Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1898)
Yamhill County Reporter SWEEP OF THE STORM. A Fearful Blizzard Itaglng in the At- lantic State*. CAUSED BY BRUTALITY. Sailor Taken Off the Stetson a Bavin« MailiaC. Portland, Or., Ft b. 2.—If the story of John Burke, w ho came around the of Dr. Ruiz ’ Widow Claim Horn on the American ship Geo. Stet to Be Pressed. son in the capacity of sailor, can be believed, the officers of this ship are guilty of the most barbaric cruelties IS IN NEEDY CIRCUMSTANCES that have been rejiorted at this port in many a day. The Stetson arrived at Astoria with a cargo of coal Thursday, being 74 days out from Baltimore, Ooiuprelieuaive Review of the Important r Woodford Will Soon Present where she took on cargo. Captain Happening* of the Punt Week C'uk„J Demand at Madrid—Indemnity Murphy is in command, and George From th«) Telegraphic Column*. . Harvey is first officer. Timinas Thompson, ex-minister to The victim of the brutality of the New York, Feb. 3.—According to Brazil, ex-representative, ex-secretary the Washington correspondent of the \ officers, and especially that of First of state, ami one cf the most prominent Herald, another demand is to be made Mate Harvey, is a seaman named Amos Democrats in California, cut his throat upon Spain for the payment of $75,000 Stone, son of a wealthy jewelry mer while temporarily insane at San Jose. indemnity to the widow of Dr. Ricardo chant of Boston. Stone is said to have The British Atlas Company, of Pana Ruiz for the murder of her husband in been taken off the Stetson at Astoria, a ma, has offered to purchase railroads a Guanabacoa jail. The state depart raving maniac, having arrived at this from ocean to ocean and steamers ment is preparing an instruction to condition as a result of the treatment owned by the government foi $1,500,- Minister Woodford, which will be sent he received on the voyage. 000 silver. The government demands in a few days, in which he will be di “Stone was singled out as the special $2,500,000. rected to call the attention of the min object of Harvey’s brutality soon after ister of foreign affairs, Sagasta, to the we left Baltimore,” said Burke in Word has been received in Spokane fact that this claim was presented last narrating his story, “Harvey, for from Washington that the committoe summer; that it has not yet been paid, some reason, knockel him insensible on agriculture has reported favorably nor, in fact, has a detailed answer been with an iron top maul, and as the Senator Warren’s amendments for the received to the note addressed to the of us feared we would be treated like establishment of a division of irriga late Minister Canovas. Theonly reply wise we were at the point of turning tion in the agricultural department. made has been a formal acknowledg back four hours after we left port. As The monthly statement of the public ment of the receipt of the claim. soon as we saw what had happened, debt just issued shows that at the close There is reason to believe that the we scampered up the masts to turn to. of business January 31, the debt, less instruction which the department is The mate, however, informed the cap cash in the treasury, amounted to $1,- preparing will be more vigorous in tain, who bullied us into remaining 011,701,838, an increase for the month character than that submitted last sum with the ship. of $12,589,771. This increase is ac mer. The original note which accom counted for by the decrease in the Stone, as a result of the injury he re> panied the claim was courteous in tone ceived, was laid up for some days, 'lur amount of cash on hand. and appealed to Spain’s sense of jus ing which time he was given but little The most violent storm known since tice. Since its presentation the ad to eat. As soon as he had recovered 1851 swept the shores of Cape Ann ministration has made no attempt to sufficiently to venture out and reporj Tuesday night and early Wednesday press the claim, partly on account of for duty, Harvey kicked him off th<j morning, causing heavy loss of life and the negotiations following the arrival forecastle. ~ From that time on Stone about $200,000 damage. More than a of Minister Woodford in Madrid, which was unable to leave his cabin. He dozen vessels are ashore near Glouces have resulted in the inauguration of was starved and beaten almost daily ter, at least four more are lost and autonomy in Cuba and the carrying out and by the time we reached Astoria be many others are damaged. The water of humane policy in the prosecution of was skin and bones and a raving man- front of Gloucester harbor and along the war. It is expected by the adminis iac. As we were rounding the Horn, tho cape is dotted with wrecks and tration that Spain may take an argu where the seas were very bad, Harvey wreckage, schooners, sloops and other mentative course, and endeavor to rebut would open the door of Stone’s cabin vessels having been driven ashore by the evidence by the United States bo as to let the water in to soak his the fierce gale. showing that Ruiz was not murdered clothes and bedding. I have also seen A Washington special