Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1889)
M c M innville , O regon , F riday , may VOL. I. NO. 13. i , 1889. % Consolidated W. T. Shurtleff. The Good that Tile Does. Notice for Publication. Drainage A Great Newspaper. The editor of a rural New York paper (•corge Washington. Important to Old Soldiers. A veteran of the late “unpleasantness" A description of Washington will lie in place at the present time, and we take tne following from the letter of an old revolutionär;' soldier to his son. Tlie letter was written at Valley Forge when Washington was in the midst of his dee;>est trouble. He was standing near a small camp fire, evidently lost in thought. lie seemed six and a half feet in bight, w as as erect as an Indian and did not for an instant relax from a military attitude. His exact height was six teet two inches in his boots, His ordinary walking shoes acre No. 11. His hands were rtion, and he could not buy lui and had to have thej e mouth was Lam> O ffice at Oregon Citv, Or., The following is from an address by A. has been paying a visit to the city of writes from his residence in Ohio, under April 10, 1889 > C. Magruder, of the Mississippi A. and New York, and while there he visited date of the 25th of December last, to the Notice is hereby given that tlie following- New York World office and has this to Pittsburg Diepatch. that $14,000,000 is M. college: named settler has filed notice of his inten now lying in the U. 8., treasury, to the tion to taakc final proof in support of his Five years ago, the professor of agri say about what he saw: claim aud, that said proof will be made “It was my good fortune to spend a order of soldiers of the recent war. He culture at the college put under my su before the County Judge, or in his absence before the County Clerk of Yamhill county, pervision the laying of about half a mile portion of last Saturday night in the says that not less than four hundred dis at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday, June 7, of tile, and from this work I have noticed World building, and under intelligent charged soldiers are further entitled to 1889, viz: results that may be useful to you. The guidance I was permitted to witness the receive from $25 to $35 each, by merely ISRAEL LANGLEY, first lot of tile was laid in a valley be process whereby tons of white paper are applying for it in Washington for any Homestead Entry No. 3003, for the s w J4 of s w ¡4 of section 18.15 s, r 5 w tween two small hills and lateral drains almost by magic transformed into huge quarter, as follows: He names the following witnesses to prove First—Five cents per mile from place run out even fifty feet only on one side of volumes of reading shatter. The com LOAN BROKERS, NOTARIES PUBLIC AND SEARCHERS of RECORD. his continuous residence iqtou and cultiva the main drain, in order that a contrast posing room is on the fourth floor, where of discharge, home. tion of, said land, viz: M Aylward. Joseph Bini, I Dougherty Second—Twenty five cents daily for could be shown between the two hil j and Patrick Casey, all of Bellevue, Yamhill ^^nApril and October, wer^a all county, Oregon Any jrerson who desires to protest against -... rain, richly ____ Wr*-Twa.j£.M<ht roiilaja/y while the allowance of such proof, or who knows and nictric acid, falling on the drained of any substantial reason, under the l<tw and regulations of the interior di pertinent, oca..faeMghu ’' iv’i ,|)id nadflkiBv* tflFgronnd as ft T IyVe^are required. Tlieeditona why such proof should not be allowM, Will feahM, the lit» being . [¡Idly He s.ivo necbtil’wi hi.—rn his i<Ton the other side carrying the fertile proof readers, artists, engravers, report be given an opportunity at the sbM. men tioned time and place to cross , vamJne the surface soil away to fertilize the bottom ers, etc., occupy various rooms through Bation as pensioner in these particlan (sjmpri-sse I. M tliat tiaua be weighed witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evi of some distant creek or river, but it out the building, and were all intensely by simply applying for it; and notone dence in rebuttal of that submitted by * ’ 400 claimant sank into the ground carrying with it the busy and seemingly uncomfortably in ten of Americans seem to be aware of flesh about him. He was IsWMgudiuno- 300,000 feet of lumber now on hand, ieev tn luiuiro. W. T. BURNEY. No. 1—310 acres. 3U miles from McMinn acres good timber land. 1 nee. $6,000. One ammonia and nitrogen, and leaving it crowded. But the moBt interesting place tho legality of snch a claim. Although ly musceled, and the fame of his great acres gwd Register. . . , cash: i balance, i ___ __ one « *.