Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1925)
' ■ I k AY, DECEMBER 24, 1925 Ifla (B*a With Heartiest Well-Wishing for a Joyous Yuletide Chick N. Patty, of the drug store calf-hay says, says ba: The office girls, with glossy curls And their cheeks of pink and white, AU stroll along in a laughing throng To get their noonday Mte. But I'd like to know how cheeks can glow Like rosebuds in a bunch On the dally fare of a sponge eclair Or a macaroon for lunch. Glacier Period. HOOD RIVER URGED TO MAKE EXHIBIT THE E. A. FRANZ CO H. L. Hasbrouck, optometrist. Let a Coin Controlled Clock help you save. See Allyn Butlm or tel. 4242 jlStf The Portland Telegram, Hood River agent, Carroll Day. Phone 336.3. a30tf Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Skinner are spending several weeks In Astoria. H. E. Baker was in The Dalles Mon day on business. Maurice Kinsey and Dick Ford are home from O. A. C. for the holidays. Miss Wenlna luliell returned home Saturday from U. of O. For Rent—Office rooms in the Broeius Building. See R. E. Scott. al8tf Peacock Beauty parlor, Richard’s Apts. Tel. 2921. |6tl Bring your tubes in. We will check them free. The Radio Shop. alStf H.-R. Auto Wreckers,on the Heights. Parts for all cars. ¡»if Call 6699 when you need stenographic work. nl2tf Cai) Schindler Transfer for service. Office 2861, res. 8402. a2tf Robert Wilbur has returned home from O. A. C. Miss Alice Carson returned home from U. of O. Saturday. James Johnson, a senior at U. of O., is home to visit his folks. Elwin House, student at O. A. C., is home |or the Christmas vacation. F. A. Ray, light trucking, country or city. Phones, .3801 and 3041. n’JHtf Rubbish hauling, light trucking. -R. F. Cooper, tel. 1721 or 3682. ml9tf Let a Coin Controlled Clock help you save. See Allyn Button or tel. 4242. jlHtf Cash paid for old care. H.-R. Auto Wreckers. ¡911 J. A. Carr recently sold an Overland Six sedan to W. A. Thornbury. J. H. Haslett is spending Christmas with his mother, Mrs. R. O. Hazlett, at Salem. . Bernice Bennett is home from Cor vallis to visit her folks during the holidays. G. R. Green will spend the holiday» In Seattle with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Green. Mlm Gladys Hull, student at Reed College, returned home Friday night to spend Christmas vacation. John Mohr, student at U. of O., who is home on a vacation, will return to Eugene January 8. Mrs. Fred Howe left Saturday morn ing for Pasadena, Calif., to sis nd the --------- - Eocene Coal Oil stops smoking and smelling oil stoves. In bulk at Frani Co. m29tl Ml* Myrtle Jarvis, who has been attending U. of O., is home to spend the holidays. riiul McKercher and family will spend Christmas in White Salmon with bis mother. , Geo. Smith, with the Kresse Drug tionCo., leaves today for a two weeks’ vacation with his family in Astoria. Mr. «nd Mrs. L. F. McDonald left ytvtterday for Portland to spend Christ mas with their daughters. Charles Taft, of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, Eugene, la home for the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Taft. Ben II. Rice, exhibit commissioner of the Commercial and Industrial Ex hibition of the Pacific Northwest, was the principal speaker at the Tuesday Lunch club. In his talk he stated that there were four main objects of the ex hibition. First, to attract capital to the northwest. Second, an appeal to that class of people who are tired of the congested cities of the eest and want room to expand. Especially to that class with a little capital to in vest and ready to retire from active business, such as are flocking in large numbers to southern California. Third, to encourage the establishing of branch factories in the porthwvst. where there is an abundance of water power and undeveloped resources. Fourth, to ex ploit civic advantages and attract tour ists. Mr. .Rice urged Hood lliver to send an exhibit or combine with other cities and localities in the mid Columbia dis trict, and the Commercial dub direct ors will confer with other districts on this matter. - Tlie exposition is to be a non-profit enterprise. A charge will be made for each exhibit, but after <-x|>enses have iteen paid, the surplus from the gate receipts will be returned to the ex hibitors. Miss Margaret Gould, who represents Hood River at the O. A. C. Chamber of Commerce, was present and talked of her work, esL ipedally the educational exhibit to be put in February, which will be of interest to students, showing the industries