says: Repre and by counter evidence that he com Harvey open the door to Stone’s cabin sentative Ellis, of Oregon, is very anxi mitted suicide. and with a heavy leather strap beat ous to have the land south of Hood The department received a lettei him until big welts stood out on his River and Mount Hood excluded from SERIOUS HOTEL FIRE. from Mrs. Ruiz recently, in which she legs and back. Stone, who was al the Cascade forest reserve, and opened asked to be informed as to steps taken ready losing his reason, would not •up to settlement. He holds that this New York Hotel Burned, With Probably to procure payment of her claim. Mrs. wince under this scourging and stood land, being very fertile ami well locat Fatal Results. Ruiz wrote that she was in needy cir like a statue, without saying a word in ed, should be given up to farm and Gloversville, Feb. 3.—The Alvord j cumstances and expresesed the hope ,! school purposes, and opened to those house, a five-story brick building, was that the United States would do all it remonstrance. An effort was made to wishing to avail themselves of its destroyed by fire between 7 and 8 could to obtain the indemnity de obliterate the marks on Stone’s body before the ship reached Astoria, but many advantages. Just now the in o’clock this morning. Six persons manded. without success, anil he will carry the terior department has the matter un perished in the flames, and a dozen The action to be taken by the depart- I marks with him to the grave. During der consideration, hut from what Mr. others were more or less injured in ment effectually disposes of reports much of the time that Stone was Ellis has heard from officials there, making their escape. The dead are: which have persistently been in circu cooped up in his cabin he had nothing and from his colleagues in congress, ho E. C. Kimball, of Indianapolis, his ; lation for several months alleging that feels tolerably certain of succeeding in wife and daughter; Benjamin F. Strick Minister de Lome had privately settled but refuse to eat and the place was the having thiB land thrown open to settle land; Henry C. Day; Charles C. Rup- j with MrB. Ruiz, as was done by his most foul smelling I was ever in. He was abused like a dog even during the ment. pert. government in the Delgado case. time he was irons. It made me sick Chief of Police Jansen,of Milwaukee, Mr. Kimball was an agent for a glove ! to look at him, even as accustomed as has decided to put a stop to all boxing factory of this city, and Mr. Strickland A UNIQUE CHARACTER. I am to see displays of brutality on the contests in that city in the future. and Mr. Day were business men. Rup- . high seas.” Allen Fairbank, a Miner, Dead, at Mrs. Julia Dorr, the well-known pert was a bellboy in the hotel. Burke’s story is corroborated in ev Wheaton, Illinois. The tiremen searched all day in the authoress and poet, is reported to be ery detail by Ernest Weyl, Ira Dierks critically ill at her home in Rutland, runis for the remains of the victims, Chicago, Feb. 3.—Allen Fairbank. of and Charles Russell, three others of but their effort was unrewarded. Elec Wheaton, Ill., is dead, and in his death the crew. Vt. Mrs. Hearst, widow of Senator tric lights have been strung over the that town lost a most unique citizen. DYING BY HUNDREDS. Hearst, is visiting the City of Mexico, ruins, and a large foroe will continue ! Horse trader, accumulator of stocks, and has been received with public the search all night. The two travel bonds and mortgages, miser—he left ing men reported missing were account behind him a bunch of property worth A Harrowing Tale Conies From the honors. ed for late tonight, leaving six victims. Newfoundland Coast. Bishop, tho man who assassinated Dr. Davis, of Westfield, N. Y., jumped something like $403,000. For years he had lived in a cottage the Brazilian minister of war last No New York, Feb. 2.—The Red Cross from the third story. He struck the vember, has committed Buicide in wires opposite tho second story and was without a trace of even ordinary com line steamship Portia arrived today fort. The rule of his life was rigid prison. thrown to the ground, and was not ! economy. Banks to him were institu four days overdue from St. John’s, N. There is much excitement in Bolivia seriously hurt. J. H. Barry, of Troy, tions not to be trusted, and he kept his F., and Halifax, after a desperate en and the press is urging the govern jumped from the third story, and was possessions at home. Mortgages, bonds counter with a pack of ice off the New ment to prepare for an impending war only slightly injured. Elwood Delong, and stocks he secreted in nooks known foundland coast, and with a harrowing with Peru. a flrenian, was seriously frozen, and only to himself his wife or the house tale of blizzards and destituion in the coast section of that country. Hun Over half a million pounds of Andrew Watson, of Toronto, Ont., keeper. dreds of men, women, and children naptha were burned and several per jumped from the fourth floor to a shed Two strangers passed a night with dead or dying from exposure and star sons lost their lives during a conflagra