-x to two votifq ’ rune. ville- finely improved, good buildings; wa third years ’ time, (April 19-16) ter piped to house and barn. Price. $12,000. for cash or lumber. there to be assimilated by the plant to a novice like myself, as well as the the extra sum is comparatively small, it strength was everywhere. llis large Easy terms. roots while the water passed off through noisiest one, is the press room In the is worth writing for, which seems to be tent, when wrapped up with the (Miles No. 2—210 acres, 3 miles from McMinn all that is required. Throughout Oregon, was so heavy that it required two men to No, 50—1G0 acres, eight miles from Mc Timber land, act June 3, 187S, the drains aS pure as if distilled. This basement. Notice for Publication. This powder never varies- A marvel of pur ville; well improved; running water. Price, Minnville; 30 acres plow land, balance tim ity. strength ar.d 'wholesomeness. More eco “The World has twelve large printing and especially about Portland vicinity» place it in the camp wag m. Washing $9 ,500. One-third cash ; balance, easy terms. ber and pasture; 100 acres fenced, small or fact is shown by testing the water from L and O ffice at Oregon City,Or., ) nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be there must be a large number thus enti ton would lift it witli one hand and toss No. 5—four 20-acre tracts 2% miles from chard; warranty deed. Price, $900. presses in operation every night. March 29th, 1889J the tile, In one case, when the ground sold in competition with multitude of low teat, McMinnville. Price, $1,000 per tract. One- tled, who might unitedly aggregate their it in as if it were a pair of saddle bags. short weight alum or phosphate powder , Sold Notice is hereby given that in compliance “ The greatest of these is the new had received a coating of fresh manure a No. 2, B—Furniture stock and good will half down with the provisions of the act of congress of only in cans; R oyal B aking P owder C o , 106 rain dissolved portions of it, carrying it quadruple prpss, which is regarded as a applications through their Federal repre He could hold a musket with one hand No. 6—120 acres, 2 1-2 miles from McMinn of business, invoice price on gocsls, easy June 3, 1878. entitled ‘ An act for the sale of Wall St., N. Y. ville; well improved, buildings extra, good terms; satisfactory reasons for selling. timl>er lands in the states of California, into the ground; but the water when mechanical wonder, and is said to be sentatives or other source.— -S k ndny Wel and shoot with precision as easily as orchard, land fully improved. Price, $52.50 No. 5. B— tO acres fine fruit land; two Oregon. Nevada, and Washington terri other men did with a pistol. He was at taken from the tile contained noteven the largest, fastest, costliest and most come. per acre. One-tliird cash; balance, easy miles from McMinnville. Price. $25 per tory,” William H Adkins, of Oregon City, that time in the prime of life. His hair acre. Easy terms. the odor of the pianure, showing that perfect newspaper machine ever con- terms county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has To Kill Squirrels. was a chestnut brown, his cheeks were No. 9—83 acres, 2 1-2 miles from McMinn this day filed in this office his sworn state stiucted. It will print, fold and count tho water while passing through the soil No. 6. B—40 acres, three miles from Mc- ment No. 516, for the purchase of the n 1-2 of ville; well improved; finely located, near Take balls of cotton rags saturated prominent and his hotly seemed large College. Price, $5,000. One-third cash ; bal I Minnville Price, $25 per acre One half n w % of section No. 26, in township No. 2 Has the most complete stock of harness had given up all that had been dissolved. out in fifties 48,000 eight-page papers an cash; balance, easy terms. south, range No. 6 west and will offer proof in the county. At present 12 set of sin ance, easy terms The land thus drained warms up from hour. In addition to this it will print with bi-sulphate of carbon—pushed far and bony at all points. His Anger joints to show that the land sought is more valu No. 10—five 10-acre tracts, 2 miles from gle harness, hand made, in prices ten to fifteen days earlier than does the four, six, ten, twelve or sixteen page down the holes and firmly (Kicked in. and wrists were so large as to l>e genuine No. 6, B—40 acres partly timbered; three able for its timber or stone than for agricul McMinnville. Price, $50 per acre. ranging from $12 to $30, and 8 tural purposes, and to establish liis claini miles from McMinnville; price. $25 acre; other, for no extra heat is consumed in papers when desired. It is a model Bi-sulphate of carbon being an extremely curiosities. He was an enormous eater, No. 11—15 acres, with good house and set of team harness as cheap to saia land before the register and receiver volatilo fluid, quickly evaporates and but was content witli bread aud meat, if one-half cash, balance easy terms. barn, chicken house, etc., fine orchard; 2 1-2 1 of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY evaporating the water from the soil, but piece of mechanism, has fully met the miles from McMinnville. Price, 1.700. One- Monday, the 24th day of June, 1889, is at once consumed to heat up the land expectations it awakened and would forms a heavy gas, w hich occupies every he had plenty of it. Of course all this was No. 8, B — 635 acres 2 miles from postoffice, half cash; balance, three years. He names as witnesses: George Brough Can be seen on the hooks in my shop. in order that seeds may germinate. This seem to be the crowning glory of invent chamber and gallery of the animal’s changed when he grew old. I saw him No. 12—170 acres adjoining the town of | 2 houses, one barn, living water, 400 acres