Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
The North Santiam’s Serving the North Santiam Valley Mill City Enterprise MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. UGUST II. 1919 VOLUME V. NUMBER 32 BJMMIU1 Lyons, Mehama. Elkhorn Mill City, Gates, Mangold Detroit and Idanha $2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY — ■ Looking Up Council Asks and Down Money Back the Canyon On Street Job, N. Santiam Highway to Be Opened Sunday by McKay By CHARLES WOLVERTON My friends out of town when they The city council Wednesday asked write, usually give me a serious lec the State Highway Commission for I ture on “looking out of the Canyon” its money back—for unrendered ser- once in a wihile, instead of up and vices. lown it. Mill City had paid the state $1000 But, despite the fact that I do take for woik on streets, promised to be- a peek from time to time, it resolves gin Aug. 1. Payment was ma ie last The kindergarten which the Mill down to the unquestionable condition June, the department requesting the City Parent-Teacher Assn, is sponsor To one Canyon old resident, the money in advance. that things make sense here — and opening of the North Santiam high In a letter to Jerry Far:ar, high ing this year will begin the ■ latter they don’t very often outside. way Sunday has especial meaning. Take, for instance, the ca«« of the way official, Carl Kelly, street com Robert Veness, PT A nr*aid*nt president, who •”»! For he and his family came down missioner, wrote: new U.S. policy toward China. has been making arrangements. The the same Canyon route 49 years ago “ The city of Mill City iequest the This nation, since the war, has un- bpstairs of the firehall will probably A progiam of land acquisition in in a pack train. dertaken a commitment of halting State Highway Commission refund be used. He is W. J. Stitt, of Gates, who our check for $1000 which was in the area of the Detroit Dam reser communism throughout the wo H. It Mrs. R. L, Ash ,who formerly was voir got under way this week, with has lived there for almost half a tended for repair of our streets. We has lavished your money an i mine, century. have decided against this plan and a teacher in North Dakota, will have to the impairment of American liv aie going ahead with the paving with charge. If registration warrants it, an pruchases of several tracts by the Gov. Douglas Mckay will preside Mr. Stitt, his wife, now deceased, Aimy Engineers. ing standards and the complete dis new equipment which we have pur assistant will be needed. over the dedication of the North San Lt. Col. D. A. Elliget, acting Port his father, William Stitt, and two integration of the price and wage chased.” A five day week is being planned land district engineer, said nine op children made the trip by horseback tiam Highway Sunday, bis office said balance, in older that shaky govern today. The council has assigned Police with childien between the ages of 4 tions had been accepted. Several hun aiound 1900 over the Minto Trail. ments abroad be propped up enough Chief J. T. King to superintend the and 6 years eligible. Hours will be be dred parcels of private and non-fed- The North Santiam Highway is a One child rode with his father, and come true. Its opening Sunday dream to withstand the Reds. Mrs. Stitt carried a baby on another street work. Larry W’right, former tween 9 and 11:30 in the morning. eral land will be acquired. horse. Mr. Stitt managed the pack lights the whole future of this Can- But, so commited, what results did Marion County deputy sheriff in the I-ater this month a special meeting The tracts were: yon. U. S. achieve. While possible com- uppe Canyon aiea, has been asked to will be announced so that all interest Hammond Lumber Co., 1441.73 ac horses. Once a back road avoided by all but They weie living in eastern Ore ed mothers will be informmed of the res, $4585. muni st revolution was postponed for serve as local officer temporarily. the hardiest motorist, it now has be make the gon when they decided to while a com- One of the biggest single jobs to equipment needed, the charge per awhile in Greece; and Oregon Fish Commission, 80 acres, trip to Gates, where they had rela- come a modern thoroughfare, linking bination of unsavory elements was be undertaken is grading down 1st i month, and other necessary data. $2884. the Pacific Norwest with the East and Registration is open at the Mill welded temporarily into an anti-com Ave. to reduce the abrupt rise there. Oregon Pulp and Paper Co., 55.5 tives. the Southwest. route be- The trail was the only The stretch has been culverted and iCity Enterprise or with Mrs. Robert acres, $19.910. munist fiont in Italy; and while in Dedication ceremonies will be held sides the railroad until 1925 when Veness, president. a few other nations—in