Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. Al Gl ST II. 1949 A special meeting of the Gates Woman’s Club was called last Tues day evening to discuss plans for an immediate start on the erection of the new clubhouse. Members met at the home of Mrs. Theodore Burton. Mrs. Elmer Stewart presided at the business meeting. Mrs. Elmer Klutke was selected to act as chairman of th building committee. Other mem bers are Mrs. Floyd Völkel and Mrs. Bob Lewis. The committee was au thorized to hire a carpantei to place’ forms for a cement foundation. Sev eral businessmen of the community have offered to donate labor to help in the future work, and it is hoped to at least have the outside of the house completed by fal. It was de cided to hold a cooked food sale to raise funds, Sunday, August 14, a booth to be erected on the highway. A committee was appointed to make arrangements, including Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Theodore Bur ton, Miss Georgia Shane and Mrs. Harry Keiser. All members are re quester! to bring donations to the booth by 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Three new members were welcomed into the club: Mrs. Joe Jun, and her daughters, Miss Pat and Mrs. Bob iLewia. The next rregular meeting will be at the home fo Mrs. Elmer Klutke Thursday afternoon, Aug. 11; no-host luncheon to be served at 1:30. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Burton, assisted by Mrs. Wilson and Miss Shane, to Mrs. Stew art, Mrs. Albert Millsap, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Joe Jun, Miss Jun, Mrs. llx-wis, M.s. Klutke and the hostess es. The annual meeting of the Schei- nran clan was held Sunday of last week at Avery Park in Corvallis. Twenty-six members of the family attended the picnic dinner served at noon. Mrs. Jack Baker of Salem was elected president and secretary. Pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker and Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, Mick s Midway Cafe and Boarding House WEEKLY KATES. ALL SHUTS ACCOMODATED ON HIGHWAY 222 Midway Between Mill City and Gates MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY Salem; Mrs. Alta Lamphear, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rebhan, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hum- pery and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Ford, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dow, Roseburg; and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison, Gates. Mrs. Pau) Davis left Saturday eve ning by plane for Carbon Hill, Ala , where she was called by the serious illness of her grandmother who had suffe ed a heart attack. Mrs. Davis hopes to be able to return to Gates in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison have leased their fountain and cafe to Mr. and Mt». Harry Osmus or Salem, who started operations Mon day. Mrs. Dollie Reams of Springfield is the house guest of her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and daughter Miss Helen Wilson spent last week in Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ejrry McFadden. Mrs. Laura Joaquin retuined home Saturday evening from Roseburg af ter a visit of several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Layton Gosnells. The Gosnells and infant son were guests here over Sunday at the home of her mother and her bro ther Joe Joaquin, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and two children of Seattle were guests this week at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gar- i ison. Mrs. Gerald Heath and her son Collis were visitors last week in Dal las at the home of her brotiher, Roy Taylor. Mi. and Mrs. Lee Dike of Mill City were Sunday guests at the Heath home recently. A lunch counter was opened in con- | nection with the tavern owned by Jerry Lyons and Glen Henness and will be operated by them. T. R. Burton and two sons, George and Jon, spent several days last week at the lakes fishing. Mrs. Bur ton and son Billy stayed at home. Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, accompanied by her daughter, Carolyn. Mrs. Bert Kelley of Jefferson and one of her students from Jefferson left Tuesday morning for Chicago. The trip was made by motor and the group will attend the National Music Festival in which more thon 10,000 musicians from all over the United States will take part. The festival will last fo- a week and Carolyn will play the electric guitar which she has been studying with Mrs. eKiley. Mr. and Mrs. Wainer Hampton are on their return they were accompan announcing the forthcoming marriage ied by another brother, James Ar- of thei daughter. Miss June Hamp thus, and daughter Betty, who are ton, Sunday, August 20, the service -pending their vacation here, from to take place in the First Christian Seattle. Church in Mill City. The prospective ------ bridegroom is William Whitney Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Whitney of Salem. Sunday callers at trhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were Mrs. Fannie Ricks of California, Mrs. Ed MILL CITY mund Klecker and daughters Carol and Janet and son JefTrie of Stayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and three sons of Mill City. Mi. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin .ac companied by her brother, George | Athurs, motored to Portland ove the week end, visiting relatives. ______ Up- .... -................ -...................... ......... __________ T. ________ _______ - . •___ ' Tex’s Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails Jungwirth SAND & GRAVEL CO ft LYONS, OREGON Gravel, $135 per yard 3-8 minus gravel plus 13c mi. hauling charge Other grades at comparable prices BES iraillllin. ’ IUlU!UUM> t WinLIIUlUIl.lUI!lUWiUilllll!ll Gates G. C. McKinney Ph. 2-2578 ENGINEER 310 S. High st. Surveying Construction, Plans and Specifications Salem, Ore. Randall’s Elkhorn Guest Ranch Breakfast - Lunch - Dinners FRANCIS & CLARENCE .JUNGWIRTH I|BM1IW:UUX: i idi WlfUJlJl h ’ l ! CIVIL J » I I i i ♦ * ♦ I ♦ ♦ 15 Miles East of Mehama on the Elkhorn Road i STAYTON PLUMBING CO. ♦ ♦ I ♦ I I I I I f ♦ ♦ I I f ♦ f I f ♦ ♦ BLUE 118Bor428R, STAYTON Crane Bathrooms and Sinks Briggs Beautyware Pacific Pumps ♦ ♦ ♦ s / Windows and Frames WINDOW FRAMES WINDOWS-Glazed No. 502 fSHAKE MLDj ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • • • with the CRANE NEUDAY GROUP fine appearance plus top quality —that’s the Crane Neuday group. Matched styling. Gleaming white, ea»y-to-clean surfaces. Built-in convenience features, hturdv construction for years of tough service. New engineering —such as Cres/asoo/ faucets »uh controls—lor easy, trouble-free operation. The Crane Neuday group is priced to fit the most ch !» w atihcd budgets. * sc us for pletc information. COLLINN NATION U. MISSION HOT M \TER HE ITER, fo tai. S7.M LOW COST PLUMBING home oe farm before cold weather on our Budget plan Modernize vour No mone down, no pa»ment for 90 days, and aa long aa three year» to pay. Call un for free eMimate • ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • ♦ • ♦ GLASS SIZE 20 X 20 20 X 24 24 X 18 24 X 20 24 X 24 26 X 18 26 X 20 X 24 0 X 18 0 X 20 30 X 24 32 X 24 ■ X 24 REGULAR $10.01 10.73 9.75 10.41 11.08 9.87 10.58 11.25 10.48 11.14 11.84 12.00 12.45 NOW »3.87 4.97 4.28 4.80 5.00 4.15 4.80 5.20 4.50 5.10 5.45 5.00 6.10 Order now while stocks are complete SHEETROCk, 4x8. 3-8" .................................... »50.00 M SHEETROCK. 4x8. ........................................ fW W M <EDA*SHAKES 16” .................................. CEDAR SHAKES, 18" ........................................ »8.00 Sq. AFRICAN MAHOGANY front doors, 'rtfi ' I : 4 »25 .00 GLASS SIZE 26 x 20 No. 859 26 x 20 No. 851 REGULAR »6.31 5.3« NOW »3.25 3.00 WINOOWS-Open NO. 851 2 LIGHTS 20 x 24 .............................................................. 1.00 2» x 18 .............................................................. 1.45 24 x 20 .............................................................. i.5o 26 x 20 .............................................................. i.55 NO. 859 STREAMLINED 20 x 24 .............................................................. i.5O 24 x 18 ............... .............................................. ].«5 24 x 20 .............................................................. i.oo 26 x 20 .................................. „.......................... i,95 'ix# CEDAR SIDING ........................................ »«5.00 M "-TAB ROOFING. 210 Lbs................................... jg.oo Sq. 45 LB. MICA ROOFING................................ $2.25 ROLL 55 I.B. MICA ROOFING ................................ ,2.45 ROLL 105 LB. STAGGERED EDGE $4 oo ROLL 3-4 x 10 CEDAR SIDING.............................. »90 00 M F b Service Lumber Co. Phone 2882 SILVERTON 707 McClaine St. z