ton and Albert Blount, of Oregon City, I have competent workmen employed plow land ; price $15 per acre, balance time dwelling. This gas is as promptly fatal at Alexandria a year before he died. McMinnville: with extra good buildings, Clackamas county, and Joseph Fetch and to do all kinds of repairing and to make is an important point with gardners, as ive genius in its line. large orchard and land of best quality. secured by mortgage on the premises James Henry, of North Yamhill, Yamhill any harness ordered I also keep a full to be able to put his fruit upon the to the animal’s life as the fumes of burn His hair was very giav and his form was “ The World lias on its pay roll about Price. $75 per acre. $7,000 cash; balance, county; all of Oregon. stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, ing sulphur or carbonic acid gas. The slightly bent. His chest was very thin, 1200 names — among them 30 editors and No. 3—30 acres two aud one-half miles Any and all persons claiming adversely horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of market a day earlier than his neighbor is time. sub-editors, 104 reporters and contribu remedy is a cheap one—a barrel costs and he had false teeth which did not fit No. 13—555 acres, 10 miles from McMinn from postoffice, house of five rooms, barn the above-described Iands are requested to a great point in his favor. ras for repairs constantly on hand. ville ; 2 houses, 4 barns; this is one of the 24-30, living water on premises, all firstclass file their claims in this office on or before The soil is also deepened by this sys tors, 468 correspondents in other cities, from $50 to $60. This amount would kill and pushed bis under lip outward. said 24th day of June. 1889. best stock farms in the County. Price, W. T. BURNEY, land; price, $1500. Trespass Notice. tem of drainage, for the subsoil is made 275 in the composing and proof room, 71 all the squirrels in any neighborhood or 37^500. One-half cash; balance, terms to April 12:19 Register. suit even county. It is a powerful subatauce Grover Cleveland’* Private Life. No. 7—110J4 acres four and one-half miles All persons are forbidden from bunting porous by the rain percolating through in the press room, etc. No. 14—540 acres, 11 miles from McMinn froniMcMinnville,well improved.good|build- The other daj' I was walking in Wall or fishing on our premises. Any viola it, thus allowing it to penetrate to a “The World’» Sunday edition is a won and a very small amount is all that is ville; this farm has good buildings of all Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. tion of this notice will be prosecuted to the street I met tirover Cleveland and Col. necessary to destroy a whole family. A derful thing, and taxes the utmost re kinds necessary for the farmer and stock ings, schoolhouse on one corner of farm; greater depth in search of food. This Notice for Publication. full extent of the law. raiser ; running water. Price, $18 per acre. price, $45 per acre, two-thirds cash. D avis , L T D avis , A C “ ~ deepening of the soil does another good; sources of the vast establishment to lump of lint cotton as large as an Daniel 8. Iaimont swinging along to their Part cash and easy terms. L and O ffice at Oregon City, Or., I G eo . O wens , J P. D weks , it prevents drouth, for the roots are not bring it out on time—a task that no other ordinary sized apple saturated with offices. 1 had the curiosity, after salut No. 9—House of five rooms and N acre No. 15—640 acras, 2 1-2 miles’ from post March 22, 1889 ) ’ E J. O wens , J. B II akplev , in McMinnville, chicken house, barn, wood confined to a depth oi three or four in newspaper plant in the country is equal it and placed to the doorway of ing them, to stop and watch their retreat J N elson , office. Price, $15 per acre. A J ohn R edmond , Notice is hereby given that in compliance i O B S kinser , ” H ” artman , No. 16—860 acres, 7 miles from McMinn shed, etc.; price, $650. with the provisions of the act of congress of, B F. ches for mojsturp, but may go a foot or to. It may, perhaps, aid the reader to the little animal’s undergiound dwell ing forms in order to discover whether A. W allace , ville; about 50 head of cattle and horses. I June 3,1878, entitled ‘‘An act for the sale of B F SPM’.KS. more and there receive all that is neces understand its dimensions when I state ing, and the entrance stop|>ed up so the they were recognized by the crowds they B ’ L atte B ros , No. 10 — 20 vacant lots at prices ranging ( ’ . H embree . W besides hogs, goats, farming machinery, timber lands in the states of California, J R L onoacre etc. Price, $21,000. One-fourth cash; bal from $100 to $150 per lot, 60x120 feet, con Oregon. Nevada rnd Washington terri sary for its growth. Notice either hill that it uses up over 75 tons of paper, fumes will not escape, will annihilate were passing ¿through. They were not. tory,” Henry Troeger, of Portland, county ance, time to suit veniently located; easy terms. every day after planting in the spring. from 800 to 1000 pounds of ink, and every squirrel in the hole. If the farm it seems that they seldom are. The on of Multnomah, state of Oregon, lias this No. 17—100 acres, 7 miles from McMinn Notice for Publication