Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1934)
■ thy n *M ^ H R o w irir TTT?' tM M r i l K O M l M CHURCH SERVICES Want LOUIE FOLSOM Ads , A ^ One Cent a Word Jeweler C.»ini iiiotv M C A SC A D E LO C K S ----------- i.. » I . v r k USCD a n d N M WEDDING KINGS CASCADE LOCKS * \ w h ile th e y last. I Phelps, E rickson's cabins. •> >on DONNA MOHR Drcs* Shop St ■ Krli They prevented Ml I Huaday School . Ihm , t * 1 "• !l .1 L u c i l l e Be autv — o — • |*ubli SERVICE SHOE SHOP lion; 14x 10; 10-ox duck. See Flanc y C any, I'rop. Repairing at Portland Prices FOR KENT With Miniem Machinery * M RENT 2-rvom DR. F. F O L S O M Dentist a ! No Extra Coat" Dairy Produi t• Daily ir n u r (,rt OUT milk at aeyI grocery store or have it deli»«* at your home. B R A N D E S C R E A M E R Y , Inc. apartment. and Henry Brink attended the H. xk I Kl»er • t'nl*er«ny III*!. •»( Kuaene football ca m * in Hood| FOR R E N T De luxe furni.hed ! li ver Monday apartment, with garage M Um in every re.pect. 4T5 month. | Hartand Clodf*Hwv and Henry Penn'» Tavern. S'elM.n »pent the week end In l’ »rt Inqu:re ' ' 1 * 0 « laicii I In .11 . i r i . M Mr and Mr» L •’•«er» »0 *' • « * " FOR PHONE 212 1 • GRADE 'A ’ PASTEURIZEDl FOR SA LE — Traitor hou»e; l a . * —O— light* and water; furni.he. 1 . Guy S* hufT *l*H«d »I the Gran ! Block w*»t Bunny Villa Tavern. .ir»m home on Friday K.lwin GUfler. Glb*«.n Harrtaon C ascade L o c k s , O r i c o n NOW OPE* Ror Ilo«« " **>do Put "Gel • Premium Milk Hn \ in u î m a r*t ■ 1 b ' • Saturday from Clnlaklne oher« ha. *POBI the la*t I* '* weeh.r with her *..n aud daughter inU «. James at BUI W illiam s’ p b c *. Shop »0 • ■ il . m I Kntrr ta in nwni Krau* » f II »I ltl> v 4 p W *’ ' r k end WIMI .pent th Ft>R SALE 4-n> n h ui«e T* .pent .h W.MMtward b ed roo m ., bath, toirge ! >t. J ' i «T. Mr. Su» — it— mile, from Dam. Reaaonabl*. In flora. tt w .M.dward a« quire at Chr i.ii'le office. Mi. K, 0 t Po rtland and Con. Sr . •!>«**i| Hunday at 1 ! \ l !•( >K s M 1' G od c n d i of Mr*. K i Nliuru« Knitted Pr«-" « - . x ih I Scarfs for F all Trade. f ('apt. t'harle* N«-.»n ROY M SN ! K Ihr.r, 1 ■■■ land *h.-r< they all*nded the u GENTLE SHETLAND PONIES x c ore* .a f >- " .11 >">• For »ale cheap. Ballon, head of —xk— O Fourth street, Gaacada L s A * . C ascade L o c k s , O regon i ARMY TENT. 16 x 16. $:t<> Family could live in it. Write Route 10, ^ RAPIDS BARBER SHOP It 'X R.'t. M:lw. ik O res : • MISCELLANEO! S Mr and Mr. Arthur M * . *■"’ I he w e e k .tut In l l . f l l a o a With r« U l l V r . Wilber llarrt.«>n » » i bu»lne»a rt*lt>r in Mood Hl »er L Y Balta. Mallory ha« nto»ad lo I Portland, « h e r e hn will b# em j toyed. R ali *!! M attley , Manager Dave Dinim ive, Attendant Our M otto Courtesy, Sanitation and __________ Efficiency ___________ MOORE S GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Ignition Specialists Fender and Body Work Bonny Villa COTTAGE BARBEH SHOP First Class Painting First Class Service (las—Oil—Water—Air Hair Cut, 35c Cascade Locks Acetelyne Welding Mr and Mr. Albln Bund»!