of lite different localities of the state. Ernest McKittrick, U-imard Thomson I. H. Cederwall left yesterday for and Roger Woodyard are home from Seattle, where he will «pend the Christ University of Oregon for the holidays. mas vacation with his parents, Mr. and E. II. Gnim, superintendent of the Mrs. B. J. Cederwall. Before return Oregon Lu inlier Co. plant at Dee, is ing he will make ai business trip to spending the holidays in Hood River. Yakima. Ms. H. 8. Braakman .was called to H. W. Daggatt and. W. J. Havener, Seattle last week on account of the of Lyle, Wash., made a business trip serious illness of her father, Alfred to Hood River yesterday. Colkey, aud arrived just before his with the cooperative spirit manifested Search«« of records and reliable ab death, which occurred Wednesday, De in the recent conference at Beattie, stracts made by Oregon A be tract Com cember 1«. where representatives of the more pop pany, A. W, Onthank. Manager, First Misses Norma and Louise Edgar ulous communities of the Pacific coast National Bank Bldg. Tel. 1521. jy20-t« came up Tuesday evening from Port met and formulated plans by which We pay cash for yottr old furniture or land, where they are attending high each community will Include in its pro make a liberal allowance on new goods school, to spend the holidays with motion campaign an appeal to all who Call Hackett 8111, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur their iiarents, Mr. aud Mrs. John R. visit It to make the tour of the entire niture Exchange. ml7tf Edgar, at Dee. coast. The promotion branches in each The holiday spirit will prevail at Jesse Hukari returned Tuesday from city will tie supplied with literature the Pine Grove Grange hall New Year’s a visit to his former home, Frederick, setting forth the charms and advan eve. Come and dance to the strains of 8. D. Mr. Hukari found real winter tages of all the others; and this will music furnished by the Gravenstelns. in South Dakota and was glad to get be passed out to all who apply, along Notice, l’arkdale Auto Owners: I’ll back to the milder weather of the Ore with local information. gon country. be In my shop at Mt. Hood continuous To reap the greatest measure of suc ly from now on. Phone Mt. Hood cess this cooperative effort must ex The Christian church of both the tend to the individuals of each com Store. G. F. Dough arty. city and the valley will give their Clipped Here and There munity. A maxim that each might Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Small and son, Christmas en tertai ninepts Thursday keep in mind is, “If you cannot say a Bobble, are spending Christmas with evening. In the valley a mixed pro Mrs. Small’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. gram will lie followed by a treat for While it lias been recognized ever good word for a sister community, hold the children, and In town the beauti since beasts have been employed in the your tongue." A part of the adver E. Bart mess. tising appropriation for each commu ful Christmas service, "The Nativity,” Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nichols will will tie given. -Roth services at 7.30 service of men that two horses pulling nity is to be need In voicing the appeal together will move a bigger load than spend Christmas in Portland with their o’clock. • ■ when pulling In Opposite directions,' of the whole coast. 1x4 each remember daughter, Mrs. Roy A. Cook, and hus J. II. Nlckelsen, superintendent of one is often amazed to see how often that “God’s’ country” extends all the band. maintenance of the Columbia River principle lacks application to the way from Seattle to Ban Diego. Miss Frieda Anderson came up from highway for Hood River county, re this inter-relation of men and communities. Monmouth Normal school Friday even ports no slides on the highway from rivalries in competitive produc ing to spend the holidays with her par the recent storm, but one tree had to Section tion are commendable, so long as all ents, MF. and Mrs. F. T. Anderson. lie removed cast of the city. Some of are pulling in the same direction. But Mrs. Theresa Dolliver, of Detroit, his equipment has been sent up the when these rivalries degenerate into Mich., arrived last week for an ex Loop highway to help out F. II. Black sectional jealousies Mg communities tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. man, who hail a few breakdowns. often fall to' move little loads. C. C. Crew, and family. Cooperation is the secret of mod