and was slightly hurt. Fairbank 12 years ago. He told them vation with abundance close by ami tion at Baku, Russia. The fire started on the ground floor, he was rich, that he had no faith in hundreds more threatened with a like Rear Admiral McNair, who has been about 7 o’clock and shot up through banks and that he kept his money in fate are the conditions reported by the the broad stairs and hallways, which succeeded in command of the Asiatic the house. In the morning they went Portia. squadron by Commodore Dewey, has acted aH flues to the stories above with away. Two weeks later they returned The Portia was penned in by huge lightning-like speed. Almost imme masked and accompanied by several arrived in San Francisco. They demanded Fair Arctic floes in plain sight of St. John’s Three men were killed and four in diately after the flames were discovered other men. The miser refused to unabe to move. She managed to es jured in a head-end collision between the alarm was sounded through the bank’s money. house, and the big hotel was soon the comply or to show them the biding cape by the merest accident. two freight trains on the Louisvillo <& Many other craft, several of them scene of the wildest confusion. There place. Hot irons applied to his bare Nashville, near Upton, Ky. relief vessels sent by the Canadian was a wild scramble on the part of the feet failed to open his mouth. They A ledge of free milling quartz ten guests to escape with their personal government to succor destitute fisher feet wide and assaying as high as $500 property, but many were forced to flee tried his wife with the same result. men, had to abandon their errands of Similar torture brought out the secret a ton was struck in the Roanoke mine without saving anything. A few of ( mercy and return to St. John’s, where near, Mokelumne hill, Cal., at a depth the guests made their escape by the from Dora, the housekeeper, and the they were still in the ice when the Por villains got away with $12,000 in gov of 400 feet. stairways, but tho smoke booh cut off ernment bonds and about $1,300 in tia struggled into clear water. The Central Labor Union, of New this retreat Among the detained fleet at St. currency. The robbers were captured, York, has passed a resolution opposing The next resort of tho imprisoned and Fairbank recovered most of the John’s were a dozen or more sailing the bill pending in the New York leg people was the windows. vessels loaded with codfish for England A h their money and all of the bonds. islature for the opening of tho theater* terror-stricken faces appeared, the little and Brazil. in that city on Sunday. The city of St. John’s was in a terri crowd below watched breathlessly, hop LEARNING TO FLY. ble condition on account of the bliz George S. Yantio and A. M. Hydo, ing against hope that all would ne of Sheboygan, have started on a jour saved. The guests who were thus en T o u h K Edison Think* He Ilan the Se- zard, the streets being rendered impas sable. Railroads had suspended work ney to the Holy Land, whore they go trapped did not long hesitate to take cret in Sight. and the poor were suffering through to carry assistance to a colony of Dun- the risk of jumping, though some were New York, Feb. 3.—Thomas A. Edi hunger and cold. The price of food kards, who went to Palestine in No rescued from their perilous positions by son, jr., is experimenting with an air advanced until beyond the reach of the firemen. Others leaped from the vember, 1895. ship which he believes will be a suc George C. Howard, superintendent windows, several being more or less in cess. It is the invention of Frank the poor. Several miles off shore the Portia of achools of West Bridgewater, Mass., jured. Sauther, of Milwaukee, but Edison hit passed the steamer Grandland, fast in Struck a Post. moderator at tho last town meeting by accident on a gas which he believes ami ex-state representative, is a self- Rosalia,Wash.. Fob. 3.—The 4-vear- is the only thing required to make the the ice, and in a perilous condition. confessed forger to the exent of $300, old son of Judge Schurra was killed this ship a practical one. Sails were sub TO GO TO SAMOA. and is under arrest. morning while coasting. At a sharp stituted instead of any propelling Ross W. Latahaw, of Kansas City, turn his «led left the road and pitched power. Mr. Edison says: Warship Will Be Sent There to Protect Its progress was ex-justice of the peace, was acquitted down the hill. “It was at this point that I con Our Intercut*. a jury in the criminal court of the stoppo ! at a fence, a post of which the ceived the really new principle. It New York, Feb. 2.