On the drained side the young shoots when printed, each Sunday edition is of ers will get together now and order a ly times when the ex-President is recog day filed ill this office his sworn statement No. 11—Relinquishment of claim to 157J4 ville ; very best yalley land. Price, $45 per No* 449, for the purchase of the s w % of acre. will be seen a day or two in advance of such magnitude as to make a library, il barrel of this squirrel destroyer, and nized is when he is seated for a numlxu L and O ffice at O regon C ity J | acres, ten miles from McMinnville, lias for section No. 10, in township No. 2 south, No. 18—348 acres, well improved, water Oregon. April 24, 1889. f improvements — large house 20x35, barn the other, and why? Because the land printed in book manner and hound in then appoint a day for the purpose of of minutes in a horse car or an elec ted range No 6 west, amj will offer proof to in every field, buildings good, orchard. Notice is hereby given that the following- is made warmer and in a much better book* of the average size, that would be making a raid on the animals, they will train. Then some one is apt to place his show that the land sought is more valuable 40x65, iMJOO feet fencing, etc.; price, $(i00. Price, $30 per acre. named settler has tiled notice of her inten for its timber or stone than for agricultural No» 19—100 acres. 1 mile from postoffice. No. 13—House and 4 acres two and one- purposes, and to establish his claini to said tion to make final proof in support of her condition to germinate the seed, being twice as large as the largest library in undoubtedly realize the best of the re features and whis|>erthe news among the Price, $45 per acre. • One-half cash This remedy has proved very rest. If the ride is as long as from Wall land before the register and receiver of this claim, ami that siH proof will be made be neither too wet nor too dry. A week la the world! That is, it is the equivalent sults. No. 20-^62 acres, 6 miles from McMinn half miles from McMinnville. office at Oregon City, Oregon on Thursday, fore the county judge, or, in bis absence, ter the crop of the drained side is much of 4,000,000 volumes, while thu largest efficient in destroying prairie dogs in street to their hotel at twenty-eighth No. 17—House of 8 rooms with 8 lots in the 20th day of June, 188y. before the county clerk of Yamhill county, ville, 1 mile from postoffice. Price, $50 per ;acre. One-half cash. He names as witnesses: T M Stark, J II at McMinn vile, Oregon, on Friday June 28, greener and to all appearances much library in the world is the National li Texas, and will undoubtedly kill any street it usually happens that good Dem McMinnville. Good barn, etc. Location is No. 21—Saw mill, 10 mile« from McMinn one of the best in McMinnville. Price, Rankin. W E Jacobs and W S Rumyon, all 188!). viz: healthier than the other. Follow it a brary at Paris and contains only 2,000,- kind of animals that burrow in the ocrats or Mugwumps touch their hats or D. WRIGHT, of Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon. ville, capacity 10,000 feet per day; all com stop and shake hands as they are pass Any and all persons claiming adversely widow of William E Wright, deceased, month longer when lhe rains have al 000 volumes, while the next in size is at ground. plete and now working full crew; orders for only $1700. the above-described lands are requested to Homestead Entry No. 492!), for the s of s most ruined all crops on other land, and London and contains 1,800,000 volumes. ing out. Mrs. Cleveland is far freer from file their claims in this office on or before w of section 12,13 s, r 2 w. Dehorning Experience. this sort of attention. She is not recog She names the following witnesses to it is still in as flourishing condition ever, And yet, notwithstanding the huge pro said 20th day of June, 188s ,W. T BURNEY. prove her and her deceased husband’s con foi the excess of water has been carried portions of these Sunday editions, the Mr. A. W. Gibson, Marshal county, nized on the streets, and I hear of her April 5-18 Register tinuous residence upon and cultivation of, off through the underground drain. time allotted for their construction is the Kansas, gives tho following as his exper being at three places to every one said land, viz: she is mentioned as going to. It is cer John W Winters, A S Vaughn, J; s New Timber Land, Act June 3, 187H. man and Wm Garland, all of Middleton, Then comes a season of drouth and the almost incredulously period of a little ience in dehorning: “One year ago laBt tainly a great town for loosing one’s self over ten hours, ” adjoining crops, for wqnt of the water fall I had a mixed lot of eighteen head, Notice for Publication. Washington county. Oregon. calves and all. Some of them were in. Think of it being possible as in the Any person who desires to protest against which had long since run over the sur L and O ffice at O regon C ity , I Oregon Hops. the allowance of such proof, or who knows face, begins to turn yellow, burn and fresh and some heavy with calf. I took case for William Dean llowel«, easily the Oregon, Mar, Sth, 1889. J of any substantial reason, under the law Notice is hereby given that in compliance | and regulations