Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, MARCH 24. 194» He will be gone this summer. Believe it or not, is snowed Mon day morning. Sally New bioke out with chicken pox Monday morning. There arc sev eral cases in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiebcrt and son were week end Dallas visitors. Mr. Ord, of Mongdi I. superintended at Idanha Sunday school in Mr. Hie- bert’s absence. After a ten ay absence Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer tetumed from Montana where they were called by the illness and death of Mr. Schaf fer’s father. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Evensen re turned last week from a trip to Cal ifornia. Louis Sproggis sold his place to the new owner of the Idanha Tavern. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Floyd took their children out to the doctor Monday mrnng. All hive been ill w th sore throats. —iliss Georgia Shane, accompanied ty Mrs. Curtis Cline of Mill City and Gene Burris motored to Salem Fri By REBA I). SNYDER day to view the spring opening. Bur Mr. and Mrs. Ebeit Brown went ris returned home in a new car ha by bus to Bend Monday for medical pui chased there. attention Monday, returning to Id *lrs ^.yle Potter and daughter Ly anha Tuesday. la and Mrs. Fred Mosner of Portland Miss Eeleanor Barney of Bend and were Saturday and Sunday visitors Bill Prophet of the U. S. Navy came at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Albert Wednesday to visit at the horn« of Millsap. They also were guests at her parents, Mr. and Mis. George the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pot Barney. Mr. l'n>pv'et made Tommy ter and other friends in Mill City. Barney a gift of a baby alligator, 11 Mr. and Mrs. John Ziebert and inches long. Tommy is thinking of two children of Silver Creek Falls taking over the family bathtub or were recent guests at the home of his Uncle Bill’s log pond for his pet her mother, Mrs. Riley Champ. this summer. ' Mr. and Mrs. Doyte Rogers and Due to severe coTJTs an I stomach family who have resided in Kings flu, several children missed school the Praiiie for the past two years moved last of the week. Among them were io a new home they have purchased Sally New, Alan and Jimmy Girod near Dallas. and the Otis Floyd children. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Colgan, former Warren Stahl went to Portland on ly of Pendleton, parents of Mrs. Wil Wednesday for his son who has been liam Pennick, have located in- Mill hospitalized the,e. City, occupying an apartment above Albert Snyder and Tuffy Woodwar i the Jenkins Hardwate. have been putting up wood the past Members of the Gates Birthday few days . Club were entertained Saturday af Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittain and Cleo Spoelstra of Idaho was the ternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter girls went to Salem Saturday morn house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brisbin. Eucher ¡provided diversion ing on business and on to Roseburg Wilson last week. Spoelstra, a resi for the afternoon. High score was to impend the week end with his b:o- dent of Gates several years ago, is un iw u Hawaii "i -ai m- -a mi m an mnnn aa hu laMuauaiauMMaa ther Leland and1 family. planning to locate here later. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Tucker and boys Tilmon Rains of Sweet Home ha- spent the week end with Mrs. Tuck been spending a two-weeks’ vacation er’s sister in Klamath Falls. at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wolfe were Mrs. Tilmon Rains. Fire Cosmetics and Perfumes guests at the Snyder home Saturday Robert Meyers and Geie Bu:ris, en Gifts for Men and Women night. gineers in charge of the gravel tests 50 Cents up Paul Reynolds has ¡been busy put on the properties of Georgia Shane KAY COLBURN, Distributor ting up new power lines in Idanha. and Lang Stafford, have been called Mill City, Oregon Milo Harris was a Bend visitor the off the job. Meyers and family have last of the week. The George Bar been transfeirel to Eugene and Bur Studio 200 feet West of Furniture Store neys also went to Bend Friday eve ris plans to attend college in Klam Telephone 2C0€ for appointm -nt ning to spend the week end with ath Falls. Darwin Weathers, son of Mr. and their daughter Eleanor. M iss Alice Fryer of Detroit was Mrs. Irvin Weathers, was taken to hostess to a dinner, movie and pa- Bend' last week for medical attention jama\narty for »a group of girls Fri for after-effects of a seveie case of day night. Those invited, from Idan flu. The boy is reported much im ha, were Eva Lou New. Joyce Wat proved. The first anniversary of the mar kins and Charlotte McKeever. The Otis Floyd family left Thuis- riage of Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Bris MEHAMA day for Lebanon where they spent bin was observed by a family dinner the week end returning Saturday af Sunday at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. artfl Mrs. Gilbert ternoon. Roscoe Franklin was in Idanha on Brosig. Other membeis of the fam Saturday to collect his belongings. ily present were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hayward. Hfrs. Brisbin and her hus band leceived a cablegram of con gratulations and best' wishes from Miss Ethel Morgan of England. Miss Morgan was a friend of Darrel Hav- ' OPEN SUNDAYS, 9 a.m. -4 p.m. : 1 ward when he was in service in Eng land. SUNDAY PAPERS Idanha held by Mrs. Martha Bowes, second, Mrs. Riley Champ, and consolation was given Mrs. Lula Collins. Visitors prize was piesented Mrs. Gerald Heath. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Brosig. Members attend ing were Mrs. Edmund Davis, Mrs. Blanch Dean, Mrs. Martha Bowes, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Riley Champ, Mrs. Arnold Syverson and Mrs. Lula Collins. Special guests were Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Merle Devine were Mrs. Melbourne Ranfbo and two and Mrs. Hollis Tumidge. children and Lila Champ, daughter There has been an epidemic of f Mr. and Mrs. Steve Champ. stomach flu here the past week. Am ong those suffering from the disease BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Weddle Funeral Home Clothing, Housewares MODERN FUNERAL M AC’S SERVICE Stayton, Oregon 145 S. Church, nest to Salem Parking CA*T¿U„?T Efrj Oregon Pioneer HANI) MADE WORK Calked Logger Plain toe, or lace-to-tiar. sp><ng heel. Gates 8 INCH RANGER SHOE Plain tor and Uce-to-toe OVT1AUÍ BLACK BEAR Tin Pants and Jackets LUZIER’S Ken 10 INCH ENGINEERS’ BOOTS * Oil tan. Goodyear welt HIRSCH WEIS Tin Pants and Jackets Town & Country 100 PER CENT WOOL STORE 293 N. Commercial SALEM 1 i zi4- vjrOlllCl za I BLACK UNDERWEAR Featuring New Low Prices During the - - - - LYONS VARIETY Film and Developing. Dry Cleaning AMERICA’S Most Treasured Documents CANDY - CIGS - TOBACCO Mom & Pop’s Cafe Private Dining Room » -ac- -ac- •» X -ac- :«• NEXT WEEK Washington's Account of War Expenses. See our big Spring Showing of Frigidaire Home Appliance». See all the modern convenience» and In our display window Mountain States Power Company Learn about these FRIGIDAIRE appliances Refrigerator» e Electric Range» e Automatic Wa»her e Electric Water Heater» e Electric Clothe» Dryer e Electric Ironer e Home Freezer» e Electric Dehumidifier e Kitchen Cabinet» and Sink* A Self Supporting, Tax Paying Private Enterprise -at. -as- at- as »:■ as- at- feature» you get in America'» ’’Fir»t Family" of kitchen and laundry appliance». as- <♦: i Í « Deluxe, 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator Full w idth Super • Freezer Che»t — full width, gla»»-topped Hydrator — famou» Meter-Miier mechaniim — many other ex- dusive advantage». See itl 20 9 75 with Live-Water Action Frigidaire De Luxe Electric Range Only Frigidaire ha» live Water action. Waihet cloth«» deaner, riniet th«m brighter in dean water/ All-porcaloin in- • ——U ©Vt. All-porc«lain, Cook Matter Oven Clock Control, Ev«n-Heat Oven, Triple-Duty Thermizer Deep-Weil Cooker, many other feature» you thould tea. Automatic V7asher Other Model* From Other Modrl« Free 154.75 Frigidaire'Jiffy.Meas^te Edward Williams SALEM 330 Court :• «K x « « -at- « Com« ml So« a Frigidair« demonstra cup*, toblatpoon« and ounce. - • mod tion and get a handy, u.efvl. ■ OL convenient JIFFY MEASURE W» marked m pmtt. during the frigi daw* Spring Showing. kitchen gadget W» FREE