all less than work will begin in a week or so. Col. Elliget said the real estate at Breitenbush Brid'<e Sunday morn the first highway was built. There has been discussion of after division would continue to accept op 100,000,000 in population—were ‘sav ing at 11:30, after caravans from the noon classes. This mattei will be tak tions until all property in the res ed’ from revolution, the 500,000.000 MK east and west meet there. en up at the meeting. millions of Chinese were rolling mer ervoir has been acqqi)«t|. Following t>he dedication a picnic rily on to a genuine Red revolt. Congress has not authorized pur ha hold t»! Whitewater fore at Does that make sense. So long as chase of any property, other than I camp at 1 o’clock. this nation, by policy and plan, is for direct use, above the water line Miss Jeanne Bray, Detroit, has patterning a program for eventuel of the lake. An 18,000 gallon gas tank will be been chosen queen for the day. Her war with Russia and communism, installed in Lyons at a new railroad princesses are Mary Gordon and Del- does it make sense that we’d let half siding, it was announced by Sam phine Tucker, Idanha, Jackie Payne, a b;!lion people go over to th« “en- Bridges, distributor of liquid bottled Detroit, and Lorena Devine, Gates. einy” while trying to hold as allies fuel in the Canyon area. Honoring the royal court a queen’s —and with teriffic cost—a handful Mr. Bridges said a rapid increase . ball will be held in the new auditor of washed-out, sawed-off, cut-over in consumption of the fuel in the area j Vernon S. Todd, superintendent ol ium of the Detroit school Friday eve Euiopean counties, which the State his company serves n ssitated ad-¡schools, called upon new residents Detroit is getting a new auditorium ning. for its school system this week. Real estate transactions which pre Department has mistakenly called dttional storage faciliti The tank‘this week to register their children County Judge. Frank Mui phi will The building will be turned over sage thousands of dollars of business countries 7 ji, , ' »meter well in advance of the regular open- crown the own In ceremonies fol to the Detroit-Idanha school district developments in the lower Canyon ai- It is true that realism dictated and foundations for it are being in-1 ing of school Sept. 6. ■ low ing the bAuquet. in time for the pre-dedication cere ea were made this week. that China was a lost cause. There stalled. A railroad siding alieady ha- ]■ Mr. Todd said the local school is Parking space at the dedication is monies of the North Santiam high The M. & M. Woodworking Go. of aware that a great increase in stu- was good reason to abandon the ne been put in. to be open at the school grounds. way. Overall dimensions of the build Portland purchased property along Mr. Bridges 1 estimated the cost of dent population has occuried this farious Chiang Kai-shek and his rob The Boy Scouts will have charge w installations at $15,004). J summer and the school wants to be ing nre 88 by 124 feet and is com the Southern Pacific branch, between of the sale of ice cream and pop. ber gang. Yet having so decided that the new plete except foi some hardware. It Mill City and Gate«, fiom Mr. and The busines« was set up less than , ready. China could no longe be an outpost The following committees have was built for the Army Engineers Mrs. Nelson Lanphear, for a reload a year ago. Pre-registration of new students in of U.S. defenses against the Soviet, made I the arrangements: by the Rushlite Co. site and car loading area. Prepara both the grande and high schools will what n«xt 7 East of the Cascade«: Tommy The same company also has the tion of the site is already in pio- TRAILER BURNS open Friday, Sept. 2. At the same Thompson, Redmond; M. K. Hauk, Such a momentous decision calls contract for building the resident en gress. Fire destiojred the trailer hone of . time a legist: ation of new first grade (Continued on Back Pagel for another, because the balance of . Norn an Thomason Snuday evening The loading zone will be used to gineer’s office at the damsite, sched ■ childien an i freshmen in the high transfer veneer from the Idanha Ve world power shifts violently in a new uled to be ready in about six weeks. I in Iilan'-a. , chool will be made. direction with the shifting of China, Work started this week on the new neer Co., a subsidiary, and for load r COLOBS GLAMOURIZB It was believed that the fire had Pre-school registration will be held on the scales. townsite for permanent residents of ing logs. After the abandonment of SCHOOL FOR LOCAL KIDS smoldered in the home for some time from 9 to 12 the Morning of Sept. 2. Going to school may be a dull bus the Detroit Dam personnel. Contract the railroad this week above Gates, China has long slept while western »¿fore hreaking into