Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1925)
/ * HOOD RIVER GLACIER. TWRmAY^KEMBERJjjrM SMITH OPERATES MEDFORD ORCHARD Medford, Òro., Dsc. 1, 192C. MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE DIRECTORATE AND MANAGER OF WE DELIVER Christmas I wieh to thank the people here for patronage and may you all enjoy A Merry Christmas R. O. SCHE She Jruidrr A Real Grocery Service Good Groceries - Cheerful Service - Right Prices A FULL UNE OF DRUG SUNDRIES FRESH FRUIT IN SEASON We want you to be satisfied. Drop irr and try us for vour Staple Grocery Supplies and for any little fancy article that you may wish. GEO. MELLON Twelfth Street Editor Glacier: I have been think ing of writing you ever since we fin ished with the apple picking, but have M-<-n so busy that thia is the first op portunity I itave had. It is raining today and I will take the.opportunity to write. I have harvested one of the beat ap ple crop« I have ever raised. There were about 50,000 twixes from 80 aerea of land. All but 800 boxes of Jona thans were Newtowns. There were about 1,000 box«« of miscellaneous varieties that we did not pack, as they were not worth much, and took them direct to the dry-fresh. This com pany has a very large dry-fredh plant of Its own. • The trees on this .place are set 30 feet upart on the nqnare. There are about 300 young trees that are not bearing. You see that makes a pretty good average per tree. They were all picked in lug IxiXea and hauled direct to town. The trucks go right through the orchard and pick them up. Octo- t*er 29 and 30 we picked 12,000 lug l*oxea of apples. October 28, 29 and 30 they hauled out 17,000 boxes from the orchard to town. They had six trutta hauling. Two of them, large Mack trucks with trailers, hauled about 500 boxes esch st a load. There were thrtse unni to the tru«Jt. We also had about 11 tons of Bartletts and Anjoua. The fireblight and codling moth are the worst pesta they have in this coun try. One has to watch the blight con tinually and keep it well trimmed out all through the summer. It does not infect the apples like it does the pears, «MqK-clally the Newtowns. The codling uioth is very bad here. The most of the grower« do not «ee»u to have any regular time for spraylug and are not very thorough. A great many of them uso the old fashioned rods. Last year on thia place they had nlfout 36,000 boxes with 06% worms. Two years ago with about 15,000 boxes they had about 65% worms. This y««r with six sprays, one spray lost, we had not to exceed 10% worms. We used a Bean «pray machine, bought this spring. The machine has two double noxzle guns. We use from 300 to 350 iMiund« of pressure. We also had one Bean sprayer bought three years ago. The growers put on from six to ulne sprays here. One grower told me he put on nine sprays last year and had a little more than D0% worms. They mlw fine pears here. Bartlett, Winter Nellis, Anjou and Bose are the chief varieties. Mort of them take good care of their trees, such aa «ean-hing for blight, pruning and fertilizing. Most all the fruit raised in this valley is hauled to the warehouses and packed. They have no precooling at all. They have several large warehouses. We like it here very much and ex pect to make our home hers. Every thing seems to be very prospsrons. The growers are all making some money, land is going up. Therd is lota Of Improving and Medford is growing fast. Buildings going up all over the city. We all get lonesome for Hood River and Hood Rives people. We lived there so long that It is more like home to, ds. Yours truly, lise F. Smith. ADOPTS SURVIVOR OF WRECK The sun is shining again for little Evelyn Castle, >, of Harrisburg, whoso father aad aMMber »tare kilted last August when the automobile in which they wtmt .riding was struck by a railroad train. Evelyn haa found a new home and a new “daddy” and “mother.** * Harvey Carpenter. Southern Pacific engineer, who wsh at the throttle of the engine When It strata the Castle machine and who was exonerated from all blame for the accident, and his wife have formally adopted the Utle girl, ac cording to word received at Southern Pacific beadmtartcn«Jaat week. Although Evelyn’s hither and mother were instantly killed when the train strata their machine Evelyn’s life hung in the balance for weeks as she lay in a Portland hospital, »very day Car penter would visit her and bring her floaters and when the child was well the Carpenters immediately asked for lM-rmls«ion to legally adopt the win some little girl. Aa undo of Evelyn and her only rel ative, opposed Carpenter in bls desire to adopt Evelyn, but after a bitter court fight Judge W. H. Edwards, of Portland, awarded the child to the Car penters. The decision was made on the Abound that the child would be happier with the engineer and his wife, who had no children and who were better able to take care of the little- tot Now Evelyn is happy again and haa brought happiness to the Carpenter home. Why do so many women drive OAKLAND SIX? * » 1 » .