of the Interior Department, then shed its leaves. The drained land W. J. Herren writes as follows on hops | pains to note the effect on them, and I foremost American novclcst. to bo with the provisions of the act of congress of why such proof should not be allowed, will ' will say there was no lose of milk at all, living quietly in Stuyvesant Square at the same time is constantly receiving in the Salem Statesman: June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the aale of be given an opportunity at the above men timber lands in the states of California. Oregon tioned The Pacific coast is fast becoming fa- i and they went to feeding ns if nothing without any notoriety or annoyance. No sufficient moisture by capillary attraction time and place to cross-examine the Nevada and Washington territory,” Milford F paper has discribed his home or house Nessly of Borland, county of Multnomah, state witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evi or in the same manner as flame is nour mous for the choice quality of hops I had bapjiened ten minutes later. As for of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his dence in rebuttal of that submitted by ished by oil through the wick. The grown here, and the production of hops i causing abortion I have personal know hold and only the other day a member of sworn statement No. 434, for the purshase of claimant crop is the flame, the soil the wick and is fast becoming one of the leading in ledge of at least 500 head of cows being his little family died and was buri ied, W T. BURNEY, the se 4 of section No. 4, township No. 2 south, Register. range No, 6 west, and will offer proof to show May 3:18 dustries of our state, and as is usually dehorned in all stages, and not a single and not a word of the news crept into the the supply of water the fuel. that the land sought is more valuabe for its the case at this season of the year, much , case of abortion in the lot. As to the ad city newspapers until a Connecticut jour I timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, Timber Land, Act June 3,1878. The Head of the Army. anxiety is felt on the part of growers vantage of it my shed was open on the nal called attention to the omission. At and to establish his claim to said land bafore Notice lor Publication. the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore with regard to prospective prices. It is south side 12x32 feet, and one old cow, about the same time there was a pub General Schofield ’ s salary is $13,000. gon City, Oregou, on Wednesday, the 5th day L and office at Oregon City, Or., 1 lished statement that Mrs. Frances March 8th. 1889. f of June, 1889. Although he is the successor of Sheridan, yet too early for any one to even guess when all had horns, would keep all the He names as witnesses: W S Ranyan, W W Notice is hereby given that in compliance what the price of hops will be four rest out. But last winter during our Hodgson Burnett had been visiting in who followed a line of soldiers in office Espey. E Espey and E Griggs, all of Portland, with the provisions of the act of congress of town, but the word came from Washing Multnomah county; Oregon. June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of who were national heroes, and although months hence; but the statement of a blizzaid, all my eighteen head of cattle S, A. YOUNG, M. D. Any and all persons claiming adversely the timber lands in the states of California; Oregon few facts connected with the outlook for and two colts staid under it, and were as ton.—Providence Journal. above described lands are requested to file their Nevada and Washington territory,” Edward he is rightful an incumbent by reason of Physician & Surgeon, claims in this office on or before said 5tb day Griggs of Portland, county of Multnomah, btate his services to the country, his career Oregon hops elicited while the writer quiet as that many sliocp. This winter Captain Zalinski. Watchmaker of Or., has this day tiled in this office his sworn of June, 1889, was East may not be uninteresting to in feeding some dry cows and heifers as W. T. BURNEY, M c M innvillk . O regon . statement No. 43>, for the purchase of the s A has not been such as to make his name Bearded up to the eyes, hronz-d under Marl5-15 Register. of nw and lots 3 and 4 of section No. 4, in ever familiar to American people gener our hop growers. While there we inter many as could get to the feed box would the beard, which in closely trimmed, Office and residence on D street. All township No. 2 south, range No. 6 west, and viewed most of the brewers and hop stand quietly and eat and none were ally. Ilia military life has been long Dealer In All Kinds of Watches. JewelQ, Plated Ware. calls promptly answered day or night. will offer proof to show that the land sought is brown-eyed and serious, yet ready to re Timber band, Act June 3, 1S7S- more ’ alu.