.^ winning races in the af- Mr. and Mr«. F. L. Woodrum went teinoon were Carol Campbell, John to the show in Salem Saturday night. ! At Clise’s Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchel! and family spent the week end in Port land and attended the wedding of their son, Robert Dean. For your excavating Mr. and Mrs. Vern Curl of Artesia, Calif., visited at the Clises the past and dump truck work week. 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel. Several women of the paik helped Basements, Trench Mrs. Clise celebrate her birthday on and General Excavating Thursday. Birthday cake and coffee Silver Saddle Trailer Camp were the refieshments. The same eve Mill City, Ore. Ph.903 PO ning the families surprised Mrs. Clise with another party. Bill Mitchell and friend from Port land spent Saturday at his parents’ home. New people in the park are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnett and family; Mi. and Mrs. D. E. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Franz. F. Ferris, and Dan Cross and family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnett spent the Week end at Coos Bay. Work on the new utility house is piogressing very rapidly. The new motel will be built in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. George Clise spent GREENLY’S Plumbing (S' The Brown Derby FREEM Large chocolate-dipped A New and Delicious ICE CREAM CONE FROZEN DESSERT Something New! Vanilla Coupon with each cone redeemable for prizes Chocolate Strawberry Pineapple MUIRS BAKERY ». in Quarts ...stock up for the week-end with smooth, refreshing Sicks’ Select in quarts... the thrifty way to buy beer. Heating LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PULMBING AND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE TOO SMALL Shop and Residence 1260 Macleay Rd. SALEM Ph. 2-7390 um MM I Ml ■ pi OPEN SUNDAY Watch for opening of Complete Eood Service Mill City Meat Market rnEWIJG COMPANY SAIF •* You Can Save TILLAMOOK ll> buying $10.00 in meal ticket . you can get $11.IM) worth oi Mom I. ••ter’, hue food. COUNTY FAIR TILLAMOOK, OREGON, AUG. 16 20 Inn Side Cafe Five thrill packed days are in store far all of you who attend Oregon's largest Livestock exhibitions, carnival, horse racing, Hollywood stage review, 4 H exhibits and many other special •- vents. 1 et's go, folks, and best wishes for a successful celebration. Coir, mereiai Ja nd Residential Builders F »pert Rulldonng Road Building This advertisement it appearing in 25 newspaper! within the compsnv service areas of Tiltimook, Linn, Benton, > I «ring. Grading »rd f e»el>og Folk. Lincoln '1 • nn tt F Mill City l«ll \I.M Marion o"d Line counties. •nd tonerei- Work - 1.1 tn w i n oi it woith Station Blu» 162-K • or» «III* 1915 Mountain Slates Power Company * sttr-sveeoeriNG raxeaviNO poivari iNrrocoist do liLltf