Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, MARCH. 24. 1919 ha«« been is Mill City the past Qre»s and Jack Ashbaaer, of Santa ] ! have baen living in I few month- left for Red-ung, Calif., | Monica, Calif. L. C. Hall, Jimmie Farris, George Monday. A farewell party was given Mül City, Oregon. Young and J. A. McBritt, err. pl aged them Saturday ah oh*-Roy Walker Mr. and M r>. Del Nelson retained Charlee Wolverton, Editor and Publia her by the engineering department of Mi home. last week, after an extended visit A birthday aurpgise-party for Roy chael Ba bars, Inc, moved to Camp witii tihair relativ«« in Boise, Idaho, Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager MongoM March 14 for aaaignmsnts. Walker wa«-given in his honor Sat and Hiawatha, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanan took their Frail Miller of Portland war a bws- urday by Mrs. Walker. Guests were Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Mr. and Mr*. Carl Smith of Mehama. Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ineae-caller in Detroit. baby son to Bend last week for med Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson, Pa Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howard, Mr. and ical attention The infant has been ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING cific Grove, Calif, are the parents of Mrs. Ed Warner and Di Jg Shepard. quite ill with flu. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and a daughter, Linn Marie, bom March Mrs. Albert Toman enteratined the those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too ¿ate to Classify" 10. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Auxiliary of the Lions Club Tuesday section. Olivet Johnson of Detroit. evening, with eight present. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not Willis Hayes was a business call- Jimmie and Johnnie Reed are ill be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. ler in Salem last week. CLASSIFIED RATE with the measles. Mrs. Loritz Hansen has returned Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mather and Pen Ono insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inoh after spending a week in Portland ny speat Tuesday evening in Mill /{ NATIONAL EDITORIAL for medical attention. City. Penny stayed with the Crusons PER O reg ] Mrs. Roy McKeever, who under and Mr. and Mrs. Mather were at went surgery in Portland on her the Lowell Stiffler home. I A T I 0 N PB Bl I S Hl thumb, i* recovering. A dinner honoring the 86th birth Mr. and Mie. Les Be»son, Mrs. day of Mrs. Isabel Beeson was given mile to the township line; thence to the north line of said Section Den Davis and Mrs. Kenneth Kenny Sunday by her mother, Mrs. Herbert west one mile along the south 33; thence west to the northwest were business callers in Bend Last Schroeder. GuostflOwere Mr) and Mrs. line of section 35; thence south comer of section 33; thence north week. Harvey Beeeon and sone, Winchester to the southeast comer of the to the center of the North Santiam Visiting with Scott and Oecil Ful- Mr. and Mr». Fred Lieper, Albany, northeast quarter of the north River; thence Easterly up stream lington last week were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schroeder, of east qarter of section 3 in along the center of said river to L. W. Fullington and «on Douglas Forest Grove» Township 10 South, Range 3 east, the point of beginning. of Hood River. Mrs. Charles Kelley was hostess Will. Mer.; thence west to the west saving and excepting any right of Shuffleboard winners: Detroit Lim- to the Missionary Society of the Pres line of said section 3; thence north way of any railroad or any Federal, iter, Francis Stout and Kenny Pink- byterian Church, Mrs. Lester Hath one-fourth mile to t-h e township State or County owned land that staff;; Mrs. Ann Anderson and Mr». away, president, in charge. Mrs. line; thence West to the southwest might 'be included within the boun Roy McKeever. of Idanha. James Swan led the program and comer of the southeast quarter of dary of the above described area. Cedar Tavern: Clifton Veal and Dr. David Ferguson and Mrs. Hath th« southwest quarter of section 33 Floyd Yarborough. o away led the devotions. Present be in Township 9 South of Rang« 3 Visiting the Dick Ruckers last week sides w«» Mr«. Anne Dawes, Mrs. east; Will. Mer.; thence North one- “PINK DOGWOOD, ROSES”. Ral was Gunnar Nelson of Prineville. Herbert Schroeder; Mrs. Floyd Fleet fourth mile; thence West one- eigh Harold Nursery, 319 W. Wash. .Mr. Neel on reported the earth-fill wood, Mrs. Fred Grimes, Mrs. Clay fourth mile to the West line of St. Stayton, Ore. ed Ochoco dam, overflowed and near ton Baltimore and Mrs. Johi Swan. said section 33; thence North one- ly flooded Prineville. 