AU of the children of the valley are L. C. Weinheimer, who Is spending The county budget was adopted last the winter in Ixmg Beach, Cal., writes ern success. When communities work invited to meet Hants Claus at the week by the county court with but one as follows: “Had a wonderful trip with each other they aciximpllah vastly Rialto theatre and the Elks temple change, the fruit inspector’s salary be down. Ran Into rain only one day more than when they work against Christmas morning. It was expected ing reduced $200 a year. through the Dunsmuir and Redding each other. Thia is alike true of that Hants Claus would bring his rein Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Hampton, Mr. country. Roads were great, though. neighboring villages, neighboring states deer to Hood River and exhibit them years and Mrs. W. D. McWatera aud Mr. and Four * v — ago we plowed through and neighboring peoples. When Rome on the stage at the theatre, but tiie Mrs Jesse Harrington, of Portland,1 mud hub deep in that section. Weather destroyed Carthage she paved the way warm weather has melted the snow were week end house guests of Mr. and 1« warm and sunny now, 95 degrees in for her own destruction. The com and they will have to be left farther — - — M m ilia* bined power of the two states would north. Also. Santa has so many pack the rlavtiino daytime. ” ” 4 Mrs. L. E. Taft. Mrs. E. M. Igl and little eon. of have been sufficient to repel the bar ages for the good little boys and girls New Year’s Masquerade, J h unary 1, While the states of of Hood River that it may he neces 192«. Old-time dance. Rockford hall. Klamath Falls, who have been visiting barian Invasions. were united they were invinc sary to use several larfce trucks from The Gravenstelns. Ten casli prizes. Mrs. Igl’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Greece ibly. When jealousies arose and they Fines for those unmasked. Buffet Haas, for the past six weeks, left began destroying each other a foreign Portland. But Santa Claus will l»e at the Thursday for Minneapolis by way of lunch 25c per plate. California. She will meet her hueband power stepped in and subjugated them theatre, and will also be at the Chris A big time Is expected at tlie Ameri at Weed and go to Sacramento, taking all. man tree at the Elks temple to distrib can Legion dance at the K. P. hall to the train there for Omaha, where they Development of the Pacific coast was ute bags of candy and gifts to the kid morrow evening, Christmas night. will visit a sister, Mrs. Geo. Donohue. retarded for -a generation by sectional dies. At 10 o'clock sharp the picture There will I m * good music and a good From there they will go to Minneapo jealousies. Portland aud Beattie webe show , will start, showing Jackie Coogan turnout. jealous of each other; Ban Francisco In “Little Robinson Crusoe.” After lis to visit Mr. Igl’s relatives. Lindsav Spight. a senior at O. A. C., Mrs. Marion Williams, who Is con add Los Angeles were jealous of each the show the kiddies will be fed at the was elected to hill membership of the ducting antl-Mormon meetings in the other. The northwest was jealous of Elks temple. Portland Quilleni Wednesday night at church?«, was a member of the Mor California, and California was jealous While a good many have responded a meeting held in the Portland Cham- mon church 48 years, 12 of which she of the northwest. Many who consid with i-ara, more will be needed,, and lier of Commerce. lived as the second wife of a Utah ered locating on the Pacific coast lis especially at 12.30. at the dose of the Um Lola Jean Sinclair sang in the Mormon. and knows whereof she tened to the dis;« raging things that program, to return all of the children Reixi College chorus SundAj afternoon lIHbkA' 'Mie MIHM'WriT r K h R —M f C tn their homes. ------- ¿',rr'"~* ' Arrangements bava been made for at the Portland auditorium. Miss Sin Her subject will he: “My Life in a the others and ended by believing them all. free transportation over the interstate clair returned home Sunday evening Mormon Harem.1' No woman should But where people are wise they learn bridge for cars containing five or more for the Christmas holiday* fail to hear Mrs. Williams, who has to benefit front their mistakes. Most children for thia free Christmas enter New Year’s Masquerade, January 1, some repute as a speaker. successes of life come after many fail tainment. the expense to be taken care 192ft. Old-time dance. Rockford hall. A light coupe driven by