-ble toi its timber or st me than for and the duties faithfully performed, but commission men. All of them agree crowded away. As to the time to dehorn, Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE, OR. agricultural purposes, and to establish his in few events has he been very conspicu that all matkets will be bare of choice before fly time in spring and after it in lax into a twinkle of mirth, Capt. Zalin- Notice lor Publication. Dll. J. C. MICHAUX claim to said land before the Register and Re ski, American's greatest coast defender, of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on ous. General Schofield was born on the hops by the time the crop of 1889 is har fall. The fall is my choice.” L and O ffice at O regon C jtt , ) ceiver passed down Broadway yesterday with a Wednesday, the 5th day of June, 1889. vested. There is yet a considerable if 20th of September, 1831. He graduated Oregon, Mar. 8th, 1889. | Practicing Physician and Surgeon. Ho ngmes as witnesses: W S Banyan, W W portfolio of gun drawings under bis arm. A Well Known Drunkard. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Espey, E Espey and M F Nessley all of Port from the United States Military academy quantity of old hops and low grades of “Isn't it surprising,” said he, “to see how with the provisions or the act of congress of land, Multnomah count} . Oregon. 1888 ’ s on the market, but the movement in 1853, in the same class with Sheridan, LAFAYETTE. OREGON- June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sa’e of One of the best known drunkards anil completely and quietly Bismark has Any and all persons claiming adversely the Goods of all descriptions moved and careful timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, abov? described lands ate requested to file theii McPherson and Hood. Before the war in this class of hops is slow and sales dif bar-room loungers of Philadelphia is 3*1. »I, '88. taken the back track on the Samoan Nevada, and Washington territory,” John H claims in thia office on qr before said ’th day of handling guaranteed. he left the seivice to become a professor ficult, but choice Oregon hops are want dead. He was a goat named “Billy,” or Raiikin. of Portland, county of Multnomah, June. 1889. Collections will be made monthly. question? You think there is something ed at good prices. All the brewers with state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office Hau ling of all kinds done cheap. ’S'® of natural science in a university, but at W, T. BURNEY. NcMMNVILLE NATIONAL BANK. rather, he was half goat and half deer. behind it all? Why? Why not give his sworn statement No 433; for the purchase Marìò-15 whom we talked speak in the highest Register. the breaking out of hostilities he entered He has not drawn a sober breath for the him credit for once for cincerity? Ho of the s j of ne 4 «nd lots 1 and 2 of section No. 4, in township No. 2 south, range No. 6 west, m ’MINNVII.I.E, OREGON. the army as a volunteer. A major’s terms of the quality of Oregon hops, and last seven ycais, with the exception of knew that if he got into a war with the aud will offer proof to show that the laud sought Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878. say if our growers will use pro;>er care in commission was tendered to him at once, two months, when he was laid up with a United States ho would have a great is more valuable for its timber or stone than for Transact« a General Banking Bi.sinesa. Notice for Publication. agricultural purposes, and to estiblisli his and on November 21, 1861, he had the handling and curing of their hops, broken leg, caused by a champagne deal of trouble. Let's sup|Ktse him per I*midert ........................ J. W. COWLS claim to said land before the Register and Re I. and office , Oregon Gity, Or. ) J. Pro. reached the grade of brigadier-general, that they will always find a teadv mark spree, lie frequented ail the liquor I March 8, 1889. ceiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on fectly candid on this subject, t here is Vice President . 1 EE LA l’(. IILi N Third Street, - McMinnville, Wednesday, the 5th day of June. 1889. Notice is li’Tiby given that in compliance 'O lie served a'.l through the war, notably et for them, and that they compare fa shops of Nicetown, and was always in nothing new about the dynamite guns. Cashier ( LARK I’.RALY He names as witnesses: W 8 Ranyon, W W with the provision- of the act of congress * f vorably with New York Btate hops. All ----- Keeps constantly on hand---- vited to have something with the lioys. They *ork very satisfactorily. Wiiat a Espey, E Espey and E Griggs, all of Portland, June 3. 187i lititled “An ;•(•♦ for tin- sale of in the Atlantic campaign, and for a time accounts agree that the roots in New Ball« exchange < mi Portland, San Francisco timber lands in the states of California, Oregon was lecretary of war in Grant’s first cab Multnomah county, Oregon. He naturally believed in free whisky, sad and terrible thing that disaster to Any aud all persons claiming adversely the Nevada, and Washington territory,” William W York state have wintered well, and as and New York. and it is said that it was his fear of the our navy at Apia!” And the the unaf interest allowed on time deposits. above described lands are requested to file their Espey, ol Portland, county of Multnomah, state inet. At present his duties are practi the “ grubbing ” season is now in full Bighest price paid for fat cattle, sheep hogs claims in this office on or before said 5th day of of Oregon, has this day fifed in this office his