Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1898)
Yamhill County Reporter V. H. BAH5HAKT, Editor A Propr. J. Ci. ECKMAN, Associate Editor. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Roivltngnotlcesln local column» 10 cents per lluu for first week and o cents per line thereafter. Display advertisement», annual rates, one inch par mouth *1. each additional inch 50 cent» per month. Obituary and marriage notice» not exceeding '0 line, published free, if furnished tn time to ba current news. Additional matter 10 cent« per Hue. paid in silver coin shows the real sit uation and the real cause of the slow progress that has been made in re gard to currency reform by the re publican party. The votes on that proposition—to pay the United States bonds in silver—have showu beyond question that the republican party does not control the senate of the United States in behalf of its sound money principles, and it cannot therefore be held responsible for the delay in redeeming this pledge as it did redeem its pledge in behalf of the tariff. STATE LEAGUE MEETING. Change of Climate The Largest of its Kind Ever Held in Oregon. tteeolutionw EiidorvinK Sound Cur rency and it* Promoter*« Eat Good Things in Winter Breaks Down the Health of an Oregon Man What a Few Bottles of Hood' Sarsaparilla Did for Him. aud grow fat. Pure food is obtainable if you seek it. We have most any thing you like, aud probably some that you don’t. But you cau buy what you want and reject the rest. Now there’s “Our borne is in Clark county, W»sb- iDgton. My little boy was taken with asthma when only two year» old, aud grew worse until be was live, when the physician advised us to take him to a dry climate. I resolved to go to the great wheat held» ot Eastern Oregon aud work in harveet, but I aoon found my own uealth was failing. 1 could neither eat nor drink without getting sick. 1 was blind and dizzy. I procured a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and began taking it, and in a few weeks I was well and able to work every day. My little boy is now taking Hood's Sareaparilla with good results.’’ D. P attee , Wasco, Oregon. r /'■•J r> 1 Some people wouldn’t be without them. wOCl DHCKS. others wouldn’t be outside’em. The second biennial convention of the republican league of clubs, held Miinlo ^itriin Everybody likes it. We keep it in bulk and can». IvlcipiV »Jj 1 Al Also excellent Paragon Holley Syrup. Huth tine for The state central committee on in Portland on the 1st inst., was the flapjac»«, whether made of Buckwheat, Corn, Flour, or by Aunt Jtinlniu. : FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1898. Wednesday decided to hold the next greatest representative gathering of 1 A repbulican state convention at Asto republicans ever witnessed in Ore Appetizing Chow Chow . < T he cost of carrying a bushel of ria, on Thursday, April 14th There gon. tasted. Known to be pure and wholesome. < wheat from Chicago to Liverpool, a will be 285 delegates. Yamhill will The attendance from localities out Whonfine The new mush product. Leading the van. Everybody distance of 4.400 miles, is seven be entitled to ten The congression side of Multnomah county was re ▼▼ •■vClllllVe buys it because it’s good. It must be good. Competition makes it so. cents. al convention for the first district markably good, and such was the in parilia : « ■ —- » + 1» the beat — In fact the One True Blood Purifier. will be held in Eugene, April 11th, terest shown in the league meeting S kcrktahy G aoe has issued a pub and that for the second district at that there were comparatively few Sold by all druggists. St; six for $5. purge, pain or lic reply to W. J. Bryan’s calamity Astoria, April 13th. The Astoria proxies of delegates from the coun Li ï llOOd S a lllS ¡tripe. Druggiats. 25c- Tillamook Cheese. speech, in which he shows in black and Columbia River railroad an- try. This feature was reserved for a Big Mealy Potatoes. and white that more than 250 indus nounces that it will endeavor to Portland. There were hundreds of : Kcaoliition* of t'oudolence. Best Moca and Java Coffee on Earth. A trial convinces. tries resumed work in the past year, make convention day the opening fully accredited delegates from clubs Whereas, the death of Leonard Gran- at an increase in wages from 10 to 20 day of the new railroad, running of Multnomah county.and there were strom takes from among us a talented We are making a special run on our Queens- Ï per cent. special excursion trains from Port hundreds of delegates given seats as and cheerful member of our organiza ware to clear the space for the approaching holiday land and Astoria to celebrate the representatives of clubs that had tion , be it. T he silverites are again non first state republican cbn vention ever been organized for specific purposes. trade. Have you investigated the prices? Resolved, That we extend our heart plussed. They have been croaking held there and the connection of As There were over 900 delegates from felt sympathy to his wife and parents in Yours to please, that since Hanna’s election wheat toria by rail with the rest of the Multnomah