Claire ures. The first steam engine didn’t of by the Elka as per special arrange The Gravensteins. Ten ce^h prizes. Creighton, with whom was traveling run. The first airplane didn't fly. meni with tlie bridge company. Fines for those unmasked. Buffet LeRoy Bennett, both of The Dalles, It la only the last 10 years that the lunch 25c per plate. was struck by an unidentified motorist communities of the Pacific eoast have CHURCHES To the strains of music furnished by about five miles below Hood River come to realize that it is better busi ——■ 11 * • the Gravenstein orchestra, mingle with while returning home front Portland ness to boost a neigh I sir than to knock. o'clock Bunday night. Creighton The development of I jos Angeles har St. Mark’s Church friends and neighbors in a joyful time at kt the New Year’s eve dance at Pine was slightly injured and Bennett was bor into a world jsirt of the first class Services Christ mas day will be: Holy thrown out of the car, striking his brought more maritime trade to the Communion at 8 a. m.; Holy Com Grove Grange hall. Mr and Mrs. Humphfey Barton ar shoulder on the pavement. The coupe harbors of Ban Diego, Han Francisco munion and sermon. 10 a. m Sunday and Beattie. Business In Loe Angeles services will be: Church school at rived Tuesday from Minneapolis to was almost demolished. and Heattie suffi-red a reverse when 9 45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon spend a few days on their ranch in the San Francisco was partly destroyed by at 11 a. m. Rev. Lindley H. Miller. Oak Grove district, and will go from MERRY MORAINE fire. There may have been isolated here to southern California for the cases where that disaster benefit! ed First Chareb of Christ. SdMtM J winter. temporarily some ja-rsona or businesses Services in church building Sunday, (By W1U 8. Bates) in the nelghlxiring cities; but the gen 11 a. m. Sunday school the same hour. Ask tommy, He Knows eral effect was adverse. The reading room la maintained in the The Pacific coast as a unit is a vast Davidson building. Room 8 Is open In a northwestern seaport town there is a wealthy but illiterate and empire. Wisely and intensively devel week days from 9 to 6, with an attend dear old man, who owns many vessels, ops It could easily house and feed the ant in charge from 3 to 5. Wednesday and follows their course over the seas whole present population of the United evening service at 8 o’clock. Lesson by the aid of a 10-horse power teles States. No other equal area in the subject: "Is the Universe, Including world has more wonderful or more -di subject: "Christian Science.” cope. “I’ve just had a letter,’* he said to verse natural scenery. But no single a friend, “from one of my captains, district has a monopoly on the grand Brotherhood Entertained and he tells me he's been in a fearful eur, the fertility and the delectability The Riverside Church Brotherhood of the region. storm. I'll read you what pussies me. Who has seen Los Angeles county met with the Parkdale Forum Friday He says: "The waves rose like moun and eojoyed the benefits of its salubri evening and was entertained at a din tains. • We were driven before the ous and delightful climate has seen ner held in the high school building. wind, to the danger of our lives, and and enjoyed much; but he has perhaps Alxiiit 50 were present from Hood Riv put into great Jeopardy.’ ” er. and a large turnout from Parkdale. “What I want to know is, where is missed more. He bus not seen Yosem Truman Butler made a very Interesting Great Jeopardy? It’s somewhere north ite, the darling of the gods. He has talk on sarty reminiscences of steam of Seattle, but I can’t find it on this not seek Tahoe, the mirror of the skies. boat lite on the Columbia, when he He has not teen the Golden Gate, and map anywhere.” Han Francisco, serene on its seven was purser on one of the river boats. hills, laved and guarded by a great Judge Wilson also made a speech on Our Home Tow nMimi-nill« Inland sea that forms one of the finest "Americanisation,” which was very in Introlucotor—Gentlemen, be seated. natural harbors of the world. He has teresting and full of good logic. The opening chorus by the entire com not seen the forests of giant redwoods, pany will be: “Taints Gwine to Bnow some of them older than the Christian No Moe.” era. yet, according to the scientists, Bonen Is fidgety, cannot hardly wait still In middle age. He has not seen for the end of the song; then—Mlstah te Columbia and Hood River