«a’’"’ ’ 1 •Ci?6--'* Women choote the new Oakland Six in preference to all other car« in iu price da*«, not only became hi« more beautiful and comfortable, but abo becatue it h tafer and easier to drive. Threading through trafic io thb car i« a toy rather than a task. Steering and gear-shifting are pleasingly free from effort. Oak land« proven Four Wheel Brake« reipond io incredibly «light pressure Night driving 1« made simpler and atfer by the coo- venient dimmer on steering wheel. All of these features combine to make the Oakland Six the favored car amoog women, just as its outstanding mechanical advantages, including Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Full Pressure Oiling and The Harmonic Baiaiyer—and new prices »70 tn_»35O I owm —make it the preferred car among men. Roadster 1975 (Old Price J10951 Touring 1025 (Old Pr.ce 1095) Coach 1095 (Old Price 1215) Landau Coupe 1112) (Old P««* SI »M ' Sedan . . 1195 (Old Price 1545) Landau Sedan 1295 (Old Price 1645) ibt «nu>ra «A naguow J. F. VOLSTORFF HOOD RIVER, OREGON TROUT LAKE The men of the Eastern Star enter tained the members of that order and their families Thursday evening with a supper and program. The gifts from the Christmas tree furnlshtrd the sub Jeds for the toasts. Wm. Coate was toastmaster and C. M. Cutting had charge of the program of music and readings. Orin Pearson brought down the house with a reading from Will Rogers, the humorist. Trout Lake Orange is taking in quite a number of new members, and lta lecturer yBMds« an interesting and instructive lecture hour during the win ter months; also that this grange will not develop into a tea party if he can prevent it This grange takes up and considers questions of every character interesting to the average citizen, ex cept the merits or demerits of a polit ical or sectarian organisation. The next meeting will be held Saturday, the 26th, anti then will be a Christmas program. " 0. F. Coate, county road supervisor, promises to aoon have the Lusk bridge open to travel. The Christian Endeavor society held a social at the church last Friday even ing. All had a good time. • John Schmid has Installed a milking machine. Mr. and Mrs. A. Boxico, formerly of this valley, are here visiting relatives and friends. They now live in south western Oregon. Many nice things are being said of ComiMionar Harden in connection with our new road into this valley. It is expected that further extensions on this road will be mad«* the coming sea son. The tax payers here are fortu nate in getting a good road out of the valley without a bond issue. We understand C. W. Moore, onr postmaster, has installed a radio. The school Itoard has lately connect ed the school house with the local lighting plant. Our school haa a two weeks' holiday vacation this year. Julius Wang and wife have gone to Idaho to spend the holidays with Mrs. Wang's relatives. The Wineburger family has gone to southern Oregon for the holidays. OAKLAND SIX >MODUCT^]MO]tNBRALJMOTOR> WORKMAN LODGE LAST CALL FOR GOV ERNMENT POWDER SHOWS PROGRESS Riverside Lodge No. 68, A. 0. U. W., held a social meeting Saturday even ing In the Elks’ hall at which were several visitors from IThe Dalles lodge. Seven candidates were initiated under the new ritual. Henry Howe, the vet eran recorder of the lodge, says that December 2 the Hood River lodge in itiated candidates at The Dalles un der the new ritual, which had Just been received, and so far as known was the firgt Workman lodge to use the new woyk. They were highly complimented by the Grand Recorder In the lodge paper. Mr. Howe has the first record book of Riverside lodge, which was organ W. C. T. U. NOTES ised at Hood River Novemlier 3, 1881, The W. C. T. U. met at the home of and is the only early record in exist Mrs. M. A. Shoemaker Tuesday after ence, all the other papers and property noon. After the business meeting a of th* first year's work of the lodge very Instructive program was given. having been destroyed by fire. Among .Mrs. J. E. Ferguson gave a short talk the charter members E. 8. Olinger was on our community hospital. She alm) the last survivor, and upon his death answered qu<*stlona asked about the the entire charter membership has home. A motion was made that each passed away. 8. F. Blythe made appli memlier give a towel to be given to cation for aj charter member when the the hospital as a Christmas gift. These lodge was organied, but the applica towels are to tie brought to the Lara CASCADE LOCKS tion was rejected by physicians “on way store not later than Thursday. Jay