—The American charge of attempting to bribe a juror in boy struck with his head. His skull struck me that it would I m 1 a good idea the recent trial of Dr. Goddard for th« was fractured and the barbed wire pene to inflate th« sails with gas, thus mak flag will soon be displayed in Samoan trated iiis scalp. He lived about 20 ing them serve as balloons as well as waters by a man-of-war says a Herald murder of Fred J. Jackson. minutes. supplying the sailing power. It would correspondent. The vessel will be th« Mrs. Lucille Blackburn Lane, daugh Wag«*« lncrrttflcil Ten Per Cent. not do to make baggy balloons for the Mohican, which has been converted ter of ex-Senator Blackburn, of Ken Ashland, Wis., Feb. 3. — The Car sails, so they are divided into numer into a training-ship. Since the arrival tucky, who accidentally shot hersell negie-Oliver Mining Company, operat ous compartments, which, when inflat in Washington of ex-Consul-General with a revolver two weeks ago, is again ing four of the largest iron mines on ed. resemble water bags. The tubes Churchill, the president and assistant in a serious condition, after a period ol secretary of state have been convinced improvement, and her relatives and tho Gogebio range, and employing running to the balloon are tapped in that American interests demand that 1,500 men, today announced an in three places to supply gas to the main physicians are apprehensive lest the an American man-of-war shall visit wound, with new complications which crease of 10 per cent in the wages of all sail, and rubber tubes carry gas to two Samoa. their employes. jibs. The compartments of the main have set in, may result fatally. sail are connected by narrow openings, While tho steamship Coptic, which There is no intention on the part of The I.ake States. the gas thus flowing freely through the arrived in San Francisco recently, was Chicago, Feb. 8. — Reports from vari entire sail. A rudder completes the the administration to abandon the in lying in Shanghai, she narrowly es- terests of this government in Samoa, ous towns in Michigan, Wisconsin and <ia|>ed being sent to tho bottom by the Indiana tell of severe blizzards. The airship. and Mr. Churchill doesnot recommend “ After many failures we were suc falling of a large weight of bullion wind is blowing a gale and huge snow it. although he says the only reason cessful. The ship actually flew, and from her deck to her hold. Six tons of drifts aie l>eing piled on the highways. why this government should continue we succeeded in steering it. I believe flour racks, piled in the hold, was all All trains are mon' or less delayed. A its hold on the islands is because it is that prevented the precious metal from report front Marquette, Mich., states the that the inflated sail idea is the one morally bound to do so by the course that is going to solve the aerial prob going through the vessel's bottom. As storm on the lake is fearful. pursued in the past. lem.” ______________ it was. the falling mars penterated five Mr. Churchill states that if the In 1801 the price of the quarter of the tiers. Third Mate Athens and In th« number of murders Italy leads loaf in England reached about 87 v» Unite'! States was to withdraw from Storekeeper Murphy were injured in the islands they would be divided by tho accident, and the mate was left at Europe. In the number of suicides cents. Thia was in the time of the Na- Russia is ahead. Germany and Great Britain. jwleonic war. Shanghai for surgical treatment. New York, Feb. 3.—The storm which began Sunday night swept over New York stato with great fury, and today was central in the New England states. Northern New York is Htiowhonnd, and the extent of damage in New Eng land cannot be approximated. Reports from Boston, with which placo com munication was established tonight under great difficulties, after that city had been shut off from New York for many hours, indicate sòme lose of life, and an immense amount of damage to property. Business has been at a standstill in many of the smaller towns; wires all over the country are down; roads are blockaded, and railway traffic greatly imjieded. The “up-the-state” residents have suffered with cold, which ranged sb low as 20 degree« and more below zero. At Albany, Troy, Saratoga and many other places in the state, as much as two and three feet of snow has fallen, and reports tonight are that the blizzard is utili blowing, the worst storm since the memorable one of 1888. Residents of this city have had to battle their way to business against a gale of wind that at times swept along at 40 miles an hour and carried sheets of snow with it. Much delay was caused to the rail road mail service, so that the northern part of the state has been practically cut off, and trains on the New York Central were from four to five hours late. From 10,000 to 20,000 men have been at work with thousands of teams on the streets clearing away the snow, yet there has been no appreciable de crease in the amount piled up in every direction. Portions of Long island suffered al most as much from the storm as the towns far up the state. The east end of the island has been blockaded by the drifting snow. The Long Island rail road waB completely closed today. Snow plows, driven by five of the most powerful engines of the road, are now battling with the drifts on the eastern section of the road, which may be clear by tomorrow. « m io B Picific Chairman Hitt on Hawaii’s Strategic Importance. PROTECT Secretary OUR Long viding tiie WEST Opens Bids Government COAST for Pro With an Armor Plant—Sixty-Nine Received. Chicago, Feb. 1.