valley« Interincketoh, if lightning should keep e has not seen those glorious forests a dahk yalla hen awake till 12 o'clock at have suppliisl moot of the timber No Uss For Ailing Wife. an’ cause bub ta caekle, wha-wka-what for the homes of the cltlee of the south The Now York Medical Journal klnda mathematics would dot be? ern plains and that are still far from Well, Mr. Bones, tell the gentlemen exhausted. He has not motored over «■J»: “Dr. Llchtwardt, a medical mission of the assemblage just what kind of the Columbia River highway, a scenic mathematics it would be. route of unexcelled grandeur. He has ary. tolls th,t ■“Y ** the Persian Bonen: L-l-l-llghtnln’ cackle-late-hen '. not seen a salmon run, something du elek women are obliged to steal away, Mr. Orval Phatt will now render plicated nowhere on earth. He has during tbelr husband’s absence, ta “Asunder.” the pathetic little ballad by not stood in the gateway to Alaska see a doctor. Will X. Pload. and to Siberia and the west that again • 'Honorable Sir,* says the Introduc becomes the east. tory note, ’please see me at ones that Aw, CoouMy; Dee-slat Who has seen only one section of the Cofflmy—Hello, Unde! Anything on Pacific coast has lost as much as one I. may return homo before my hus yonr mind but your hair thia be-yuti- who would visit the Louvre and depart band, also bo will beat me severely.' "Wo* should not think neurotics ful morn in'? after having viewed the exhibit In but Uncle Wee Wee: Buffrin’ kata, no! a single gallery. abound, for tlie husband often says to The automobile has brought back the the doctor: M’ bitter haffs gone to the she sore to git overer growch; say, of skowt— romance to travel by restoring Its ln- “ 'Well, lot her die, for even If she Hearn. When I crook like them crown dlvidualhy; and there Is more to see gets well I’M divorce her and get a did, which Issa wurry-ln Deen Collins In an automobile tour of the Pacific new wife. I don’t want a week on* coast, from Vancouver to Ran Diego, more of nature’s masterpieces, than In In my house.’ * any similar tour in the two Americas. And The Times is fully in accord SANTA CLAUS WILL BE HERE CHRISTMAS SAYS WAR HELPED RELIGION The American soldier came out of the war with more religion than he went in, according to Rev. Henry Rus sell Talbot, canon of the National cathedral at Washington, who arises to defend the doughboy from the libel that the "war rutoed Mm." “He Is a better naan for having been in the army,” asserts the canon, refer ring* to the veteran, the Stars and 8tripee states. Canon Talbot was senior chaplain of the First division of the American ex peditionary forces, la a communica tion to I national teeodauartsrs of the n Legion fll gfi Indianapolis bs American admits the American, as he saw him in France, was “uncommonly timid in the exercise of his religion. He was frightened at his own religious shadow or he might have been grossly ignor ant of the content and practice oi his religion.” But as the First division’s senior chaplain, the canon was in charge of all the private belongings of the 1,800 Americans killed In the ten days’ fight ing In the Argonne, and In nine ent of every ten of the men’s kits found a crucifix, scapular, prayerbook or testa ment. "And in those days," Canon Talbot writes, "the First division was not carrying anything it did not deem essential.* "There was a kind of collectivism which outruns the ordinary standards of honesty,” declares the canon, "bat underneath there was implicit, if not explicit, reverence for ths Son of Man“ __ _. H.-R. Auto Wreckers, on the Heights. Parts for al I cars. fylfitf Christmas A Merry Christmas I The Star Grocery “Good Thing! to Eat PERIGO & SON Best Buy of the Year! A BptendW forty acre tract, wdl located, abont tL. seven acres, more or less, in cultivation. Excellent soil throughout All under irrigation. Ten acres of full bearing, first class orchard—Newtowns, Spitz and Arkansas Blacks. Four roomed house and good sized barn. Spring water under gravity flow. I have personally gone over every foot .of this tract and do not hesitate to say that I consider it the best “buy” offer ed during 1925. It is priced at $100.00 an acre less than it would cost to clear raw land. I am authorized by the non-resident owner to offer thia at $6200.00. $2000 cash and the balance on terms to suit the purchaser with interest at six per cent C. N. RAVLIN, Agent .’Pythian Building iOS Third atr—t B Merry Christmas That's my very sincere wish -itr J. G. Vogt