Hammcriy, who is attending the account of poor health,” yet he has sur It is hoped that the W_ C. T. U. may do soiiu*tlilng more for the hospital Oregon Agricultural College, 1« spend vived all the charter members who after the first of the year. Mrs. May ing the Chrixtmas holidays with his were accepted. In 1917, when a readjustment of ('ameroii King, county health nurse, parents, I*rinclpal and Mrs. C. Ham- rates was n«*ce«aary, the membership gave an interesting talk on children's merly. Marl« Nelsen several days vfas-J dropped to 12, , teeth aud eatlug habits. Xh» W. C.T. render of the local lodge, but -they U. chorus .sang two sang« which were iting In Stevenson, Wash. much enjoyed by all. Those who sang Tuesday evening the local liasketball held on, and now the membership has were Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs tea ma played at Stevenson, where the increased to 117. Bennett, Mrs. Steel, Mrs. Peterson and girls were victorious, winning by a Boyal Arch Install Officers Miss Ifouchen. They were directed by score of 18 to 5 and the boys being de Mrs. J. R. Wilson; accoiniMnlment was feated by a score of 21 to 14. Hood River Chapter No. 27, Royal by Mrs. Lydia Olmsted. Refreshments Byron Lane, who is attending the Arch Masons, elected the following of were served. Mrs. ). K. Canon was University of Washington. Is home ficers forthe ensuing year at the meet chairman of refr«*shnients. spending the Christmas vacation with ing Friday evening, followed by In stallation : Tile collection taken was stmt to the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane. Near East Relief. The legislative de E. L. Scobee, H. P.; A. 8. Keir, K.; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Glover spent W. O. Sheppard, 8.; E. O. Blanchar, partment reported that a resolution asking the United States to consider several days in Portland last week. Trees.; W. M. Port, 8ec.; A. W. Isbell, Mrs. Fretwell and daughter, Mina, C. H.; Earl Shank, P. 8.; F. Gilbert entering the World Cqnrt had been mad«* a business trip to Hood River sent. Mra. 0. B. Wmilpert, Farm Home R. A. C.; E. J. Beck. M. 3d V.; W. T. chairman, reported that 90 quarts of Saturday. Price, M. 2d V.; L. Whetael, ,M. 1st V.; fruit had been sent to the Children's The Cascade Locks basketball team a G. Cornelius, Sen.; F. R. Hows: ’ ___________ _ Farm Home; also thst the Sunday played a return game at Odell, which Chap. ’ school children of Rlv«-rsi«ie church was exciting enough to make the spec Trunks, Bags, Suitcases. Lam aa had sent n box of useful things to the tators hold their breath throughout Kelly home. The lo«*al union renewed the both games. The Cascade girls won by sortment, rearimsb)/ priced. miso subscriptions to the Youth's Compan a score of 20 to 18 and the boys were Bros. Co. ion as their Christmas gift to the defeated by a score of IT to 14. After kiddies. the games a very interesting program The L. T. L. had a very fine meeting wa« held for the visiting teams and Saturday, Decemlter 12. at the Chris refreshments were served to them. tian church. After their meeting Mra. Mrs. Augusta Trill and Miss Mar Whitman aerv«*d pop corn lialls. The guerite Morrison made a busin«*sa trip children brought several glasses of Jell to Hood River Saturday. to lie sent to the Children's Farm Fred Mortenson is spending several Home. They will meet Saturday, De cember 26. at 2 p. in. at the Christian days In Portland. A community Christmas tree and church. All children are Invited. program was held in the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday evening. P. P. A L. Annual Christmas Party Rev. F. R. Spaulding, of Hood River, The P. P. A L. Co. held Ita annual Chriatniaa imrty last night in the rec will preach at the church Sunday, reation room, at which about 85 guests December 27, at 11 o'clock, at the re of Rev. W. N: Byars, regular were present. Women employe« and quest wives of employee were In charge of preacher. the entertainment and refreahmenta. WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS The evening wa« spent in dancing nnd playing carda. The room was A short business meeting was held l>eant ¡fully decorated with Christmas December 23 so that those members holly and shrubbery. I Hiring the lat wishing to attend the high school pro ter part of the evening hnmorona gifts gram would be able to do so. wvite distributed In the characteriatic At the next meeting, January 6, Mra. “Chriatmaa-tree” atyle. II. G. CtMiper will have charge of the Guests from other towns Were: Dr. program. A. T-aCalf. Win. Nelli and V. >1 Moon, The study groups will meet at the of the Portland P. 1*. * U ; Ml eg Mar garet Shore and Mr. and Mra. James Library hall the fiyat Monday In Jan uary. Mrs. John McLean has charge Marsh, of the White Salmon staff, and of this work. Glen Corey representing The Dalles. Mis« Moselle Hair, of the extension bureau of the University of Oregon aad Notice of Meeting The annual meeting of the Stock editor of the University Monitor, spoke holders of the Farmers Irrigating at the last meeting. She told of the and work of Oregon writers and Company will be held Saturday, Janu life |MM*ta. Mias Hair read several poems ary 9. 