county. The apportion their bereavement, that a copy of these has been going down and sugar go world. ment of delegates was one for each resolutions be extended to them, and ing up. The actual conditions are 25 members, and one delegate-at- that they be published and spread upon In order to encourage original in the minutes. The McMinnville Band by reversed at this writing—wheat is vestigation and the habit of close large for each club. The delegates W. L. Hembree, A. D. Seibert and Fred stiffening and sugar going down. accredited to Multnomah county, on Nelson. and accurate observation, as well as this basis, represented a voting pop I t is reported that “Debs has se to awaken a greater degree of inter ulation of 22,500, or 2000 more votes Miss Dell McCarty of North Yamhill cured 30,000 acres of land in Ten est in the native birds of Oregon, than were cast at the presidential and Mr. Frank Morris of Castle Rock, nessee’’ upon which to found his so and thereby the better to insure the election, the combined vote of the Wash., are to be married at North Yam eial democracy colony. Allow one protection of all that are harmless, county in November, 1896, for Mc hill uoxt Sunday, invitations being out. L’nless they are getting something for nothing, and even ritah off to “social democrat” to the acre, and and also to add to the stock of knowl Kinley, Bryan and Palmer, being Klondike, with all Its hardships, instead of staying at home and using before, 'eve years there will be the edge concerning them, the trustees 18,448. our Plows, Paints, Bright Wall Paper, Hardware, Farm and Garden The Strength of Mature. lotof “social democrats” ever of the Oregon Humane Society last Tools, which are sold so cheap and hring aueh good returns on the in While the credential committee According to the ancient mythology, when vestment and so much happiness in their use. Cinrincc ic npnr on exhibition. They will have to May resolved to offer prizes for the prepared its report, Judge Carey, Hercules wrestled with Antaeus, every time he jumped up again he was thrown at hand when you wiu need BUChhel P s - °r llub work to live, and that is. just what first and second best essays upon this the retiring president, delivered a stronger Don’t fail to visit usand be made happy. ever, gaining fresh than subject to the school children of the every contact with the they wish to avoid. power from les conquered him at earth Hercu- state, between the ages of 12 and 16 lengthy address. last only by holding Following this, Wallace McCam- years. The first prize will be 112 him in the air away S ome smart soap manufacturer ant of Multnomah proposed the fol from the zource of his and the second prize $8. These will proposes to help out tho W. C. T. U. strength, until he grew lowing resolutions, which were • — n ex '-r n »X - O'-- ZF-O' . L weaker and weaker There is a debt of $300,000 ou their be awarded at the anniversary meet passed with a great outburst of ap and finally be ing in April next or early in May. came exhausted Woman’s Temple in Chicago. The plause from the immense gathering Autseus is a members all over the United States The essays should give the names of of over 2000 delegates: perfect symbol birds and describe their habits, of mankind Na are pledging themselves to hereafter Whereas, the paramount issue ture is the real haunts, plumage, markings, notes, Will carry the celebrated Gotzian Boots and Shoes for buy a certain brand of soap, every source of health which is now before the American winter wear. Goodyear Rubbers and Boots, Mackin- fej and vigor The wrapper of which means u eent, if etc., and be submitted to W. T. Shan people, dividing political parties and toshes and Umbrellas. J? closer we keep to ahan, corresponding secretary, on or - a? engrossing the attention of all patri Nature’s laws the returned to the shrewd soap maker. stronger and An eastern paper rather scandalizes before March 25, 1898, each essay to otic citizens, is the financial question; healthier we therefore, be it be sent under seal, with a fictitious grow When we the W. C. T. U. by saying that the Resolved, That this League of Re ' get away from name attached, accompanied by the professional members dou’t do any kinds of Watches, Clock* publican Clubs, of Oregon, cordiallv ; them we are sure All kinds of Fine, D. A. SMITH'S All and true name in connection with the' fic to be overcome Jewelry for sale at reaffirms and approves its belief n scrubbing of floors or boys' faces, Difficult aqd by weakness —NEW— I hard times prices. and disease. old Watches re and will not use more than a few titious name, in another envelope, the financial plank of the last repub also under seal. The committee on lican national convention; and, be it When sick- paired and made bars a year. ■ ties» gets hold award will be composed of three further to run as good of a man the Resolved, That we accept and ap competent persons, selected by the prove of the speech of President Mc only remedy to really cure him must be a as new at I t is announced that the free silver natural remedy It must work according to NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. board of trustees outside of their own Kinley, at New York, Jan. 27, 1898, natural laws and bring him right in touch party will put a play on the road with Nature. Any unnatural stimulus or number. Children outside of Port as a correct exposition of this plank mere temporary “appetizer” does no per known as “The Curse of Gold.’’ The land or Multnomah county who de and the monetary policy of the re manent good to a person who is debilitated intention is to make a big profit, and and “run down.’’ sire to compete for these prizes, will publican party; In these conditions the most perfect, nat at the same time instruct the people Resolved, That we are in especial be required to submit with their es accord with the administration and ural strength builder is Dr Pierce's Golden in patriotism and finance. Of course Medical Discovery It acts directly upon says a letter from their city or coun its wise and efficient, secretary of th-- natural nutritive processes, and create» W. J. Bryan will take the leading solid, permanent strength and vital force in tysuperintendent certifying that they the treasury, Lyman J. Gage, in the same way that Nature creates them. part of the hero, while Mrs. Lease their efforts to resist silver mono- are| of proper age*and have given ! It capacitates the stomach and liver to will represent the heroine, who is inetalism, and to give additional sta vitalize the circulation and feed the nerve- the results of their own persona' bility and strength to our present fi centres with pure, healthy blood. This is persecuted by a gold plutocrat be exactly Nature’s way of curing nervous ex study and observation nancial system. cause she will not consent to marry haustion. debility, insomnia, and neuralgia There was a good-sized wrangle During the past to years, Dr Pierce’s him. Bryan arrives on the scene at T he recent raid ou pensioners has over the appointment of a credential medicines have become recognized standard the right time, fells the gold pluto remedies throughout the world His brought on a whole army of statisti I committee by the chair, but order “Pleasant Pellets” are a perfect and per crat at one blow, and carries off the O WALL PAPER UNDERTAKER’S SUPPLIES. cal liars. One of these says: “The t was established by the chair ruling manent cure for constipation fainting Mary in his arms. W A Sister Eliza L de Falcon, of Corpus Christi, records of the war department show that the motion that a new com Nueces Co.. Texas, writes: "This is to tell you Peffer will represent the good old I have been ill for twenty-one years and was juuujijuuuuuuuuu that one man in every ten became a mittee be appointed was out of order. that finalty cured by your medicines Golden Medi farmer, father of Mary, while Jerry cal Discovery 1 and ' Favorite Prescription ’ 1 was deserter, 210,000 having deserted , The report of the committee seated completely cured after taking the medicine.” Simpson will come on during the during the war ” This is false. The , all the delegates present, the num merry-making as one of the farm war records show that there wereen ber aggregating 2019. The«e repre Thos. F. Oaken, Henry C. Payne, Henry Q hands. As the modern stage suc House, Receivers. listed in the Union army 2,778,304 | sented 269 clubs with a membership cesses are founded on fiction, there men, that 110,070 of those were killed of 39,698. Every town in Yamhill is hope for this play upon the field or perished from i county had a good representation wounds received, aud the total of YAQUINA BAY ROUTE C otton is no longer king in the those marked deserted was 121,896, present. Connecting ut Yaqulna Bay with the San J. W. Hobbs was chosen a delegate industrial realm. While the cotton about 4J per cent. When it is re TO THE Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam ship Company. manufacturing industry is strug membered that men unaccounted for from the first district to the national i league. gling with the wage problem in New were often marked “deserted.” and STEAMSHIP “FARALLON" England, and is making a fight for that in thousands of cases this record Sails from Yaqnina every 8 days for A musician is in town endeavoring to San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford, ( existence against new conditions, was false and unjust, people can see interest some local organization in “put- Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. iron is forging to the front in the how this list, if all the facts could be , ting on" the cantata of Qtiften Esther. S GIVES THE CHOICE OF race for industrial supremacy in 1898. obtained, would become even smaller Passenger Acconunodation» t naiir- paaeed. America now leads the world in iron than that Another of these malig Mr. Mitchell’s followers now begin TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL Shortest route between the Willamette production and iron and steel manu nant perverters of history says Valley and California. to talk and tv> talk loudlv. for the factures. She has already demon “Four out of every ten men who en gold standard and some say that, as Fare from Albany and point-« west to strated her ability to undersell every listed in the Union army either did soon as the campaign opens. Mr. San Francisco: |6 00 ' Cabin........................................... Cars competitor in auy country on the not leave the states in which they Mitchell himself will take the stump Steerage........................................ . 9 00 globe. She cau lay steel rails down were enrolled or did not get south of as the original ’gold-standard chain Tourist Round »rip goo«l for 60 days $16.00 in London to day cheaper than they Mason and Dixon’s line. They never pion for Oregon. This the Oregoni- To Coos Bay and Port Orford, VIA can be bought in Liverpool. All saw a confederate tlag or an armed > an would be glad to witness, and VI* Cabin ........................... .... $6 00 ST. PAUL the commercial zoilvereins which can rebel To Humboldt Bay, Spokane Salt Lake Cabin Every man who knows the , then it will congratulate him and his ................................ MINNEAPOLIS $S 00 be projected in the old world will not history of that time will easily mark "push" in the heartiest terms it can YAQUINA BAY. DULUTH prevent this country from control the falsehood Now, what are the command All i» wants is the tri Minneapolis Denver The most popular seaside resort on the St. Paul Omaha FARGO ling the iron and steel industry dur facts? One hundred and ten thousand ■ umph of a great principle. Let us north Pacific coast. No undertow—surf AND AND TO ing the coming decade America is and seventy were killed ou the field have Air. Mitel ell on the stump, GR AND FORKS bathing absolutely safe. For those wishing to combine hunting now turning out 50 per cent more of battle, 275,175 died from fatal Chicago Kansas Cit CROOKSTON' therefore, as the original gold-stand- and fishing with aquatic sports, this re pig iron thau Englaud, and double wounds, and 183,287 died from dis-! aid wan of Oregon.—Oregonian. WINNIPEG sort has no equal. Deer, beat, elk. cou- the output of Germany. Gr, brook trout anil salmon tront. can LOWEST RATES TO ALL H ELLEN A and ease in camps, hospitals and south-1 found in abundance within a few I ” ’ •• ’ * ' —- I EASTERN CITIES. BUTTE ' ern prisons. These, with few ex hours' drive of the bay. P roplk of the United Staten will ceptions, died south of Mason and Thia la four Opporluuuy. Reduced rates from all points, OCEAN STEAMERS kuow who is responsible for Uie de Dixon's line. The idea of the author I Ou receipt of ten cents. ca»h or stamps, Leave Portland Every B Days EDWIN STONE, Manager, a generous w.iuplo will b. mailed of the J.C. MAYO, T. FAP. A. CHICAGO lay and inaction in currency legisla-1 is to disparage liefore the people auv jpoat popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cuu • • FOR • • Corvallis, Oregon. tion. The republican party promised claims of American pensioners upon iPly’a Cream Bahn sufficiel-t to tlemou- H.L. WALDEN, Agent, Albany. WASHINGTON- PHILADELPHIA a reform in the tariff and a currency the people of today. The statement alrate the great merits of the I -tnedy. ••• ELY BROTHERS, NEW YORK reform. It carried out its tariff that “four out of ten" of enlisted 5t> Warn-ti New York City. » BOSTON AND ALL M. LARSEN. pledges very promptly und there has soldiers did not leave the states in Rev John Reid. Jr.. of Gn at Fails, Mont POINTS EAST and SOUTH V menthh trou» Pertlsnd to Yukoh.iuia been a disposition to criticise the which they enlisted is so transparent recommended Fly's Cream Bahn to me. 1 Proprietor of th» an.l 1«. ii< Kong, via The Northern Pecific -t.«iu For information, time cards, maps of fact that it did not take equally a falsehood as scarcely to need de oau emphasize his statement, ‘-hisapoai «bip Ce m rontiecUon with O. R A N. tickets, cal) on or write live cur» for catarrh if u-ed as directed. " For ftill information call < mi O R â N prompt action on tho currency. The nouncing Such are only a few of Rev Francis W Poole, Faster Ceutral Praa HIIOUEN A RHODES, Ag»nt» . F. E. ROGERS, Agt, RATCSSl To $2 PER DAV votes in the senate during the past the unblushing falsehoods that these Church, Helena. Mont Or Ad>tn*r McMinnriUe. Or. M c MINNVLLE. i»retended reformers and patriots of The U oum is new and fi nt-class Stare ofllces W. H Ht RI.II RT, few days ou the resolution declaring 898 are charging upon the men who Ely'» Cream Balm is the acknowledged and tree sample rooms in connection A.D.CHARLTON, Asst.Gen.Pat.Aflt, Oeu. Pas» Agt cur» for catarrh and contains no mtreury that United States bonds should be i saved the republic from 1861 to 1865.1 nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cent*. zee MORRIBON S t con. 3». PORTE« ^D. Tillamook, - - Oregon. Hood’s I Î Wallace & Walker Some People are Always Unhappy O. O. Hodson. >e New Shoe Store—| Jemelry Store * * * FURNITURE E O.R»H ^ Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Co. R 1ST * £ Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining ROUTES GREAT OREGON NORTHERN RY. u SHORT LINE Sleeping Cars THROUGH TICKETS TO SAN FRANCISCO x Larsen House PORTLAND, OREGON,