7 Metie Stewart left Tuesday for fourth mile to the quarter Section Miss Fay Cooper discovered a pan Port Riley, Calif, after a furlough corner on the west line of said sy in bud in her yard last week. We with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. section 33; thence East one-fourth can hardly call it a freak. That would Stewart. He expects to be given for mile; thence North one - half mile be a nasty name for -so welcome a eign duty soon. \ff sight. Could it be the pansy is her Mr. and Mre. Carl Kelly, Mir. and alding an early spring? Or maybe it Mre. Russell Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Bob is just trying to even up the score Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen a bit on that daffodil business in the of San Francisco went to the coast valley. In either case, salutations to last week end. a brave little pansy. Mr. and Mrs. 1 KennoUh Hill are moving to Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Chai les Cruson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson and family SMALL HOME, EXCELLENT have returned to Mill City to live. NEIGHBORHOOD, CLOSE TO Mr. and Mrs. Dick Siddall wen Mrs. R. L. Faust, and Mr. and Mrs. STORE. LARGE LOT. ELEC week end guests of J. C. Kerbei ami I^ee Rose visited Mr. Faust in Vin TRIC RANGE. cent’s Hospital in Portland Sunday, family. Mr. and Mre. Clifford» Mork and family also called on the Kerbers Mr. Faust is improving. FULL SELLING PRICE Mr. and Mrs. William Biockmnn Sunday. have rented the apartment of Jack $2000.00 Colburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Web NOTICE OF HEARING ster, now at Wolf Greek, are plan By order of the County Court of ning to return to their home wi.ich the Brockmans have been renting. Linn County, Oregon, issued March Mrs. Marietta Smith hase been very 17 1949 notice is hereby given that ill at the home of her son, Charles on Monday, April 18, 1949 at 10:80 ACROSS Real Estate Smith, in Gates. Wllbwr Smith has- A. M. of .said day in the County I. This word means “the top” ’ or could apply to the work of been here sever»' days because of his Court Room in the Couit House at “the peak” as in Broadway Ap- Broadway Appliances. Salem, Oregon, a hearing -will be held mother’s illness. MILL CITY LICENSED ipliances. 21. This is a current fund drive Mrs. Lowell Stiffler, Wavne and on the proposed formation of a Rural 4. Here's a city in England or we should all take part in. Prin Neal, Mrs. Robert Veness an I Shir Fire Pr< tx. tion District to be known Pennsylvania. It’s also the deepd cipal word combination with ley and Mrs. Cb "les Wolverton «nd as th - Gates Rural Fire Pi election freezer you’ll want from Broad ‘‘Sweet.’’ Jeffy visited the Lyons kin!<wgart*n District the exterior boundaries are J* k ULRICH CO way Appliance. 22. With food prepared on a Kal which as follows: Wednesday. $1 per month and up REALTORS 8. This word is gangster language amazoo Range -from Broadway Jim Reed was in town, from Mo- Beginning at a point where the Also serving Gates and Lyons Investments - Insurance - Appraisals for “gun.” Also is the only filter Appliance yul’ll think you're eat lalla, on business Monday. line between sections 28 and 29 in ■ We specialize in all types of apprais you meed in a Cory coffeemaker. ing at the--------- . Township 9 South. Range 4 East, Mr. and Mrs; Bob SuNivan who MILL CITY 9. Initials for the fellows in the 23. Abbreviation for Saint. (Er.) Will. Mer, Linn County, Oregon, al^ See us about your values. Expert DISPOSAL SERVICE last war. 25. "OF’ or “from.” (Fr.) intei sects the Center of the North Federal appraiser. Have testified in I II. Pronoun always considered 26. ‘Ta.” (Spanish) Phone 2102 Santiam River; thence running Federal court 33 times on values. when you get household applianc- LEONARD HERMAN 28. To be. (Present tense) South theree-fourths mile to the Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court e». 