flame, when ob Mr, Todd announced that Burton was won by Minnis tvnd Shilling, Eu- iOmber companies in the upper Can iness, but it’s bound to be a little nations dominated her. Her vast pop served by neighbors. T1 ia /¡¡e depart- , Thorough«, former, -•/ ” «■ «»hletic director - yon will be no longer able to ship brighter in the new Mill City Orado ulation was of little account because ment was called out, but it was too at Sweet Home, will coach sports in gcfip. wno will <rade housing and wood products through the construc School. parking aieas, build a repair shop, of her backwatdness and disunity. late to save the trailer. It was the'* the Interior decoration is progressing u local high school ............. this year, re tion aiea uf the Detroit Dam. warehouse, electrical, sewer ; . «nd wa- 1 ’’’bo Kurd Harvey mill and the Id rSnjdlv in fhgs But China has great potential pow second recent fire for Mr. Thoma :on. placing Steve Beck, who i esigned. Kitilrltv „ «-4 II— - « < »-• »--V M»” IV1 W MiiM _ _ 14 VC* ter systems, for an initial 15-home er. Its people are industrious and al A short time ago the inside of his community on the lake formed by the anha Lumber Co. p.’^viously were re ly colors arc the rule. Eved Hi« old ert. Given a start on industrialization cai was burned. •Mr. and Mrs. George Wright have dam between the Breitenbush and porter as purchasers of sites they are likely to pi ogress far more aid- blackboard has turned a bright green. moved to the Reid Motel apartments. Tumble Creek bridges. I Tile floors in two colors contrast with rapidly along that line than the Rus BLESSED EVENT ’ ing«. sians did. Truly. Mao, the Commun j George Steffy paced the floor all Dick Turpin sold 108 feet of high two-tone walls in every room. ist chief, has far better materia! in night. The stork was on tin e and a About 75 per cent of the glazing way frontage in the northeast part I of town to C. H. Cass and L. C. Da has been completed. Most of the cab the coolie than Lenin and Stalin had ! half. ‘Wild Honey,” hi- cocker span- in the mudzik. vis, both of Detroit. Mr. Cass said inets aie completed and some of them | iel. had seven pulps. that constiuctlon of 100 feet of re are in. For Stalin, facing a hostile West, tail business frontage iwu planned Al Adams, superintendent, is sure the American White Paper’s acknowl for the site. now that the building will be ready edgment of the loss of China to the Mr. Tunpin said that the Detroiters for the opening of school Sept. 6. Reds is a far greater triumph than Thick maple floors were being laid had sold their Detroit stores to the a similar sweep would be in the moth- This week is the last one for the bankrupt sale, about 1907. goveinment in the lando acquisition this week in the gynasium. A huge eaten nations of Europe, which U.S. Southern Pacific branch above Gates, For awhile the line was used by program of the Army Engineers of stage at the west end has been con policy now has to concentrate upon. A little, white-haired lady of 86 to Idanha, a chapter in railroad his t'-e Curtis Lumber Co., located in Mill the area to be covered by the res structed. In the White paper, there ought to be something more than the admis | years was united with her grand tory closed by the opening of a new City, and later by the Hammond in ervoir of the Detroit dam. M> Davis is proprietor of a gen 1« ARRESTS AND CONVICTIONS sion of the failure of our policy in daughter and her son after 48 years. chapter in the age of electric power. terests. Robert S. Shaw, local mill China alone. It makes suspect the They are Mrs. Evan Yates and her The line must make way for the man, was an official of th» line, as eral store in Detroit, the old Roy REPORTED FOR JULY Police Chief J. T. King reported whole policy of “containing” com father. William Gillespie. Detroit Dam, whose reservoir will in- well as the Hammond and Curtis Newport business, and Mr. Cass has ’ Forty-eight tears ago Mrs. Gilles- I undate eight miles of its trackage co mpanies. been a contractor and builder in the to th« city council 16 arrests, upon munism. which there were the same number About 1910 the branch was sold to same area. Moreover, our leaders will be blind ’ p-e and her husband came out to O:e- i and end the usefulness of th» remain- The Mill City State Bank’s new of convictions, for the month of July. if they do not sec that the forfeiture ; gon in a covered wogon with their ling 12 or 13 miles above Gates. The the Southern Pacific, but continued O these, six were for disorderly of China upsets the balance we might three children. The husband did not ^SP has scheduled its abandonment to be used chiefly by Hammond in quarters, being remodeled out of the have had of overwhelming superior survive and Mrs. Gillespie worked ; effective today. Aral when the