Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1898)
---------------------------------------------------------- r Dr. Leroy Lewis, DENTIST, Invit«’« his friends and patients to rail on him in his new office rooms in Jacobson’s build ing, where all the comforts and necessities of a j moder 1 dental office are being arranged. Prep- i aratioi s are being made to do every class of ! operat ons practised in modern dentistry . McM'iinville, Ore. PHYSICIANS GALBREATH & GOUCHER, Physicians and Surgeons. (Office over Braly's Bank.) M c M innville J • • • O bbuon . H. COOK, n. D. Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Union Block, M c M innville , - • - O regon . MEAT MARKETS___ jy^ATTHlES & BOOTH, Propiietora of CITY MARKET. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds South side Third St. between B and C. BARBERS. yy H. LOGAN, BARBER. I am located opposite Burns & Danielsand aim to give all customers good treatment for little money. Huth rooms in connect ion. Your pat ronage solicited. __ HARNESS gLSIA WRIGHT, Manufactures an<1 Deals in HARNE5S, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, ».ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. yy J. STRONG?" Denier in and Manufacturer of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, Etc. COLLARS, WHIPS, All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing of all kinds promptly done. First door south oi McMinnville National Bank. LIVERYMEN. QITY STABLES, Third St., between E and F. Wilson & Henderson, Props. Eventhing first-class. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Commercial travolers conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. DRAYMEN ____ _ g E. COULTER. mchinnville Truck and Dray Co. Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made monthly Hauling of all kinds done cheap. BANKING NO. 3857 the M c M innville National Bank —McMinn ville, Oregon.— Paid up Capital, $50,000 Surplus $10,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. LEE LAUG/fLW, President. J L. ROGERS, Vice-President. E. C. APPERSON, Cashier. IV. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. WOOD WORKER. ££D HOFF, WOOD WORKER Will repair vour Buggies and Wagons manufac ture Office Furniture. Book cases. Wardrobes, Brackets, Whatnots and all kinds of wood work. Two Doors East of City Stables. The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian one year for $2. strictly in advance. •Tonalhan Bourne, who left Oregon after the late “hold up,” and has been at New Bedford, Mass., with the inten tion of locating, is expected in Oregon this month. 'CASTOR IA For Infanti and Children LOCAL NEWS. _______ G. S^Wright, dentist. All kinds of cough cures at Hill's phar macy. Wm. Black went down to Oregon City on a visit this week. W. L. Hembree visited with the home folks in Monmouth over Sunday. The best 25-cent meal in the city is ob tainable at T. A. White’s restaurant. Hill’s pharmacy guarantee their drugs ' to be pure. Try them next time. Election of officers in the McMinnville fire companies occurs next Monday night. Dwight Carlin has been very sick the past week with catarrhal pneumonia, at the residence of bis mother. Wm. Manning of North Yamhill was i in town Wednesday having a lame hand treated by a physician. He seems to have bad a narrow escape from blood poisoning. Born, on Thursday, Jan. 27th, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rowland of North Yamhill, a son, weight eleven pounds. Grandpa Tom Henderson’s honest, open countenance beams more radiantly than ever since this important event. The Chase postoffice was moved this week to Hi Peery’s store building, across ' the creek from its former location. Dr. Odell is to be the postmaster, we are in formed. Mr. Peery will run a small store in connection with the postoffice. The College Review says: “Rev. Ron ald McKillop, pastor of the Baptist church at Albany, a man of talent and an excel lent lecturer, will conduct the next series of lectures for the benefit of students hav ing the ministry in view. The subject of his addresses will be the broad one of “Pastoral Theology.” This he will pre sent at the college February 15th, 16th and 17th, and it is hoped the friends of the college will be present and enjoy it.” G. S. Wright, dentist. Fancy stationery at Hembree's. Hill’s pharmacy for pure drugs. Dr. Nelson, dentist, in Union block. Typewriter supplies at C. Griseen’s. Jim Sharp has returned from Port land. Eastern oysters in any style kept daily at White’s restaurant. She cackles. When a man gets in a new stock of goods it is human for Wall paper in beautiful designs with out number at Hodson’s. him to crow over it. If he opens up his new styles and blows his trum W. J. Loughary is engaged in taking pet in ihe newspaper (the best place to advertise a la Wanamaker and all the school census of this district. good judges) wise people kriow that he has something on hand worth ad Ralph Knapp, late of the college, has