cally nominal, for there are plenty of! Office hours from 9 a m to 4 p m. passage of a prohibitory law that caused fected gentleman, who holds the simple and poultry. sworn statement No. 437, for the purchase of subordinates to look after details. blast in that state, hop roots are being Jone, 1889. his death. He was generally quiet when rank of Captain, and who is laying this W. T, BURNEY, the sw 4 section No. 4 in township No. 2 He has an office in the department offered in Waterville and Utica at the he had a “jag on,” occasionally, how Marl515 Regis er. south, range No. G west, and will offer proof to and the next generation, too, under such show that the land sought is more valuable for building, which is principally interest extreme low price of fifty cents per bush ever, demolishing a fruit-vender’s stand. deep obligations to his scientific dis its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos el and no buyers. This shows conclu ing for the relics which it contains of bis and to establish bis claim to »aid land before “Billy” is a striking illustration of the coveries in the matter of high explosive Requirements of a Stenographer. es, the Il*»gi'ter and Receiver of this office at Ore service. Sheridan filled up his office in sively that New York hop growers begin depths to which a brute can sink when projectiles and pieces, passed on his way, Haune. Sign, and Ornamental Painter Sample rooms in connection. gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday the 5th day of TH Succeed as a stenographer, one must be ac- a similar way and it was a favorite spot to realize the fact that they, with a yield he tries to imitate man.— New York Tri | U curate in shorthand, skilled in type June. 1889. an unpretentious citizen. In Euro)>e he o------ o He names as witnesses: W S Ranyan, E E b - for sightseers. The remark is frequently of 600 to 800 pounds per acre, cannot M c M innville , O regon . writing, a good penman, a competent cor bune. would be covered with medals, docoia- respondent, In the Shorthand Department of the pey, E Griggs and M F Nessley, all of Portland, r compete wfth the Pacific coast, with a heard that Sheridan died as a result of Multnomah county, Oregon. -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE— Is now fitteti up in first class order. tions and titles by this time.—New York Graining, Any and ail persons claiming adversely the his idleness. He was accustomed to ty yield of 1200 to 2000 pounds to the acre. THOROUGH TEACHING in shorthand, DAILY PRACTICE A Boston drummer says: “One of the World. in type-writing, careful instruction in penman above described iands Are n quested to file their [ In conclusion, we say to Oregon hop Paper Hanging and meanest men it was ever my misfortune Accommodations as good as can be ship and abundant drill in correspondence amply claims in this office cn or before said 5th clay of pical soldier’s life and a sinecure worried growers, make tlie ¡rest hops you can, to have dealings with was a retail grccer, Carriage Painting. foun din the city. Moralists lieeiproeate. qualify students for positions always open to those June, 1889. him more than a campaign. W. T. BURNEY. fully prepared to fill them. Send for catalogue. and fear no competition. who at the time was selling a joor Marl5-15 Register, A. P. A rmstrong , T ris ., - P ortland , O regon . Mr. Barnum once entered the Church Prompt Attention to Orders from S. E. MESSINGER, Manager. J. I. Knight. J. I. KNIGHT & CO REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, McMinnville, Oregon We Notice a Few of Our Properties. POWDER Absolutely Pure. E. WRIGHT Besides Town Property of all descriptions. We can only give a very small proportion of our properties. Should any thing in this list interest you, address us, giving number on list and we will forward you full description. If you wish any information regarding our. County, do not fail to write us. All your questions will be answered cheerfully and to the best of our ability. WM. HOLL, and Jeweler. FETZER & HIGH Draymen.. Eurisko Market. S. HIBBS, All Meats of Best Quality. J. B. ROHR, The St. Charles Hotel the Country. THE STANDARD TROTTING STALLION, w. V. PRICE. PHOTOGRAPHER. F. DIELSCHNEIDER, DICK FLAHERTY, Record 2:30. Opposite Cook’s Hotel, Third Street, Will Make the Season of 1889, McMinnville, Oregon Commencing April 1, Ending* July 1, THE NADJY BAR! In the COOK HOUSE. AT M’MINNVILLE FAIR GROUNDS, The Best Bar izx the City. Yamhill County, Oregon. Btoekod with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars—Domestic and Imported DESCRIPTION AND PFDIGKEF WM. MARTIN. Proprietor. All lhe Latest Novels Can be Found at The NEWS STORE Full Stock of Musical Instru ments and Stationery Always on Hand. Third Street, McMinnville. Or. Reliable Opposition Boot &. Shoe Dealer. FOSITIVEL-Sr No Goods Misrepresented as to Ttieir F. DIEIMHNIEDER. DICK FLAHERTY is a chestnut,small strip in face, one white anklo; stands 16 hands high; weighs 1150 pounds; winner of the 2:40 class at City View Park, September 13, 1888, defeating Maud Knox. Oneco, Oleander and Harvest in three straight heats. This was Dick’s first and only race, at which time he be made his record of 2:30. Sired by Fearaaugbt, Jr, he