—The Post’s Wash ington correspondent sends this inter view with Chairman Hitt, of the house committee on foreign relation«: “The gist, in my opinion, in the whole Hawaiian situation lies in the strategic position of the little group of islands as a basis of operations for guarding our west coast. There is a strong resemblance in this case to the Bermudas, exeept that the Bermudas are not so commanding. That is, there are other island« to the south of them which would, in case of conflict, to some extent take their place with Eu ropean powers, even if they possessed the Bermudas. In the possession of the Hawaiian islands we would have what might be considered safety for our Western coast against the naval powers, except Great Britain, which could still get coal for her ships from the British Columbia ports and use that base for naval operations. The subor dinate features, the question of sugar, the character of tho population, the inode of government, etc., take up a great deal of attention, but I think they are of minor importance. “We have now by treaty certain ex clusive rights, but that is a terminable treaty. The Hawaiian republic is, theoretically, an independent nation, but is wholly incapable of defending itself and preserving its independence, and the moment that we come into a conflict, any naval power presenting itself will take possession. Once it is possessed by a power like Japan. Eng land or Germany, it will be the story of the Bermudas over again, only a stronger and more effective Bermuda on our Western coast. With a coaling station 3,000 miles out, we could double the time and length of effective cruises of our warships going out from San Francisco. Having no neighbor ing islands, it leaves the immense ex panse of the Northern Pacific utterly inhospitable to our opponents, if we hold it. It is thus of great value as a base for defense or for an enemy to operate against us, “I have thought for many years that these islands were of essential import ance to ue. The impression that I got when in the state department in 1881 remains with me. When the question of extending the reciprocity treaty was then under consideration, I was impressed with these facts. The sugar question and its branches is a matter of competing interests. Once incor porated, they all go into the hopper to gether, as completely as the beet root of Nebraska and the cane of Louisiana. ” DEFEATED IN THE HOUSE. The Teller Resolution Buried by a Ma jority of Fifty Votes. Washington, Feb. 2.—The house to- day buried the Teller resolution, de claring the bonds of the United States payable in silver, under an adverse majority of 500 votes. The Repub licans were solidly arruyed in opiMisition, with two exceptions—Lin- ney of North Carolina, who voted with the Democrats and Populists, ami White of North Carolina, the only col ored member of the house, who an swered “present,” when hi« name was called. The desertions from the Demo cratic side were MoAleer of Pennsyl vania, and Elliott of South Carolina. Both voted with the Republicans against the proposition. Speaker Reed, although it is not cus tomary for him to vote, hail his name called, and, amid the cheers of his fol lowers, went on record in opposition tc the resolution. The vote was reached after five hours of debate, under a special order, adopt ed at the opening of the session today. The limited time allowed for debate, and the pressure of members for an opportunity to be heard, was so great that the leaders on both sides were compelled to farm out the time by minutes. This detracted much from the continuity of the discussion, but it in some measure intensified the inter est in the galleries, which were crowded all day, and the combatants on the floor were cheered by their respective sym pathizers. Many of the senators from the other side of the capitol were pres ent to listen to the arguments. The majority, under the leadership of Ding ley. who made a carefully prepared speech, sounded the key-note of the op position, assumed the position that the last clause of the resolution was in reality a disguised declaration for tho free coinage of silver, while the assault ing Democrats, under the direction of Bailey, maintained that the defeat of the resolution was another step in the direction of the establishment of the gold standard, to which he alleged both the president and Secretary Gage had irrevocably committed the Republican party. The debate was at times fast and heated, but there were no sensational incidents, beyond the hissing of Rhea, when he said that, as the author of the ‘‘crime ot ’73,” the hottest place in hades would be reserved for the present secretary of the state. The vote on the resolution was: Ayes, 132; noes, 182. Today’s session of the senate lasted six hours, two of the general appropria tion bills—that for the army, carrying $23,243,492, and that for the legisla ture, executive and judicial depart ment, carrying $21,658,520—were passed, the latter, consisting of 121 pages, occupying the attention of the senate during the greater part of the session. After a brief executive ses sion the senate adjourned. CRIME OF IOWA BRUTES. Frozen Bodies of Mother and Daughter Found Near Burlington. Armor Plant Bid*. Burlington, la., Feb. 1.