vertising, and will patronize him. entered the state university as a student. See the new spring ribbons in Eva Martin's window ; also this job in all silk ribbon : No. 22, 15c; No. 40, 20c; No. 60, 25c. A well-selected stock of the most mod ern shelf hardware and improved cook on the part of the hen, is a cheerful disposition—a sense of duty per ing utensils at Hodson’s. formed. Likewise the merchant. If he can give you a bargain and send Chas. Gardner, who has been in the you away happy, at a living profit to himself, he feels good, too. It is woodsawing business in McMinnville needless to say that every purchaser gets a bargain at the past year, removed with his family to Brownsville on Wednesday. /. Are you going to paint your house? Consult Elsia Wright about paints and oils. He will give you the best material at least cost. tf James Jones is erecting a stable on lots in the Fletcher addition in the northwest part of town, and will build a residence in the spring. 1’ure prepared paints ami oils at Hod He is here for that purpose. He is not here one day and in some other son’s. Will preserve your buildings as town the next, but for twelve years has been cultivating cheerful dispo long as any paint on the market. Try sitions by dispensing bargains to the people. them. The Dallas woolen mill is running day and night te meet orders from San Fran cisco and Tacoma. The monthly output is about $20,000. The new display window at the Excel Report of school district No. 6 for the sior Photo Studio is the finest the city month commencing Jan. 3d, and ending has ever seen. It is certainly up to date. Jan. 28th; No. of days taught, 20; Now is the winter of your discontent made glorious if you go to Apper- R. A. Harris, late foreman of the average number belonging, 24 ; average son’s, and anyone of his force will agree to send you away better natured Telephone-Register office, took the road daily attendance, 22; number of visitors, for having patronized the old reliable store. 4; names of those not absent or tardy, on Monday as solicitor for the Oregonian. Carl Eltulund, Kathleen and Delilah Corner Third and C Streets, McMinnville will continue to be hie home Canfield, Albert, Oscar and Fred Young- town. berg, Esther Martin and Pearl Burdett. The regular quarterly examination of C has . A. D each , Teacher. teachers will be held at the court house, What might have been a disastrous on Feb. 9, 10, and 11. The examination will begin at one o’clock p. m., Wednes fire was fortunately averted last Thurs day night. The blaze started from the day the 9tb. G. A. P rentiss , C o . Supt. The Alaska excitement is going to The council has ordered that all dog wood box in Mr. Earhart’s barber shop create a demand for preserved fruits and taxes must be paid by March 15th, as on about midnight. Mr. Bass, of the Excel- vegetables in form for long distance that date they become delinquent, and I eior Photo Co., was reading a very inter transportation and convenient and speedy esting book at that hour on the opposite use. To supply this demand canneries shall strictly enforce the ordinance. side of the partition. He noticed first a and evaporators must be built. No town C. H. N eal , Marshal. noise like the dripping of water, which Mrs. H. Mills left on Monday after increased to something of a roar, and is more fortunately situated for a number As well as what you give. One 25-cent bottle noon’s train, her ultimate destination looking up found that smoke was filling of such establishments than McMinn being Chicago, to live with a son. She his room. He hurriedly sounded an alarm ville, and the prospect is bright for se of Dr. Lowe’s Cough Cure contains double will etop in Colorado for a visit of several and a crowd of about one hundred fire curing something in this line at an early the quantity of the “patent” kinds. It is day. C. J. Kurtz of Salem, a practical weeks on the way. men and citizens were soon on the scene fruit dryer, was in the city Monday, and better because our 16 years’ experience stands Bishop Morris, who ministers to the and quickly dispatched the blaze. The behind it. When you look at it wisely it is in conjunction with A. M. Peery has Episcopal church here, has been con fire had burned a whole through the floor drawn up an agreement which will be the best and cheapest for you to use. It is fined to his bed in Portland for two aud ceiling of the barbershop. presented for the consideration of citi good for the baby’s cough. weeks with a severe attach of bronchial The Earl Fruit Co. will appeal to the zens. It is proposed by them as parties pneumonia, but is now able to sit up. courts to collect its claims for back of the first part and the people as party Mrs. Elizabeth Jones received word freight and commission charges against of the secoud part, to erect a fruit evapo this week from her daughter, Mrs. Eliza a number of fruit shippers at Corvallis. rator of the capacity of 400 bushels of Yocum, of Clackamas county, that