by Fearnaught 112, record 2:23(winuer of the $10,000 purse at Buffalo m 1868. defeat ing George Palmer. Col. Mayuard. American Girl, J. J. Bradley, Myron Perry. Victor Hugo Study this horse’s breeding. I trotting ancestry. TETSZviS: and Molly): he by Young Morrill. Dick Flaherty’s dam, Bell Drew, has paced a mile in 2:30, by Dodd’s Nelson, by John Nelson 187; 2d dam by Butterfield’s St. Clair: 3d dam dy Blackleg, by Bigget s Rattler: 4th dam by Jack Hawkin«, by Boston; 5th dam by Old St. Clair. Fearnaught, Jr., dam Haldee, by Old Colum bus; 2d dam by Harris' Hambletonian; 3d dam. Boston Girl, a celebrated 3-mile trotter, qy Old Abdallah. Besides being a trotter himself, becomes from To Insure, Season, $30. Mares bred by season payable July 1st; mates bred by insurance payable when mares arc known to be with foal. For further information address: 1 , CHAS. WOODS. Manager. McMinnville, Oregon. It is announced in certain business circles that one of the oldest and largest of the houses engaged in the Importation of iron and steel into Boston has erected a mill and a complete plant in Sweden, and will there make steel directly from the Swedes ore- To readers unacquainted with the facts, it may be explained that the Swedish irons are the best in the world for melting into steel; in fact, for the higher grades of steel used for expen sive tools, no other iron will answer. The value of the iron trade to Sweden and Norway is so great that the government supervises it, in some degree, requiring each brand to be recorded and imposing a heavy penalty upon the maker when the iron of any brand is shown to have fallen below its established and recorded standard of excellence. It looks if this might be a serious matter for several classes of business men. If Norway and i Swedes iron are to be made into steel over there, the American importing deal- | ers will he comparatively idle. The Moon's Influence. A moonstruck farmer contributed the following to a local newspaper: I see a great deal in the newspaiiers about how to choose a cow, but I can tell you a rule worth all the reBt. If a cow was calved when the horns of the moon pointed down she will be a good milker, but if born when the horns of the moon pointed up Bhe will go all to flesh, or rather to skin and bones. I never raised a calf born in the wrong time of the moon. I always butcher in the new of the moon and have fully one-tliird more meat. I always build my fence when the horns the moon point up, and rider it when the horns of the moon point down, the two draw together and the fence never falls. The moon should govern ns in all our operations. I once attended a camp meeting and joined the church in the dark of the moon and I backslid wonder fully. Since then I became converted in the light of the moon and have stuck ever since. Our school house, contrary to my advice, was roofed in the light of The great coast defense vessel will the moon, and last winter nearly all the likely be built at San Francisco, at a cost children had the measles, anil now the roof is leaking badly. of about $1,628,000. woman three pounds of common crack ers for twenty-live cents, for which he paid at the rate of six cents per |>otind, 1 but to make his scales exactly balance ' he found it necessary to break a cracker in two. As this man finallv met dca'h ' by falling down stairs and breaking his reck, I thought he received only his just dues.” of the Messiah, New York, of which the Rev. Robert Collyer is pastor, and quict- ly took a back seat. The preacher saw him, and said in a loud voice: “I see I*. T. Barnum in a back pew in this church and I invite him to come forward and take a seat in my family pew. Mr. Bar num always gives me a good scat at his circus, and I want to give him as good in Twelve years ago the Modoc Indians my church.” Mr. Barnum was rather were uncivilized heathen. Now they surprised at this public invitation, but of are a community of industrious farmer;« course he accepted it.— Epoch. with half their number professing Christ In London there is a company which ians. It cost the United States govern does an iminence businewt in slaughter ment $1,848,000 to care for 2,200 Dakota ing injured horses and working the car Indians seven yeara while they were casses up into merchantable articles. It savages. After they were christianized I has seven slaughter houses within the it cost, for seven yeara, $120,000, a sav- j area of that city, and tl>eir yearly aver ing of $1,728,000.— The Church of To-day. i age is 25,900 animals. Whenever a horse is irreparably injured on the Within the city limits of Chicago the streets the police notify the company’s area is 40 square miles, and the popula agents, and the animal is promptly put out of his misery. Every part of the tion is supposed to lie 850,030. Near carcass is worked up. Much of Hie flesh suburbs of the city contain about 250,000 is ostensibly sold for cat’s food, but it is more. The area of New York is 41 in reality used by the street gamins, square miles, San Francisco 4*2, St. Paul waifs and |sx>rer classes fr»r food. Tins 51, St. Louis 61, A.inneapoiis 53, New oils obtained arc sold for lubricating pur ! Orleans 60, Philadelphia 129, Buffalo 42. poses and soap iqanufacturing.