1926. at 10 o'riock a. tn., in the from the works of Francis Gill. An County IJbrary hall, Hood River, Ore: thony Euwer, Msrian Daries and Grace gon. Hall. The obj«»ct of the meeting is to elert five directors to serve one year, and Paintings HoM at Auetfon have the Secretary's and the Treas The collection of paintings left tn urer's reporta read and transact such other bualneos as may legally come the lodge by the late Edward HR were before the meeting. sold Saturday at an auction sale held By order of the Board of Directors. at the Masonic ball. A. M. Cannon Albert Canfield, acted aa auctioneer and proved to be d24J7 Secretary. an expert. Something over >800 wan realise«! from ths the paintings, a very Olubrst«* the paarina of 1925 and small amount, < considering the quality with Joyful tidings welcome the new of the pictures. * Six pieces were re- year Thursday. December 31. at Pine served by the lodge to decorate the Grove Grange hall. The Ort vens teins. rooms. All those desiring to obtain a quan tity oM*yrotol should.send their orders in at once to the H«k»d River Experi ment Station or to L. M. Baldwin at the First National Bank. All orders should be accompanied by a check cov ering the cost of thia powder at the' rate of <8 per hundred pounds. Through the cooperation of the Ex periment Station the First National Bank has been able to distribute to the farmers of Hood River county five carloads of this very satlafsctory stumping powder at a saving of over >2500 per car. The supply of the ma terial from Which this powder is made by the government is now nearly ex hausted so It la very essential that those desiring to get any of this pow der should send their orders In before January 1, 1026. W. U. W. — Meetings «vary flrvt and third Tnureday nlgbt. at tbs First National Bank Baudina. W. E. Bbay, C. C. L. J. Lindsay, Clerk. 0LETA ASSEMBLY NO. MS, UNITED ABT- leans.—Mee«« the first and third Friday* *(nidK. oi p. bail. c. D. Binion, m . a . J. H. K obkbg Secretary. HOOD RIVEB VALLEY HUMANS SOCIETY Hood River. Ore. Jsines Stranahan, Free. Mra. Alma Howe. See. Laelle Boiler, Treaa. Call phone hoi . Hood River Oommandery No. U, K.T Meets every first Tue*day evening eseb month. O. B. Nye. K. C. Wm. Irwin, Raooed*. Good Health A radium ore Revlgator, an ideal MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. B, % *k B. M. Meets Christmas gift Shipiied anywliere in in Masonic Hall every third Tuesday in W. r. Lanway, T. Lu. United States, $29.50. Itadium Health each month. A Canfield, Recorder. Products Co. Dr. Pheba J. Coliman, salea manager, phone 1622, corner of HOOD BIVEBC1KULE No.SM. NEIGHBORS Third and Oak streets. of Woodcraft—Meets at K. or P. ballon ths 8OCIETIE8. first Tuesday night of each month. Elisabeth Buelow, G. N. Mrs. F. H. Blsgg. Clark. MT. HOMECAMPS«, B. N. A., meetssseood HOOD B1VEK CHAPTER NO. S7. R. A. M — and fourth Wednesday* oi each month over Meets Orel and third Friday night* o^ejol. First NatltMmlJtaBE__________ M O B t h, '■ ■ *■-••*- _ • Louise Volstorir, O. W. M. root. Kecretary. Zana Carn«*, Ree. WAUCOMA MIDGE NO. K, K. OF P- HOOD RIVEB CHAPTER NO. ta O. E. 8.- Msete In K. of P. hell every Tuesday night. Meeta aeoond and fourth Tueaday evening „ „ , , Fred Reed, C. C. of each month. Visitor* cordially wel<x»med Harry Wood. K. of R. and H Gladya Gilbert, W. M. Margaret Boeklln. tas’y. HOOD RIVE!« LODGE NO. MB. A. F. and A M.—First sud third Wednesday nigbta o each month J. H Haslett, W. M. Kent Shoemaker, Sec y. CANBY W. R. C.—Meet* aeoond and fourth Saturday* or each month In First National LAUREL REBEKAH LODGE No. S7.I.O.O.F, Bank Baildln<. at 2 o’clock d m M mh first and third Monday* each monlb u ,“r"- Boyd. President. Mra. Daisy Havana, N. O. Mra. Ethel Button, Hecretary. Mias Gertie Mips, Bae. EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO O, I. O. O. F.— ReenUr meeting aeoond and fourth Monday, HOOD RIVEB CAMr, NO. 7,HS, M. W. A.— M.-et« In Kot P. hall every 1st sad »rd Wed. of eachmonth Geo. Clark, O. P or each month. V. K. Wolgamott, B. 0. W. Tbo.-naon. Scriba. W. T. Frutar. Clark. ELMI KEMP IXJDGEjNo. 1»1, 1. o, q . F._Meeteln ' LAB LODGE No. 1«S, Odell odd Ältowe’ ball every Bata” and thirdTniülsy aveninsla day night. Visitor. cordlall/wjcomii the Odd Fellows Hall, seven „ u _____ AlbyP. Hmlth. N.G. of Hood «I vot . B. D. 1 Ora Bleverkropp. N. O. 4