a six- So far as known only one lot of pruues prunes in 24 hours, the same to be com teen-year-old son of the latter was buried shipped from Bentou county sold for pleted by July 1st, 1898, the fuuds, or a on Sunday, death resulting from the more than enough to pay the commis portion thereof, necessary for the con measles. sion and shipping charges. Upon other struction, to lie raised by the citizens as Mary E. Caldwell has been appointed I lots there were either no returns made or a loan without interest, the money to be postmistress at Carlton, Oregon, vice else the returns were in the form of a repaid on or before the expiration of five John W. Collins, removed, says the tele bill for back charges. A few producers years, parties of the first part to have graph from Washington. Mrs. Caldwell are outspoken in the belief that they the privilege of transferring ali property is a cousin of D. M. Caldwell, present were defrauded by the fruit company, to a corporation aud to issue stock of the L. E. WALKER, Proprietor. mainly in its charges for transportation. par value of $1 per share, and the privi county treasurer. N. E. Kegg returned from southern Individuals know that tiiey cannot obtain lege of repaying the loan in stock. One- Fresh and Cured Meats. Oregon Saturday, whither he had been in suitable raw for less than the Earl com half of the amount loaned is to be ad Garden Seeds in Package and Bulk. the interest of the Buffulo-Pitts Thresher pany claims to pay the transportation vanced on or before may 1st, 1898, the companies, but the more intelligent ship other half on or before July 1st, 1898. Highest price paid for Poultry and Produce, Co. He reported a very successful trip for the time of year. He left again Mon pers believe that it receives a rebate from The amount of the loan is left blank. Hides and Tallow bought. M. B. Hendrick of Amity, the reliable day, to canvass the west side between the railroad companies. here and Portland. "The Deacon” is without doubt the warehouseman, is figuring on a propo E M. Wheeler, who lives down at New be9t play the Vesperian dramatic com sition of a Romewlut similar nature, but Philadelphia, and who has named his pany has presented to a McMinnville . it is understood his plan will include the The Reporter learns with regret of the Revs. Hunsaker of this city, and Lee place the McMinnville Poultry Farm, is audience. No better proof of this is need establishment of a cannery. He is in continued serious illness of Granville and Sager of Dayton, are conducting making shipments of a hundred dozen ed than the size of the audience that consultation with experienced men in Baker this week. union revival services in the latter town, eggs every other day to Portland, and greeted its second presentation Saturday these lines, and it is expected he will be and are having interesting meetings. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lynch settled supplies the hotels with guaranteed fresh night. The company is showing great I heard from later. Every citizen of Mc down to housekeeping on their own ac The grippe is around again pretty nu eggs improvement in costuming, in stage set- j Minnville should welcome the day when count last evening, in the Burnett prop merously, and already has a hold on a institutions of this kind shall bo estab A tract of acres in Saylor’s addi tings, in the readiness with which they good many people. The proper thing to lished fixtures, as nothing would contri erty down near the river. tion for sale at a bargain. Comfortable take up their “cue,” and their more pro-1 bute so much to an increase of popula The Independence Enterprise reports do is to go to bed and take absolute rest, house of five rooms, plenty of small fruit, nounced intonation. Will Holman had | tion and businass activity, as well as that 600 goats have been bought in Polk and put yourself under the care of a com chicken park, etc. Excellent for market a decidedly good disguise in his charac happiness in bringing employment with county for Seattle parties. It is no doubt petent physician. It is considered folly ter of deacon, and transformation was al gardening—cun be irrigated. 4m2 in reach of idle people. intended to take the goats to Klondike. to hold out against it and try to work it most complete in the make-up of Arthur H. J. P earson . off. David Nayberger left yesterday on a J. C. Nelson in a letter to bis son Doc, McPhillips. Mr. Eberle has won his i Women are not the only ones who are Onions and potatoes are on the up from San Jose, mentions ice xg of an inch spurs as a darkey impersonator, the sensitive about their ages. A man two weeks’ business trip to San Francis grade. Onions are three cents a pound thick, and thinks he will have to return opinion being general that he sustains doesn’t like to be told that be is getting co. The boys of the store will have a and potatoes have gone to 45 cents a to Oregon to warm. He also remarks this character with a perfection