North terests until 1935 when they pulled old Red and White building, ara go- conduct, five for drunkenness, three ing ahead rapidly. Cement pieis and for speeding and two for reckless ity over the forces of communism. I out to make a living. The children * Santiam highway is officially opened out of the Canyon abruptly, Mr. Hill said the early, wood burn supports were being poured on the driving. The cold war is not going wetf for I were placed out and finally became I Sunday, they’lls tart tearing up the separated. Mr. Gillespie was fifteen I tracks. ing engines pulled cars that were south wall this week. As .soon as the U. S. It would be reckless and fool the last time he saw his mother until joined, not by couplings but the old •.vork on the walls is completed, con LOSES FINGER IN SAW hardy to believe we can now arrav a search finally | D. B. Hill, local banker, said the discovered her liv- John J. McMahon lost his little er type chains and link pins. The struction of an interior more than the same powerful lineup of forces i’ing in Eugene. first railroad to the upper Canyon trains were not equipped with air double the size of the bank’s pi esent finger in a buzz saw Wednesday when we once could. China— not the weak Mrs. Yates is livinir at Martin’s i in the latter 1880’.«. It was built by brakes, and must have roll«! down quarters will begin. he was helping a neighbor cut wood and torn China of t«day •but the trailer court and it was last week- the Corvallis A Eastern Railroad, and some of the steeper grades at quite Mr. McMahon said he looked down Mrs. Ruth Witt has announced the China of tomorrow, will be a far was one of the first rail lines to cut a pace. leasing of half of her store building and saw his little finger dangling and eend that she -aw her grandmother greater nation than she was in tha its way into the big timber of the Many local railroad men are 8» ing to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oleson, of the sane cutting into the next finger Fast. Toward the U. S. China has for the first time. She was still thrill C' - cade s’ west slope. But its build- trasnferred to other runs, although Woodland, Wash., for a irady-to before he felt any pain. He had six ed and dazed. ers went broke before the big profits traffic to cherished a friendly feeling. There is the line, which now will wear and gift shop. The Olesons op stitches taken in the next finger. He o» the virgin Douglas fir were reap- i reservoir of good will we can pre dead-end at Gates, is expected to be erate a similar business in Woodland. was treated by the local physician. * serve. 1** Mr. McMahon is a n»w resident, as great or greater, due to the con- It will be Mill City’s first dress shop. But. if we revalue our relations in T e company *as so broke it could st ruction work in the Canyon and The new laundry building on 1st coming from Feather River, Calif. a new turning point in history, and •t pay it« men. Workers who cut continued use of the branch by lum Av. a as nearing completion, and Alt in respect to a new China, wv ought I c ord w ood the engines used wood in- ber and logging companies operating Construction Co. complet«! the ex LOGGER INJURED to revalue our whole curran* policy.^ »ri’e : bout the Canjuri. T ng.- make -’e»d of coal for $1 a cord an<l piled from sidings in the Gates Mill City te ior walls on a new garage being E<>ward Tachriller suffered a bro Will Wf have to bo* out of other na en e her». A great dam »« being er it along the right-of-way, burned it area. built for an Albany garage man ad- ken leg when a log twiated, striking r t cr than let the railroad use it tions as ignominiously as we have i K b watt- make ••-n-e. A vaat However, substantial part of the jacent to it. Both are of block con- him, in a logging operation of Idan ' out paying for it. bad to <ln in China 7 Are Ae prepared ia' e wi'l rise. Fishing’« better than timber industry -will change over to st ruction. ha Lumber Co. He was taken to ■» tn wage Che cold war7 or will we b» ffighting. Man’s efforts here add up '■ green gold of the timber along greater use of the highway, ffalem hospital. >zcn on* bv it 7 Or. fa.«» for the h-11 e : ad was reaped by A. B Ham- way from Idanha to Yaquina o' the <(ualit> i*»b printing »♦ the Fatter The Tachrillera live in a trailer it. why not try the tactic« of pea,. not to confusion. I '» d. who bought the line, all the coast, for a reported $100.004» f-> a prise. house above Idanha. Kindergarten Plans Completed Engineers Start Buying Reservoir Land Huge Tank to Be Installed at Lyons I Realty Deals School to Open September 6 It Was a Trail 49 Years Ago Detroit to Receive New Auditorium Railroad Above Gates Draws Search Unites Kin Toward Its Lodging Finale After 48 Years Portend New Building Rise Ceremony Planned At Bridge