30. Industrial caol region. Valley quarter section comer between sec 12. Initials: Next to the President in Germany. tions 32 and 83 in said Tp. ami 13. First letters of word ending 33. Here’s the man who pays, Range; thence Wert one-half mile- Septic Tanks Cleaned in "sire," A fine vacuum cleaner (less at Broadway Appliance) to the center of said Section 32; Tanks priced $13.60 and up, st Broadway Appliance. 34. All you need for a filter with thence South one-fourth mile to and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew 15. Initials of agency assisting 9 the Cory Glass Coffee-Maker. the southeast comer of the North er Baryks. No digging. No above. Also contraction for south- 36. Direction on compass. east quarter of the southwest quar em state. 37. We have lots of thess and pots ter of said section 32; thence Wert 16. —facto. Legal term, Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327.......... too at Broadway Appliance. one-fourth mil« to the southwest 18. From a steer; this word fits 38. Deep-freeaer. Mew 1*7« Dm St, W. Salem corner of the northeast quarter of right into your Broadway Appli- 39. The coffee maker that uses the southwest quarter of said sec ance deep-freezer. just a rod for a filter. tion 32; thence south one-fourth 20. This word, meaning "tidy,” X HOWARD CORSET SHOP mils to the south line of said sec tion 32; thence west one and one- DOWN FOUNDATION GARMENTS fourth miles to th« southwest cor 1. A manufacturer of car radios 17. Spoke. Special Attention Given to Fittings ner of section 3^ in said Tp. and and fans that are tops. At Broad- 19. These will taste better cooked H osie ry- Lingerie-D ressos-Smock s Range; thence North one-half mile way Appliance, of course. with Broa.hvay Appliances. Also 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 to the quarter section corner on 2. the thing you use to prepare slang for food. the West line of said section 31; fine home-made pop-urn. Set 24. With “Roto,” a vacuum clean thence West one-half mile to the Broadway Appliance er unsurpassed at Broadway Ap center of Section 36 in Township 3. Nickname. Man's pliance. 9 South. Range 8 East, Will. Mer.; 6. Exclamation. (What you say 27. A great number. A multitude thence south one-fourth mile to the will flflt2'ou W,c6 1>8 n(o.. rP As in the variety at Broadway northeast corner of the south half when you see the Broadway Appli Appliance. of the soptlnrert quarter of said ance bargains.) 29. Signal of distress. section 36; thence west one-half 6. The 1»-^ n*nre in copper clad 31. The hope of humanity. (Ini- mile to the v>»rt line of said sec utensils. Also famous night-.,der tin Is.) tion 36; thence sooth ons-fourth of 177* 32. This one foots the bills tor ’ "* qMtaMBtaB 7. With “Art.” The freeier refri her. Evergreens of all kinds, camel- TYPEWRITERS CALCULATORS gerator combination featured at 33. All the goods are up to this ADDING MACHINES I iaa, rhododendrons, rose bushes 1*3 N. Commercial Salem Broadway Appliance. word at Broadway Appliance In and many others. CAPITOL OFFICE 9. —to Broadway Appliance Phono 31*88 fact, they are above it. (Golf Fruit trees, berry plants. EQUIPMENT CO. 10. — is the best place term) BILL TIMM Nl USERY 531 Co«rt............ Saiaaa Orcgsw 13. Guy who won’t buy his wife 35. The “state” of Washington, Phone 3622 MILL CITY a Broadway Appliance. the nation's capital. 14. Fatter. 37. River th Italy. DETROIT The Mill City Enterprise Rudy Cadin was a visitor at the Fred Beatty home in Redmond last week. Visiting the Max Harlans last week end were Mrs. Harina's cistar,. Gel die Bodycon, and Red Wire, of Long view, Wash. The Harian’a son, Bill, returned with them for a week’s vis it with his grandparents. Moving here last week to make their home are Mr. and Mrs. James There’ll Be No Crosswords When You Put Your Reliance in roa o wati APPLIANCE C . 453 COURT 2-1565 | 2 rr ■ /♦ L > r1 1 r N ■ House For Sale ■ David M. Reid GARBAGE SERVICE MIKE’S Septic Service I HOVj YOU WILL . BENEFIT BY READING . | TOY & HOBBY SHOP Learn It a not hard to ieam to fly with a competent instructor. DAVIS AIRPORT has enraged the ser vice of Ted Galbraith. Silverton, a licensed flying instructor, who will he at the airport twice each seek, ihcck with Byron Davis, Mill City Tavern, for details. «U k KXWH» V DAVIS AIRPORT