equal to old Health keeps a man young. It job of moving for him wheu he gets back. bushel. The Alaska demand is having the darkey traveling with the Wizard Oil, doesn't make any difference if he has that Californians are fearing a drouth. Mrs. Com best, mother of the boys tried company. He is a born actor, Jesse I lived eighty years. If they have been for the murder of Geo. Sager, has written its effect. The man who raises these Mr. W. D. Loughary, the youngest of Henderson had a trying part as the booby j healthy years, he will be bale and hearty Sheriff Henry demanding $2 per day for two crops in 1898 is very likelv to get Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lougbary’s children, boy, and sustained it admirably, espec and won’t look within twenty years as the time her boys were kept in jail pre good returns. There are already evi arrived from Rifle. Colorado, Tuesday ially in bis sudden appearance from a old as be is. Good digestion and rich, vious to their examination. She will dences of the people taking advantage of evening on a visit. Mr. Loughary is the | the outlook. Our Whiteson correspon sickbed. A. B. Appersou did his best] red blood makes people look youthful. hardly get it. telegraph operator in his town. He has dent tells of something big in this line. work in the act of comforting the deserted Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery been absent from McMinnville about M. O. Lownsdale of Lafayette gives it wife, showing a very tender sympathy. makes rich, red blood. It makes health five years. Klendikeat Home. The ladies of the cast did splendidly, the right way. It works according to as bis experience that he saved the past An energetic man of integrity, ability every one of them. Miss Satie Snyder ! season 92 per cent of his apples with four Cut in the middle. A chance to make and good address is wanted to represent and Mrs. Hobbs carried the most difficult the right theory, and in 30 years of prac sprayings, and 95 per cent by five spray money. I will sell, trade or rent my tice. it has proved that the theory is ab the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance parts, the former as the deserted wife, ings. Other growers testify to equally sawmill on easy terms, with timber to Com puny as district agent with head-. the latter as the old maid lister. Miss solutely correct. It begins at the begin good results from caring for their or run six years and mill in running order quaiters at McMinnville. A good open Alta Booth made a very pretty appear ning—begins by putting the stomach, chards. A good trade. Can sell all lumber yon ing for a rustler. Previous experience in ance as a bride. For variety and genu-; liver and bowels into perfect order, but The city council passed ordinance 188 can cut and take my pay in lumber life insurance not essential. Address ins mirth "The Iteacon” surpasses any it begins its good work on the blood be Tuesday evening, which compels every Now for a bargain. For terms call on or with references, 8. T. Lockwood A Son, play yet given. Some good specialties fore it finishes with the digestive system. minor under 18 years of age to have a address J. F. B yers , Fairdale, Oregon. It searches out disease germs wherever General Agents, Portland, Oregon. were given between ads. Miss Jennie they may bo and forces them out of the written permit from his guardian to visit The store of Mrs. II. Boivin at Buena Snyder sang splendidly, and wae recalled. body. AU druggists keep the “Dis a billiard or gaming hall, and any young Farm la Trade. ster violating this subjects himself to a Vista burned down one night last week, A minstrel specialty by Frank Dickin covery.” A farm near Newberg, consisting of fine of one dollar, or one day’s imprison 240 acres, 100 in cultivation, to exchange nothing beiDg saved. Mr. Boivin is said son, with the harmonicuni, Lee Wiae- to have left the store with no fire in the carver with the guitar, Wid Oliver with The Woodmen of this city have two ri ment or both. And any owner or keeper for a larger place. Inquire at this office. stove at 8 :30, and about one o’clock it the spade and Grant Eberle with bones, val teams at work securing new mem of a billiard or gaming hall, allowing was discovered in flames. Loss $2,700, was a happy interjection, Mr. Oliver bers, and the one which falls behind by minors under 18 to visit or loiter about insurance $1,900. Mr. Boivin was for also appeared a« a banjo soloist. The March 1st has to set up oysters for the such place, subjects himself to a fine of merly a resident of Lafayette, and the receipt! of the evening were $19.10, more other side. Twenty applicants for ad from $5 to $20 or imprisonment in the than on the former occasion. mission were balloted on Monday night. city jail not to exceed ten days. (ice fiend pursued him there. <üben a Den Lays an 6gq The Result Æ. . J. APPERSON’S Do You Need Cheering up? Look at What You Get D Street Produce and Meat Market I