*« and family of lt->*rdm*n ba** moved to C*a»rade l>»eh. ANNOUNCEMENT T h « R a p id . Barber Shop la now under our per»‘ >n.l d ir W e will cater to the ladle* and ch ildren'» trad*- and end«-aver to conduct the »hop In »urh a n u u n cr a . to merit y j 'V *n , i Mr and Mr. William Keeler were week end »laltof* In Port' land. Mr. ttonna M.,hr h a . moved her ladle, d r e .. .h o p from the toration tn Mr. H ill', bulldnc to the new .t ore room J".t e«jrnîlr!«-d by Jar It Kimer a t ) tnlng the Kim er Klertrlr £ Vvrtetr »tore The new quarter, are larger than the •Id and are better .Hunted Mr. Orare M -rrl»on f Portland rt.lted Mr* Jennie Madden u ttr the Week end. W hile dotn ! home | ..t aid wren> ! ed - M a t e r i a l f o r th la b < » u .e r a n >urcb«Md for only »'*•« T M i Vdaa all material, with ; t f - d tab far the in terior •e h o u .r m m p t e t e wt(h f' dtdatloti. plum bln* m o r e uto fur at>otit *i/| Ale. KrU I« bark. O— Mr and Mr. flare«.-« G la d e r ’ it I.innton vl.lted a* th< n Alger j Horn«- irrer the week end their patronage. OWN THIS HOI f1 '* n K »*■ / î ■ ft* Roy Barnes ¡he week end with Sir ari Kneterak'nld .■ Mi Mm Mike «, « |* EDGEWOOD PARI j F V-i*« I h- r • MEATS FISH And SEA FOODS SERVICE Lakeside Market Cascade Locks Phone 17 Delivery Service Bonneville Dam Area In B eautiful —• >— rer St Fr, QUALITY 10 • m ton Willi A imrljr Thu... gyrata« V r v k » 7 10 P » w, i . ' M r. C Haggblout. Mr. ' i v . . r r meeting I hutwLiy rvrtlUtg OKI 14 I I I n U l t l W m I ! JU.-unl»«. K. Mr. A V«u*»ron. ____ c I« mite of main * ‘ << •' „ mil«' w "> e «t t ul , Cain» Mr. G Ha**blont. Bon.u'vlllr In• 1 u»r»• ^ t- oil., m - Community Center Chapel --------------------------------------- --------- — I Mr. Sue W.HHlwar.l. Mr. ' ■ Donner ill* on Mr. Jerry W oodward. Mr*. R K A C P O L IC E I ’t T P I K S for - I» . ‘ ham 11 n Mr* K Grandiront. Rrr S t» Î felirn. P*>t<-r Cal' \\ til sale cheap. |10 and i .1 Mi PiH'KKT WATCHES ection. I ’ i>, r « i “i s ,u.|j\ s. •.... I FOR S vl F READING «1 VSSKS AND FRAMFS K Church Mr and Mi* I f i* tll.-n of j Warrendal« v < » ,,i <(•, h-mo- j o f Mr nrial Mr. f K f irn» TI r» ; day CASCADE 1.0« KS Restricted To Protect You M r. Rrland Ro««-nhaek «t>«*nt thè flr.t part of thè »«■•■k In Portland ■ " i. Mr. M • ode s’ t,«.,irer «r,ri MI.e Mary : mlth o f Multn'im th tal i « ar:d Henrv Mnrrlvm and Mr nbeeiy 0f Portland ti.lted (he Garn» h"ni* Monday eyening. it it Mr and Mr. W aller J<>hn»on and ha hr o f Porfl.rid have re cently moved to C iarad« I » r k . Guy ft- l«-y an old ):m* re«|,tef,( o f f a»r „(1 e la i-If. now o f P-.rt- and.l vl.lted frl- n-1. h--re Hunday Mr and Mr» Claude Marqula hare mov- .j i n f-ia-'ade lo i-k. Mr V a rq .il. |. -h-,re| onerat-.r »m otore^ (,y •• • *nfe h'*h»«av ^ - e r t m e n r -r 'll b, b - , f or Oft ' **• »pent the • ji ^ 2" Mr nf 41 ,,n(1 w||fl h|. r 'in i sl.diify town d’sinLt. , :t'St * i,i M a n y b e a u tifu l in e x p e n - S d is tr ic t. C lo s e to g ra d e and W p ^ L e v e i i' « ti to d riv e in a n d no sm *> w d rifts to -i- '• WARRANTY DEED $100 WARRANTY ON VERY EASY TERMS NO GUESSING ABOUT WATER OR UGH'* Over 200 choice homesites to choose from. for garden and flowers. 61 I KEELER OR IRA OWEN ' ' ^SLi LUMBER COMPANY W l.B. L«BFR. 821 F®IUW»> PORTI AND. AT water 6f)24