—The dead Washington, Feb. 1.—Proposals were and frozen bodies of Mrs. Fanny Rath- opened today in the office of Secretary burn and her 12-year-old daughter of the Navy Long for the construction Mary were discovered this afternoon in of a government armor plant. There pools of blood at their lonely home were 69 bids, covering every phase of west of this city. The woman’s head the advertisement. There were only had been split open with an ax. The two bids to furnish a complete plant, body of the child was found in a bed and only one of these named a figure. room off the kitchen with the throat The Hungtington, W. Va., chamber cut from ear to ear. Evidences of a of commerce offered to follow specifica horrible struggle for life were present tions and build the complete plant for on all sides. Evidently the girl had been brutally assaulted by the mur $3,325,905. Another offer to supply a complete derer, and her torn clothing indicared plant came from the John P. Holland she had fought desperately for her Company, of New York, but no figure honor. Having accomplished the deed, was named, the company simply offer her assailant had cut her throat. The ing to do this for a sum of money and girl’s hand showed cuts received in at within a period less than estimated by tempting to defend herself. Blood was the armor board in its report. The scattered ail over the bed and on the bid was accompanied by the expression floor. The body of the woman was of an opinion that armor should be ex found to be badly eaten by rats, and cluded in the construction contracts of presented a horrible sight. all vessels, by which policy congress Several arrests have been made, and and the country would understand the the police are actively engaged in run full cost of ships and their protection, ning down several clews. It is be the price of armor would be reduced, lieved the crime was commited several and its delivery expedited. days ago. The woman was a widow of Another proposal that commanded good reputation, and quite poor. some attention was the bid of the Mecca of the Powers. Reailic Engineering Company, of Co lumbus, O. This was a very compli Constantinople, Feb. 2.—The Rus cated proposhi to supply each of the sian auxiliary cruiser Saratoffam, be numerous buildings, furnaces, etc., re longing to the volunteer fleet, with 12 quired, as well as 150 acres of land, at quick-firing guns and 1,600 troops on sums specified in each case. A special board, passed the Bospborous yesterday point of interest about the bid was an on her way to Vladivostock. According accompanying offer from the chamber to a dispatch to the London Times, of commerce of Columbus to donate from Odessa, cabled to the Associated $500,000 to the govern ment in the event Press last night, the Russian volunteer the bid should be accepted. fleet will convey in the quickest time It will take some time to schedule practicable over 10,000 Russian troop» all of the bids, but as soon as they can to the far East. be arranged they will be sent to con gress by Secretary Long for the informa Aged Couple Murdered. tion of that body in case it desires to Grayson, Ky., Feb. 2.—“Virginia embark the government in the manu Bill” Riley, an old citizen of Elliott facture of armor. county, aged 80 years, and his wife, Steamboat Inspection in Alanka. about 70 years old, were murdered Washington, Feb. 1.—Secretary Gage tonight at their home, ami robbed of today sent to the house a recommenda from $800 to $1,200. There is no olew tion for steamboat inspections in Al to the murderers. A maul was the in aska. He points out that the tide of strument used. travel to the Klondike fields has result ed in the establishment of an extensive San Franisco, Feb. 2.—Hnlda John steamboat service on the Yukon. He son, aged 3years, was run down and says suitable protection resulting from killed by an electric car this evening, the inspection of steamers should be in front of the residence of her parents. given the traveling public visiting the The child attempted to cross the track Klondike region, and he submits the in front of a rapidly approaching car, bill to accomplish that end. when she was struck. To Strengthen Spain’s Navy. Hl« Horne Fell I pun Him. London, Feb. 1.—The Madrid cor respondent of the Daily Mail says the government will ask the next cortes to vote £8,000,000 for strengthening the navy. San Francisco, Feb. 1.—George Slankard, manager of the Wild West show at Central Par», weas seriously injured today just before the time for the exhibition to begin. He was thrown from hi« horse which fell upon him, crushing his head against the ground. He sustained a fracture of the base of the skull. His oondition is critical and his recovery is doubtful. Frank Beckwith, watchman in the employ of the Ontario & Western rail road, was shot and killed by a tramp whom he attempted to arrest in the freight yards. The homicide was Ed ward Simpson, a former inmate of the The wheat crop of India i« harvested Elmira reformatory, out on parole. | usually in February.